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Blacktail Deer Plateau buddy system - Printable Version

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buddy system - Behati - October 05, 2015

All welcome, but maybe @Casmir? :D

Befriending the Mayfair family felt like the smart thing to do. They were the closest thing to a dynasty the Plateau had, and instinct told her that this was as important in packs as it was on the road. Blood mattered - everywhere.

She was on the lookout for the other son today - the aspiring outrider. Rain fell persistently on the forest, and the heavy odour of damp made it difficult to track the kid down. Behati eventually gave up, and tipped her head back in a summoning howl instead - what was his name? Kamsir? That'd do.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - October 05, 2015

something was happening in the state of Denmark Blacktail Deer Plateau, and Cas was infected with the quiet roil of tension and excitement. It set his steps into a more focused path, and his hunts were intended to fill the caches, for winter was upon the near horizon. Lately his thoughts had been about Pearl, her soft pale fur and radiant eyes bringing sleeplessness upon him. It would not be long before he and his siblings entered the adult ranks; perhaps, when he was older, he could persuade her to consider him.

He wondered if Constantine had his own crushes; he remembered Shego, and now Pearl, and was a little proud of himself for his variety in infatuations. As a delicate, feminine voice filtered through the rainy air, Casmir was surprised to hear that it was for him -- and did not come from his mother or sister. Curious, the Mayfair slid into a lope, slipping once in the growing puddles of mud with his ungainly forepaws.

Composing himself, he emerged into the presence of the summoner; a pretty newcomer the colour of a fancy Parisian dessert. "you rang?" Casmir intoned gruffly; he was the son of a leader, and felt he must act as such, though he was careful not to display any untoward dominance at the girl. instead he stood awaiting her words, dragging his eyes away from her sylphlike little features as not to be accused of staring.

RE: buddy system - Behati - October 09, 2015

Behati found that she hadn't expected Casmir to show up, and when he did (promptly), a little yip of excitement escaped the pack newbie. There had never been anyone to call upon before, and she could not recall the last time she howled for anything other than the sheer pleasure of it.

Casmir spoke as his father did, in a detached, dark tone of voice that made her think of ancient trees and mist.  Behati was the very opposite of her swarthy new friend. She Bambi-hopped on the spot, her excitement spilling over like a pot of  bubbling caramel. "I did! Hi!" she squeaked, "You're Casmir? I'm Behati. Your d--.. Lasher told me that you're going to be an outrider, aand..." She searched for the right words, her struggle evident in the way her mouth twisted around unsaid syllables. "I want in," she finished. "To join you, I mean!"

RE: buddy system - Casmir - October 10, 2015

she was really excited for some reason. but so was Casmir, even if he wasn't about to admit it, like ever. "yeah, that's right. i am. Behati is a cool name," he tacked on lamely. his ability to talk to girls was nonexistent; he actually felt a lot like this

[Image: 2k0QQSZ.gif]

than he let on. Lasher's calm demeanour had passed on to his children; Blue Willow was also a peaceful sort. it stood to reason that Casmir was a chill cat, even if he was internally screaming out of stress. "yeah, you can come with. i don't stop often, but i bet you don't either, because you have long legs."


"not that i was lookin' or anything. i mean, i was, but not like that," he stammered, ears collapsing as he realized his tongue was the proverbial shovel for this hole he was literally digging. his eyes flicked to Behati; was she mad? laughing? ignoring him? "i gotta go north."

RE: buddy system - Behati - October 10, 2015

I love that show so hard. I'm re-watching the entire thing and just WAITING for Castiel to show up.

Much to Behati's undisguised delight, Casmir fell apart in front of her. By the time the boy had stumbled his way through the last of his babbled sentences, the lovely cause of his anxiety was grinning ear to ear. "Well thank you," she purled in response, playing up to his nerves 1000% by extending one of those long legs and batting coyly at the air in front of her — the internationally accepted physical diagram of oh you!. It felt good to be in control again. She held no sway over Lasher or Dante, and as flattering as it was to be lusted after by a band of dirty coyotes, Behati was not an inter-species kind of lady. "So, buddy," she went on, twitching her nose in a Bewitched-like manner, "When're you and me and my long legs going on our adventure north? Right now?"

RE: buddy system - Casmir - October 10, 2015

the boys love it but i have never really watched it.

you stupid dumb ass, he berated himself, but the mental flagellation died away almost before he had even lifted the metaphorical whip. Behati's delicious (calm down, hannibal) features lit up with a dazzling smile, and her words were lost beneath their purling tone. but the real cherry on this shamecake was the extension of one long limb, a gesture that had the boy's eyes fairly bugging out of his head. 

"uh," he grunted, the time-honored response of someone who clearly doesn't have their shit together. "i -- i, uh," and here he swallowed and shut his eyes for a beat longer than a blink. "i was thinking i'd fill caches and leave in the morning ... super early." 

he became aware of a sensation Down South, and while it hadn't made a true and visible appearance, one that would be shocking (because it was huge, duh) and horrifying for him, the boy whirled around and willed the feeling to die down and go away. "y-you wanna help me?"

help him, indeed.

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 08, 2015

Behati felt powerful - and flattered. The scrappy wolves she and her father had encountered on the road had none of Casmir's awkwardness, and it was quite a thrill to be the one doing the intimidating. She craned her neck when he whirled around, curious as to what he was hiding. She had seen a dong or two in her life, but never under pleasant circumstances. Flashers, mostly.

"Y-you wanna help me?" Casmir babbled, distracting Behati's attention from his crotch. She stopped straining to see what was going on and sat back, arranging her paws in a neat line. "Sure," she drawled, her enthusiasm suddenly blunted. Group hunts weren't her strongest suite - not even in pairs - and big game scared her. The prospect of looking a fool in front of her new friend made the otherwise confident young lady feel a sting of fear. "What do you.. tend to hunt? Like rabbits?"

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 08, 2015

god, this was fucking embarrassing. thankfully his dillydang put itself away and he was able to turn back to face Behati, albeit with a crimson expression of shame stamped on his features. "like rabbits, yeah, and um, deer. fawns, if i can catch one." unlike the girl, Cas had little to no fear of the hoofed ruminants, only a healthy respect for their razor-sharp feet and goring antlers. "hey! we should totally find that herd around here and see if we can snag one!" breaking into a lope, the boy glanced behind himself. tongue lolling, to see that she followed, his embarrassment all but forgotten.

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 09, 2015

In many ways, Casmir was more mature than Behati was. His shame flared bright and died, forgotten within moments of first appearing - and from its ashes, he grew. Behati stashed hers away, and in the darkness of her mind it grew.

"Well... maybe," the girl grumbled at Casmir's departing backside, but set off after him all the same. With any luck, they would happen upon the scent of rabbit before he spotted the herd, and avoid this whole business of hunting big game. "Bet I can catch a rabbit faster than you can!" she hollered at his dark flank, fuelling competition in favour of a group hunt.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 11, 2015

Cas had dashed off with the full intent of finding the herd, but Behati posed a challenge too awesome to resist. "pssht, as if!" he scoffed, lanky limbs carrying him apace with her. his senses turned toward rabbit, and soon the boy veered away to search for one of the fluffy little morons. there was no way she was about to beat him -- she was a n00b in their world and pack, and he'd been born here. Cas fully believed he knew every nook, cranny, and footpath there was -- Behati was SOL if she for a second believed she'd beat the champ at his work.

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 12, 2015

Best of 5 to win?! I rolled a 3

Casmir took the bait. Behati exhaled her relief when his back was turned, but didn't dwell on her success for long - she still had to put the boy in his place! The caramel-coloured wolf threw a war cry into the air and lunged after him, specifying that "First one back here with a rabbit wins - loser has to drink the pee bag!" It was a game that her father had tricked her into playing more than once, and vivid memories of the horrible taste pushed her on. She had to win.

The path split and the two wolves rushed off in separate directions, each hell-bent on besting the other.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 14, 2015

confession time: i dont know how to roll dice ;__;

they ran off in opposing directions, and Cas was full of confidence that he would win. he might even catch two rabbits, just to rub Behati's pretty little nose in it. racing to where he had last seen a thumper, the boy sniffed about frantically, maintaining a quick pace. he simply had to beat her. and so he kept on, even though he would probably totally lose because ebony doesn't understand a really intrinsic part of the game that's been around forever.

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 14, 2015

Agh sorry! You type /roll [1]D5 without the square brackets; I rolled for you and you rolled a 5. >:) You win!

Casmir's desperation to win was greater than Behati's - at least that was what she would tell herself when he returned to the form in the road with a pair of rabbits in tow. Dumb luck and desire to impress a lady; the two had combined to bring him victory, whereas Behati had failed spectacularly to even find any rabbits. She had sniffed around in the dirt until it became clear that Casmir had struck gold. "Lucky," she huffed, but an opportunistic grin hooked into the corner of her mouth and tugged. It was kinda cool to think that he'd been so keen to impress her.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 14, 2015

you're a peach! i'm a real derp

luck was on his side -- he swaggered back to Behati with a couple of fryers hanging from his smirking jaws. she pretended to cutely pout, swelling his ego further. "it was no biggie," he murmured, dropping the rabbits and brushing off her admiration though he was quite pleased at her praise. "so, what's this about a pee-bag?" the Mayfair boy leered, though he pushed one of the rabbits in Behati's direction.  he was curious, not mean.

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 14, 2015

Behati had quite forgotten about their bet now that she was on the losing side. The very mention of pee-bag paled the dark skin beneath her caramel-coloured fur. Had she been a balding accountant, the flop-sweat would have been obvious by this point. Behati stared down at at the freshly executed rabbit for a moment, then reached out a paw and slowly dragged it closer - praying that it had relieved itself before dying. ".. it might puncture," she was quick to say, having every intention of draining the bag if there was so much as a hint of wee within.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 14, 2015

he had no idea what she was talking about, though had he applied any iota of the training his mother had driven into his hard head, he might have figured it out. as it was, Cas merely stared dumbly at Behati, with increasing curiosity blossoming upon his features. "...puncture?" something to do with the rabbit, he guessed, since she was looking weirdly at it.

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 14, 2015

Casmir went full derp. Behati held her breath, waiting for the cogs to move - they didn't. "That's..just what I call 'em!" she lied, patting the still warm body. "Loser has to drain the whole pee-bag all at once - kinda hard. Ever tried? I totally vommed last time." Phew. Once she had gotten started, lying was shockingly easy.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 14, 2015

he still didn't know what the hell she was talking about, and so he bobbed his head like he did. "sure, sure. it's pretty gross," he added nonchalantly, playing along and hoping she wouldn't notice the lie. "i totally ... like ... hurled everywhere last time i ... punctured ... a pee bag." 

suddenly he began to laugh, and shook his head at himself. "i'm sorry, i don't know what that is. i've never done that!" he added with a jolly little chortle that shook his entire body.

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 14, 2015

Behati did her best to maintain her position of superior knowledge on the subject of pee-bags, but the lie popped when Casmir started laughing. A snort escaped her nose, followed by a giggle, and soon they were both laughing over their lunch - or cache filler. Most likely lunch, though. "Heehee! Me.. me neither. I mean, there IS  a pee bag - you know when you really need to pee and it feels like a big sack of pee is inside you - the rabbit has one too, and sometimes there's still pee in it when they die.. and it's SO gross, and my dad made bets with me sometimes and I always lost and had to drink the pee! From the bag!" This flagrant child abuse sounded hilarious to her now. Her shrill voice melted into laughter once more.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 14, 2015

he started laughing harder. ha ha. making children drink pee was hilarious! tears of mirth streamed from his eyes and his sides began to hurt as he pictured the prim Behati with her snout stuck in a bag of smelly piss. "you better be happy i'm nice, or else i'd make you drink it!"  with that, he pounced on the rabbit and began to tear it open, searching for the hopefully full bladder. tearing it bloodily from the carcass, he flung the half-full organ at his friend. "drink it!"

RE: buddy system - Behati - November 15, 2015

Casmir tore into the body to a chorus of giggles and shouts of 'no!' - the rabbit's bladder must have been full when it died, for there was half a bag's worth of piss still in it. It tore when he flung it, spraying piss in a wide arc in the air. Behati screeched and scuttled away, but not before the piss hit her full on the face. The squeals of mirth became a wail of horror. "EWWWW OMG OMG I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Drenched and stinking, Behati lunged at Casmir - fully intending to chase the miscreant the the rim of the plateau and punt him off the edge.

RE: buddy system - Casmir - November 17, 2015

Cas chortled and ran away from his piss-stinking friend, laughing madly as he relived the moment of the yellow arc over and over again. his long legs carried him toward the edge of the plateau -- he realized the ridge loomed more closely than he had realized, and so slowed. "uncle!" he shouted, still stricken with fits of laughter -- behati would catch him now, and probably give him the beatdown he deserved.