Wolf RPG
Felltree Marsh reach for the dead - Printable Version

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reach for the dead - Lakhesis - October 17, 2015

The outline of ribs peaked out beneath thin dark fur, long legs seemingly longer thanks to malnourishment. The witch was starving, slowly but surely. Having her every need tended to from such a young age stunted her hunting skills, and the pressures of the lone way of life were not friendly. What's more, she relied on her sisters quite heavily, and now they were both gone. One more-so than the other.

The young coywolf picked her way through a sodden marsh, taking in the broken land. What were once perhaps tall, mighty trees were nothing more than rotting logs and hollows for birds to hole up in. A single, plump waterfowl roosted in one such nest, and Lakhesis eyed it carefully with a half-crazed stare. She licked her lips before rising, muddy waters clinging to her ragged coat, and began a slow stalk towards it, eyes never straying from their unwary target.

RE: reach for the dead - Dash - October 19, 2015

As he was aught to do, Dash got bored on the mountain. Charon and Ame's packs had yet to converge, and it left him in a sort of limbo. He didn't really care, but it left him feeling an itch to roam. He didn't want to go to Charon's territory, since he wasn't a part of that pack, was he? He wasn't a part of Ame's, either. He was a member to a pack that didn't yet exist. And until it did, he considered himself just a loner.

And, as such, he was prone to wandering. Which is how he ended up on this cold, wet marsh. His tail was raised high, as if he was worried it would get water on it, and his paw steps were calculated as he made his way through the area. All of a sudden, he sneezed, and a fowl went flying off. Had he even known it was there, he might have tried to hunt it. As it were, he just wanted to get out of here while he could still feel his paws.

RE: reach for the dead - Lakhesis - October 19, 2015

She moved delicately though deliberately, her stilt-like legs allowing her to traverse the muddy waters easier than a full-blooded wolf might. She was quite fond of swamps; they hid smells so well and she found their general aura pleasant. The bird remained unaware, continuing to preen it's feathers and release soft coos as it did so. The witch licked her lips once more before moving forward quickly, crouching again before striking. She would only get one chance at this.

Suddenly, a soft sound disturbed the eerie quiet of the marsh. The waterfowl started and, with a squawk, took to the air. The fluttering of feathers and frightened cries were joined by a hysterical banshee's shriek that came from the starving coywolf.

Fury and disbelief burned within her eyes, and the girl rounded on whoever had made the sound, locking onto the stranger a few paces away. He was similar to herself, thin and dark, though all she saw right now was a bumbling idiot who just scared away her only chance of a proper meal. With an enraged snarl, Lakhesis tore across the muddy earth until she was within striking range, intent on grappling the male to the ground and tearing at his throat with her jaws.

RE: reach for the dead - Dash - October 19, 2015

That moment when you've typed up a bunch and then you hit the wrong button and erase a bunch and ctrl-z just erases the rest >_<'

A loud shriek caused his head to jerk up, and his eyes settling on a odd looking wolf that had just set her sights on him. She began her chase as he turned to face her, no longer worried about the muddy waters. She was smaller than him, but looked fast. He could not underestimate her.

His head dropped, instinctively protecting his neck, his teeth barred and a growl was released from his throat. It was all the warning she would get to back off. He had his fair share of fights, and he fought to live, he did not fight fair. His body tensed, bracing for the hit. It made him stumble back a few feet, but he held steady standing. His open jaws searched for any part of her body to clamp down on, her head being the closest thing to him. He hoped to land a grip on something, as his body moved away from her attack.

RE: reach for the dead - Lakhesis - October 19, 2015

Edit 'redo typing' maybe? D: Even though it's too late now, haha, but man that sucks!

His growl of warning went unnoticed by the enraged girl, who careened forward and collided into his side. As expected, her slim form did not budge the larger wolf, though she grappled feverishly at his neck with biting jaws. He evaded her teeth, however, and struck a blow of his own against her forehead. Sharp canines raked across her skull, and Lakhesis shrieked again before withdrawing, using the momentum to hurl herself away from the man.

The wound wouldn't scar, but it stung and blood began to seep to the surface. She hissed in both pain and anger towards the stranger. "That was mine," she snarled. She wasn't aware that his sneeze had been innocent, unaware of the prey nearby. His ribs showed also, scars lined his body. She determined he was a loner, too, and thus, competition. "It was mine!" The witch's voice broke with the realisation that her next meal would have to be delayed. Again.

RE: reach for the dead - Dash - October 19, 2015

I don't know how to do that :-/

His growls went unnoticed by her, but his teeth seemed to have knocked some sense into her. He honestly had no idea what the heck her problem was, or why she was attacking him out of no where. These were not claimed lands, and he had nothing she could want. Especially nothing to risk her life for. She hissed at him, yelling that it was hers. What is she talking about? he asked himself. He dare not ask the question out loud to a crazy female. His body remained poised in defense if she decided to attack again.

Again, she told him it was hers. This time, he could not hold back. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" he said, equally as crazy as he thought she was behaving. The sneeze, and the water fowl were the furthest things from his mind right now.

RE: reach for the dead - Lakhesis - October 22, 2015

In the top bar, hit edit, and there should be a 'redo' or 'redo typing' option in the dropdown? Idk, it works in safari, not sure about other browsers :c

They squared off, the larger male obviously having the upper hand in this encounter. Lakhesis didn't let it deter her too much, however. She briefly toyed with the idea of striking again, landing a killing blow and eating him instead. The thought was quickly shaken off, as she knew it was foolish to attack one bigger than you. Especially since he had already gotten a piece of her.

The girl rubbed her wound, snarling as the sensitive, broken skin there flared with pain. The stranger voiced his confusion, earning only another hiss from the witch. "You stole it!" she cried, unaware that he had no idea he had scared away her meal. "You wish to be cursed?" The words came out hysterical, and Lakhesis wished her sister were here, she who did not falter when it came to hexes.

RE: reach for the dead - Dash - October 22, 2015

Nope, I don't see that :-( Ah, well, I just need to not let my fingers get away from me ^_^

Dash may have been the larger of the two, even had the upper paw, but he did not want to fight her. Yes, he had his fair share of scraps, most of which had left him with the scars to remind him every day. But, he was not one to go looking for a fight, or even jump into one needlessly. Yes, if she came after him again, he would retaliate, but his actions were purely defensive, not offensive.

Still, she was yelling at him like a mad wolf when he hadn't done a thing to her. He had simply been trying to wade through this god forsaken swamp in an effort to get to the other side, and she had come along like a bat out of hell. And she had the audacity to ask him if he wished to be cursed. While Dash was not a violent wolf, he did have a limit to the amount of bull he was willing to take from someone. His hackles raised, tail and ears held high, and a warning growl coming from his throat, he stalked up to her,  doing his best to tower over her. "I stole nothing from you! I was just walking and you attacked me!" He didn't yell, but his voice held the anger threatening to be released.