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Raven's Watch river mother - Printable Version

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river mother - Juniper RIP - October 05, 2015

@Catori Set before she joins PHX, maybe?

The weather was becoming quite oppressive; though she quite liked fall, she enjoyed it for the colors, and not for the dismal, damp, and cold that came with it. So it was with great enthusiasm that she followed the rain-shadow of the mountain range, managing to avoid a great deal of the system that had settled in on the area a few nights ago. Her meandering path led her to a lush paradise tucked away beneath a jagged series of cliffs, where the croaking calls of ravens could be heard in a cacophony of noise.

Juniper sighed with relief when she found a patch of springy moss to curl up on beneath the boughs of an ancient pine. Overhead, a few ravens ruffled their feathers as they peered curiously down from their perch with beady black eyes. She understood, perhaps too intimately, the relationship between wolves and ravens. Her father told her stories of an all white bird that had followed--no, led him to the Seahawk Valley; he'd been convinced of the significance of such an event.

However, she was not so convinced.

But the moss was soft, and a welcome respite to weeks on the road. She stretched out, splaying toes in the process, before flopping over onto her side with a huff. Her paws ached and she groaned deep in the back of her throat as they pulsated with each heartbeat.

RE: river mother - Catori - October 07, 2015

Works for me!

She was craving something... Something sweet. There was one thing in particular that she wanted and she kept her nose in the air as she searched for it. Her ears were erect as she listened for the tell-tale sound of a hive. The silvered girl had found many a hive so far but none as dormant as she'd like; bee stings were not her favorite thing after all, though she would risk a few of them for her guilty pleasure. Eventually, she had to find one, right? She hoped so...

Though apparently she needn't hope terribly hard. The bzz bzz of a hive touched her ears, leading her a certain way. She would have continued on, too, had she not seen a blonde streak simply laying there. Perfect! A honey colored wolf to help her find some honey! She paused a few feet away, watching the female who lay there for a moment before she whuffed quietly, trying not to startle her. Tail wagging amicably, she waited to see if the other would acknowledge her, if she was even awake.

RE: river mother - Juniper RIP - October 09, 2015

Before Juniper's thoughts could wander to images of home, and warm autumn nights wrapped in the arms of a swarthy rogue, another makes their presence known with a friendly chuff. Her ears twitched and swiveled towards the argent woman before she actually lifted her skull from the moss to regard the other wolf with a look of mild confusion. She was able to key in on the social cues available to her, and ascertained that this was nothing more than a friendly face in a sea of unfamiliarity. No accidental faux pas on her part, or an ill-intentioned creature looking for trouble.

"H-hey, hello." She stammered awkwardly. Her eyes darted to the strange, vibrant marking beneath the other's own ocean-kissed eyes. How peculiar it was! But it was rude to stare, and so she averted her gaze with a few merry thumps of her tail against the loam to dispel any lingering uncertainty. "Out sightseeing, too?"

RE: river mother - Catori - October 19, 2015

She gave an apologetic smile, hoping she hadn't startled the girl. "Hello, yourself." Tone was warm and friendly, head canting sightly at the question. Sightseeing? She had been recently but right now, she was on something of a mission. "No, not exactly." It was a simple answer at first but the female elaborated post-haste. "I'm actually after some honey and I didn't want the bees to get mad and sting you while you were resting."

Yet, she also needed assistance. Was it worth asking the blonde female? Sure, it was. The worst she could say was no, right? "On the other paw, if you wouldn't mind helping, I'll split the spoils with you." Could she resist such an offer? It was possible. If she did, Catori would not disturb this hive and instead find another that was not near to another that could end up getting stung. She didn't want to put the girl in danger, after all, especially for something so... frivolous.

RE: river mother - Juniper RIP - October 22, 2015

The stranger soon explained what she was doing here and it wasn't the answer Juniper expected. Her brows raised in surprise and she tilted her head to the left. "Oh...! Well, sure. I'm not doing much else otherwise, why not." Honestly, the idea of messing with a beehive wasn't her idea of a good time, but this other female probably had a good reason for going after the sticky substance (even if it was just personal enjoyment). She was briefly reminded of her conversation with Saena; about the maplewood's sap. Did honey have medicinal properties she wasn't aware of?

She rolled to her feet and shook the dirt and leaf litter from her pelt. "I've never tried it before, actually." She twists her ears forward and smiles warmly. "I'm Juniper, by the way." This woman was peculiar, but Juniper wasn't the judgmental sort. In truth, she reminded her of something; like out of a fairy tale.