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Moonspear I would follow you anywhere - Printable Version

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I would follow you anywhere - Izo - October 20, 2015

Bare with me. I dont know alot about the location. and i working on her personality haha.

Izo focused one step at a time on making it up the mountain in one piece. She hoped where ever Lex and crew were settling it wasn't far. She had been a tad thrown off once she got a to a forest that had scent markers that stated there was a pack there. Yet no pack was to be found. Thankfully she had found another trail of her brothers scent and followed it well. To this mountain. He must be around here somewhere. She thought reaching a somewhat flat ledge and pausing to catch her breath. 

She took a brief look around. Well she had to admit, the view up here was phenominal. She could understand why wolves would make the trek up here. She clambered up a few more rocks until yet another ledge was found. She glanced up and saw a large open area and a cave entrance. Perhaps this was where the wolves were. She jumped up the last few rocks and landed pretty much right on the scent markers. She took a few steps backwards watching she didn't fall off the edge and then lifted her head to call for her brother. She was sure he was here somewhere, he had to be.

She sat and awaited the soon to be reunion between her and her beloved brother Lex. She hoped he would be as happy to see her as she was to see him. 

Sorry if this is no good :3 I can change it if need be. Honest @Lex @Charon @Amekaze 

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Charon - October 21, 2015

Welcome! :) I am going to assume this is set before the claiming howl, so that the claim isn't 'official' yet here and you can post in the howl thread to be an official finding member of Moonspear.

The lands were freshly claimed and Charon felt possessive over them already, but he understood that not everyone knew of his and Ame's claim yet. When an unknown scent drifted to his nose, Charon's hackles rised: he had worked hard in the past days to lay down a claim and mark his borders, so how could it not be clear yet? Charon picked up the scent while he trotted through the forest, guarding his borders, and he followed it up the slopes of Moonspear, through the forest. Ears pricked upwards when he heard the howl, and he realised then there was no poor intent in play. Hackles fell back into his neck, his anger subsiding, and the Alpha continued his approach.

"Next time you're looking for someone in our pack, wait out of the forest, before the slopes. Before where I peed," Charon said once he reached her, irritation in his snippy voice. He didn't realise she intended to join yet, thinking her someone who lived elsewhere or who was a loner and simply was here for a visit before she would leave again.

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Izo - October 21, 2015

Izo waited patiently but it wasn't long before the silhouette of a wolf became visible through the trees. The wolf came closer and Izo perked up a bit. Could this be her brother. She watched the silhouette as it turned from just a shadow into a wolf. This wolf was not her brother though and Izo tried not to let the slight disappointment show. 

This wolf was white with speckled patches of brown that could be seen in his fur. He had a very authoritative stance and Izo presumed this was because he was alpha male. The male seemed friendly enough but Izo lowered her body slightly and kept her ears held back because she knew full well she had no right to be arrogant as she had stepped over their borders. 

"Sorry," she said honestly. "I came here looking for my brother Lex," she stated lifting her body back to its original position. Something of a more normal wolf look.  She took a moment to take in her surroundings, this place was cool. Quite literally a forest in a cave, in the side of a mountain. Not your every day territory. 

 "I was also wondering, if you had room for another wolf in your rankings," she watched the wolf trying to read whether or not this wolf would attack her or not. She didn't think so but chances were not something to take lightly. "I make for a reasonable hunter, and a warden. I'm also working on becoming a warrior although my skills need some work.. I can assure you i would be a great asset to the pack," she finished dipping her head slightly again.

Eh, I'm working on the whole personality thing. The serious and bold side of things is not something ive done before so bare with me @Lex if I happen to be doing poorly. Ha... Anyways here i am :p Yea this would be set before the claiming howl and I may post there i haven't decided just yet. Stoked to see how all this will play out. also this post might be a bit weird since im trying to work on inspiration haha. My posts should get better as I get used to the character. 

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Charon - October 22, 2015

"Lex?" Charon wondered aloud, before realising he'd met Lex briefly before. "Oh, yeah, right, Lex." He nodded, digging his memory for the day they'd met; it had been a brief meeting, but nothing negative stood out. He'd been marking borders when they met, and Lex had been respectful enough. His sister seemed to possess the same respect, since she submitted to him. Charon didn't think too highly of her in regards to the whole wandering-into-someone's-territory thing, but his opinion swayed when he found out she intended to join. A potential recruit was better than a nosy visitor.

Charon didn't look like he'd attack, though he kept his head and tail carried tall and proud, displaying dominance to make sure she understood he was the boss here. She went on to explain that she was a good hunter and warden, and wanted to train as warrior, but Charon was displeased that she hadn't given her name.

"What's your name?" he asked, sounding a little grumpy. "I'm Charon, the Alpha male around here." Her fate balanced in his paws, and Charon was still deciding. "Are you healthy?" Charon gave her a once-over, as though trying to ascertain whether or not she was healthy himself. She didn't look bad, for a loner, and so far he hadn't seen her limp or anything, but he wanted to know for sure before accepting her. Maybe Lex'd show up to put in a good word for her too, since she'd called for him.

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Lex - October 25, 2015

He doesn't notice it at first.  It was just a howl, nothing to be overly concerned with.  It wasn’t Charon’s and it wasn’t Amekaze, it was just—

Lex’s head snaps to attention from his dig, mud covering the front of his legs and the majority of his feet.  How he looks is the last thing on his mind as he realizes the sound is one he knows.  One he didn’t think he’d ever hear again.  It pulls him back to the rest of his family, his mother, and he’s not entirely sure where he’s standing.  His feet move, kicking him into something of a run.  He’s careless as he weaves through trees.  The decline is not instant and only once in a few yards does he need to noticeably go down or scale something in the way.  

Charon beats him there, speaking to his sister and introducing himself, but the intention from Izo had gone unheard.  He swallows back a lump in his throat as he steps up to the duo but remaining behind his Alpha, staring at his sister as she stands there.

“Izo.  Her name is Izo.”

Lex does not answer the second question.  Instead, he holds his breath, feet itching to move closer.  He waits, he feels his lungs burn as she waits for his sister to give them the answer.

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Izo - November 02, 2015

Izo watched as the wolf seemed to be trying to identify Lex. Perhaps they had not become fully acquainted yet meaning Lex hadn't been here long. It came as a relief to the sleek black female as she had thought she must have been weeks behind him. 

Izo watched the Alpha wolf intently. He asked her name and if she was healthy but before she had a chance to answer the first question a familiar voice answered for her. Her eyes immediately locked on to her brothers face. It felt like forever since shed last seen him. She smiled as she felt excitement rush through her and without thinking she ran up to him immediately shoving her face up against his. "Lex!" she half shouted.

 Her mind raced with questions thoughts regarding her brother and his long travels here. Was he alright? Was he healthy? She quickly snapped herself out of it. There was a time and a place and right now she was better off answering his Alpha's question. "Yes, as my brother said. I'm Izo, and yes I'm healthy," she stated grinning from ear to ear.

The black female was glad to have finally been reunited with her brother. Sure it hadn't been like years since he had left their pack but it was long enough in her mind. 

sorry its taken me so long.....crazy busy lately......

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Charon - November 03, 2015

no problem :)

Before the female could answer, another wolf approached. Charon turned his head to see Lex approach and answer the first question for his sister. Well, that was good, at least that meant that the brother-sister-story checked out. Izo. Charon liked the name, because it was short and therefore more easily rememberable.

There were lots of questions he could ask about her strengths and flaws, but Charon fel bored just thinking about them, so he decided to go another route. Turning to Lex, he said: "Lex, since she's your sister, why don't you tell me if you think your sister would be a good addition to our pack, and why." Charon looked back at Izo and then at Lex again, waiting for the answer to his question and hoping that it'd be truthful.

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Lex - November 03, 2015

I didn't want this thread to be delayed because of me so I popped in real quick.  I'm a little doped up on pain meds. :)

Lex was guarded at first, as if the woman in front of him weren’t his real sister, but before anything else was exchanged, Izo ran up to him and buries her face into his chest.  He closes his eyes and takes a long draw of breath, smelling for illness or injury, but he soon glances over to Charon with something resembling an apology.  He nudges his nose against his sister’s snout and takes a step back.  Izo was here to join and he didn’t want a negative expectation from his leader.  

“She would be good for Moonspear,” he says but he looks between the two and continues a beat later, “a good hunter.  Quick on her feet.  She’s got a good head on her shoulders.”

He offers a smile to his sister.  He wouldn’t have her as his second of their small pack if he didn’t think she was good for it.  He kept that to himself.

“She does what needs to be done for the sake of the pack.  Always has.”

He might not have done as well as he had leading his family without her; he was thankful for everything she’d done and he’d begun to feel guilty for leaving them behind.  They needed the safety of the other pack, something he couldn’t offer, but maybe he’d been wrong.  He had his own questions about Izo, about his other sisters and where they were.  Another time, though.

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Izo - November 07, 2015

Izo quickly regained her composure. She would talk further with her brother at a later date. Currently she had slightly more important things to worry about. She had been trespassing and she was requesting to join the pack. She glanced at the speckled male as he asked her brother why he thought she would be a good recruit. 

She smiled as her brother explained that she was a great hunter and quick on her feet. She felt proud yet slightly dissappointed because Lex was no longer the alpha wolf of a pack and she was no longer a beta. She had been willing to give up her high ranking however so long as it meant she was reunited with her brother. So here she was. Standing before a new Alpha and alongside her brother once again.

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Charon - November 08, 2015

Lex was quick to explain why Izo would make a good addition to the pack, and he hit all the right spots. Wolves with 'good heads on their shoulders' was exactly what Charon would describe the wolves he wanted for his and Ame's pack. He didn't know Lex that well yet, but he was one of the fewer Sunspire wolves (well, sort of; even though he'd never been truly part of the Sunspire, he'd followed Ame here) that Charon had seen around much and that was contributing to the pack. Furthermore, he was respectful and he had a good head on his shoulders, so Charon valued his opinion.

With a nod Charon decided: "Alright, you're in." Charon wasn't one for long drawn-out testing or asking a thousand questions. He just wanted to know whether a wolf'd be good, and Lex' answer was as good as he was gonna get. Whether or not Izo would live up to the expectations Lex created was something only the future could tell. "Welcome to the pack, Izo. I'm sure you've got a lot of catching up to do with your brother, so I'll leave you two be for now." Charon smiled at both Izo and Lex and then the freckled youth turned round and started to trot towards the borders for another round of marking to solidify his claim on Moonspear. He was pleased the way things were going and pleased about their growing number of competent wolves.

my last post, but feel free to continue this thread with you two if you want to. :) welcome to moonspear ^^ and eep, hope you feel better lex :\

RE: I would follow you anywhere - Lex - November 08, 2015

This is short but I thought we could wrap it up and have another thread? :) This also takes place before the howl thread if you want to be apart of it. nevermind, it was archived hahah

Lex was happy to hear Charon approved of his sister. He'd done a good job at describing her enough for his leader that she was being accepted. He hid his smile from his features for a moment, bowing his head a little as the alpha dismissed himself and left the sibling pair to themselves. When he was out of sight, the large male relaxed and took a few steps to close the distance between himself and the dark female. He nosed her chin a little and pulled her back into his chest, nipping at her ear playfully. They did have some catching up to do.

He wanted to ask about their other sisters but he first needed to make sure she was okay. Now that she was here, they had plenty of time to catch up. 

"Come. Let me show you around."