Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera little light - Printable Version

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little light - Eljay - October 07, 2015

Mommy was back, and all should have been well — but unfortunately, all was not well for the Blackthorn child. Eljay didn't want to be apart from mommy or daddy and if daddy would leave to do one thing or another, leaving him and mommy behind, Eljay would kick and scream, and often sob all the way through daddy's absence. Mommy was still hurt so she stayed near the den most times, but sometimes she'd have to get up for one thing or another, and it caused Eljay terrible stress. To bystanders he might seem like a disturbed little child, but his inner emotion world was very rich and unfortunately, his mommy abruptly being pulled from him had lead to Eljay's emotions overflowing for such a time that they were still recovering.

At the same time, the pack was beginning to treat 3,5 month less like a little child, and he was less often indulged when he would be upset in whatever form. This caused him to tuck more emotions inside, but at the end of the day the cycle just repeated itself, since Eljay had no left-over space for all of these emotions he was forced to hide.

Today Eljay had gone off to collect some flowers for mommy. Daddy was gone from the den to hunt, so Eljay was left alone with mommy. He'd shuffled off while mommy was asleep and upon his return to the den with a mouthful of flowers Eljay's worst nightmare came true: mommy wasn't exactly where he had left her. It was like the walls closed in on Eljay as he stood and watched the spot in the shade where he'd last left mommy. Sun danced on his silver pelt as he stood there, his entire body frozen, thoughts racing through his mind while he considered all the places mommy might be at.