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Moonspear dictator of the world - Printable Version

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dictator of the world - Charon - October 21, 2015

anyone from moonspear! maybe @Aran since our characters haven't met yet? :D

It was higher than Charon had climbed Moonspear as of yet, but he finally felt at ease now that he was officially its Alpha. No longer did he need to mark, mark and mark again on his borders. He was Alpha, alongside Ame, and nothing could stop them now. The world knew their claim and while he felt possessive about his territory still, he felt at ease enough to discover further on up his territory.

The young Alpha's paws carried him along a jagged path that lead up Moonspear's side that day, accompanied by a soft autumn sun. He continued to climb until finally he reached a plateau with a great view towards the oceanside. Here, Charon could see all the way to the ocean, although it was far away and only a slither of sea could be seen before it mistily merged with the sky.

A satisfied smile rested on Charon's face as he watched the view. He sat down on the small plateau, shoulders hunched proudly and head arched tall. Pride radiated from the young Alpha as he sat, looked down and smiled, overlooking the world.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - October 25, 2015

Dash was constantly trying to find new outlets for his energy. He never realized just how much he had until he was confined to a certain area. He was doing all he could to make the best of it, though. Always up and down the mountain, his body began to fill out, gaining muscle from the strength it took to climb the glorified hill.

Today, he was exerting himself as much as he could, climbing a rocky part of mountain, his nails digging in when he started to slide a little. It worked just about every muscle in his body, some he never realized he had. But, it felt great. His path lead him across Charon's, which he noted was recent. He followed it, his sides heaving as he met up with his leader. He laid down on his side, sucking in air as he looked over to Charon. "You're always looking at the view," he said. Dash still didn't see the big deal, but to each his own, he supposed.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - October 26, 2015

Charon looked over his shoulder when Dash approached him and said that he was always looking at the view. He grinned and said: "You're always running into me when I'm looking at the view." Charon had been admiring the view a great deal whenever he was catching a breather from peeing on things and licking things (though not the same things) to make them his, but it seemed a talent of Dash's to find him when he did. "Just taking a break from peeing on things," he said faux self-importantly, then grinned.

"So how do you like pack life so far?" Charon remembered that Dash had been very hesitant to accept it, and that he'd mostly joined because he was hungry and tired. He wondered how long Dash'd stay, though there was something about him that Charon liked (and so he hoped that it would be longer than he expected).

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - October 26, 2015

Dash gave a huff that could have been the closest he'd ever come to laughing. It was true, he did only run into Charon when he was gazing at the land. "Oh, how's that going for you?" he asked, referring to peeing on things. "I didn't think Alphas ever took a break from that," he confessed. Dash had never felt that possessive over something that he needed to constantly tell the world it was his. Then again, if he had his own territory, he would probably feel that way.

He looked thoughtful as he tried to think of an answer for his leader. He wasn't a liar, and he wouldn't say anything that wasn't true, but he didn't want Charon to think he wasn't grateful for this opportunity. "I like it, I suppose," he began before pausing. "I just... It's hard for me to trust. I've been living one way for so long and... I guess I still rely on that way of life. It's like... I'm here, but I haven't even slept in the same spot twice let alone make a den for myself... I trust you, and Floki and Thistle, but... I guess I'm nervous meeting the others." It was a flood of information, more than he had ever said in one sitting to one wolf. It was, at least, one sign that he had changed and was adapting to this new way of life, even if he didn't see it himself.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - October 27, 2015

"We gotta eat and sleep too, y'know," Charon said with a playful grin when Dash said he thought Alphas never took breaks from wetting things. It was good to hear that Dash liked it here, though the hesitation was clear in his voice. He was having a hard time with some aspects of pack life, Charon realised, but it made sense if he was a loner for so long. Charon felt a twinge of irritation because he had given Dash a home and a great pack, and he was adjusting only slowly, but he decided not to let it show. Maybe he just needed more time.

"You can trust Ame too," Charon said. He knew Dash'd met her on the day he had asked to join. "Ame is pretty great. She makes me feel pretty at peace, anyway." He wasn't sure how exactly to describe the effect she had on him, but Charon just really liked not being disappointed and pissed off at the rest of the world and the wolves that lived in it for just a little while, whenever he was with Ame.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - October 28, 2015

Dash knew even Alphas needed to take a break, but it seemed he liked to tease Charon a bit. Dash's personality was really coming out since joining the pack, even if to just a few of the wolves that occupied Moonspear. He was glad Charon hadn't taken his honesty badly, instead letting Dash know there were other wolves he could trust, too. Dash nodded, "I'll seek her out, get to know her," he promised. With a deep breath, he added, "I do want to make it work here," he said.

He wondered if it was this hard for all loners going into a pack, but it really wouldn't have made a difference to Dash. He was here, and was determined to get to know the other wolves, just at his own pace. Per Charon's suggestion, he would try to get to know the other leader. Then, maybe some of the wolves she had brought into the pack.

Speaking of other wolves he didn't know, Dash glanced at Charon. "So, uh... who all did Ame bring? Any... females?" Yeah, it was probably too soon to think a mate, but being in this pack made him start to think of all the possibilities it brought, including a relationship.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - October 30, 2015

Charon smiled encouragingly when Dash said he would get to know Ame. Charon's patience was perhaps not endless, but there was something likeable about Dash. Perhaps it was the fragility that his insecurity presented, or perhaps it was because he was showing his face and spending time with Charon, a thing not all wolves did enough for Charon's liking. In a way, they were some of the same reasons why Charon liked Dhole.

Dash' question was surprising, and Charon looked visibly puzzled a moment. "Females?" Only to realise that Dash was maybe looking to settle down. "Oh, like that. Uhh..." He looked thoughtful for a moment while he tried to think of the females in the pack. "Well, there was one called Echo, but she left before the pack started, I think. And there's Rain. She got wounded, so she can't run away if you go and chat her up." Charon grinned broadly at Dash, clearly teasing. Talking about it made Charon realise how few females the pack had. There was Ame, of course, but she was waaay out of Dash' league anyway, so Charon decided not to mention her.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - October 31, 2015

Dash's ears perked when Charon mentioned a few, but one seemed to have left as soon as she came, though there was still another here, wounded. He grinned back at Charon as he considered going to meet her, but he shrugged. "It's just a thought, I suppose... It's interesting to me to even have the opportunity to wonder about a mate," he confessed to his friend.

Dash hadn't thought of Ame, either. As an Alpha, he felt she would most likely want someone confident, and bold, like she. Dash was not that. Who knew what he would be in a year, but as of right now, he'd agree if someone told him he was out of her league.

"I don't suppose you have a suggestion to a den site, do you?" He figured if he was going to be social, he should give his pack mates an opportunity to find him, and den did just that. If he ever felt overwhelmed, he could just not sleep in those nights. But, he needed to make a den soon, before the earth froze with the winter season. Digging would be much harder then.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - November 04, 2015

Charon shrugged as he said, "Well, you could always try Rain. Don't think she's seeing anyone, although I heard Nishu saved her and all. But apparently he's all noble, so I dunno if that means he's even into girls." Charon sounded like it didn't matter that much to him, although he did want his friend to be happy. If having a mate would make him happy then Charon sure hoped he'd find one — preferably in Moonspear so that it wouldn't breach his loyalty. "If you do settle down, at least right now there ain't much competition for pups yet," Charon shared off-handedly, as the thought popped into his mind. "At least for a little while longer. I never thought much about such things myself yet." And he probably wouldn't for another while; probably not until the moment a female he cared for was in heat near enough for him to care.

The subject shifted to den sites, and while Charon was new to the mountain too, he had some ideas. "Hmm, well, what's important to you? The forest's got shelter, but the mountain has some nice views." Charon grinned as he looked at Dash. Somehow he imagined Dash'd prefer the former, although Charon thought the latter was pretty important too.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - November 07, 2015

Dash considered Charon's advice. The thought of a mate was so new to him that when his friend brought up pups, Dash's expression turned to shock. He hadn't even considered them. While he was in his prime as far as fathering went, he just didn't think he was ready. "I'll think about it," he said. No matter what came of introducing himself to the females of the pack, Dash knew he needed to get out there and meet his pack mates. He knew including himself in pack activities was an important part of being in the group, as well as contributing to its success. "I was thinking of taking on a trade, too. Warden, maybe?" he questioned. Charon might have a better idea if the trade would suite him. Being that Dash seemed to usually on the look out for danger, it could benefit the pack greatly.

His reply was immediate. "The forest," he said. The views didn't mean anything to him like they did Charon, but shelter meant everything. The forest provided it from the weather, as well as other wolves, if he felt the need to get away. He could even have two different dens, one easy to find, the other not so.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - November 08, 2015

Charon burst into laughter upon seeing Dash' face when pups were brought up. The shocked and almost frightened-kitten-like look was positively hilarious. "Oh, man, wish you could see your own face right now!" Charon brought out between chortles. It was hilarious to him that his friend would think of dating but that he hadn't thought of the possibility of having a family yet.

On the more serious subject of trades, Charon was surprised that Dash'd bring up Warden and not Outrider first, but he nodded appreciatively anyway. "Yeah, warden's always good. Pack needs to be protected. I think Outrider would suit you, too. Maybe you could explore stuff and gather information with Flóki sometime, he's looking to become Outrider too." Not that Dash had said that he was going for that; but Charon thought he'd be good at it, because he knew the way of the loner, and that way he might not feel so trapped here on the mountain. He could spread his legs and explore, and come home to Moonspear inbetween to be a warden and whatever else he wanted to be.

"Let's go find you a good place then," Charon said, and he got to his feet and started to trot down the mountain trail, down to the forest, where they could look for good densites.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - November 10, 2015

Dash grinned as Charon poked fun at his shocked face. He hadn't been able to help himself. He just couldn't see himself as a father just yet. His entire life had changed just in the past month, and he was seeing new opportunities he never thought he'd ever get to even dream about.

He considered Charon's suggestion about becoming an Outrider, as well. Maybe... I always steered clear of packs before now, but if Floki went, I might go. It was the reason why he hadn't considered being an Outrider. He was a little scared of going up to pack lands, and definitely wouldn't do it alone. But, if he had a friend along, he might get up the courage to do it. It was true, though, that sometimes he still felt that itch to go and roam. It was getting better, though, and he enjoyed working out his newly formed muscles on the mountain.

Dash's tail wagged when Charon said they could go together to find him a den. He got up and followed him, matching his trot, though he let his friend lead the way. Do you have a place in mind? he asked, wondering if they were playing it by ear, or if Charon already knew of a spot.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - November 11, 2015

Dash started about packs, which surprised Charon a little. Sure, diplomatics were part of being an outrider, but it was also just general exploration and things like keeping their info updated on prey, water, and the state of surrounding territories. "It's not just visiting packs," Charon said. "But sure, that's part of it. Flóki could take you sometime, then you can find out if it's something you'd like."

While they wandered towards the forested slopes of Moonspear and left the view behind Dash asked if Charon had a place in mind. "Not really. I haven't explored all of the forest yet. There's some suitable places, but maybe we'll find a cool place if we look at some of the areas I haven't seen yet." It was all about finding a cool place, after all, and then you could just dig the den yourself. Unless you were lazy and wanted a previously inhabited den, of course, but Charon didn't assume Dash to be the lazy type. Otherwise he wouldn't have needed to ask Charon for help, after all.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - November 12, 2015

Charon explained that the Outrider trade wasn't just visiting packs. It involved more, and his friend suggested he learn from Floki, and see if he liked it. I'll do that, he replied. Then, his mind flashed back to the last pack he had come across. He hadn't told Charon about that little run in, but he knew he should. Speaking of visiting other packs, though... he began. I had a run in with a pack a couple months back, just after the first time we met. I didn't technically trespass, but I did chase some prey way too close, and they didn't take kindly to that. He hoped Charon wouldn't be too upset, but he knew it was the right thing to do to tell him. He didn't want this incident to bite him in the ass, again.

He nodded as Charon explained he hadn't explore the entire forest yet. That was understandable since they hadn't lived there very long, and the pack was more focused on letting the world know their claim. Now, though, they seemed to be settling in. At least, Dash was trying to. I'm not very picky, just something that keeps me dry and warm, he said. For him, that was asking a lot since he had never had the opportunity to sleep in one spot night after night.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - November 13, 2015

Charon lifted an eyebrow when Dash entered the subject of other packs, looking a little nervous. He mentioned another pack at whose borders he'd hunted and where he'd gotten in some kind of trouble. 'They didn't take kindly to that' could mean lots of things, but since Dash seemed to have come out unscathed it could be a lot worse. "What pack was it?" Charon curiously asked. He didn't seem fazed by the story much, at least not in a negative manner. Charon highly doubted this'd ever come back to bite him or his pack in the ass, really.

As they entered the forest Charon took a right turn and started along a trail that lead through the old forest. Tree branches hung low overhead, creating a wolf-sized path through the brush. They walked a while before they came to a small clearing. Charon looked around to see if there were any good densites, and he figured Dash would do the same to see if he found one to his liking.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - November 13, 2015

Dash was worried Charon would be upset, and although his question did sound angry, he still waited for it to come. I'm not sure of the name of the pack. It's on the other side of the mountain, he said. Oh! he added quickly. I do know that a female named Nochtli lives there, he said, thinking that might be useful information. He was unaware, however, that Nochtli was no longer a member of that pack.

As they walked, Dash's gaze looked around for a spot he thought would make a good spot for him. They came upon a rock formation, almost curved in the middle, with vines over the top. Dash stopped in front of it, his ears perked and his head tilted to the side. You think... I could dig under the center of this? he asked Charon, his gaze shifting to the other male to gauge his reaction.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - November 18, 2015

'The other side of the mountain' was a broad understanding, so Charon wondered aloud, "You mean the other side of Sunspire?", forgetting a moment that Dash might not even know which one was the Sunspire. "I don't know many packs there." He knew Duskfire Glacier and Redtail Rise, but were those even still around? Charon rarely visited there. Oh, and his uncle's pack, but somehow he couldn't imagine his mush of an uncle chase off someone hunting at his borders. He didn't know anyone named Nochtli, either.

They came upon a funny-looking rock formation, and Dash seemed to instantly take a liking to it. Ha, thought Charon, he does like good-looking things. Perhaps not the view, but other aspects of nature. "Looks pretty cool." Charon sniffed along the place Dash intended to dig, trying to figure if the rocks went far into the ground. "I can't quite tell how far into the ground the rocks go and if you could dig under 'em. You can try?"

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - November 21, 2015

Dash tilted his head, clearly confused as to what "Sunspire" was. I don't know what that is, but... his eyes began looking around as he tried to get his bearings. When he did, his nose pointed northeast. The pack is straight that way, he said confidently. He looked to Charon to see if that helped. His friend and leader admitted he didn't know any packs there. That's a good thing right? It meant he wouldn't have screwed up any allies, or angered any current enemies.

Charon had a good point about how far down the rocks might go into the ground. Yeah, I could dig a little and see, he responded. He trotted over and began to dig...and dig... and dig. He finally gave up after his hole went a couple feet down and he still had a wall of rock. I don't think these particular rocks are going to work," he admitted. His gaze looked around them. I like the area, though. Maybe I can find another set of rocks," he said, before adding. Later, though. I'm tired after all that," he said, laying down.

RE: dictator of the world - Charon - November 26, 2015

"Yeah, I suppose. Don't think you'll get into much trouble all the way out this way with 'em, really." Charon shrugged and looked at Dash, not even really thinking about the possibility of mucking up their alliances by having one of their wolves hunt at someone else's borders.

The rocks seemed to be in the way, Dash found out when he tried. Charon just sat and watched during that time. Dash then said he'd look again some other time, growing tired from the digging. "Good luck with that," Charon said and with a friendly nod in his friend's direction the young Alpha trotted off towards the borders, intending to go for a quick patrol.

RE: dictator of the world - Dash - November 29, 2015

Charon didn't seem too concerned that his run in with the other pack would cause any problems here in the future. Dash was glad of that. He would have felt bad if he had brought problems to the pack, especially when it was no one's fault but his own.

While Dash needed a rest from digging, Charon was off to do... well, who knows what? Thanks, he said, watching his leader trot off. His gaze went back to the rocks. He didn't want to waste time trying to dig any deeper there. He was sure he could find another set of rocks to dig under. He'd get to it... In just a minute.