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Blacktail Deer Plateau you make me feel so young - Printable Version

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you make me feel so young - Behati - October 04, 2015

Autumnal rain fell hard on Behati's head, dampening her coat as well as get spirit. She was not a winter wolf - despite her heritage. It reminded her of lean times as a child, and the heat of her father's temper - hunger brought it out of him, and they had often been hungry.

Hungry herself, and unable to find cached meat, Behari made her way into the flatlands and towards the river. There might be frogs to chase, or even a stranded fish.

RE: you make me feel so young - Pearl - October 04, 2015

River water flowed speedily over her paws, chilling them slightly. Pearl waded deeper, peering down into the clear water for fish. The rain combined with previous fishing attempts had her soaked to the bone. She caught sight of some trout, and plunged her head with her jaws agape into the water on the verge of becoming too cold. She felt her teeth sink into the flesh of the fattened trout and yanked her head out of the river, causing a heavier rainfall for a moment. The pale-furred girl stood out plainly against the gloominess of the day as she walked out of the river and put her fish on the pile of two. It wasn't too bad of a catch for her for being out here for an hour. 

The water steadily streaming off her coat, she looked up and saw a new wolf. "Hey!" She called out. Pearl probably didn't look to much of a threat right now, and she may as well meet this wolf. "Want a fish? I'm  Pearl, by the way!"

RE: you make me feel so young - Behati - October 05, 2015

She wasn't the only one trying their luck at the water. A white wolf with a face full of fish called out to her, offering to share her catch. Behati felt a pang of jealousy. She had never managed to catch a swimming fish, relying instead on the slippery creatures to take a wrong turn and mire themselves in mud or foliage. Behati subconsciously puffed out her chest. "I'm OK, thanks! I was after frogs. " Liar. " I'm Behati, " she added, pushing her envy to one side for the moment. Her dark ears swung forward, but flattened again when she remembered that it was still raining. "Are you a newbie too?"

RE: you make me feel so young - Pearl - October 05, 2015

Her face scrunched up in a mixture of disgust and confusion, despite trying to hide it. Frogs? They were far to slimy to be eaten, knowing from her early months. She nodded at the name, recalling that there had been a newcomer a few days ago. When she heard the question about being new, her head cocked to the side as she thought. Would she be considered a newbie now or not? Probably. "I don't know. I mean, I've been here for about two months, so I guess not." The other wolf looked a little jealous of the fish, but it was hard to tell in the rain. "Are you sure you don't want some? Don't worry, I'm not that good at fishing. This is the product of almost an hour, laughable from where I come from."

The girl made her way over to Behati, making it easier for conversation.

RE: you make me feel so young - Behati - October 09, 2015

She must have worn her feelings on her face, because Pearl was quick to dimiss her fishing prowess as luck. Behati accepted this claim at face value, and lashed her tail in approval of the other wolf's self-professed failings - an ugly trait, but one to be expected in the young; a time when self-esteem often comes from the outside.

"Nah," she insisted with a shake of her head, peering at Pearl through the mist of falling rain. "I'll get something later.." Behati glanced left and right, nodding towards a nearby tree that still had enough leaves to offer coverage. "So what do you think of it? What do you think of Dante?" She made a start for the shelter, assuming Pearl would follow. So far, she had not met a wolf with which she could gossip - Lasher was hardly the type, and everyone else was a long-time resident or a relative.

RE: you make me feel so young - Pearl - October 09, 2015

Pearl figured Behati to be a few months older than Casmir and his siblings due to her speech and body language, it was somewhat similar to her own at that age, though not too long ago. She remembered the fish suddenly, and trotted back to get them while calling out, "I think it's really nice here, it's very pretty." She scooped up the three extremely fat trout that had been preparing for winter but were rudely interrupted by her teeth. It probably looked ridiculous, trying to carry three fish in her mouth, but she started back to where the younger girl waited to bury them. She arrived under the tree and dropped the fish when the second question hit. Pearl looked back at her with a very bewildered look, and turned back and started digging a cache. "What exactly do you mean, what I think about Dante? I mean, he's nice, but not exactly my type, you know?" She truly didn't now how she felt about the gunmetal man, but not really in a romantic way. 

Pearl dug the hole, nosed the fish in, and finished work on the cache before turning back to the energetic girl. Her pale coat hung soaked around her, still dripping. She shook some of the water off, but looked barely drier.

RE: you make me feel so young - Behati - October 09, 2015

Behati stole envious glances at the impressive catch, disguising her rumbling tummy with a cough as the pair walked. Pearl got straight to work, digging a hole in the earth to keep the fish reasonably fresh until they were needed. It seemed like utter blasphemy to bury such a fresh kill, but Behati was determined to source her own food. She had done so in the wild, and she would not break the trend now.

Pearl's work was done by the time Behati had sworn her stupid and pointless vow of starvation (come winter, what was what it would amount to). She didn't offer up anything juicy in response to Behati's question, so the younger wolf pressed on. Even though she had not grown up with sisters, gossiping seemed to come naturally - kind of like a second hit of crack. "What's your type?"

RE: you make me feel so young - Pearl - October 09, 2015

Inwardly, she sighed. Pearl had not had a lot of time to think on her own, and wasn't one to talk deeply about feelings. She could start speaking in her second language to change the subject, knowing that would interest the younger wolf. But for now, she decided to turn the question back. "Truthfully, I don't know. I just think that his personality and mine wouldn't work very well, but you never know. Why are so you so intrested in Dante? Isn't he just a bit old for you?" She said, rasing an eyebrow. "Besides, hasn't you seen the Mayfair brothers? I'm sure one of them will take an intrest in you." At this, she smiled, thinking about the brothers and how funny it would be to watch them have a conversation with her.

RE: you make me feel so young - Behati - October 09, 2015

Pearl, on the other hand, was not a 'mindless gnatter' kind of girl. Even Behati, whose intuition was a blunt instrument, could sense the other girl's reluctance to chat shit about the gents of the Plateau. When the question was flipped back on her, the gossip instigator offered a grimace and a shrug, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. Of course she had noticed the Mayfairs. All three of them, in fact — and each one made her feel flustered. "What, no, I was just.. yeah. I'm going to find Casmir and see if he wants to explore," she segued, lifting her silvery gaze from the ground. "I don't know if he's ever even left the Plateau, so he might die without me!" A girlish giggle punctuated this presumption. Behati was quick to bat the ball back at Pearl after that, nodding at the sodden female in that very particular way that spells out [i]'so I notice that you're white' without actually saying it. "Are you.. also from the north? I am. My mother is."

RE: you make me feel so young - Pearl - October 09, 2015

It was not that she didn't want to talk about the guys, she just didn't know what to talk about. She hadn't really done this before. Pearl kept grinning at her as she talked about Casmir, and laughing with her. Behati's question, however, caught her off guard. She hadn't really thought about why she had white fur, it was just naturally accepted wherever she went. "I'm from the west, the Great Plains. I suppose it had to have been my father or grandfather that came from the north, otherwise I have no idea." Pearl offered her a lopsided grin. "My mother was a native, and had darker fur, which explains my markings." She motioned to her paws and tail, and flicking both of her ears.  "She also taught me most of the older language before she was...killed." Oh gosh. She had a natural talent for ending on the most awkward notes possible.

RE: you make me feel so young - Behati - October 10, 2015

"I'm from the west," the other wolf corrected, earning a surprised "Oh!" from Behati. The yearling cocked her head to one side, absorbing the tale of Pearl's origins with a couple of nods and a smile — until it all ended on a bum note, and her face froze into a grimace. "Oh, man. Sorry." Behati had bid her own mother and hero farewell at a very young age, but she always carried with her the hope that they would be reunited. Pearl would never look hers in the eye again, and the finality of that fact seemed to darken the leaking clouds above the two wolves. "So is that why you came here? No pack, or like.. anyone else?"

RE: you make me feel so young - Pearl - October 10, 2015

Pearl thought for a minute, to avoid ending on an awkward note again. "Yeah, that's why I came. I think some of my friends are still out there, somewhere. But at least I know where my brother is." She looked wistfully off to the west, a hopeful look in her eyes. She turned back to Behati, now interested in her. "Now enough about me. What about your story? I have heard little of you, Cahapi." She said without warning. Cahapi sounded good for someone like Behati. Behati was almost the color of the sweet sugar, and her personality seemed like she ate much of it. It sounded alike, so she might think she mispronounced her name, but Pearl was just giving her a nickname in the old language. She smiled at her.

RE: you make me feel so young - Behati - November 08, 2015

Cahapi? Behati assumed Pearl's accent had simply twisted her name, and did nothing to correct the perceived mistake. She spoke of distant friends and a brother, casting a look into the far distance. There were no obvious signs of longing in the pale wolf's face, so she assumed that Pearl was content to know that her kin was alive and well and going about his business. When the chance to tell her own story was offered, Behati seized it gladly. "Just wandering, with my father - his name's Aikasarria. He's kind of a badass," she shared, clearly proud of this fact. The rain roared around them, dancing on the violent wind. "It was just us for my whole life. But, you know, I had to do my own thing, so here I am." If this bothered her - and it did - Behati did not show it. There wasn't much more to the story beyond that, it seemed, because she frowned into the weather and said, "We should probably head back, right? This tree isn't really doing anything."

I return! :) Conclude?

RE: you make me feel so young - Pearl - November 08, 2015

Yay :D Yes, I can fade here.

Pearl listened intently to the short story of the sugared wolf's life. She nodded as she concluded. Behati seemed eager to tell her story, but a little disappointed when it wasn't too long. Well, you can't buy a tragic backstory, and it's best if you don't have one. The rain battered heavily against them and the trees, so she jumped at the chance to head back. "Yes, the rain is getting a little too much for me." she said, staring at the tree. She got up and beckoned the sugared wolf to follow. Off the pair went, chatting away into the territory and looking for a warm place for the soaking night.