Wolf RPG
Jade Fern Grove well hello - Printable Version

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well hello - Haven - October 08, 2015

Haven walked along through the Grove, sniffing after a rabbits trail. She had been following the creature for a while now, and was eager to make a kill. The grey and golden wolf wasn't the best hunter, but she was fast and agile and could get the job done. Haven stopped in her tracks to look up. She had gotten so caught up in tracking the rabbit, she'd almost gotten lost. And being in a new territory with unfamiliar surroundings, getting lost was pretty easy. She thought about it for a second, contemplating whether to go back to the more familiar area or get lost further and continue her hunt. The answer was pretty simple to Haven, and the she-wolf stuck her nose back to the ground and trudged on ahead.

After not too much longer a time of running, Haven caught up to the rabbit. She felt a burst of energy running through her body as she ran, the excitement of a hunt spurring her on. She chased the big eared creature into a small sunlit clearing, in which it leaped down into a burrow under a tree. Rats! She growled angrily, breathing heavily after running. Haven hated failing, she especially hated failing something as easy as catching a rabbit. She crawled forwards to the rabbit's burrow, scratching around the roots hoping the rabbit would come back out so she could have another go. Unfortunately it didn't, and the she-wolf sat in the clearing lost and angry.

RE: well hello - Scimitar - October 13, 2015

There was no method to his wandering – except, perhaps, to clear his head a bit. One ear would flicker in the direction of the angry exclamation, and with piqued intrigue, the Alpha strode over to where he watched Haven scrabbling at a rabbit’s hole, the amusement in his eyes not quite reaching his mouth.
It could have been said the male was thinning. He hadn’t eaten much since the accident with Swift, and he found himself lethargic. Attempting to pull himself from his mental state, the cinnamon wolf ushered a low bark to signal his presence before loping casually toward the Grove’s newest member. “Haven,” he greeted, watching her sit down in what appeared to be quiet defeat. “How are you?”

RE: well hello - Haven - October 13, 2015

Haven whirled around in a flash, startled by the sound of her visitor's bark. As soon as she saw who it was, she became increasingly embarrassed. She bowed in submission to her Alpha Scimitar, then rose back up and smiled, her face hot with embarrassment. I'm alright thank you. Sorry for being so angry just then. I was tracking a rabbit for a while and I found it and it got away. Now I'm kind of lost.She managed an anxious laugh, shuffling her white paws a bit.

Haven looked up at Scimitar and sighed, So how are you? What brings you out here today? She knew how awkward the question sounded, but she couldn't think of much more to say. Or even a better way to put it. Yikes, your really on a role today Haven. She thought sarcastically, clenching her teeth and still a bit frustrated.

RE: well hello - Scimitar - October 15, 2015

His presence took her by surprise, and halting as she whirled, the male tensed, his eyes studying her as he noticed what seemed to be embarrassment flicker over her. His ears preened forward, listening to her words, and his eyes broke away from her to study where the rabbit had likely disappeared to. He only offered a simple shake of his muzzle, choosing to not comment on such—Scimitar was not much of a talker.

“I’m.. okay, considering,” he offered hesitantly, his tail sweeping through the air as the image of his broken son flickered through his mind. “How about you? Are you settling okay?” He paused then – his gaze shifting back to her. He paused, knowing there was something more he wished to ask of her – but instead chose to get the pleasantries aside for now.

RE: well hello - Haven - October 15, 2015

Haven, glad that her Alpha had chosen not to comment on her failure and awkwardness, smiled graciously at Scimitar. She listened to him speak, analyzing him. He didn't seem too talkative, and he was quite stoic. Haven found it kind of unsettling, but wouldn't dare to speak her thoughts. She was new and it wasn't her place to judge her pack mates. Besides, for all she knew Scimitar could be a real sweetheart inside. The big male seemed a bit reluctant to talk about himself. He changed the subject quickly from him back to her.

Oh I'm settling in just fine! I really appreciate you allowing to join your pack. I haven't met everyone yet, but I met your mate and your son Pasha. They both seem very nice. She offered curtly, with a humble dip of her head. She looked back up, golden eyes glinting is the light. Scimitar seemed to have something else on his mind, or at least more to say, and Haven could tell. Is there something wrong? She asked curiously, ears perked and with a sympathetic look on her face.

RE: well hello - Scimitar - October 18, 2015

She was a perky creature -- a rare thing in the ranks of the Grove, but not unwelcome. Her enthusiasm stirred a small smile to tug at his lips, and at the mention of having met Bazi and Pasha, the man dipped his muzzle down gently in indication that he was listening. No doubt, Kaskara and Kieran would seek her out soon.. and she would stumble upon the other puppies of the pack.

In ear flickered as she questioned if something was wrong, and he blinked at her -- wondering what to say. His son was now completely blind and lost in the world -- of course there was something wrong.

He did not speak this. Instead, the wolf determined to put use to the girl's chattiness. "We need more recruits," he began, shifting his weight then as he gave a nod to the communal den. "We have six puppies, who are growing and can join the pack hunts now.. but we need more adults." Pausing he let his gaze drift over her. "How are you at recruiting?"

RE: well hello - Haven - October 18, 2015

Haven watched Scimitar as he seemed to be thinking about what to say next. He responded with a problem, but she could tell it wasn't what was really bugging his mind. She decided to leave it at that and not question him anymore. Her ears perked at his next words, he had something for her in mind, a way for her to be useful. She smiled and nodded, Well I've never really tried before, but I could probably get the job done! I'll do as best a job as I can sir! She spoke proudly, chest puffed out as she tried to impress her Alpha.

Suddenly a thought popped into her head, she knew that Scimitar was a great warrior. She'd heard about him, and being a bit ambitious, Haven wanted to get all the training she could. She dared to ask, Excuse me Scimitar, would you give me fighting lessons? I want to get better, I'm strong and a good huntress, but my fighting could be better. I know how great you are, could you teach me? She cocked her head to the side, golden eyes glistening, her young age showing through the excitement they held. She wouldn't beg, she wasn't a whiney little pup. But she could ask, and hope he would teach her.

RE: well hello - Scimitar - October 18, 2015

Want to try the site's dice system? You would do the starting roll -- I can help with any questions you might have! Or we can just write it out. <3

She took his non-direct order with enthusiasm, and the male, allowing his stoical mask to briefly wash away, cast her a glowing glance. He realized then just how much they needed a member like her -- Tryphon, Morgana, and the others who had disappeared.. they had never bothered to truly integrate themselves in to the pack the same way he, Bazi, Kas and Kieran did. Haven was a treasure.
"Thank you," he offered, feeling relief sweep over him that she would try to bring them some more loyalists. "I appreciate it."
With that, the silver she-wolf seemed intent on something else, and blinking, he gave a small nod at her request -- unsure of where she heard of his fighting skills. He couldn't remember the last time he had even sparred.. so perhaps it would be a welcome distraction.
"Let's see what you have then," he offered, pulling back and widening his stance. His muzzle crept lower, protecting his throat, and his ears slid back. His eyes remained riveted upon the she-wolf, awaiting for her to make the first move.

RE: well hello - Haven - October 23, 2015

Sinch we did the dice rolls and everything, and we know how the attacks play out kind of, I hope you don't mind if I pp a bit to keep it going. If not, I can edit of course ^^

Ok! Haven barked with a determined smirk. She wanted to win, though of course Scimitar was far bigger and stronger than she, and had the obvious advantage. She sank down, ears back and her lips drawn back in a small snarl. After a brief preparation, Haven charged forwards attempting to swipe Scimitar's paws out from under him. The male however easily side stepped her attack. Come one Haven, step up your game! She thought as Scimitar snaked his jaws forwards to bite at her. She was prepared for the attack, and she jumped back, swift on her feet. As soon as she came to her feet again, the grey and white female swiped again at Scimitar, trying to push him down.

Scimitar ducked out of the way, then slammed into her side. She struggled for breath for a second, the last blow being harsh on her. She paused for a moment to regain her composure, which was probably a mistake. Scimitar was indeed a formidable foe but she was glad he had agreed to spar with her, she could learn a lot from him.

RE: well hello - Scimitar - October 27, 2015

And so easy conversation drifted in to a spar. She was eager to learn, and the cinnamon wolf stole a second to gain his composure on the matter—he could barely recall the last time he had just a friendly spar. It had been on Nova Peak the day before the storm – he and Bazi had fallen in to a fit of laughter part way and called it quits.
Those days seemed so far gone now. He wasn’t even sure he would ever even see her smile again.
Haven proved to be an encouraging opponent. She maintained momentum constantly – swiping at him, pushing against him. It wasn’t until part way through the fight did her jaws begin their work, and the Alpha found himself having to dodge more than just a sweeping paw.
She was young, and she had a few things to learn in fighting – but so did he, at his much older age. Her tenaciousness was the most impressive, and Scimitar tired quicker than her, given his larger size. She delivered a few bruises to him, and her own teeth began to work at his flesh, albeit gently. Pushing forward, the large male would make to pin her down to the ground with his jaws, knowing if he did not end the spar soon, she would have him defeated.

RE: well hello - Haven - October 27, 2015

Haven was getting tired. Scimitar was a very good opponent. Haven knew she wasn't going to win. What she didn't know was how Scimitar was tiring as well. She suddenly felt the huge male throw her down, she felt breathless again, her energy was slowly draining. She tried to push on through the fight. But she slowly became weaker and weaker. Her swipes had less energy and her ramming was less focused. Finally Haven made one awful move, and Scimitar threw his own weight against her own while she was in mid jump. This attack sent her sprawling out across the clearing and she hit the ground with a thud. She rolled over submissively, surrendering to him.

She got up slowly after the spar was over. She shook out her now dirty grey and white pelt, still breathing heavily from taking so many hits. She dipped her head to her alpha, a large grin on her face. That was so fun! You're amazing! Thanks for doing that with me, it was really fun! She praised him, amazed at his fighting skill. She knew she had a lot she could learn from him, but now she knew exactly how much. She then noticed how late it had gotten, she probably shouldn't bother him anymore. Well I ought to go, but thank you Scimitar! She bowed her head quickly to him, and gave him a gracious look, then she slipped away through the trees.

Fade here~