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Haunted Wood Hoot Hoot, Madapaka - Printable Version

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Hoot Hoot, Madapaka - Keyx - October 25, 2015

Owls only~
Ask and you shall receive, aha! >:D Located in the darker section of the woods. @Alvorris & @Vulpine

To put it simply, Keyx was not regretting his return to Teekon. Things had changed during his time away, which he’d easily taken notice to as he flew over the land. Some more wolves lingered in places previously unoccupied, certain areas had been damaged—oh, and there were apparently more owls in the region now. The latter change was the one he most enjoyed learning about, since his last stay had been completely owl-free and a total bore. Though many owls were more solitary creatures, preferring to keep to themselves or stay with their lovers, he was not. The darkened boy had been hatched into a parliament, a large group of owls, and a life alone had quickly proven to not be for him. Even if he currently only knew of one other of his species, that didn’t matter. One was better than none, after all, and he was more than happy to know she was there. He didn’t even have to see her on a regular basis, it was just the knowing of her presence that kept him from heading home once more.
After his talk with Vulpine, the male had decided to take off and explore some more. There was still much he needed to see of the Wilds, though he knew he couldn’t get through it all in a single night. Before long, the sun had started to peek out over the horizon, alerting him to his need for a necessary break. He had entered another forest, one which seemed darker than others, and tried to turn in for the day. Time and time again, he’d attempted to sleep the entire day away, but it just wasn’t possible. Keyx was wide awake and full of energy—or perhaps it was curiosity in the guise of energy. Whatever the reasoning, his body was not ready to allow sleep to take over, leaving him to just sit and watch from his dark perch. His obsidian optics trailed after everything that moved on the ground below, and his ears would pinpoint every little sound that was made. Off in the distance, he could have sworn he heard wolves, but they did not concern him. The fluttering of wings from the day-birds didn’t bother him much, either. In both cases, he knew the other wouldn’t stand a chance, which filled him with a sense of safety. It was a feeling that probably should have allowed him to ease into a slumbering state, and yet, sleep continued to deny him.

RE: Hoot Hoot, Madapaka - Alvorris - October 25, 2015

Yay owl party :3

Alfie flew through the forest, enjoying the shade and darkness that surrounded him. Alfie had never been one to care if it was day or night, he'd always just kind of gone with it. He'd never been this far from his home in the Maplewoods before, but decided it was about time he adventured a bit. He looked around, he liked the Haunted Woods thus far. They were dark, a bit spooky, but they were nice all the same. He was getting a bit tired however and decided it was time for a rest.

The brown spotted male flapped strongly as he prepared to land, his talons outstretched as he reached for the branch below. He landed easily, proud of his flight skills when all of a sudden he heard a noise. He turned his head behind him to see another owl below in the branches. His eyes widened. Another owl? And it looked like him! Since his mother and Yilni, he hadn't seen another owl. And he'd always thought he was the only brown owl, since his sister and mother were both white and gold. He made a loud screech, alerting this other owl of his presence then called from his perch.

Hi! Down there yeah hi! Another owl wow that's great! I always though I was the only one in Teekon... And I guess that sounds ridiculous now that I think about it but... Yeah hi I'm Alfie! He swept down from his branch to get closer to the other owl. It was a male like him, but the other owl was a bit bigger than he. Alfie was a pretty friendly owl, and didn't even think to be cautious around the other. He was too intrigued at the idea of more of his kind.

RE: Hoot Hoot, Madapaka - Vulpine - October 25, 2015

Today she hadn't the time to rest. Vulpine was determined to get a job done, and that was target one of the Haunted Wood wolves. She had stayed in the Neverwinter Forest to sleep the rest of the night away, then headed for the dark forest.

 When the large bird reached the wood, her head swiveled around, listening out for the woods. She could here the rustling of mice underneath her, which automatically made her feel hungry. But now wasn't the time. She passed by the prey and deeper into the territory. The sounds of bigger mammals made her happy. Yes, the wolves were defiantly nearby.

 She was going towards the noise when the familiar sound of an owl rang through the air. Could it be Keyx once more? If a bird could smile, she would be smiling now. It was nice to know there was at least one owl she could speak to. Thinking of that made her want to investigate the call. Her 'hunting' session could wait.

 Closer and closer she got, until she could see two owl figures on a branch. Well, this would be interesting. More of her own kind to speak to. When the golden owl was close enough, she extended her talons and hooked them onto a branch above the two. Her body shifted around and she craned her neck so she could get a good look. One was Keyx for sure and the other she had yet to meet. "Why hello. Fancy meeting you again." She then turned her attention to the other owl, who seemed to be very young. "Hello fine sir. What might your name be?"

RE: Hoot Hoot, Madapaka - Keyx - October 27, 2015

There was nothing too interesting happening within the dark woods, or at least nothing that he knew of. It was peaceful, more or less, though certain noises found a way to bug him. The movements of animals that were far too large for him to turn into a meal could be heard in nearly every direction, though there was not a vast population of them. Just one or two here and there, stragglers that hadn’t quite reached the rest of their kind just yet. Rarely did he hear groups of others moving about, but he knew the reasoning behind it all. The stars that shown at night, as well as the temperature that surrounded him, made it clear that the cold months were approaching. Winter, he knew it to be called, a name that sounded just as pretty as the season was capable of appearing. He was left trapped within his own mind, imaging snow falling down to lay across the earth, coating everything in a sheet of white. It was a time he most stood out in, and yet that never bothered him. The aesthetics of it all made camouflage seem like something of absolute zero importance.
Keyx was dragged from his daydreams as a familiar sound reached his ears. It was the movement of wings, but different from a bird of the day. Barn owls flew with silence as long as they kept their feathers well groomed, but the roughness of the approaching stranger’s strokes pushed the air just enough to produce a gentle whooshing sound. It had the male’s head turning before the other could even land, giving him the chance to get in the first few glances. The owl was younger than himself, that was for sure, and seemingly smaller, too. What caught him slightly off guard was the colouration of his feathers. Now, the boy’s parliament was one of great knowledge, harbouring information on many things. That allowed for him to know of the existence of others like himself, but also to learn that they were a rare occurrence—and that there was never a guarantee that those who hatched would be allowed to live. Most were chucked from the nest, left to die the second it was revealed that they weren't like the others of the brood. For Keyx and the stranger, however, things were different. Both had been able to live, and then permitted to cross paths in life.
He watched as the other grew closer to him, but did not lash out in anyway. He, too, was glad to meet yet another owl, especially one who shared an appearance similar to his own. “Hello,” Keyx greeted, responding to the younger’s high energy level with a soft churr. “At one point, I thought I was the only one here, too.” It’d been a terrible feeling, that sense of isolation. Yet it was made better when he met Vulpine, a female of his kind. “I’m Keyx.” Polite as always, though he did not present his full name. It wasn’t common for him to do so, anyways, so it didn’t really matter much. Just as he was about to ask the boy a few questions to get to know him better, a familiar form landed above his own. There then came her voice, something he caught himself enjoying the sound of. “Seems we were destined to cross paths again,” he said, a trace of humour in his tone. He had enjoyed his first encounter with the woman, and to meet her again was a wonderful thing. “This is Alfie. Alfie, this is Vulpine.” As he spoke, he gestured between the two of them, taking it upon himself to get introductions out of the way. “What brings the two of you here on this fine day, of all times?” The melanistic tyto asked, giving both of them a glance every now and again. It seemed he wasn't the only one with a knack for getting stuck out during the daylight hours, much to his relief.

RE: Hoot Hoot, Madapaka - Alvorris - October 27, 2015

Alfie was mesmerized by the idea of more owls. Especially ones who were melanistic like him. This was definitely a new experience for the boy. The older male introduced himself as Keyx. Huh, that's an interesting name. Alfie thought, nodding to the other owl. Nice to meet you Keyx! He chirped when suddenly he heard another sound, another owl sound coming towards them. He swiveled his head around to see another owl flying towards them. This time it was a female, and she looked a lot like his sister Yilni. It startled him how she seemed acquainted with Keyx already. Where have I been all this time! Two more owls in the same place and I thought I was the only one!

Keyx introduced Alfie to the female, who's name was apparently Vulpine. He blinked respectfully to her and said, Nice to meet you Vulpine. Keyx then asked another question, directed to both of them it seemed. The brown tyto was more than happy to answer, giving the excitement of meeting more of his species. He was very curious about the two owls next to him. Well I've been exploring Teekon for a while now. Just flying around and all. Daytime has never really bothered me much so I thought I wouldn't waste time sleeping when I could be out flying. Plus this forest is pretty shady so it seems like night time already. He shrugged turning to Vulpine, eager to hear her response.