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Swiftcurrent Creek unbeknownst - Printable Version

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unbeknownst - RIP Fox - February 01, 2014

i'm making some assumptions about what happens to fox in some earlier threads...

Fox was a bit of a wreck, but she didn't mind. The little spat had made her feel alive again, which was really all she had wanted in the first place. Besides, it was good for that forest wolf to realize that she did not have to ask questions of trespassers (even those who were merely testing the boundaries). Fox felt like she had done the old lady a favor. Now the blue-eyed bitch wouldn't think twice about attacking a possible threat. Good on her! And Fox didn't mind the bruises. They would have gotten there one way or another. Pain was all part of the process.

As the small Nu licked her wounds, she decided it would be best if she stayed near her home for a little while. She would get a chance to heal up before going on another misadventure, and she could do whatever it was that she was supposed to do here. Certainly there were caches to be filled and borders to be watched. With a grunt, the yearling headed toward her pack's borders, on the lookout for anything that might be tasty to eat (or store for later).

RE: unbeknownst - Hecarim - February 05, 2014

xxxxxxAlready feeling comfortable by the river, Hecarim knew it was time to expand his horizons. So he woke up early and set out to venture the territory. He thought it would be best to begin at the borders and work his way inward, in order to form a clear mental map. Onward he padded, only to catch sight of what appeared to be a wounded female. 'Well that's a great first sign,' he thought as he walked towards her. Hey, his smoky voice greeted, softly, so as not to startle her. Are you, uh, okay? He realized how idiotic he sounded but figured he'd try and play nice. It was a new pack after all. Actually, Hec wouldn't have been surprised if his inquiry ended in a 'mind your own fucking business' because to be quite honest, that's what he should have been doing.


RE: unbeknownst - Clarice - February 05, 2014

Clarice was a strange bird. There were no voices, yet, only her wandering feet and her pleased mind.
xxxxxxShe trailed the familiar scent of a familiar face without truly meaning to (such was much of Clarice's day to day doings with tangible, breathing things... meaningless), and when she noted his presence, she grinned and murmured pleasantly, You. It was his dark fur that perhaps made her partial to him, the color of the heart of Sos. But it was the other figure before him that intrigued her more, and she shifted forward. Clarice was not in her typical disarray of blood and gore, but snow-white and seemingly normal. She was quiet, waiting for the strange looking creature to respond to the dark male, not intending to intervene but curious nonetheless.

RE: unbeknownst - RIP Fox - February 06, 2014

what's black and white and red all over? THE WOLVES IN THIS THREAD LOL
i'll see myself out

A male approached her, and Fox lifted her head and eyebrows in response. It was nobody she knew, but that was not a surprise. She had spent much of her time outside of the creek's lands, and she knew that newcomers were coming pretty regularly... this being a new pack and all. "Fine," she replied nonchalantly, implying that her wounds were no big deal. In fact, she wore them proudly. She could not really put in to words why she liked picking fights so much, but she certainly did enjoy it.

Another had approached shortly before she had given her answer, and Fox's eyes landed on the female for only a moment. She seemed to know the black one, and Fox lifted a brow, awaiting some kind of explanation, introduction, or whatever it was pack-mates were supposed to do around one another.

RE: unbeknownst - Hecarim - February 07, 2014

xxxxxxYou. A voice suddenly filled the air, causing Hec to snap his gaze away from the injured female and toward the unexpected, heavenly, Clarice. Her beauty, again, caught him off guard, thus taking him a second longer than it should have to return her greeting.Hey, he said, casually. Crystal eyes returned to red pelted fae who had then responded with a simple 'fine'. Well, what was he supposed to say to that? I'm Hecarim, he greeted, not really knowing what he was supposed to do. Just joined the pack and I haven't met anyone save for you and Clarise here, he said, motioning to Clarice as he did so. Saw you were hurt and wanted to see if you needed anything. Hecarim cringed internally, feeling like some sappy, soft-hearted weakling. Hec had been born and raised in a single pack, so he had no idea how this process was supposed to go.


RE: unbeknownst - Clarice - February 10, 2014

Her eyes surveyed the woman, up down, up down, until at last they settled upon the girls face. Clarice imagined that she could easily overtake the woman now, but the emptiness in her mind disabled her from that. She could not think without these thoughts, for a lot of the time, they were what caused action, reaction.
xxxxxxIs there anything on them...? she asked soberly, her voice level (strange, for she often sounded deranged, but here she sounded reasonable. She meant herbs that would prevent infection and speed up healing. She could not tell from her distance if they had scabbed over or not, and for the minute she respected the sanctity of personal space. Of course, there was no telling how long this phase of inaction, of quietude would last; she was volatile, unpredictable. The peace in her mind was not truly peace; soon she would wish to hear her Loa again.

RE: unbeknownst - RIP Fox - February 10, 2014

The black one seemed talkative, and Fox listened with open ears. He was a pack-mate, after all, and she knew that it was proper to be social with him (without trying to full-on fight him right away). "Name’s Fox," she replied. He had not explained how he met Clarice, but she assumed they had met here, considering his choice of words. Considering he had only met the two of them, Fox was going to guess he was pretty dang new, too. Not that she'd been around the block that much. Then again, nobody had. Swiftcurrent had only just popped up.

"On them?" Fox echoed when the white wolf queried about her wounds. "Nope. Time usually heals this kinda thing. Nothing too deep, anyway." She did not understand why everybody was so concerned about it. Sure, there was that nasty-looking gash on her forehead, but even that wasn't so terrible. It was likely just the outward appearance of it. The scab was already pretty solid, and it would be healed in no time.

RE: unbeknownst - Hecarim - February 21, 2014

xxxxxxHecarim noticed the clam which seemed to have invaded Clarise. The last time he met her she was rather uncanny. His glowing crystal eyes left her and made their way to the petite Fox, who had then just introduced herself. Nice to meet you. It all sounded so formal and boring, but it was proper etiquette. Clarise's silky voice fluttered in the air again, inquiring wether Fox had used any herbs to speed up the healing process. Fox assured her wounds were not at all grave and for whatever reason, it satisfied him. Alright well, sorry to interrupt. Don't want to be a gnat, he said, smirking at her softly. If you need anything just call. We are pack mates and all... that... Heck shrugged his broad shoulders and gave her a charming smile. See you around, he half-asked Fox before turning to Clarise. You too, and, with that, stood up and strode off into the distance until he eventually faded into it.


RE: unbeknownst - Clarice - February 21, 2014

Fox. But she was not a fox! Clarice's eyes flitted toward Hecarim, and back to the wolf-named-for-a-fox Fox. When the other said that they were fine despite not being looked at, Clarice looked again to confirm for herself. Nothing anyone could say would reassure the girl when her mind was set, but it was teetering, on the edge.
xxxxxxHecarim was swift to depart. Her eyes did not fall to him even as he spoke, instead they remained on Fox. They are nice, she compliments, referring to the others battle wounds. Hopefully one scars. It is not an insult, and she does not say it in a way that is cold, cruel. Scars meant experience. Scars meant that one ought to be wary. They had fought before. Clarice had no scars herself except for a notch in her ear, but she had gotten in plenty of scraps before. She was quick enough to avoid serious injury... but she was seldom a winner. Of course, she won in the end, she liked to think. She lived while they choked on prey laced with poison, or endured a curse.

RE: unbeknownst - RIP Fox - February 21, 2014

As quickly as he had appeared, Hecarim vanished. Fox blinked, but did not attempt to follow him. She did not see the point in such a thing. Instead, she directed her attention back to Clarice, who seemed to fancy her battle wounds. “Yeah, then everybody will think I’m a real badass,” Fox replied with a grin. That was assuming they didn't already think she was a badass. While she was not always realistic, Fox did realize that not everybody she met was pleased with her.

“How’d you get that notch in your ear?” Fox inquired, happy to trade war stories. The Delta loved to hear about battles and spars, considering it was one of her favorite things to do. Heck, maybe Clarice was a decent fighter herself, and the two could have at it sometime.

RE: unbeknownst - Clarice - February 24, 2014

Clarice looked to Fox, tilting her head and wondering at the others words. Clarice certainly did not feel herself above or beneath any word at all, but she so seldom heard wolves speak as Fox did, so candidly. She could not tell the way that she felt on it. Rarely could she make up her own mind, though it was often everywhere. So it took mere moments for the thought to go, and Clarice seems to snicker while saying, Wolves do not seem to enjoy blood, wound, or debris. Many of them detest blood, she hums, thinking on those that would avoid her due to her bloodied state when she had made her sacrifice. She did not think of the smell that came with it. You are small like the Fox you are named. I bet you are as quick. She is thoughtful, then, and decides she would like to see.

I... am not sure, she responds, thinking for a moment. Truth be told, it had been something she and her father had done but not something she had remembered. There were many times where her mind left her and something else took place of it when rites were performed.

Her ears swivel atop her head. Did I interrupt you? She had meant when she had first come across her, her mind flitting back, and forth. I had meant to look for herbs... they are hard to find now. But that was all she knew. She must find herbs.

RE: unbeknownst - RIP Fox - February 24, 2014

Fox did not mind her own blood, though the thought of that wretched stinking wolf that lived among them caused her to feel a bit queasy. Little did she know she was speaking to the daughter of said stinking creature. Fox thought little of the small spot of blood on her own head, for it did not carry the smell that the shaman did. When it was stated that Fox was small, she was about to roll her eyes, but Clarice followed it up with the correct assumption that the yearling was quick. It was a compliment, rather than the usual, "Why are you so tiny? Are you really a fox?" and so on.

“Not at all,” replied Fox, having forgotten why she was in this particular place to begin with. “I’m afraid I can’t be of much help with that kind of thing. I’m more of a fighter.” The Nu swished her tail. If asked, she would be happy to accompany Clarice and help in whatever way she could, but she highly doubted she would be anything more than a nuisance. If this was to be their parting, Fox would find something else to occupy herself with.