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Whitebark Stream its been too long - Printable Version

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its been too long - Estoc - October 01, 2015

@Citali and/or @Saena

This was the place. He knew he was in the right place but he didn't remember how to get to the packlands. Besides, what if they relocated? Or disbanded? It would take ages to find them again, and while Estoc was almost desperate to see his siblings again, to know that they were healthy and thriving, he knew the chances of actually seeing them again were slim. He wasn't one to give up easily, but he wasn't stupid. He was clever enough to recognize quite a lot of time of his precious life would have to be invested into finding them, and who knew if they were alive or still in these wilds anyways? Kaskara, Scimitar, Saber....The lot of them could've gone anywhere, anywhere in the world.

The only logical choice here was to give up and enjoy the remains of his short life. He loved his family, but....Estoc didn't want to waste all the time he had left trying to find them, you know what I mean? He sighed to himself, conflicted and annoyed, but kept his guard up and his senses alert, bi-colored eyes gazing at his surroundings warily. He was new to these parts; he didn't know how the locals did things, so he was extra wary of them.

RE: its been too long - Citali - October 01, 2015

Thanks for starting! Looks like you'll get them both! :]

The bear was gone. For now. It'd ransacked their home when they'd failed to properly ward it off. Worse yet, it had completely demolished her garden to the point where she'd have to start all over again. The rows were torn. The plants were destroyed. The timing could not have been any worse with it so close to winter. She was in something of a hellish mood made all the worse by the ache in her shoulders. The bear had nicked her along the base of her scruff. Well. She was calling it a nick. In reality, the wound was more of a gash that had caused her to retreat lest she became too wounded to be of any service to those who needed it. Like Saena. Poor dear was starting to look more like a bear than a wolf these days.

Infuriated by the predator who'd ignored all warnings of their territory the alpha and herself were off to look for that wretched bear. They both wanted eyes on it. They both wanted to know it was headed far, far away from their territory. Heavens only knew they all needed the time to recover lest it come back again too soon. And of all things! Their alphena was now tailless. Tailless! She was looking less and less a wolf with each encounter. "Saena dear, if you keep giving pieces of yourself away to every beast you meet, you'll have nothing left to give!" The words had been uttered time and time again as she'd tended to her wounds. She'd done what she could to stop the bleeding, but short of confining the alpha female to a den, she was making far too much movement to let anything properly heal.

Citali'd accompanied Saena in this excursion for two reasons. The first, because she too wanted this bear gone. The second because the limp in Saena's hind leg as result of a gash had not yet healed. It was oozing and while Citali normally would have put her paw down as a healer and limited her patient's activities while she healed, Citali understood the need to protect their lands. She allowed it so long as she got to come along and care as needed. "Saena, dear. You're oozing again," she said with a wrinkle to her nose as she bid Saena come to a halt so Citali might tend to her once more. Moss to absorb the ooze. Oak leaves to serve as a temporary bandage. She had a feeling this would be something of a long, laborious excursion.

RE: its been too long - Saēna - October 01, 2015

Fuck that cunt of a bear, Saena thought venomously for the fifteenth time in the last few days. The three wolves who had rallied against the bear had somehow failed to deter it in spite of their best efforts, and now Citali's garden and several caches were destroyed. The bear had rampaged for a full day while the injured trio fought to contain themselves and nurse their injuries, but eventually the maplewood went quiet again. Arion was sent on a thorough search of the forest and had reported back that there were no signs of the bear in their interior. That wasn't good enough, though; the alpha soon insisted on checking out the surroundings. After much grumbling and groaning on the part of Saena, who insisted she was still an alpha and had to keep up with her responsibilities, she permitted Citali to join her in order to keep an eye on her injuries.

Secretly the pied wolf was glad for her company, but admitting her limitations was hard for her. She could walk only a fraction of her usual pace thanks to the ache and pull of scabs where her tail was wrenched free and the prominent limp in her left hind leg. The bear had done the most damage there, cutting deeply with its nails, though Saena missed her tail far more than a chunk of flesh from her limb. Though the wound on her leg was hot and stung almost all the time, her missing tail was like a phantom limb and every time she tried to lift it and remembered it wasn't there brought tears to her eyes.

Those eyes were hardened now as the pair trekked slowly and laboriously across the chilly taiga. She was so focused on finding that god damned bear that she didn't even notice that the wound on her leg was wet again until Citali pointed it out. "Fucking thing," Saena hissed as she slowed down and gave the healer access to it. She wanted to declare that if it got infected she would kill someone, but she knew better than that; it would be an insult to the healers in the pack to assume that would happen at all. Citali knew what she was doing, perhaps even moreso than Reek did.

While Citali examined her leg, Saena lifted her head to survey the landscape to the southwest and grew rigid when she caught sight of another wolf traipsing along. It was unaccompanied, and from this distance, Saena couldn't tell if it was male or female, loner or pack wolf. Taking a chance on normal wolves' kinder attitudes and knowing Citali could hold her own against any wolf foolish enough to take on two, Saena sucked in a deep breath and called out, "hoy!"

RE: its been too long - Estoc - October 02, 2015

A soldier first and foremost, Estoc sensed their presence before they sensed his and immediately his mind went into battle mode; it wasn't because he felt they were threats, it was just his instincts. Being a loner for a year, give and take a few months, did that to a wolf, especially if they had been trained to be legionnaires since a child and had battle tactics and strategies and the ways of war hammered into his head. Estoc soon determined that they really weren't that much of a threat and therefore, wasn't worth his time and energy.

With a shrug and a casual flick of his tail, Estoc made to turn and continue in the direction he was walking in when one of the two wolves called out. The charcoal wolf continued walking another few feet, posture proud, worthy of a soldier and a Frostfur before he stopped and wondered how to proceed. On one hand, if he made friends with them, he might be able to gain information of what happened in these parts when he was gone and they might even know his siblings (though the chances of that were slim). On the other hand, Estoc was stressed and tired and was generally in a bad mood; he didn't want to pretend to be friendly, put on his 'nice' face and communicate with them.

But there were more pros than cons and so with an inaudible, resigned sigh, Estoc turned to their direction and began walking. His countenance was carefully emotionless and his bi-colored eyes were decidedly calculating. He stopped when he was a few meters away and surveyed them with inscrutable eyes. "You called?" Estoc asked, with a touch of good hearted sarcasm. Both of them were pack wolves; he could smell it on them. "Need any help? Had a rough day recently?" a touch of concern was evident in his tone, he could see they were injured and bleeding. Especially the one missing a tail. "What's your name?" Estoc then asked, a sheepish smile shadowing his lips for a moment before vanishing completely.

RE: its been too long - Citali - October 03, 2015

Saena's mood was a cloudy one. She didn't blame the girl. Her own countenance was of the brooding sort, but that was a persistent thing and less of a timely thing. Her own gash along her scruff was healing nicely and tucked in a location that wasn't much bothered by any of her daily activities. If she left her wounds alone, she'd be fine. Saena's? Those wounds were in far more troubling locations. If she'd simply slow down, as Citali had insisted, that leg would be in far better condition. Alas, she too wanted the bear gone and when Arion had reported it clear of their inner territories they also had to be certain it vacated the rest of the immediate area.

The pale female cursed. Citali shook her head. "We've gone far enough. If we turn back now you'll have plenty of time to rest it and let the wound heal before it gets any worse." That tail though... The tail she couldn't do anything about. The bear had paraded off with the rest of Saena's nub like it had been the grand prize at a carnival. A pity, truly. While a tail was something a wolf could certainly live without, there was a great deal of verbal communication and even simple balance that was lost along with it. No doubt there would be a learning curve and Citali was selfishly thankful she was not burdened with such a task.

Unfortunately Saena spied another and called out to them. Citali instinctually bristled which caused her to feel the scabs along her nape. They were both wounded, her alpha more so, and attracting the attention of strangers generally did not bode well. Her jaw set as she went about her business of tending that leg. At least Saena had stopped long enough for her to better tend it. They could only hope this stranger was amicable and not looking to take advantage of their obvious weaknesses.

The male seemed... bored? That was the impression Citali got. Her eyes swept over him briefly as she mostly ignored him. Or tried to, up until he asked if they needed help, to which Citali took that as a personal slight towards her capabilities as a healer. "We're doing just fine thank you," she snapped back as she mopped the ooze away and began applying oak leaves as a covering. The rest Saena could handle.

RE: its been too long - Saēna - October 04, 2015

Citali had a good point. If Saena was less stubborn, she would've heeded the wise healer's words and the pair of them would be resting at home. Part of her felt selfish for dragging Citali away from the wreckage of her garden, and she resolved to find something to contribute to it before returning. She didn't say it, of course. She doubted the healer would approve of prolonging their stay outside the borders.

Thankfully, she didn't have to come up with an excuse, because the male wolf she'd flagged down was approaching. The alpha couldn't help but to square her forelimbs in anticipation. If he did attack, she'd be ready, even if there was no way in hell she'd win in a fight. Citali would, she knew, but was it even fair to put the healer in that position? She felt pretty selfish about that too, and even let her ears sink back as she dwelled on it.

They popped up again when Estoc was close enough to speak. Citali snapped a reply at him, earning a chuckle from the alpha female. The gamma certainly didn't need help in her department, but Estoc could serve another purpose, perhaps. "Have you seen a bear 'round here?" she asked across the distance, choosing to let that speak to their condition. "Big, fuckin' ugly, smells like shit, has a..." she choked. She couldn't talk about the half of her tail that that stinking bear was probably still carrying around. She shook her head, indicating that what she'd been about to add was unimportant, then looked expectantly to him.

RE: its been too long - Estoc - October 05, 2015

The silver Frostfur raised an eyebrow when Citali snapped at him rudely, what had he done to deserve such treatment? All he did was ask if they needed help; ungrateful women. It took all his willpower not to open his maw and start firing back insults at the brown furred lady, Estoc would not stoop to her level, he was better than that, his father taught him better than that. No, let her fail and realise her mistakes when the gods curse her ill-mannerism. The Fates would deal her appropriate punishment. Instead, he flashed his eerie bicolored gaze over her, veiling the flash of disdain that sought to present itself in his eyes.

His dislike for the pair grew even more when the female who called for him chuckled at her comment. Immediately, the tiniest trace of warmth in is gaze before grew cold; not that they would notice, there was barely any warmth before anyways. "I'll get going then," Estoc stated flatly. "If you don't need help, why'd you call me in first place?" He turned to leave, but before he even took a step away, the female missing a tail began to speak. She asked him if he'd seen a bear around here, adding insults while she explained and at the end of the sentence, was unable to complete it. "A tail?" Estoc asked, resisting the urge to curl his lip, instead, his expression remained impassive.

"Smelled a bear, didn't see it though," Estoc said after a moment of debate. "You smell of a pack. Where are you from, whats your name? Do you know anyone with the last name of Frostfur or Gladius?"

RE: its been too long - Citali - October 05, 2015

She hadn't done much, but Saena's leg was already looking much better. The mosses had soaked away the ooze. The oak leaves she layered on top would stick with what little remained and serve as as natural of a glue as they could manage. She worked mostly in silence, ignoring the conversation between the two as she was not a part of it. Then again, the healer was an old soul and therefore highly opinionated. Wolves often heard her thoughts whether they wanted to or not.

Content on her task, however, she had no desire to speak. Saena would find out her information one way or another and they would be about their business from there. Citali had not called for him. Saena had. If her alpha wished to speak to this male, she could. Citali would not deny her that. Not when she was asking about the bear that had put them in all of this trouble to begin with.

Saena choked, unable to speak of her missing limb. Citali gave her a quick lick just behind her cheek. At least she was alive. If she'd lost her leg (something that was still a possibility if she did not care for it properly) she'd be in far worse a shape. Of course, it didn't help that this stranger had seen a bear. Her chest immediately tightened as she turned her gaze towards this wolf. Where? How long ago? What direction was it traveling? For once, she held her silence and let Saena do the talking. She had no idea who these Frostfurs or Gladius' were. Furthermore, if Saena wished to introduce them, she would. As of yet, she hadn't so their names were of no consequence to her. Strange for one to be so demanding of names without offering his own.

RE: its been too long - Saēna - October 18, 2015

"Yes, a tail," she said, a little exasperated that he'd even need to confirm what she'd said. A tail was a tail, was it not? Especially a copper-haired tail, that was pretty easy to spot. The bear hadn't been ginger. That thing would stick out like a sore thumb. "Could you tell where it was going?" Maybe he'd be useful for that, at least. She would later feel a little guilty for her attitude toward Estoc, if only because his response confirmed that he hadn't seen a bear with a tail. Even though she knew that retrieving her tail didn't mean it could ever be re-attached, just having it back would be a comfort. Or a nightmare. But the bear had probably eaten it, now that she thought of it, and that thought made her stomach plummet unpleasantly.

Estoc saved her from the horrifying realization of just what she'd lost by redirecting her attention elsewhere. "Yours first," she prompted, seizing the advantage of belonging to a pack that happened to be close at hand. If Estoc wanted any information about them, he'd have to be willing to give his own first. If they weren't so close and if a bear hadn't just ravaged their land (and admittedly, if she wasn't in Citali's company, for the woman inspired her to be sterner with mere presence alone), she would've likely been more forthcoming with it. Recent events made Saena want to keep it close for once.

As for his question, Scimitar and his mate came to mind. Nova Peak was a pack of Frostfurs. But, owing to her newfound need for secrecy, did she see any benefit giving that information away freely? Nope. "I haven't heard those names before," she lied with as closed off an expression as she could muster.

RE: its been too long - Estoc - October 26, 2015

Estoc resisted the urge to start tapping his paw against the ground in an irritable manner; he knew it was more his fault than theirs, or maybe it was their fault but this conversation was going too slow for his liking. Nevertheless, the impulsive Frostfur kept his impassive facade on and listened to what the leader of the two wanted to say. The indigo eyed girl asked if he could tell them where it was going and after a moment of silence, the Frostfur lifted a shoulder in a shrug. "Not really. I ain't stupid-brave enough to confront a bear whilst alone." His response wasn't meant to be rude, it was simply the fact.

She was smart, he'll give her that, and suspicious too. That was a plus. But right now, Estoc wasn't in the mood to play such games, so he exhaled softly and thought about his options. He could just turn and leave, possibly without potential information on where his siblings were but he would be able to get away from two females that were getting on his nerves; it wasn't their fault, it was simply because he was annoyed at himself. Later, he might regret having treated them that way, but right now, he couldn't care less. 

Deciding to stay as it might benefit him in the end, or not, Estoc met her gaze - both their eyes- evenly and replied, "Aurelius," he was a suspicious man at heart, and while his name didn't really make a difference, he didn't like giving strangers his first name. "Aurelius Frostfur." A smile touched his lips then, and he canted his head. "What about yours?" She said that she hadn't heard those names before, but they could be lying for all he knew and they were the first wolves he'd met in this area. The gods strike this Roman down before he gave up on them so easily.

RE: its been too long - Saēna - November 02, 2015

Citali's player has removed her from the game so I'll powerplay her for the rest of this thread. Sorry to keep you waiting!

Citali's tongue against her cheek soothed her panicked heart. Eventually, the trauma of having her tail ripped off would fade to a suppressed memory. It was her fault, after all, though she wouldn't admit it. She'd been too slow to tuck her tail, and too involved to know when to quit. The healer's support did a wonder on her nerves, though, and she found she was able to face Estoc and his sarcasm more readily. In a way, he reminded her of Arion. Though the need to recruit members was quite high, that alone was enough for Saena to decide against extending the offer. One Arion was enough for her.

"Aurelius," she repeated, tasting his name. It was exquisite, exotic in a way. Definitely not from around these parts. "You must be from the north," she assumed, having known such names only from northern wolves. Then again, her catalog of known northern wolves was regrettably small. It was a blind assumption rather than educated guess. "My name is Saena Redtail. My companion here is Citali. We're of the Phoenix Maplewood pack." She could almost feel the healer's gaze on the back of her head, no doubt a little disapproving of sharing so much information, but it hadn't hurt Saena thus far. If anything, there was protection in confidently stating she was a pack wolf. It made potentially aggressive loners think twice.

Their conversation scarcely went further before the loner lost interest in them and they in him. With a nudge of thanks for her presence and attention to her wound, Saena murmured, "let'd go home," to Citali and headed for the forest.