Wolf RPG
Mudminnow River Sun, Moon, and Stars - Printable Version

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Sun, Moon, and Stars - Celeste - October 18, 2015

Set before thread with Sebastian for timeline reasons since she might be travelling with him a bit. Apologize if this sucks. @Luke 

It was beginning to get dark and Celeste was happy. She bounded back towards the river she found the first day she was in the wilds. She didn't realize just how close she was to another packs territory running just far enough fro the trees not to be intruding. She stopped once she reached the water and walked into the water. 

The cold rush of the river water running through her fur was a major wake up call. It did't bother her though. It was nice. After rinsing the mud from her fur she climbed out of the river and shook herself off. She looked around for a minute spotting a rock just large enough for a wolf to lay on. She trotted over hopping up on top of it and sitting down. 

She stared at the sky there were some but not many clouds in the skies. Not much stopping her fro watching the stars tonight which was perfect. She had spent many a night just sat staring up at the sky for what seemed like no reason to most wolves. She howled a pretty song before laying down and listening to the sound of the water rippling behind her. This, was the life.  She smiled not a care in the world right now.