Wolf RPG
Moonspear heaven's door - Printable Version

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heaven's door - Amekaze - October 14, 2015

probably backdated a day or so if you're about particulars like that bc i'm setting it while this thread is happening. attn any TS wolves that want to be here already or anyone at all tbh :P

She'd immersed herself in explorations of Moonspear and its vicinity. With that, came climbing the elevations and scouring away the hours on this mountain plus the nearby valleys. Oddly, it made parting ways with the Sunspire more easy than she had anticipated. It did not occur to her all that often, even if she caught herself making fond comparisons now and then... but such was the nature of any mountain, and this one was bound to be the third she would make into her home.

Charon had gone to the Bay to gather and she loitered near the forests of the spear, working diligently to lay her scent along the pathways. She knew that soon she would have to trek back to the Sunspire and tidy up the very last of her loose ends there, but for now, the crisp afternoons were well spent here. However, she did find herself wondering how soon before the seaside wolves would arrive. She'd taken well to their company so far, and it remained to be seen if they would all do the same back to her.

Today her focus was halfway on hunting (and the tracking involved), but without the motivation of hunger or comrades at hand to join her should she find anything sizable, it was perhaps not worth committing to fully. There were deer scents that had captured her curiosity, despite never actually seeing the creatures yet.. so she was eager to change that. She traveled with her nose low to the leaf-littered earth.

RE: heaven's door - Jura - October 14, 2015

assuming a few vague things. ~*~timelines~*~

After meeting with the pale scarred yearling, Jura had taken to lurking in the woodlands of the spear with the intent to offer his help to the wolves traveling from Sunspire and Stavanger Bay. It was in this fledgling pack's best interest to strike their claim and get settled in as quick as possible, at least that's what his education told him. Odo's Reach was a pack long before his birth, and it would continue on for ages to come (even under Ithie's reign). Simply put: he didn't have much to compare it to beside's reason and blind faith.

Still, it was with conviction that he struck out from the forest in search of any fresh arrivals. He'd managed to snatch a small vole from the leaflitter earlier this morning, so his stomach didn't rumble with protest. The scent of deer, however, was of great interest to him; it was good to know that, even with the occasional glimpse of wolves, they had not taken for the hills where hunting them would be much more dangerous.

He emerged from a shadowed copse of trees and immediately spotted a dark shape against the natural colors of their surroundings. Jura blinked, and his lips parted to reveal a pleased smile. He shook his head to settle his hackles which had risen from a brief flash of concern, and called out with an abrupt wuff! 

RE: heaven's door - Amekaze - October 14, 2015

ahah ah yes, timelines *lots of shrugging!?!*
In this period of flux, she had her expectations open. It was easy to focus on the Bay wolves meshing with her own of the Spire, but now that it was all beginning to approach finality, she realized they had attracted a good share of new attention too -- both her and Charon alike in all their travels between here, there, and anywhere between had collected a few. It was more growth than the Sunspire itself had seen in at least a moon now.

Which.. this all was good. It added an element of newness to them, something that neither had before. Not only would they be too packs brought together in one place. Not exactly, anyway, for their new vision had even more to it now to make it far more unique than she had imagined when this began to take shape.

One of these very new faces then seemed to appear out of almost nowhere. That, or, she had been preoccupied with a strengthening trail. She lifted her nose from the ground and focused, ears aimed his way and stance a little stiff considering the suddenness of it. When she smelled just a touch of Charon on the wolf's otherwise loner's scent, she did ease out of it somewhat and managed a subtle sway of her tail. "Tracking the deer as well?" she asked in roundabout way of greeting, eyeing the wolf carefully before she delved deeper into finding out more.

RE: heaven's door - Jura - October 18, 2015

Out of thin air would have been accurate if Jura was a wizard. But he wasn't. He was just quiet. Probably better suited to being a big, predatory cat than a wolf. In any case, when the dark stranger turned her attention on him he ducked his head, offered her a loose-lipped grin and flattened ears. Anyone, even the lowest wolves under Charon, were greater than him in the hierarchy and so he knew to submit accordingly. But this one rang familiar in an offhanded way; she'd been mentioned before and he'd done well to remember it.

In answer to her question,  he nodded. It was clear she was a bit suspicious of him and suspect of his presence here; any wolf would be. He looked away from her eyes as they swept over him, and bent his elbows just a touch to lower his height and come off as completely subservient. "I'm Jura." He replies, voice rough with disuse but warm like a sun-kissed cider.

RE: heaven's door - Amekaze - November 09, 2015

"I am Ame," she replied, keeping his name for later and easing herself more and more into his company with every second. She watched him to see if just the name would spark any sort of response in him, especially since she did not know how much Charon had communicated with him about such matters. His name did not immediately mark as familiar to her, so she at least knew he was not formerly of the Bay itself. But there was much more to this than just the wolves of each pack. In fact she remained impressed by the number of others they had managed to attract as well.

"Have you been here long?" she asked. She then swung her muzzle in a quick gesture, one that suggested her intentions to keep after the trail if she could be so lucky. A moment later, she followed through, and hoped that he would join her. She could divide her attention well enough between tracking and this conversation, so long as he was keen to keep it going.