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Sunset Valley a princess cut from marble - Printable Version

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a princess cut from marble - Persia Hikmat - October 23, 2015

She’d been the stubborn one. Fine, but she didn’t care. As long as she reminded herself to stay apathetic Persia believed that it wouldn’t affect her. The past was in the past, it was time to stop looking back. But she didn’t know which way to look when it came to her future. Apparently it was to be here, wherever ‘here’ was. The foliage and rocks around her gave no answers as she slipped down the slopes into the valley, careful where to place her sore limbs as she maneuvered herself. 

Zhandi had given her quite the beating and she was still recovering from her punishment. There were other ways to be cruel rather using your fangs, and while Persia hadn’t been marked by more teeth, she imagined it might have just been better than carrying the ache that pulsed throughout her entire being. Either way she was far from optimal travelling condition. While it should have been concerning, seeing as she was all by her lonesome, Persia found it to be more of a nuisance than anything else; aggressively wishing her body would just get over it

A gleam of moonlight on the water caught her eyes before she heard the sound of the shallow creek. A drink would help, she decided, adjusting her course.

RE: a princess cut from marble - Saēna - November 03, 2015

Travelling far from the maplewood in its current state was hardly ideal, but its lead female was almost beyond caring about what was ideal. Having recently lost Citali, someone she'd considered a good friend and a mentor, and Vega, a driven woman whom Saena was looking forward to working with, the alpha felt too bereft to care much about whether her pack fell apart in her absence. It seemed to be doing a great job of that right before her eyes.

As she plodded north through the valley of wild turnips, all wilted and shriveled now, she couldn't help bitterly wondering if it was her. It made no sense, since she hadn't changed a bit in the days since Nochtli's abrupt departure, but still she wondered. And wandered, well into the night, when she should've been returning to the maplewood.

Maybe she would've gone on forever, walked right out of her life and into the horizon, had the sight of a variegated pelt and the sound of burbling water not broken her reverie. She slowed a fair distance from Persia, intent on watching for now, but it was impossible that she would go unnoticed for more than a moment. Her white fur was like a beacon under the light of the moon.