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Blackfeather Woods come into the light - Printable Version

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come into the light - DeadLusa - September 20, 2015

Chronicler thread For @Adelina

 Lusa decided to take a walk today instead of insolating herself all day. She needed to become mentally stronger in order to set up a new pack.

 To be honest, the thought overwhelmed her. She was possibly going to be Alpha of her pack. She thought it would never come to this. After she was kidnapped by the humans, her chances of being a leader were slim. If she hadn't had gone away that day, she would already be a Beta or Alpha of her old pack. Now she was most certainty going to be one.

 As she walked, she made plans for this new pack. She would definitely bring her beliefs into this, something she wanted to do for awhile. She was too lost in thought to notice any wolf close by.

RE: come into the light - Adelina - September 21, 2015

The cool wind blew through the wolfess's fur as she gracefully trotted through the territory, her nose low and tail swaying relaxed behind her. Her ears perked up at the subtle sound of paws trampling the earth, and her body began tense and alert. A dark furred female, her facial features hinted that she was deep in thought and Adelina approached the other with a small wag and chuff. She had not seen this woman before and curiosity got the best of the older wolfess. "You look troubled by something" she said with a concerned tone, and her cold silver eyes softened hoping the other would speak her thoughts though she doubted that would happen.

She had not earned the dark woman's trust yet and up until a minute ago didn't even know she existed but Adelina had always listened to others open up, it was a perfect chance to get to know someone.

RE: come into the light - DeadLusa - September 24, 2015

The voice of Adelina hd startled her a bit. Her fur stood on end, but only until she realized until it was one of the newer recruits. Blackwater seemed to get more popular by the minute. It felt like wolves came in everyday. It felt somewhat crowded in the woods.

 "I am troubled, Lusa answered in a calm voice. "I have a lot of things on my mind." Grimnir and Baldur was one thought. Forming a new Pack was another. Never in her life did she expect to be an Alpha. When she was kidnapped by the Humans, she threw the thought out the window. Fast forward a year or so and she's looking to found a Pack.

RE: come into the light - Adelina - September 25, 2015

The dark woman seemed a bit on edge when she first heard Adelina's voice, but after settling down opened up about having several things troubling her. The older female moved to sit down, her eyes stayed focused on the other before her. "Well if you'd like to talk about it, I would be more than willing to listen." Adelina used her head to point to a spot where the midnight furred wolfess could sit, practicality demanding she speak what's on her mind.

It would be quite beneficial if the darker woman would open up. There was a chance the two wolves might actually have something in common, and could possibly talk about there similarities in a different conversation. It would pass the time and would certainly be a nice break from all the work she had to do.

RE: come into the light - DeadLusa - September 29, 2015

She didn't expect for the female to say something like that. There wasn't alot of wolves who wanted to listen to Lusa complain about life. Who would? She didn't understand the wolves who counsled others. It felt like a waste of valuable time to her. Sharing feelings. But deep down she was glad that few  wanted to listen to her rant about her problems.
 "Were you in the Teekon when the storm hit?" That terrible night. She hadn't expected it too much, for she was to busy caring for her puppies. She heard the wind whipping and rain falling all that day, but didn't make the effort to do something about it. The wolfess felt like it washer fault that Chevalier didn't like her, and Baldur and Grimnir were dead. That storm brewed trouble for everyone .

RE: come into the light - Adelina - September 30, 2015

The woman truthfully was not trying to counsel the female before her. Instead she craved for the information the dark wolfess could possibly provide, and if it meant listening to her past to receive such knowledge then so be it. Adelina was interested in the history of her pack-mates for several reasons, but mainly to search for their imperfections. Everyone had a weakness and the best way to find such flaws were through one's background.

The female's question confused the gray woman. A storm? "There have been plenty of storms since I wandered upon the Teekons. Which one are you referring to" she asked curious as to how a common storm could possibly cause sadness in life. Sure they were gloomy and annoying, but how bad could a little rain and wind possibly be? She had heard rumors of the extremely bad ones, those that destroy everything in their path and leave waste to the land they cut through. Though Adelina found it difficult to believe in them, especially since she had never witnessed one for herself.

RE: come into the light - DeadLusa - October 04, 2015

Sorry for the delay!

 It was true, there had been a good amount of storms in the Teekon before. She may not know of the one that affected the lands the most. It probably separated plenary of wolves away from there homes. It was a terrible night. If she didn't know what the dark female meant by 'the storm' she most likely didn't know about the huge one.

 "It was a storm like no other. It was able to shake the most bravest of wolves." That day, despite the loss of wolves, the Blackfeather wolves were able to get most to safety. That was all that really mattered.