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Firestone Hot Springs I dare you - Printable Version

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I dare you - DeadLusa - October 04, 2015

Mostly for @Hayde. @Grimnir, you can hop in if you want :P

 Right when she bought Iris into the group, Lusa wanted to set off towards the hot springs as soon as possible. She didn't want to keep her sister waiting for too long. It would be heartbreaking to know she left because the Dark wolfess took to long.

 The band of wolves set off towards the hot springs. Lusa traveled in silence, not wanting to linger. She made sure to stay close to Grimnir in case he passed out. Hopefully that wouldn't happen, or else the group would have to travel at a slower pace.

 They traveled without a rest until Lusa smelled the familiar scent of the springs. Only then did she break away from the group, running towards the smell where her sister would be waiting.

 She stopped when the bubbling water came into view. Her blue orbs searched around as she bounced from one place to another. "Hayde!", she called, just in case her sister didn't see her. She prayed silently that the snow colored wolf didn't leave.

RE: I dare you - Hayde - October 04, 2015

Hayde followed her sister's instructions and made her way towards the hot springs though ended up getting lost a few times along the way. Eventually the pale wolfess made it to her destination and with nothing better to do she decided to go for a swim in the warm water. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, as she wasn't use to swimming around in water that wasn't cold but she slowly got used to the warmth and began to enjoy herself as the days passed.

She would hunt and sleep and wait for Lusa to show up but her sister never did come. Hayde began to worry if something was wrong. Lusa had told her that she would be at the hot springs within a day or two but she still wasn't here. The pale girl's paws itched to leave the hot springs to go search for her sister, but Hayde remained put. If Lusa and her pups were ok then the pale girl knew this was the first place they would come.

Another day passed and still no sign of the dark wolfess and her pups, that was until she heard the ever satisfying call of her name. The white female trotted off to where she heard her name being called and when her sister came into view, Hayde's tail began to sway happily behind her. "I thought you had forgotten about me."

RE: I dare you - DeadLusa - October 04, 2015

She was happy to see her sister's bright pelt come towards her. She half expected her to loose her way or just leave. It slightly surprised her that she had waited for her.

 She gave a little laugh at her words, tail wagging from behind. "Me? Forget? Never." It was a fact. She was the one to hold onto memories for a long time. She couldn't let things go that easily. "I wouldn't just forget you without letting you see you're niece and nephews."

Speaking about the pups made her mind trail to Grimnir. "Guess what? You won't believe me, but before I left, my mate appeared." She didn't expect anyone else to know that Grim was alive. At least until Damien and Cicero would tell Burke about him, though she knew nothing of their intentions.

RE: I dare you - Grimnir - October 06, 2015

Still feeling weak, Grim was going to wait for Lusa's return, but he was worried. So after a few minutes he took off after her. His wounds protested his hurried pace. Grim ignored them, amber eyes scanning for Lusa's midnight pelt. 

He spotted her black coat clearly among the thick white fog of the hot springs. Ears perked forward to listen for any sounds of danger. He could hear two voices, but only see one wolf. Where was the other? Upon closer inspection he saw that his mate was speaking with a white wolf that blended in with the mist. He took a disliking to the wolf immediately. An image of Potema's bloodied face passed through his mind. 

Grim broke through the thick fog to stand beside Lusa. Narrowed amber eyes inspected the white wolf with a mix of curiosity, disgust, and suspicion. He did not offer a greeting to the stranger. Instead Grim stayed silent, waiting for an explanation as to who this wolf was.

RE: I dare you - Hayde - October 06, 2015

Hayde listened as Lusa spoke, her tail still wagging at a steady rhythm behind her. She smiled when she heard that Lusa would never forget her. The pale girl's ears shot up in shock when her sister mentioned finding her mate. What were the chances of after not seeing her mate for so long that right when Lusa decides to leave her lover shows up out of nowhere. It sounded like something that would come out of a fairytale.

Not a moment later and a large brown wolf was standing next to Lusa, and a growl rumbled within Hayde's chest. She had seen the male for only a moment and just by the way he was looking at her, Hayde felt a strong dislike towards the male. The white female quickly settled down and shifted her gaze back to Lusa. "I'm guessing this is your knight in shining armor."

RE: I dare you - DeadLusa - October 10, 2015

Out of nowhere, Grimnir came bursting through the bushes. By the looks of it, he didn't seem happy of Hayde's existence. For what reasons, Lusa did not know. She had yet to know how he felt towards wolves with snowy pelts. She nudged his shoulder with her own, a silent way of saying it was ok.

 Her blue eyes trailed to her sister. "Yeah. This is Grimnir." Lusa looked back and forth, seeing a tension that she rather not be there "This is Hayde, my sister," the dark female informed him.

RE: I dare you - Grimnir - October 11, 2015

Knight in shinning armor. The phrase displayed a perplexed expression across Grim's face. But Lusa replied to the peculiar term with confirmation that he was this knight. He hoped this was a good thing. When his mate also mentioned that he was speaking with her sister, Hayde, he changed his demeanor. Grim lowered his head slightly in a small sign of respect to the white wolf. As much as he hated what white represented to him, it seemed he could not escape it. Hayde's color did explain where Peridot's came from. Lusa's family had arctic blood running in their veins after all. 

The slight rise and fall of his shoulders indicated a brief sigh. Grim did not want to offend his little killer's sister. If only his mate realized what all he did for her. But he wasn't sure that this particular hatred of his was something that could be revealed. Guess he had to be the unsung hero. His lip twitched in laughter at the internal joke. He really was more of a villain than a good guy. 

I take it that you are joining us?" He questioned in an attempt to make small talk. He knew that Lusa had made plans to meet Hayde out here, but he was only partially sure of the reason why.

RE: I dare you - Hayde - October 27, 2015

Hayde relaxed a bit when the male lowered his head to her, but still remained alert. An uneasy feeling stirred within the pale female, and it would take some time before she began to trust her sister's mate. "My sister spoke highly of you" she said to Grimnir with a friendly enough smile. "I'm sure you'll both make great alphas" she then spoke to the pair.

The pale wolfess wondered how well her sister could lead a pack, and exactly how prepared she was. Lusa was attempting to start a pack when winter was right around the corner, which could be a blessing or a curse. However for now, Hayde had complete faith in her sister's leading skills and as long as she proved to be a successful alpha, would remain with her until the end. "Yes, I'm looking to join if you would both be kind enough to have me."

RE: I dare you - DeadLusa - October 30, 2015

Lusa glanced over to her mate with a sort of sheepish grin at Hayde's words. The wolfess was proud to have a mate likes him and would settle with no other. It proved to be very hard to last so long without a feeling of being loved. Back then she didn't know that, but now it was crystal clear.

 Her blue eye lightened with happiness at the next words. "I am more than find to have you at my side, sister," she stated. Hayde was the greatest in her eyes a now that they found each other onc more, Lusa wasn't ready to give it up.

RE: I dare you - Grimnir - November 07, 2015

Sorry for the wait

Ears perked up as Hayde mentioned that Lusa had spoke highly of him. He gave his mate a glance before returning his gaze back to her sister who then mentioned that he and Lusa would make good Alphas. Of course he had to agree, especially of Lusa. Grim had nothing but faith in her. 

Hayde confirmed his suspicions that she was going to join their little group. Lusa, of course, welcomed her without hesitation. Grim looked to his mate again feeling a bit irritated, but remained a blank slate on the outside. "
Shall we be off then?" He questioned. "We have much that is needed to be done if we are to survive the winter and I would rather not stay in one place for too long." Glancing back at Hayde he asked, "If that is all right with you?" He wanted to get on Hayde's good side for Lusa's sake, and try his best not to offend the white wolf as much as it displeased him.

RE: I dare you - DeadLusa - December 05, 2015

I know it's not my turn to post, but I believe this thread has been delayed for too long. Archiving!

 She gave a slight nod to her mate, indicating that it was time to be off. There was no time to wait around, there was things to be done. A whole new future ahead.

 Lusa moved forward, the two wolves tagging along beside her. Her pace was quick, for she didn't want to leave her children waiting to long. There was much to be done.