Wolf RPG
Whitefish River I have a bad case of mephobia - Printable Version

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I have a bad case of mephobia - Adelina - October 02, 2015

Adelina had decided to go on bit of an adventure for once. She found that while leading a pack, she had little time to do what she wanted especially with a pack that was as large her own. However now that she lay in the lower ranks of Blackfeather the wolfess discovered that she quite liked the free time she had. However no matter how much she enjoyed all of the spare time, it never even came close to her unwavering lust for power. She had lost a piece of herself when she lost her alpha rank, and Adelina was bound and determined to fill that hole.

With her mind elsewhere the woman traveled through the night and took shelter from a light drizzle in a cave that had given a place to rest for several other animals before. The stench of bear was old, but it did provided the female with the knowledge of a possible threat. Though with no real danger in sight and none she could smell, the female would sleep with one eye open tonight until she was back to the packlands and could properly rest once more.

The woman had woke and been hunting fairly early today hoping to catch some small prey to fill her stomach for the trip back to Blackfeather, but the scent of of an injured doe had caused her to wander off towards the smell of death. The deer seemed to have gotten a lucky escape after a run in with a bear or possible cougar, but the blood it had lost since that time had been too great. The prey was weak, vulnerable and didn't have much time left, and Adelina wasn't the only one who knew this. Coyotes had been following the blood trail just as long as the wolfess had, and with winter approaching the scavenging canines were beginning to form small groups of three or four.

The female continued to follow the doe until she came upon a river. The deer knowing it didn't stand much chance of survival on land moved into the water, hoping for one last opportunity to cheat death. The female sat along the river's edge prepared to wait out the inevitable, while the coyotes yipped and snapped at each other to determine who would feast first. Normally the woman would have chased off the pathetic little beasts. However she knew there was no way she was eating this entire deer, and would rather not waste her energy on the coyotes that would end up feasting on the carcass after she left anyways. So the woman sat and waited for the doe to succumb to her wounds, while watching the coyotes entertaining quarrel.

RE: I have a bad case of mephobia - Hiraku - October 12, 2015

It was quite amusing to see the coyotes fight over who got to sink their teeth into the doe. Hiraku was just walking around before noticing the coyotes following the deer, and tagged along to see what resulted. With a light chuckle, the fox thought it was stupid for them to fight, as there was plenty of venison to go around. After they finished, he'll scavenge on the remains left over. He wasn't particularly hungry, but with the impending winter, a bit more food in his stomach shouldn't be a bad thing.

His gave shifted to the side and saw a wolf, relaxing as it viewed the coyotes. He turned his attention towards the wolf with a grin on his face. While the world has its fair share of idiots, at least there's still hope out there. His experiences with wolves in the Teekon Wilds were mostly positive, so he didn't worry too much of the wolf being too much of a threat. After all, there was a dying deer that could easily be eaten instead.