Wolf RPG
Fox's Glade Singing in the rain - Printable Version

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Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 25, 2015

Alfie sat under a small bush, hiding from the dripping rain. He had come far from his home in the Maplewoods, but he was adventurous and wanted a look around. He'd just come from Wapun Meadows, enjoying the beautiful fall flowers. It was a rainy day and he was lucky to have found a place to stay in Fox's Glade before it started to drizzle. It wasn't an awful rain, but with his feathers heavy there wouldn't be much more flying today. So the little barn owl sat under his bush, huddled up for warmth.

I wish this would stop already, its gonna make my feathers puff out and I'll look awful! Alfie fretted, tucked up trying to stay dry as best he could. Alfie hated the rain. He was kind of a neat freak, and loved to look good. The rain destroyed his feathers, and he despised it for that. He watched outside, the sun was barely breaking through the clouds, but he could tell it was probably about noon time. He could only wait and hope the sun could fend off the horrible rain clouds as soon as possible.

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 25, 2015

Sebastian liked water but he wasn't really a fan of rain. Just the fact that with rain he couldn't choose if he would get wet or not was the deal breaker. Now he rather wanted to look nice since well... Haven could call. Sebastian didn't realize that he might have strayed too far away to hear a howl. Still he didn't want to be impatient and wait at the borders, then he would be some weird stalker. 

The big grey male trotted through the glade trying to find some shelter. In the end he settled for some bushes close to a big tree. He sat down next to the roots. But the male soon realized that the canopy of leaves weren't that strong against the rains. Of course it wasn't, it was autumn. Sebastian was fully rained down by now. His fur all wet but luckily he had a thick undercoat that was keeping him warm.

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 25, 2015

Ok I just have to say I think its adorable how Seb is just waiting for Haven to howl xD

Alfie was getting settled under his bush, finally coming to the realization that there was no way he wasn't gonna get wet. Rain would be rain and he would just have to deal with it. He was about to fall asleep, after it having been a long wet night and the sun was rising, when all of a sudden, something big and grey just plopped down in front of him, almost on top of him. Alfie jumped back, at first a look of fear as he had no idea what it was that had just tried to kill him. But once he realized it was a wolf, he just became a bit agitated. Really, ok. The world hates me.

Umm hi yeah. Big grey! Hello? Could you move please move a little, your kind of in my bubble. Alfie squeaked, hoping the large wolf heard him. He fluffed up his shiny brown feathers, water dripping off of them and he sighed, he could tell it just wasn't his day.

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 26, 2015

haha yeah he is super cute always. :P

The owl really started the wolf, so much so that he had his hackles raised and his teeth bared as he jumped up from the ruffling of the feathers. Sebastian turned to the bird before him and scowled. "Your bubble?," he huffed softly. "You should be in the trees," he pointed out with a bit of a glare. Then the male realized that the bird might be sick if he was on the ground. His pale eyes fell on the bird and then he laid back down again where he laid before, but now facing him. "I could have killed you," he pointed out. 

"So if you want to stay somewhat dry then please deal with it." Sebastian was not a wolf that would often talk to other creatures. He liked to stick with wolves, as long others didn't bother him he wouldn't bother them. The large male pushed his nose forward to sniff the weird bird. "Never had owl before,' he commented.

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 26, 2015

Alvorris was a tad hurt that the wolf didn't seem to happy about his presence. Alfie was always one to please, doing anything he could to earn the respect and trust of others. When someone didn't like him, he would do whatever it took to make sure they changed their views. So the little raptor set to it. Yeah my bubble, I was here first! Was what he wanted to say, instead he chirped, Well I can't fly up into the trees with my wings all soaked up like this. And I don't feel like climbing so I'm kind of stuck down here. The brown and golden spotted owl shrugged, letting his feathers settle down at his sides.

The wolf in front of him was quite big, huge actually! Though from the experience Alfie had had with wolves thus far, which wasn't that much considering he had only left the nest a mere 2 months ago, could tell that his new 'acquaintance' was still young. You couldn't have killed me, I'm fast I can move. Don't worry about it I can deal with you in my way. Alfie trailed off in a mumble, trying to keep from insulting the wolf. The large grey wolf began sniffing him, and suddenly the young owl became frightened. What if the wolf wanted to eat him? He hopped backwards a bit realizing he was pressed up against the oak tree. If the wolf felt hungry, he would be easy prey.

You're not... going to kill me though. Are you? He asked, knowing how much trouble he could be in.

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 26, 2015

Sebastian watched the owl that seemed super friendly compared to other birds. The grey tank noticed how his behavior contradicted his words. Sebastian had seen already that the owl was close to the tree trunk so moving out of his way was rather impossible. The bird seemed to realize this and grow frightened of him. Sebastian wasn't stupid or arrogant enough to prove himself that badly against the bird. He knew and saw the heavy set claws at the birds feet. He didn't want to loose his eyes. 

"That is rather stupid," he returned sounding rather blunt. He realized that the bird must be terribly young. "You might be a predator but another wolf might have seen you as a quick snack," he admitted. "You should always stay in trees." Sebastian had a good look over him once again and then shook his head softly. "I am not hungry," he returned. If he was Sebastian would possibly be tempted, he was a lone wolf after all and he needed to survive. Alas, he had eaten recently and it was recent enough he wasn't hungry yet. 

His placed his head down on his paws, at least the bushes kept most of the rain out. Sebastian curled up more tugging in his hind legs. Bet Haven would be warm and cozy in a den. He kind of wouldn't mind to be with her if she would be in that imaginary den. He let out a soft grunt. There he was under the bushes with some owl... not the most ideal location. Sebastian was a rather serious wolf, if he wasn't all flustered by a female. And with strangers, this owl, he was especially not his silly self.

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 26, 2015

The wolf seemed blunt, and didn't have much of a will to talk with Alfie, but at least he didn't plan on eating him. Well I didn't have much of a choice. You wolves think we owls can fly all the time, but flying it the rain is like flying through a river, your wings are all heavy and its hard to move around and I'd probably end up crashing. Alfie felt proud of his justification, however the wolf only put his head on his paws, seemingly uninterested. Oh good! You kind of had me worried for a moment there... He ended his sentence in a nervous laugh, after the wolf said he wasn't hungry. He was relieved at that, but he hoped the rain would let up before the wolf did get hungry again.

Alfie wasn't going to give up quite yet, he didn't even know the wolf's name. Well since we're kind of stuck here together, I guess I should introduce myself. Alfie chirped cheerfully, puffing out his chest a little. I'm Alvorris, but you can call me Alfie.The brown owl could easily see that the wolf wasn't much of a talker, so her backed up giving him his space. He wanted to make sure he didn't cross a line by being too annoying. If he did then the wolf might turn on him and eat him anyway. So he stayed back, but continued being friendly.

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 26, 2015

Sebastian looked at the owl for a moment. He thought owls were known for their wisdom. "Then why fly in the first place if it is raining?," he pointed out, feeling like he was pointing out the obvious. And if it started to rain, if he was an owl, he would just quickly land and sit it out. The owl didn't seem to manage to do that. So or he was really weak or the owl thought he was safe in some bushes. 

"I saw, don't worry. Not that kind a guy. I eat for fuel, not to kill," he pointed out. Sebastian was still resting his head on his paws. After all he could take this moment to take a good nap. The tank of a wolf didn't got that rest though because the owl clearly liked to talk a lot. Sebastian could be terribly chatty too if he was with his friends. "Sebastian," he returned shortly to the owl, his pale eyed on him almost dominantly for a moment before he casted them away. 

Sebastian noticed that the owl took a bit of a distance, which was good. Sebastian turned his back mostly to the rain, his coat more than thick enough to keep him warm. What he didn't like was that the soil would turn into mud, so he would have to bath himself soon if he didn't want to appear as a brown wolf instead of a grey one.

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 27, 2015

Alfie found Sebastian's point kind of annoying. Mostly because he knew the grey wolf was right, and he didn't like it when a wolf knew more about him than he did. But Alfie wasn't one to deny what he knew was the truth, so he chirped, Ok well I guess that wasn't to smart but I wasn't really thinking. He shrugged, and let the wolf speak. Alfie was glad that the massive grey wolf wasn't interested in eating him. That meant he might be able to feel a little safer around him.

Sebastian. That's a preppy name.Was the first thought that popped into Alfie's head when Sebastian introduced himself. Of course the oddly colored owl wouldn't say that to Sebastian's face, but he would think it all he liked. Ok, well nice to meet you Sebastian, especially under these lovely circumstances. He added sarcastically, bracing himself as a cold and wet gust of wind ruffled his feathers. He shivered for a moment, looking at Sebastian's thick coat. The wolf probably wasn't very cold. Sometimes Alfie wished he had a thick pelt like the wolves, he'd be a lot warmer come winter time if he did. Alas, he was an owl and not a wolf.

So what are you doing out in the forest by yourself? Shouldn't you be in a den somewhere snuggled up with your pack? He asked innocently, not knowing that he might be getting into a touchy area. All he knew was that he'd never met a lone wolf before. Only the pack at the Maplewoods. So he assumed all wolves stuck together.

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 28, 2015

Sebastian looked at the owl skeptically. "And your kind is known for their wisdom...," he pointed out, though it didn't sound too mean, it was rather a statement. The wolf didn't want to close his eyes but he was tried. Then the owl also made one of his sarcastic comments. Sebastian was so done with him already. Pff. How was it that fate would do these things to him. He moved his face away in annoyance when some splatters went his way as the owl ruffled himself. Sebastian let out a soft scowl at the bird. Sebastian was rather cozy under his plush fur. 

"I am not in a pack," he returned. The owl was still sitting there being ... Sebastian wasn't sure if he was annoyed by the bird or not. Now his mind moved to Haven and being snuggled up with her. How unfair. Sebastian let out a soft puff. "I am a lone wolf and once I find a female to settle down with then I might look for a pack that suits us both or just start our own," he pointed out to the bird. He would probably not even understand that. He wasn't even sure if owls mate for life. Not that he was interested in that topic at all. This owl looked young, he was probably not even thinking about that part of his life.

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 29, 2015

Alfie rolled his eyes at the wolf's comment. Yes he got that one often. Alfie might not have been the smartest owl, but he tried his best to be nice. Sebastian seemed to be fed up with Alfie. Now might've been a good time to stop talking. Alfie knew that, but he also was extremely bored and sitting and talking with the wolf was less boring than sitting there and doing nothing. Besides Alfie was always looking for a friend. The little brown owl hopped back a little, listening as the wolf spoke. He was a lone wolf. Alfie felt a little sorry for him. He knew what being alone felt like and he was a solitary animal! Being a lone pack animal must be way worse.

Oh, well I'm sorry for asking. I know what being alone feels like. I mean we owls are alone most of the time. We don't often live in groups or anything, but I personally prefer being around others. That's why I talk to wolves, I've never met any more of my kind in Teekon. Well except my mom and sister but they're... gone. I hope you find your female soon! He chirped, trying to be supportive. Alfie personally hoped to find a mate someday too. All owls do. But not yet. He wasn't ready for that kind of commitment, it made him a little uncomfortable, even thinking about being around a female. He knew how awkward he could get, he really needed some lessons on how to talk to others.

Lol Seb should teach Alf how to not be awkward xD

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 29, 2015

Haha Seb is one awkward ball himself xD

Sebastian raised a light dot on his brow once the owl was speaking about feeling sorry for him. Though he did wish him good fortune with Haven. Sebastian's eyes turned a bit strict. "No, I said I was a lone wolf, not lonely," he pointed out. He might have been a bit but he wasn't going to admit that to some bird. "I choose to leave my pack so then I can't complain about it. It is being on my own finding a mate, or be alone without a mate in a pack with others. Either way is not entirely fun until you find the one you want to spend your life with," he explained. 

Sebastian looked over the owl and hoped that he brought some wisdom to him. Sebastian placed his head down again, though this time less annoyed. He was slowly defrosting a bit. "Are you sure you are an owl, you sound like a wolf born into the body of an owl," he pointed out, actually to tease him but it sounded too serious for that. Sebastian mind drifted a bit, because there was someone far more interesting in his life than this owl. He wished the rain would just stop.

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 29, 2015

Alfie became a little nervous when the wolf obviously became a bit frustrated. Oh crap what did I say?He thought for a moment, fidgeting under Sebastian's scowl. But after a few moments, Sebastian's frosty outlook seemed to soften a bit, becoming a little more friendly. Alvorris had accomplished his goal. He nodded slowly, understanding what the massive grey male had said. Wolves and owls were the same in the aspect that they both mated for life, so on that level they could connect.

Alfie chuckled a little at Sebastian's teasing comment. The wolf almost sounded serious about it, but he had figured out that Sebastian often sounded serious. No I promise. All owl! I was born over in the Maplewoods, but this eagle attacked our nest a few months back. I escaped, obviously, but I've been on my own ever since so I've kind of been enjoying the company of you wolves. He chirped cheerfully, relaxing fully and letting his guard down. The little owl finally felt comfortable in the wolf's presence, and he considered them acquaintances now.

He peeked around Sebastian's grey coat and through a hole so he could see outside of his bush. The skies looked grey, not letting up on the rain quite yet. But he could see some silver around the clouds which let him know that the sun would soon show its face and hopefully send the rainclouds packing. It was a nice thought, the sun, but at the moment it was all dark and dry. Alfie sighed, backing away from Sebastian and back into a soft pile of moss. He settled down inside of it, his head resting into his neck so he looked like a big cute blob of feathers.

I hate the rain. It ruins my feathers. Alfie mumbled in frustration, a yawn sounded at the end of his sentence. It technically was still daytime and he was getting very tired.

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 31, 2015

Sebastian was very skeptical about the owl seeking the company of wolves. That could get him killed. He shouldn't disturb the balance of nature. But hey, if this owl was going to get killed because of it then it wasn't his fault. Sebastian could be more enthusiastic but he wasn't going to threat this owl like a wolf. He was not. Surely he was a predator like him but this was was too cute and fluffy for that. Though, Sebastian failed to realize that he was cute and fluffy too.

"You sound awfully keen on your appearance," he pointed out casually. Sebastian was about to say that the bird came over as vain but that might sounded more like an insult. And the young male didn't want to have his claws in his eyes. He liked his eyes and being blind would mean his death. Sebastian pulled himself out from the bushes, not caring if it was still raining. He had enough of laying around. Maybe he would just try and find something to do instead of having this owl talking the ears of his head.

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - October 31, 2015

Omg Alfie is relentless. Sebastian you can't escape him xD

Alfie was a bit hurt that the wolf didn't want to talk much. He knew that he was stuck on the ground, and enjoyed having company, but this particular wolf didn't seem to want his presence. But Alfie wasn't gonna give up yet. Well I guess I am. I like to look nice, you never know when you might meet someone new. Suddenly Sebastian began to crawl out from under the bushes, and walked around. He hadn't been expecting that, but it was true for Alvorris as well. He certainly didn't want to sit around all day. So he made the decision to follow Sebastian out.

Where are you going? He asked, though a bit preoccupied by the rain droplets that broke the forest canopy and managed to splatter all over his feathers. Look, I'm sorry if I'm being annoying, I'll leave you alone if that's what you really want. But I don't see the point in getting wet if you don't have to. He stated blatantly, as if this was a known fact.

RE: Singing in the rain - Sebastian - October 31, 2015

Sebastian rolled his eyes when he wasn't facing the owl. He was very obsessed with himself and how others might view him. Sebastian wasn't really a difficult guy, but he was a bit annoyed by creatures that were self absorbed, mainly because he never could be so self absorbed. "Why worry so much about how others see you? You are an owl," he pointed out. "If there are creatures around you that base you on you look instead of your personality then you have the wrong friends."

Sebastian then continued walking. He didn't want to say to the bird that he was annoying but he was not in the mood right now to be friendly towards an owl. He could bette invest in wolf friendships. "I just decided don't mind the rain that much after all. Go hide in those bushes then. I'm off," he returned with a casualness in his tone. He nodded the bird goodbye over his shoulder and walked off. 

Seb was done with him xD

RE: Singing in the rain - Alvorris - November 02, 2015

Alfie was beginning to get annoyed with Sebastian's rude attitude. Even though Seb was right, Alfie didn't like being told something that he already knew. That meant that he wasn't the only one who knew of his flaws. The more he thought about it however, the more he thought that it was great advice. Sebastian might not have seemed very interested in being his friend, but at least he gave good advice. Sebastian continued walking, and Alfie knew that he was done.

Ok then, I'll be right back here if you change your mind. Nice talking to you. Alvorris said, his voice slightly sarcastic but also he wouldn't mind it if Seb came back. It was much warmer with a big furry wolf blocking him from the wind. He hopped back under his bushes, nestling down into the pile of leaves. Well that was awkward. He thought with a sigh. At least he knew one more person now, maybe him and Sebastian would meet again, who knew. He let out a long yawn, that sounded more like a piercing screech than a yawn and closed his eyes. The sun was too high in the sky for him to think for much longer.

I'll archive it C: