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Swiftcurrent Creek your majesty - Printable Version

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your majesty - Hecarim - February 05, 2014

xxxxxxThe day was warmer than usual, Hecarim thought as he trotted toward the deceiving waters of the creek. He'd been here less than a week and already he found himself favoring a little corner near the waters. He ceased movement upon reaching the edge of the lake and lowered his maw for a lap of water. Once he withdrew, his crystal eyes shot towards the sky, searching for any sign of a weather change. There was none.
xxxxxxWith a soft groan the chocolate furred male lowered to a sit and began to survey the land. This was his new home now. It felt so strange... especially for someone who only ever knew his birth pack. His claws etched into the earth as he thought of this, uncomfortable with the idea that he would have to begin anew. He hardly knew anything about these new lands, save for the little corner he liked so much. With a light nod Hec acknowledged that he would soon have to venture out beyond the waters and get to know the place he would someday have to wholeheartedly call 'home'.


RE: your majesty - Clarice - February 05, 2014

Home was as elusive as a term (in its definition) to Clarice as love was. She was never in one place for too long, though it was not for lack of desire to. She moved with her voices, her Loa; if they were discontent, so too was she.
xxxxxxBut she was content! Soon she would swell with the child of Sos, and bring to Him a single perfect child. Her greatest sacrifice, but her worship was limitless, unending. For Him, she would do anything.
xxxxxxSo high were her spirits that the woman could not be brought down. The presence of a dark wolf that hardly smelled of the Creek called to her attentions, and she peered sidelong before chirping out in her high-pitched voice, Handsome! And oh, the Loa did seem to approve, humming in unison. Sos would enjoy him, surely, in some way! But she was moving, unable to stop, her mind running rampant.

RE: your majesty - Hecarim - February 05, 2014

xxxxxxHecarim had already caught her scent in the wind, near, tanged in his nostrils. Curiously he awaited the probable appearance of the scent source, his ears perked forward and his eyes gleaming coldly. It did not take long for a stark pelt of snow to appear. She then hurled at him a compliment, which surprised him. "What," a smoky voice rolled forward. It caught him a bit off guard and somewhat confused him, though his face remained stoic.


RE: your majesty - Clarice - February 05, 2014

She was already walking. His words were but an echo in her mind, the audible inaudible, she had not listened. He could follow, he could trail—
xxxxxxBut she was moving!
xxxxxxA strange sound fell from her then, and the girl of stark white—who had bathed to remove old blood after the ceremony with Sos Himself—marched onward. Forward. He surely could follow even still, her steps were small, meandering. She had no mission. Just to move. The right path, the right path.

RE: your majesty - Hecarim - February 05, 2014

xxxxxxTo be quite honest, he expected her to elaborate, but insted, she kept moving! His expression then changed to that of confusion. That was fucking weird. He watched her go for a minute before curiosity completely got the best of him. Suddenly he rose and forward he marched also. It took a moment for his limbs to carry him to her side, but when he met her, his voice greeted her again. What's the hurry? Perhaps he was missing something? His blue eyes jumped around the scenery, searching for something, anything, that would give him a clue as to where she-well, now, they, were going.


RE: your majesty - Clarice - February 05, 2014

By all means, she should have known he was coming. He was not discreet in his approach, and had done nothing to hide it. But she is shocked when he comes up on her, and visibly so; she seems to withdraw into herself before she laughs, coming to.
xxxxxxThere is none, she says past a sigh and stops all at once, looking to him. Who are you? she then asks. Clarice had no interest in meeting anyone, not personally, and she had never went out of her way thus far to do so. But the opportunity presented itself, and Clarice could be opportunistic on occasion.

RE: your majesty - Hecarim - February 06, 2014

xxxxxxJust as suddenly as the girl began to run, she stopped. Hec didn't understand her or what she was doing. There was nothing? He stopped also and just stared at her. Being a male of course, he took this opportunity to give her a quick 'once over'. Looking now he realized how good looking she actually was, and no surprise here, it momentarily distracted him from what they were talking about. 'Who are you?' The words swam across his brain for longer than it should have before he reacted.Hecarim...His expression grew stoic again as he tried to conceal his previous derp. You?
