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Silvertip Mountain We made these memories for ourselves - Printable Version

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We made these memories for ourselves - Mason - October 10, 2015

It's been too long since a thread with just these too @June . Based in Glass Caves when they reach it :D Going for Caretaker trade

His Dad was the one who had brought up trades, some time ago when the storm was still raging amongst the landscape. That was all over now, but it seemed that the weather was  turning cold. It was a worry, and Mason felt it abruptly with his wispy coat. He shivered as he woke up, realising he had moved away from his sister in his sleep. He shuffled closed and adorned her pretty cheek with a robust brotherly lick.
"C'mon we're gettin' outta here." he murmured to her as he prodded her awake, glancing at the snoring Dadbag and giving a quiet snort of amusement. Mason got up and ensured June was following before he led her away from the den. It was dawn and the sun only just touched the dew  that lined the path. "It's getting cold now Joo." He explained in the big-brother tone he had perfected - slow but not too-slow, explanatory but not condescending."I'm gonna show you a Shelter near the glass place." He turned to look at her as they walked at her pace, to ensure she understood. "If it ever gets too cold or stormy, you gotta hide there. Then  I will come'n rescue you. " he smiled at her petite frame, brotherly love flooding through him. He could never let any bad happen to her . He had been thinking up this for some time, just in case.
They were a trek from the glass caves still - little did Mason know they would soon be closer. But for now he was intent on making a few hidey holes for Joo all nearby in case she felt scared like she had in the storm. Then, if he wasn't with her, he could sprint to each one and check. He would just have to ensure she stayed in one particular location so they didn't miss each other. He would broach that with her when he showed her - he knew how to approach her thought process, and it was best to have her goal in sight when they discussed it.

RE: We made these memories for ourselves - June - October 10, 2015

June wanted to be an outrider, but the entire compass of her nature seemed set against it. She had the courage to leave the pack lands, she'd been on a few expeditions, but never too far from home and not once had she considered staying away from home. Then, she had the problem of her conversational skills. Although she had words, could use words, she didn't like to use them. She had finally reached a place where she was comfortable around Mason and FitzDutiful to use them free enough, Zaria and Alastor were fast approaching that list, but an outrider needed to pass messages. How do you pass a message without the conversation to say the words?

That, however, was a problem that June was aroused from when Mason awoke her and said they were going. She wondered where, but placed her absolutely trust in him. He was everything that she needed. Everything. Except for maybe Alastor. In her dream state she wondered if she could start a pack, with Alastor by her side and Mason as her protector. 

Then she woke up more and followed Mason towards the Glass Cave. It seemed like a long walk and her still tried brain tried to say it was as far as the Plateau had been. So very far for little feet to walk. Still, she plodded along without complaints.

"Ayson no stop the storm or cold?" she asked, still believing that he could perform miracles.

RE: We made these memories for ourselves - Mason - October 10, 2015

June followed him with no trepidation as he know she would. He was worried another might instil this sense of ease in her though - it was okay her following him but what would happen if it were another male? Little did June know (or perhaps on some level she did) that Mason would follow her to the ends of the earth. If she ever left Silvertip Mountain, he would be torn in two. Bu June would have the winning half. For all that he loved his father, and adored his packland, June was his everything. She needed him and, more, he needed her. Where there father had always been there, June was his constant, his control. Soon he would know this as definite - she was the one who would not betray him ,
For now they plodded amiably to the glass caves. June's words sang into the air and Mason smiled at her gently. "I can stop cold when I am there." He didn't want her worrying so he added: "and if I'm there the storm will stop too. But it might take a little bit."

Storms away stopped after all didn't they? So he was only telling a little porky. If he could stop storms for his little sister, he would. She seemed tired. "Wanna chase me?" he asked with a wagging tail. Anything for her. Hopefully she would feel more awake soon.

RE: We made these memories for ourselves - June - October 13, 2015

With confidence, Mason assured her that he would stop the cold and that the storm would take a moment but would also stop. She nodded, hearing the words and letting it be. As she picked her way across the floor she yawned immensely, slightly wondering if they really had to go walking at whatever time it was right now.

Mason seemed to pick up on June's tiredness for he soon proposed a challenge - a run to ward off the tiredness. A chase, was appealing and she perked up; her tail wagged alongside her new happy mood. "Lead way an' I' follow!" she exclaimed in excitement letting Mason lead her along the trail to the Glass Cave while she yipped gleefully and followed him.

RE: We made these memories for ourselves - Mason - October 19, 2015

Mason grinned as June followed him, shedding her tiredness like a cloak. He did indeed lead the way, bounding over small twigs and rocks like they were giant felled trees and boulders, sure that June would be enjoying the game too. 

As they neared the Glass Caves, Mason slowed – although June had done well at keeping up he knew she would be tiring soon. He cast his gaze around, searching for the landmarks he had memorised. He soon saw the twisted tree which had a beak like a raven. He angled left, cutting around the edge of the entrance to the glass caves, avoiding it. Instead they were going around the outskirts, and he could see the rocky ledges leading high up over the structure. 

It wasn’t long before he spotted another landmark. This one he motioned to June. “Kay, so you see we have come around from the entrance to the cave? Now when you are alone and scared you have to remember real good, and look out for this here." He led her towards a tree which sprouted from between three large rocks. It was stunted and wiggly, and looked a bit like a snake as it wound its spindly way into the sky. “What do you think it looks like? So’s you can remember next time, you should try and remember a thing it reminds you of.”

RE: We made these memories for ourselves - June - November 07, 2015

Hey, we okay to focus this to finish it off? If you need it at 10 posts for a trade that is :D

June nodded when Mason mentioned they had come around from the entrance to the cave and that when she was scared here she was always supposed to come. Mason was always supposed to look after her and he did a wonderful job of it. June tried to look after Mason too in her own way though she wasn't sure if he ever knew it. Not that it matter, she loved him wholeheartedly and she didn't doubt he knew that. With a smile and a wag of her tail she followed him to the tree that sprouted. 

"June come to snick tree."

With a smile she looked up at her brother who was growing ever taller day by day, June was starting to stagnate in this awkward youth phase though she wasn't struggling to control her body any more. She knew most wolves looked like this when they were her age; Connie and Mason both had the awkward youth look about them too. Luckily, she wasn't really fussed by her looks; she had more important things to think about, such as remembering the snake tree.

"Snick tree to cave. Safe."

RE: We made these memories for ourselves - Mason - December 02, 2015

Sorry. *focused* one more reply from you if you want.

Mason nodded at her description and smiled. Snick tree. That would be its name from now on. He pressed ahead to the cave. The entrance was covered with vines, climbing branches reaching up the rocky surface above. Mason checked to make sure June wasn’t scared, and then moved into the cave. It was not damp, but it was gloomy. Darkness was dashed by sunlight that filtered through small airholes further up the wall. Unseen from the outside, they meant the inside at least had a tad of light, unless it was the dead of night with no moon.

“Why don’t we rest here for a bit” it was still really early after all and they had woken before the sun. He plumped himself down on some moss and indicated for her to join him before tucking his nose in his tail.

RE: We made these memories for ourselves - June - December 02, 2015

It didn't take much for June to bend to her brother's will. As soon as he mentioned having a rest, she was all for it - following him without a care. And when Mason finally plopped down, she hunkered down next to him, burrowing against his plush side. June wanted to say something else, but.. As soon as she was situated there, his warmth and presence made her mind slip away. She drifted off to sleep pretty quickly after that.