Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Finding A New Place - Printable Version

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Finding A New Place - Cho - October 21, 2015

As Cho was still getting familiar  with the pack and their rules,she begin looking for her own littel spot where she can not so much hide away from the other but more like to perhaps escape the cluster of a pack life if she needed to, or maybe just to have sometime to herself..but then again who would bother her so much to where she would feel the need to escape form the pack? 

She was still in the territory bounds and found a nice spot with a medium sized tree there, she instantly felt connected to it with a wag of her tail she then went to the ground and rolled over on her back letting the sun hit her belly, feeling relived and happy she then layed on her stomach and layed her head down and looked at the scenery around her and took in the sounds of the small bugs and animals that had made their home there. Soon after a few moments passed she soon fell into a light slumber.. 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - October 26, 2015

Chaska had been looking for a light snack when he came across her. A white furred wolfess. She was laying on her stomach. It seemed to him that she was sleeping. Thinking she would be grumpy if he startled her, he slowly starts to back away, only to hear a snap of a twig behind him. He cringed, his ears flattening against his head. Whoops he thought to himself.

"Sorry. I did not mean to wake you" he apologized, if she had woken up. "I'll be going before I disturb you more" he added, continuing to back away.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - October 27, 2015

Cho was slightly awoken when she felt someone near, she heard a twig snap and a voice soon after.

..she picked up her head and rubbed her eye with a paw and opened her aqua green eyes seeing another wolf backing away "h-hmm...? hello? " he voice was quite and a bit groggy. she stood up and stretched yawning. "You ..didn't disturb me i was about to wake up anyways." she gave a little warm smile. 
"Im Cho whats you're name?" 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - October 27, 2015

Don't know why I did this. Probably to get Chaska feeling again.

Chaska sighed with relief. He hadn't in fact angered the wolfess at all. But he certainly was mesmerized by her eyes. He had a liking for green, and with the white pelt in the background, it was..well, it certainly was like nothing ever seen. He could see a reflection of himself in them. A warm feeling arose deep inside...

He shook his head to clear it. He couldn't think like that. That would be weird. Besides, this wolfess looked way to young. He shook his head again, thinking like that again. Once his head was clear, he gave his answer.

"Chaska. My name is Chaska."

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - October 31, 2015

The male seemed dazed by her personal appearance 

"What a nice name." She smiled and said hers "My name is Cho,its quite nice to meet you" she gave into tail wagg and moved more foward towards Chaska 
trying to get more fimaliar with him

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - October 31, 2015

Chaska felt that warm feeling again. No one had commented on his name before, let alone said it was nice. His tail swished around a little, and he tried to gain control, but to no avail. Then she moved a little closer, and immediately he felt a little awkward, trying to shuffle back a bit.

"T-thanks." How could he be nervous now? He was never nervous. He felt like such a child. "I think it comes from a tribe of these tall creatures that respected our kind. I-it means first born, I think." In a way, it's meaning was true. Except there was no second, or third born. Just him.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - November 01, 2015

She can feel his nervous energy and she stops trying to get closer and just ends up sitting and faced him to continue their conversation. 
"Wow! that's really interesting you name came from a tribe..So then..your the first born?" she questioned trying to not offend him or set anything off just in case she asked something she should have 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - November 01, 2015

Chaska nodded to the question. "Yes, I am" he answered, murmuring after, "And I'll be staying that way. Forever." He wore a sad expression on his face. He missed them all dearly. His mother, his father. All of them. But he couldn't think of that now. He changed his face to a small smile, which was all he could manage.

"So how are you enjoying the mountain?" he asked. "I personally enjoy how close we are to the clouds, and the stars." He stared up for a moment to the sky. No matter if it were gloomy or sunny, he would enjoy it nonetheless.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - November 01, 2015

she couldn't help bet feel sad as well having her ears going slightly down
"im..Im sorry.." she looked to the ground "i've delt with this as-well..my mother passes when i was a pup.."  she thought it was a good idea to share some of her past too.
she then looked up to see that he had a small smile and asked how she was liking the mountains

"Well i like that too, but i mostly like the crisp air and the quietness and how i can see all the stars at night it makes me happy. " she slightly grinned feeling the sun's warmth through the patches of the tree 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - November 01, 2015

He gave a sympathetic look, along with his sad one. Even though it wasn't the same amount of loss, it was still loss. But when one sees the entirety of their life covered in blood, it can drive one mad. In fact, he hadn't been sane for several months afterwards. Those moments haunted him the most.

"Yes. It shows that no matter where you are, there is always something to light the way...unless you're in a cave" he joked, chuckling lightly at it. Even though it was true. There were no stars in caves.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - November 03, 2015

She could feel sympathy from him but she felt there was a darker secret with in him, she decided to try and help him not now that could cause him to become very stressed out.

She giggled at his little joke finding it actually funny 
"Heheh, well yeah! But theres glow worms in caves sometimes..and they look like stars too they light up the darkness too " She smiled 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - November 03, 2015

"True" he replied. There were glowworms in caves, but they were nothing compared to the stars. They were always moving around, and changing positions at random. But the stars, they stayed where they were placed by whomever had placed them.

"What is the trade you aim for? I am a chronicler, so I tell make-believe tales and legends on history" he stated, trying his best not to sound proud. That would leave a bad impression, and he was not one for bad impressions.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - November 03, 2015

Her tail wagged happy to have met a new wolf , she was hopeful that they could be friends and have great experiences together.

When he brought up what trade she wanted to go for she smiled again "Im going to aim for a naturalist and a counselor!"  He then told her his trade, she was fascinated her eyes started to light up even more "I love stories!! I would love to hear one sometime!" Her tail wagged like it had no control. 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - November 03, 2015

He gave a nod of his head. An interesting choice. Maybe he could ask her to help him with his issues...no, he couldn't. If she wanted to, she would have to ask about it, but some time later. He didn't want to worry others as of yet.

"I hope to tell you one someday." He pauses as he felt a grumble from his stomach, and recalled the reason for his wander. "If you will excuse me, my stomach calls for food." He started on his way, hoping to find something nearby. She was welcome to join, if she wished it.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - November 04, 2015

"I can't wait! Wh-" she stopped speaking when she head his stomach growl. After he said he'll be going her stomach growled as well "wait for me please!" She stood and went by his side. "Im hungry too..there's another thing you should know though, im not well experienced with hunting." She smiled sheepishly looking down 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - November 04, 2015

The grey wolf slowed his pace for the younger wolfess to catch up. She then spoke, and he wasn't too surprised. If Chaska were anything but himself, he may have laughed. But he wasn't, and only smiled. Truthfully, he wasn't too good either. He wasn't one that could take a deer down with one other, no matter how good they were.

"It doesn't matter. Really, so am I. Taking down a deer would be near impossible for me alone. My age really is catching up to me" he remarked about himself.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - November 07, 2015

She soon caught up and was at his side now, as he told her the same about his hunting skills she didnt feel so bad.
"Really? but you don't look like if your that old though Chaska and yes deer are hard to take down with just one"  She cooed 
So whats a good spot to find small prey? where do you usually go? She seems so excited to be hunting with someone else. 

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - November 07, 2015

the age is in Wolf years, based on the Puppy Development thread
He chuckled softly. "I am at least thirty-nine years old. To me, that's old." He stalked forward, then halted quickly, taking a whiff of the air. He smelt something nearby. Something that would satisfy their hunger. He lowered himself towards the ground, hoping Cho will do the same, and slowly moved forward. And then he saw it. Ahead, a lone hare. It looked old, and seemed to not notice them.

RE: Finding A New Place - Cho - November 28, 2015

"oh..well i suppose yes."
After Chaska had gotten low she as well did, he has spotted an old hare.
She wiggled she shoulders in anticipation.

( i need a lil help qwq i don't know how to do the lil title sub?? the thing on top of the actual reply..)

RE: Finding A New Place - Chaska - November 28, 2015

Put ooc in these []. Also, i have another thread open, if you want to join that one. But read the STM plotter first. And you may want to increase the length of your posts. Just a suggestion. And lastly, dice roll. 5 and above is a catch...I got 3 :(

Chaska got the nod he was looking for. And when Cho too got it ready, he darted forward. The old hare began bounding off. The grey wolf stayed on it's tail, trying to close the distance..and his legs slipped from under him. He tumbled onto his side, his legs squirming a bit in the air like branches in a storm.

After recovering from the fall, he looked to Cho. "Get it! I know you can!" he shouted to her encouragingly. Truthfully, he hadn't slipped on purpose. But if he had, it would be to see Cho's worth.