Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain A Glorious Dawn - Printable Version

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A Glorious Dawn - Vanora - October 14, 2015

@Zaria - ok, here we go!

The phantasmal female slipped from her temporary den, her eyes adjusting to the steadily growing light of dawn. A few birds sang above, though she knew those same birds would probably be gone in a few weeks, chased away by the cold of the coming winter. Her jaws parted in a massive yawn, her ears pressing back against her skull. Shaking herself to chase away the sleep that had been trying to reclaim her, Vanora mentally prepared herself for her plans for the day. While she had done some exploring, not much had been accomplished. She needed to familiarize herself with her new territory more. She had to find all the places where something could go wrong. With a small huff of determination, she set off to the far side of the territory.

She had only been traveling for a few minutes when she felt the need to stop. Normally, she would have ignored this feeling and continued on her way, but she couldn't bring herself to do that this time. Vanora's dark eyes moved slowly over the area around her. The white wolf turned herself in a full circle to be sure she didn't miss anything, just in case there was something trying to sneak up behind her. When she ensured herself there was nothing around, she went on her way again. Though soon, she had to stop. She smelled something, another wolf. If wasn't that Chaska she had met before, and it wasn't Fitz. The wolf was still a bit of a ways off, but she was heading right for them. They probably smelled her already, too.

With a small sigh, she stopped. Chances were it would be pointless to continue. She'd run into another wolf at some point or another, so why not just let it happen. She stood and waited, wondering if she had even been correct to assume this new wolf would come to her, or if she would just be ignored and look like a fool standing in one spot.

RE: A Glorious Dawn - Zaria - October 14, 2015

Zaria was on an early morning patrol through the territory. Often she would check the borders but now she was looking inside for anything suspicious. It seemed like a great day this morning, which meant it wasn't raining for once! Zaria wasn't a big fan of the rains. Her coat was trying to adjust but she was used to warm temperatures not these cold chilly autumn ones. Her tail was up high since she was the Beta and soon she would be the Alpha female. Fitz and her were going to make their mating official.

Zaria was more than pleased that she would never have to share Fitz with another female, though that didn't mean that she would approve of other females. She didn't see the timid Cho as a threat but the female she was smelling now could be. Maybe it was just all the rains or her protectiveness about her soon-to-be-mate that made her a bit more skeptical to other females. Zaria instantly sniffed out the new female and trotted up to her. It was clear the lean female was an upper ranked wolf. She let out a chuff at her arrival but it was clear the other female had already noticed her too.

Zaria's green eyed fell on the pale and dark girl. "Who is you?," she asked, voice having her dorthran accent while she talked. Her chin was raised. Zaria could be rather vain but she was protective of the pack and the members in it, if she liked that said member.

RE: A Glorious Dawn - Vanora - October 19, 2015

She had not been expecting the wolf she had sniffed out to be one of high rank. That was something she would only come to figure out based on the female's body language. A high head and tail simply screamed "I am higher than you" to her. She adjusted her posture, though only barely. Vanora remained proud, only lowering her head and tail enough to show she was not a threat. Her ear twitched slightly at the wolf's accent, especially since it was not one she was familiar with.

"Greetings. I'm Vanora, a relatively new member." She gave a small nod of greeting with her introduction. "I haven't familiarized myself with the pack yet. Might I ask who you are? I mean no disrespect." This was one of the few times she would speak so much in a first greeting. Though Vanora knew nothing about this female, it was very clear that she was in a stand-off-ish mood, and short bursts of speech probably would not have gone over well. She knew when words were her friends and when they were her enemies. This was one of those times when she had to break herself and be more... conversational.

RE: A Glorious Dawn - Zaria - October 20, 2015

Zaria's green eyes glanced over the the female before her who used all fancy words she wasn't sure she understood. Though the female did ask about who she was. It was a fair question. "I'm Zaria," she returned, her tongue rolling over her name. She liked the sound of her name better than her previous one. "I am Fitzdutiful's mate and soon to be alpha," she pointed out. The female liked to get that clear so any other female would keep their greedy paws of her hubby. Zaria was pretty possessive toward Fitz. She disliked sharing him. Only when needed like when he needed to educate his kids.

She would step up from her Beta rank to the alpha rank, leading together with Fitz, she was more than happy by his side. She could be herself and still have him love her. It felt pretty good at the attention. Plus they had a lot of fun she made sure of that. Maybe that was the reason she smelled so heavily of him, she just spend a lot of time together. "You thinking of getting trades?"