Wolf RPG
Sawtooth Spire going out of frequency - Printable Version

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going out of frequency - Nanuk - October 04, 2015

Calling Savik or Aariak <3 Just one please! this is short! @Iqniq? <3 (If you don't mind).

Diligence was likely her middle name, the Beta alone once more as she filled the caches with a kill she had felled. Strips of meat were deposited into a cache before she moved on, dragged the small, young deer who had not made it to their full first year. The cold was coming for them all and the polar bear would do her best to protect the other's from it's grasp, especially with the pups barely reaching their four month mark by the time the bitter season rolled around. While the female enjoyed the cold, she did not want to see any of their number fall prey to it, which led to her stocking now, so that should any of them need energy before a hunt or something, they would have it.

Should any come upon her now, the female was focused upon her task, muzzle bloody with her work as she staved off the desire to consume portions of the kill now. She would need to hunt something down for herself after this.

RE: going out of frequency - Iqniq - October 19, 2015

He felt something like a squirrel. With the winter fast approaching he was diligent in his patrols, persistent in hunting, and generally crawling over this land so that he could better understand it before heaps of snow claimed this spire. He could not prepare for everything, but he could take great strides to know this place as well as he could. Knowledge always helped. Preparation always helped. Every effort towards their survival was important and would help them in the future.

While he was patrolling the borders, he happened upon a pair of grouse picking away at the lower grasses in the reaches there. He'd hunted and managed to bag both of them. He'd been lucky, but was thankful for it. Of course, now that he had them he was back up the mountain and off to fill the caches. Since he wasn't hungry presently, they'd make an excellent addition to their stores.

He climbed the mountain and made his way towards one of their caches. He spotted a wild Nanuk there with her face painted in crimson. He lowered his kills to the ground and lifted his head with a grin. "You look absolutely feral today," he greeted, abandoning his catch to bump and greet his aokkatti with nips and nudges before he circled back to the birds. He picked them both up once more and dropped them back into the hole she'd already crafted. Two birds. One dig. Saying wasn't quite right, but close enough.

RE: going out of frequency - Nanuk - October 19, 2015

The blood that dropped from her maw went ignored, as did the mask of red that she'd given herself. She couldn't see the messy results of her work and so they were of no consequence. In fact, she hadn't even bought about having blood on her fur until the arrival of another and his greeting alerted her to it. For a moment, Nanuk had no idea what he was talking about, her gold eyes looking at him quizzically.

It wasn't until their shoulders met and she nosed his side, leaving the mark of her still in-progress task behind. Ah. So that was what he'd referred to. "Ain't nothin' wrong with a little dirt and blood, Shit-For-Brains. Unless you are afraid of eating your paws dirty." She knew he wasn't, but it didn't stop her from taunting him anyway.

RE: going out of frequency - Iqniq - November 01, 2015

Iqniq glanced towards her, a playful grin upon his lips. "I'm afraid of any wolf eating my paws." He'd caught her slip of tongue and he nudged her with his shoulder, bumping her aside as the crust of blood from her endeavors was rubbed into his coat. With his coloration, it was impossible to tell. Red on white. Absolutely feral. Red on red. A little harder to make a good impression.

"Whatchya up to?" he asked. It was obvious. She'd started off with these caches and was sort of mid-progress or could easily drift off to do something else. He just wasn't sure which. "Want company?"