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Blacktail Deer Plateau Hunting in the leaves - Printable Version

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Hunting in the leaves - Blue Willow - September 27, 2015

AW, but Perhaps a small hunt with Kiddo?

Blue Willow stood looking out over the wide expanse of land. She felt that a change was coming, granted that could just be the simple fact that winter was fast approaching, and they needed food. Their caches, and their pack were growing small. Blue wasn't sure how to fix it or what to do. Today though she decided to have a meet and greet with @Constantine . He had been so long since she had seen him, actually talked with him. She felt like a failure in a way as a mother. She knew very well that all of them did their own thing, but she had hoped to be more involved. Having not realized that her children would be so independent. Not that it was a bad thing.

She thought perhaps a small hunt would not go amiss and Connie might have fun. So with a tip of her muzzle to the sky she called out to him. Then she silently waited with her tongue lolling out, her feet askew, and her ears perked upwards. She would sniff at the air eventually for now she just enjoyed the moment.

RE: Hunting in the leaves - Constantine - September 29, 2015

He was quick to respond to the summon off his mother – Constantine might have been drifting to a state of independency, but that did not mean the boy would ever ignore his mother. Loping forward, his pace was a brisk trot that exuded new confidence and perhaps a bit of puppy joy at being able to claim some time with Blue Willow alone.
“Mom,” he greeted with a grin, his fiery eyes casting a glance around to ensure they were indeed alone. Fully grown, the youth still had some growing to do to fill out more, but his mother’s long limbs were still quite the contender. Tipping his muzzle, the boy chuffed a greeting as he touched his nose to the corner of her cheek, his tail giving an amicable swing through the air. “What’s up?”

RE: Hunting in the leaves - Blue Willow - September 30, 2015

Blue was exceptionally proud of her children and how they were growing. They were independent, but they were also respectful. All three kind to others and their parents. It did her heart good. Blue hid a smile at his subtle look around, for his siblings. She should have made more time to spend with all three. She had done well, she felt she had anyway. Playing games and other such things when she could. They had always been independent even as babies though.

Blue licked his cheek gently, and nosed the soft spot between his ears. He was still her son and she would still greet him thusly, probably until even he was grizzled and old. She shook her head and smiled again.

I was just hoping perhaps we could do something together? Maybe a hunt or just a walk? Just the two of us. It's been so long since I took the time to spend it with each of you. I though it was high time I took a minute. What do you say Connie?

RE: Hunting in the leaves - Constantine - October 10, 2015

He tipped his head down as his mother nosed between his ears, and smiling, the boy pulled back, his ears tipping forward as she spoke. He considered her options, remaining pleased as ever that his mother wanted to spend some time with just him. It wasn't a rare occurrence -- but it was always one he enjoyed.
"I'd like to learn to hunt better," he determined, his tail wagging gently through the air. "I want to be able to contribute to the pack." It was no secret that Blue Willow's children were coming of age -- but Constantine still very much felt like a puppy, and the idea of joining the adult ranks was intimidating.

RE: Hunting in the leaves - Blue Willow - October 21, 2015

Blue had always been a solitary creature. Sometimes she didn’t even realize she was pulling away from those she loved. To her it wasn’t pulling away from them. It was simply her general nature to be observant and take time for her herbs and her own hobbies. She wasn’t sure if that made her a terrible mother or not. She certainly hoped not. She did the best she could making sure to take time for games and conversations. Though lately she had been falling short of that. She was wanting to make amends. Especially, if she and Lasher decided to have more children. She wanted her oldest children to know she loved them regardless all the same. She did not want to turn into Hawkeye and Peregrine. That was something she never hoped happened. Once upon a time she would have said Peregrine was a good a father, and he possibly was now. He however had made some mistakes and she was determined not to follow in that stead. 

Blue smiled at her Oldest son’s exuberance and his tail wag. She too wagged her tail. She knew that they were coming of age soon, that in a few mere days they would be considered adults. However, all she saw when she looked at them was their sweet puppy faces. The way they had looked as they had first been born. Their overly large ears and paws. The way they tripped over themselves and each other, tumbling and rolling along the dirt floor of their home. She sighed content as the memories pushed at the forefront of her mind.

Blue chuckled at his next words. I can’t promise that I’ll be the best teacher. However, I will surely try. What would you like to try for? A small goat if we can find one? Or perhaps just squirrels, rabbits or birds?

RE: Hunting in the leaves - Constantine - October 27, 2015

Blue Willow seemed up for his suggestion, and the youth practically beamed at his mother, his paws shifting in excitement upon the soft ground. One ear would casually flick forward at her suggestion, and Constantine cast a quick glance around the surrounding area – what could they hunt?
Goat was tempting – but it would also be harder to find. No, it was best to start off with something he could do solely, and with a pause, his muzzle canted up toward his mother. “Can a wolf hunt a goat alone?” It was a simple question – an attempt to eliminate future foolish ideals if that was the case. “I want to learn to hunt something alone, in case the caches need quick filling,” he determined with a nod, and so, he awaited the instruction of his mother.