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Overture Downs the funeral of decency - Printable Version

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the funeral of decency - Cicero - October 23, 2015

Set just outside Jade Fern Grove.

Sheogorath's quest carried him north, after he had found nothing at Bearclaw Valley. He travelled in a straight line due north, figuring that if he was going to find something, it was there. Soon, he ran into the borders of another pack; fresh marks, this time. Sheogorath did not catch Scarlett's scent in there (though it had been some months since Cicero had last seen her, so it might have changed in the meantime) nor any of the pups' scents; the sisters that Xan wanted retrieved.

Perhaps he could find information here, Sheogorath considered. He carefully scouted just outside the borders, nose low to the ground while he sniffed for any trace of Scarlett's scent.

RE: the funeral of decency - Haven - October 23, 2015

I'm so sorry that Haven had to come on over like this xD

Haven trotted along the borders of her territory, checking for intruders. It was the first time she'd explored the borders since she'd gone to the coast with Sebastian. Sebastian, I hope we can get together again soon.She though whimsically and she stopped to rub up against a tree. The beautiful she-wolf stopped, spinning a 180 after smelling an unknown scent. Blackfeather scent. She'd heard about the Blackfeather wolves, but never met one. She also knew that they were the Grove pack's enemy. She prepared to have some trouble. She wondered what this wolf could be doing so close to her borders, maybe she should check.

Haven leaped from her hiding space in the thick greenery, coming to a halt in front of the intruder. He looked younger than her, with grey white and black marbled along him. She eyed him suspiciously, then growled, Who are you and what're you doing so close to our territory! And don't lie, I know you're one of those Blackfeather wolves! Now explain! She was generally a friendly wolf, and she wasn't very large. But the little grey and white girl had a sharp tongue that could slice easier than her claws.

RE: the funeral of decency - Cicero - October 28, 2015

no prob, thanks for joining! :D

A female approached, and Sheogorath watched her with wary eyes. Mismatched eyes narrowed as she approached and demanded to know what he was doing here with a less-than-pleasant tone. Tail twitched tensely as she identified him as a Blackfeather wolf, and Sheogorath knew she had to be hiding Scarlett, if she knew him. How else would she know, so far north, of Blackfeather? Perhaps Scarlett had informed the wolves of her new pack that the wolves of Blackfeather might come for them because of Kove. Perhaps they had hidden her scent.

"I am looking for my friend, Scarlett, formerly of Bearclaw Valley," said Sheogorath. There was a broody smile on his face, though his eyes lightened slightly and tail hung limply by his hind legs to indicate that he meant no harm. "Do you know her? I'd like to visit."

RE: the funeral of decency - Haven - October 28, 2015

Haven hadn't really been expecting that response. From what she'd learned, Blackfeather wolves were supposed to not like Grove wolves. Or something like that. This wolf seemed to not mean any harm. Haven frowned, not sure how to respond. Did this patchwork wolf expect her to know something about a Scarlett? Because she didn't. She'd never heard of the wolf before, but for some reason the Blackfeather wolf assumed she did. She began to let her guard down, less worried about an oncoming attack. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong pack... I don't know all these packs around here its hard to figure out which ones I'm not supposed to like. She thought in frustration, turning back to the wolf.

Umm no. Sorry. Don't know her. She said bluntly, still a little taken aback from his response. She'd simply assumed he was trespassing, but to tell the truth she didn't even know for sure he was from Blackfeather Woods. Maybe she had it all wrong and was being rude for no reason. She began to feel a bit embarrassed. The grey and white she-wolf, though still a bit suspicious, responded more politely this time. Sorry for being so rude. Newest to the pack and all, gotta make sure I don't screw things up. No I don't know a Scarlett but what does she look like? Maybe I've seen her before? She asked, though still wary had let her guard down and held a more friendly tone and posture.

RE: the funeral of decency - Cicero - November 06, 2015

A wicked smile fell across Sheogorath's face when the female apologised and said she did not know anyone called Scarlett. He was unhappy to know that Scarlett was not in this here pack, but he was glad to sense the female's uncertainty. A second apology followed, causing only to broaden Sheogorath's grin.

"She is white with red eyes like fresh blood," Sheogorath shared. "She has three pups." Sheogorath loosely assumed all of them were alive, anyway. "Pardon me for asking, but did you have bad experience with Blackfeather Woods?" Sheogorath could not help but ask, curious for this tidbit of information — it could help the Woods to know what had happened, if anything.

RE: the funeral of decency - Haven - November 06, 2015

Haven nodded at the black and white wolf. Whoever this Scarlett wolf was, she didn't sound too awful. Is she from Blackfeather too? She was still curious, but the black male continued with a new question. She chuckled anxiously, and smiled No, it's just that I've heard some bad things about you from some of my pack mates. But I might've had the wrong pack name or maybe I heard wrong, you don't seem too bad. Sorry for being rude or anything.

Haven realized that she hadn't asked the male's name. Wow good first impression Haven. She thought sarcastically, then turning to look at the wolf. Well, I'm Haven. What's your name? She asked, with a friendly wag of her tail.

RE: the funeral of decency - Cicero - November 08, 2015

Sheogorath smiled wickedly as she apologised and said: "Yes, you were pretty rude." His heart was pounding in his chest, adrenaline surging through his body as his mind called for violence. He flicked his tail tensely, but decided against it; there was no use in confirming her suspicions about his pack, and besides, she was a pack wolf, and he was far from his own pack. To attack someone now would be foolish.

And so he simply smiled and answered Haven with: "I am Sheogorath. Not all wolves from Blackfeather Woods are bad. Other wolves often resent what they don't understand." Sheogorath glanced towards the pack lands that Haven was protecting and said: "So what are you protecting out there? Young pups? Or are you just the ever zealous warden, just because?" If he would not find Scarlett here, perhaps at least he could find some information about this pack; or hope that she slipped up and betrayed Scarlett's presence here, regardless.

RE: the funeral of decency - Haven - November 09, 2015

Haven wasn't expecting Sheogorath's response, and she found it rude. She had expected a 'don't worry about it' or 'no problem. Instead she got a 'yes you were pretty rude'. She should've been expecting something along the line, but she hoped he could've been nicer with it. She flicked her tail side to side irritably, she didn't like this wolf's attitude. Of course Haven could be a little bitch herself, but she didn't like when people pointed it out. Then the Blackfeather male smiled and asked a new question, seeming to lighten up a bit. Haven was still a little ticked off, but she could deal with this attitude change.

Nice to meet you Sheogorath. And by the way I don't resent what I don't understand, I'm just cautious of what I've been warned of. Haven said with a clever grin, she sounded her sassy self. Sheogorath asked her a new question, and she had to think about it for a moment. Do I look like a wolf with pups? She thought sarcastically, thinking it obvious that she had none. No. I'm just patrolling around the borders. You were just a bit too close, so I thought I ought to check it out. She didn't like the way Sheogorath was talking to her, he was starting to push her nerves. She knew that he was pushing her for answers, but about a Scarlett she had none, so she would give none. She'd simply wait and see what he had to say next.

RE: the funeral of decency - Cicero - November 12, 2015

my last post unless haven stops him or has anything more to say :) thanks for the thread!

She seemed to be getting her confidence back, unfortunately. Though her words were not that provocative, Sheogorath found that he grew tired of this conversation now that there was no more emotional turmoil to amuse him. She obviously knew nothing and wasn't going to tell him anything.

Sheogorath felt the adrenaline in his veins whisper to him, call for violence, but he forced himself to calm down. He was too far from home for a fight now. "I won't hold you any longer then," Sheogorath said, and with an irritated flick of his tail he turned around and started on heading further north, away from the pack, hoping to find Scarlett there.

RE: the funeral of decency - Haven - November 12, 2015

And suddenly, Sheogorath prepared to leave and bid her farewell. Haven cocked her head to the side as he left, watching him disappear. He was a very odd one. But hopefully he would find this Scarlett and not bother her any more. She sighed, Well by then. And turned around to leave as well. She had a pack to get back to, and was proud of her self for standing her ground. She marched away with a preppy skip.

Same! Thanks for threading :)