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Silvertip Mountain Competition or not? - Printable Version

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Competition or not? - Zaria - September 24, 2015

For @Vanora @Steady maybe? I liked RPing with you. Ignore the part about seeing a new female, maybe it could be Steady instead :3?

Zaria wasn't so active during all the fall rains, she was used to the rains in spring on the plains but those were rather pleasant rains? Now it was windy and the rain made her cold to the bone. Her fur wasn't so thick as the more Northern wolves that came down to Teekon. Zaria was used to heat, coming from the south and moving their way up, she disliked the cold and now it was only autumn. She knew about winter coming up, cold winds, now she could somewhat hide from those cold winds but what the female wasn't expecting was snow. That would come as a surprise to her.

Zaria was out now, since it wasn't raining for once. The rain made it difficult to smell which wolf had been somewhere. Zaria liked to avoid Copper, other pack members she was surprisingly okay with. Her english was getting better too, and she was close to spending every night with Fitz. He was so nice and warm. A gust of wind then brought a new scent to her. Instantly she was on alert because she didn't know this wolf, this might be the new female Fitz talked about. New female. Zaria wasn't so sure she liked that. She trotted forward going after the scent the wind brought. It didn't take long when she spotted the pale female. Zaria let out a chuff in greeting to let the other know she was approaching. Zaria's tail and chin were carried high. Her nose eagerly sniffing her out.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 08, 2015

Yay! Another thread!! <3 Do you mind if we set the date for this thread to present? I left it open as to whether Zaria saw Steady instead, or if you wanted to play it another way, you could. ^_^

Steady had settled in quickly and easily, finding the area near perfect. He loved the mountain as it seemed there was always a new nook or cranny he hadn't yet found. He knew it was useful to know the pack lands as best as one could. Never knew what the future would hold. The rains hadn't stopped him at all, either. If the wind was particularly strong, he would seek shelter, but he rather liked trotting through the rain. Something peaceful and stormy about it all at once.

Today was dry, but no less intriguing. All the smells of his pack mates seemed to be washed away, and the earthy smell it left behind was addicting. It would last for long, as he was sure they were in the processing of remarking the territory right now. And, as if fate wanted wanted to prove his theory right, he caught Zaria's scent. Figuring some company might be nice, he made his way through the forest floor until he caught sight of her. His demeanor changed as he tucked his tail and flattened his ears softly upon his head. He chuffed to let her know he was here, bowing his head in greeting and submissiveness. "Zaria, nice to run into you again," he said with a smile. His first meeting with her had been positive, as he hoped this one would be, as well.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 09, 2015

Totally! I figured it would jump to present day! <3

Zaria noticed the male just before he chuffed but she appreciated the polite sound. She replied with the same sound for a moment. The slender and small female was maybe smaller than the subordinate but it was appreciated that she showed the right customs. Zaria might be less strict with showing submission once she got to know him better but now the female liked the attention.

"Hello Steady," she greeted. "Nice to see you as well." The girl let out a small wag of her tail to show him that she was pleased. She wasn't the worst of wolves, she could be nice if she liked the individual in front of her. Steady was liked rather quickly since she was reminded of Fitz in a way. And the girl was in a relationship with the latter. "You like mountain?," she asked.

One shouldn't be on her bad side. Pack members were still relatively safe from her poisoning but outsides had to look out for the cunning little female.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 12, 2015

He sat back on his haunches, his tail thumping the ground a few times at her friendly greeting. He was enjoying getting to know his pack mates, especially Zaria since she was his leader and his brother's girlfriend. He liked a close-knit pack, and knowing those in the pack helped create that, at least for him.

He nodded when she asked if he liked the mountain. "Very much," he answered. "There's always a new spot to explore, and the cliffs allow for a great view of the territory below. Great spot to watch out for intruders." As he explored his own gifts, it helped to realize how he could best be an asset to the pack. Being a protector came naturally to him. "I've thought about what you said about having a trade, and I believe I would be a good warrior," he told her. "I'm protective of my family, and always on the look out anyways," he said with a grin. "What do you think?" he asked, grateful if she gave her opinion.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 13, 2015

Zaria kept standing she wasn't much of a sitter. While Dorthran wolves were watching the herd you couldn't sit there. You had to stand. She was a very defined female. She was small yes, but not less feisty. Zaria instantly approved of what he was saying. She liked that her packmates were listening to her and her advise. "Good. I am warrior. I can mentor you," she spoke, while working on her own trade of course. She was young and capable. Definitely worth something. And with two warriors they at least were starting to have some kind of defense system if anything went wrong.

Zaria looked at the male and then gave away a small smile. "You want to spar now?," she asked. It had been a while since she fought since the female had been focussing on her poisons. She was very close to obtaining it. Her wickedness would be even more lethal.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 16, 2015

His newly appointed leader confessed she was a warrior, as well, and with a smile, asked him to spar. If he had eyebrows, one would have raised. He grinned back at her, nodding once as he stood.  His head instinctively lowered, protecting his neck. The sparkle in his eyes gave away some of his excitement.

He began to circle her, but made sure not to turn completely sideways to his opponent. If this were a real fight, his opponent would have access to his sensitive underbelly, which would surely put his life in jeopardy. His movements were steady and sure, waiting to see if she would make the first attack.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 16, 2015

Once he agreed Zaria dropped her highly raised chin but kept her tail up. Her head moved into a lower position, this was a better way to protect the underside of her neck. Zaria smirked a bit because she hadn't sparred in a long time. He was going to circle her but surprisingly Zaria kept standing for a moment. Then she flashed forward, she was a lean female with not a lot of weight but she was fast.

She nipped at one of his back ankles and grinned also wanted to give him a nip in his butt but that might be a bit inappropriate. She held back since it was a friendly spar anyways. She tried to keep her eyes on him and predict was he was going to do, naturally she wouldn't know, but she would still try.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 17, 2015

She mimicked him in protecting her neck. It was one of the first things a wolf learned when fighting since it was a one-way ticket to death. He seen her smirk, and wondered what she was thinking. Did he make a wrong move? He mentally shook himself. Don't over think this. Don't let her get in your head. You know what you're doing. His eyes were on her, watching her every move, looking for a chip in her armor. But, he seen no weaknesses. But, she was smaller than he was. If he could get in the right position, he could overpower her with brute strength.

His sparring partner made the first attack, going for his ankles. He felt her teeth run across his skin, but she didn't break it. He quickly pranced away, trying to turn his head toward her thigh. If he was successful, he would have given her a nudge, letting her know that could have been teeth sinking into her leg. He turned to face her once more, this time going straight at her in an attempt to tackle her.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 17, 2015

Zaria soon felt the nip in her thigh, knowing she left that open. She would have to move faster for this male. The female stepped away and turned to face him, but she needed to act quick because Steady was already charging at her. She instantly jumped aside and dodged the attack. She didn't stop and stand there. She was higher in rank than him, she wanted to win this play fight just so it could stroke her ego. The female dodged the attack moments ago when she went for his scruff.

She jumped up half against him and then nipped at the top the neck on the loose skin. One front paw was over his back while she tried to place the other somewhere else. She hoped to grab a pressure point just behind his ears so she could hold him down even though he might be stronger.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 18, 2015

Zaria was quick to move out of his approaching tackle. He quickly found her on top on him, going for the nape of his neck. He dipped his head low between his front legs, though about going into a roll, but dismissed the idea. He didn't want to end up on his back. So, instead, he tried to buck her off while bringing his head under her front legs, attempting to nip her belly.

Steady was a wolf of honor, and he was not one to let another win a spare simply due to rank. He respected Zaria, and felt it would have been disrespecting if he just let her win. To him, in a spar, or in a real fight, wolves were equal. He also understood, however, this was not the time or place to show any dominance to her, even in a friendly spar, which is why he kept his fake blows toward her back end and belly.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 19, 2015

Zaria always saw herself as higher than others since she was born a princess. Even when she came here no one put any dominance on her and told her to listen. She was allowed to do her own thing, which was maybe why she stayed in the end. Zaria noticed Steady trying to get her off him but she was holding on tightly. If she was longer or bigger she could move her belly out of the way, or put her hind legs further out of reach of the male.

Zaria then jumped off him and shook out her fur. Friendly spars were rather boring to her and she bobbed her head signaling that she was done with their spar. There wasn't really a winner though Zaria found she won. Alas, it was only a friendly game so let it slide. "Good. Next time pick a target you will not mind killing. Makes it more fun," she admitted.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 19, 2015

Zaria was a lot tougher to buck off than Steady thought she would be. It told him she had some experience fighting, and this wasn't her first rodeo. Then, suddenly, she was off. He turned, intending to make another move, but her body language made it clear that the spar was over. Steady went down to his stomach, clearly expressing he understood. He wondered why she had ended it so suddenly, but thought it might be rude to ask.

He nodded, smiling. "Duly noted," he responded. Friendly spars were fun, and knowledgeable, to him, but if Zaria did not want to continue, he would respect that. "You have experience in fighting, I can tell," he pointed out. He wondered from where, but held back the question, not sure if she would mind personal questions. She seemed to always have business on her mind- not that he seen that as a negative. In a leader, it was very beneficial to have them so serious about maintaining the pack and ensuring its safety. Still, Steady found himself curious about her.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 20, 2015

Zaria nodded in return. She tended to be bored really soon hence why she liked to explore and with the mountain wolves she could be her exploring self. The female then nodded, proudly so. She worked hard to get her warrior princess. Though it was only later she gotten her actual warrior trade. Zaria looked at Steady before deciding that she could trust him. "I born in warrior culture," she explained.

It was not a very nice culture she realized but she didn't choose to be born there. The girl was more than happy that she ended up at the mountain and with Fitz. Still her warrior background didn't make her helpless like the feeling she got while seeing Cho. Zaria could defend herself and not be reliant on other wolves to protect her. Hopefully soon Steady would team up with her and they could protect the caldera together.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 20, 2015

Zaria confessed she was born into the warrior culture. Steady was a little surprised, and his expression might have shown it for a moment, but it did fit her. "It shows in your experience," he said, as a compliment. He didn't realize their were whole cultures out there devoted to fighting, but he had an open mind.

She had confided in him a bit, and his curiosity got the better of him. "What's it like- growing up in that culture?" He admitted to himself he was delving in to what made Zaria who she was. He didn't realize that maybe she didn't want him digging into things that were probably not his business.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 21, 2015

If there was one thing Zaria loves then it is compliments. The girl instantly smiled proudly though her past wasn't too great to be honest. "Thank you," she returned. She thought about his question after that. Because there wasn't much good she had to say about it. She shrugged lightly.

"Much drama,' she pointed out. "And issues with others, just fighting helps, but also not. Always fighting. Females are less than males. I was not good enough," she explained. She already told Fitz most of her story, but she was giving Steady the critic one. He could probably imagine what it meant if females had no rights. She couldn't pick a mate and she would just have to give pups to that said male.

Zaria didn't even start about her father, because that was a story she still hadn't really dealt with herself.

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 21, 2015

His compliment got a smile from the usually serious leader, which prompted one from Steady in return. He frowned a little, though, when she explained the culture she grew up in was harsh, and she hadn't felt on the same level as her pack mates. Steady couldn't quite understand why a pack would beat down its members when building them up made such a better opportunity for the pack. At least, that's how Steady felt.

In an effort to curve the conversation back to something lighter, he said, "But, look at you now," he said, his smile returning. She had come a long way from a pack that didn't value her to a pack that she helped lead.

He didn't probe any more into her past, not wanting to upset her with thoughts she may not want brought back to the surface. Rising, though keeping his head lower than hers, he bid his farewell. "Well, I think I've rested enough. I need to get back to patrolling," he said, before giving her a sideways look. "...before my Beta cracks a whip at me," he added, his expression showing he was joking.

RE: Competition or not? - Zaria - October 21, 2015

Zaria raised her chin. Yes, look at her now. Steady was really treating her ego today. If she wasn't vain enough already then now it was getting only worse with all the praise Steady was giving. Zaria grinned then, a little mischievously when Steady said that. "Oh yes. I will bite butts," she returned on a bit of a sly tone. Her tail lifted with what she found good joke. Zaria would make sure if she was displeased with someone. She was not going to lie to a wolf and act like they were doing okay.

Zaria was very clear how she was seeing a wolf. She wasn't going to be nice to wolves she didn't like. But she would say when she liked something. "Come back to me if you want to spar," she spoke to him before nodding him goodbye. She never wished anyone goodbye since she never learned to do so. You don't wish your enemies or friends a good day, or a farewell.

Always enjoying threads with you! :3 Zaria out!

RE: Competition or not? - Steady - October 22, 2015

The same to you! <3 I'll get this archived!

He was glad it seemed Zaria had a sense of humor of her own and didn't take offense to his joke. Steady was a charismatic wolf, and generally liked everyone he came across, and did his best to make friends. He didn't usually make enemies unless they were attempting to hurt his pack mates or loved ones.

He nodded to Zarai, "I'll be sure of it," he replied. He did admit she made a good sparring partner, though he wondered why it had been cut short this time. Maybe next time he would make it more interesting. For now, he would keep his word and get back to his work. One more nod, and he slipped through the trees, heading for the border.