Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain The wolf on top of the mountain did not fall there - Printable Version

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The wolf on top of the mountain did not fall there - Steady - October 16, 2015


It was late afternoon when Steady reached the south side of the mountain, finding a ledge on which to sun himself. It was getting late and he wouldn't be able to enjoy it for long. His thigh ached from its recent injury, and chasing after that fox hadn't helped it, either. Steady had been patrolling when he seen the fox trying to ravage a cache. As fast as the black male was, he was no match for the fox. But, at least for now, it was gone and their food was safe again.

Even now, as he took a rest, his eyes still scanned the mountain below him, looking for anything, or anyone out of place. It surprised him a little how comfortable he got here so quickly. He had only ever known one home, his father's pack, but now he had a new one, led by his brother. He wondered what other changes might be in store for him, but since there was no way to know, he pushed those thoughts aside, and settled on thoughts of the present. At the moment, all seemed quiet and peaceful. Still, he kept his eyes wide open.

RE: The wolf on top of the mountain did not fall there - June - October 20, 2015

Zaria was now mummy-but-not-mummy but June didn't give that another thought. She didn't really care about that, it changed nothing for her and so she gave it no mind. Mason did mind and it upset her to know that he was upset but she didn't know what to do about it. She had decided she would cheer him up by giving him a present and now was looking for things to catch.

Coming across a black wolf she decided to swallow her pride and ask for help; father made it clear that everyone was family and anyone would help anything; she had no fear of strangers. "You help June catch pressant Mason?" she asked him, her tail slightly wagging. She didn't know what she wanted to catch, she just knew that she wanted something to make her brother happy again.

RE: The wolf on top of the mountain did not fall there - Steady - October 20, 2015

It wasn't long before the sounds of nature were interrupted with paw steps. His ears swiveled and his head followed, his gaze settling upon the form of a youngster. He hadn't met her before, and was surprised by her simply coming right up to him, even more surprised when the first words out of her maw were asking him for a favor. "June?" he questioned, taking him a moment to catch up. When he did, his confused expression turned to delight. "June!"

He went into a sitting position, his tail brushing the ground behind him. "I'm Steady! Fitz brother! I'm your uncle!" he said excitedly. He knew he'd get a chance to meet his niece and nephew soon, but he didn't think he'd be so lucky as to just run into one of them. "And of course I'll help!" he added. "Did you have anything in mind?" He wasn't sure what the present was for, or what kind of gift she had in mind.

RE: The wolf on top of the mountain did not fall there - June - November 07, 2015

So so sorry! Going to wrap this thread off; got a new player for June so I want to wrap everything currently outstanding up before handing her over.

June, ever distracted, soon forgot why she was there. She wanted to fetch Mason a present but now she didn't know why and all of a sudden she was so tired. The wolf in front of her seemed to introduce himself as her father's brother, her uncle but such matters didn't concern June. She looked at him; the information he had given her processing, before she nodded and then turned around walking off in the opposite direction. She had heard his last question but forgot that it needed an answer by the time she had put the relation in its place in her family tree.

Heading off, she wandered to the hollow of a tree and curled up to go to sleep. There was something about growing up that meant she was sleeping as much now as when she was younger; not that she recalled being younger. With a smile to herself, she went and fetched Mason a present in her dreams instead.

RE: The wolf on top of the mountain did not fall there - Steady - November 08, 2015

No problem at all! I'll have this archived

Steady had expected getting to spend some time with June, and he was excited about it. Unfortunately, it seemed her puppy attention span was short, and instead of answering his question, she turned to leave without a word. Steady sat back on his haunches, a perplexed expression upon his features. He simply watched as she wandered off, though to where he didn't know.

He was sure he hadn't done anything wrong. Did she have a memory condition? Well, she seemed to be safe enough, so he may as well return to his duties. Standing, he trotted towards the borders.