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bend, break. - Printable Version

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bend, break. - Anemone - February 06, 2014

he had left; for all that they had been through, the rubble they had been born past, he had gone. left, without a trace, and he had left anemone and narcissus behind. she moved in the diminutive darkness he had left in his wake, but no longer could do so. she was not whole without knowing he breathed even still, and she could endure her parents love no more; surely, they would have more broods and forget of the three identical faces they saw and loved so very much. they were the blood of their reunion. a reminder that love did, in fact, exist. but anemone's own heart was savaged by the loss of thorne; she would find him, and remind him it was not so easy, to forget ones own face.

but for now, she would need to survive. surely narcissus would join her soon enough! she was the head of their beast, so how was hawthorne fairing, his kind, gentle soul? was he floundering? did he feel a lack of balance? it was strange, looking to her left and not seeing him there. but now she could earn her name as an individual, as a woman. that intrigued her. and so her steps to find him slowed. she would in good time...

but until then, she would need to find a home. perhaps permanent, perhaps not; she could not be certain, but if she did know one thing, it was that this was necessary. and so she lingered at the borders of some land, her eyes bright, inquisitive. she was far from home, the girl of the sea, but anemone's heart did not ache.

RE: bend, break. - RIP Dawa - February 06, 2014

It had been weeks since the creation of the pack; and the group's ranks were swelling within this peaceful place. It had been a good choice to sequester themselves within the Vale. This place was indeed a peaceful, pleasant place. Dawa had grown accustomed to the quiet life that she new led; her cracked paw pads had healed, and the gawky little woman had even put on a few pounds. Her concept of paradise was still somewhat vague within her mind, but she was trying.

It wasn't often for Dawa to leave the rocky grotto which she had taken as her den. Instead, the proven Cleric would send one of the acolytes to tend to the caches; often giving little descriptions of the plants that they needed, which posed as a riddle for the still growing medics to crack and learn from. Today though, Dawa was adventurous; she was hungry and unable to locate anyone to aid her. At first, the crooked woman had hoped to stumble upon Tenzin during meditation — even wishing upon the attention of Raheerah, who was probably busy with his own pursuits. Instead, as the small creature crept along through the territory, she was caught by a new scent; a stranger, who carried a salty, oceanic after-taste to her musk.

But Dawa was unafraid. She couldn't fathom such an emotion. With slow steps, careful and precocious, Dawa found her way through the trees until the scent was stronger. Her blank gaze roamed across the unseen shadows, quite possibly passing right over the stranger who had encroached upon the lands, but she did not rebuke the stranger. Dawa would not chase her away — even if her limbs still worked, even if her eyes had not been taken from her by sickness, it was not in Dawa's nature to chase away anyone. The Vale was meant to be a peaceful place. She called out in the shrill bark that marked her as a hybrid, alerting the stranger — and perhaps @Tenzin or @Raheerah if they were in earshot — that she had discovered someone, and needed aid.

RE: bend, break. - Dresden - February 06, 2014

Dresden had unknowingly found herself on a similar road. She had come, step for step, behind another traveler from a similar place. She'd come, seeking similar things. She'd come, with the same thoughts most carried: fresh start, new home, new faces, new opportunity. An immigrant, a refugee in a strange land. She'd need a pack, she'd need the support. She was not foolish. She had little care for social needs, but it was a necessity. In coming upon the borders of this pack's land, she'd spot the traveler she had unwittingly followed.

She'd seen something familiar in the younger stranger, and with an eased stride, began to devour the inches in between. "a fellow stranger, i presume?" she was not unkind -- it seemed wrong to be cruel, seemed far too unruly.

she'd withheld the sharpness of her tongue, and instead, regarded the girl kindly. she was alone, like dresden. and that alone, meant some tact would have to be shown. compassion, and mercy were things to be practiced. and so, she would. her approach to the girl had been complete, and she'd fallen still. her attention however, was stolen from anemone: the sharpness of the hybrid's bark caught her. dresden's eyes snapped in the direction of the call, seeking out the one who'd come to greet them.

RE: bend, break. - Anemone - February 06, 2014

anemone had kept a relatively decent distance from the border. she was not so foolish as to make the mistake of being banished before she could earn her keep. but the voice of another distracted her. the gunmetal woman, who was not purely that hue, found her head turning and her bright eyes lingering on the lovely countenance of dresden. she had seen the woman in passing, and had thought she might be being followed; but, truth be told, anemone had then no interest in keeping the company of anyone other than her brothers. they were her friends, her pack. it was strange to think that she might run with anyone else... but these were measures that needed to be taken. so, like dresden, she withheld the blades that so frequently were flung from her tongue. yes, the woman responds, and so that she was not short with the woman, she continued, though i presume we will not be strangers for long. she threw dresden a pretty smile, her tail swaying at her hocks, the tip curling and twitching in idle excitement of this new chapter.

anemone was no vagrant. she did not wander idly. the naibu had a purpose, a mission. it was to find hawthorne. she had not failed in finding him, but she was a mortal woman and needed to rest her weary head. anemone could easily make a permanent home out of a land so lovely as this, should the leaders be respectable and worthy; she could bring hawthorne here, too, if his desperation had been to get away from wisteria, heston. they were good parents, but were often overbearing. after one of wisteria and heston's children was forced away by some other relative she and her brothers had never met, their freedoms were limited.

another sound caused her head to whip in the direction of the source. an ear pivoted atop her head while the other merely leaned forward some. she sought dawa but her eyes had not yet found her, and she licked her chops. anemone peered sidelong at the ivory coated girl, as though to say, they know we are here, before her eyes attentively looked to the land ahead. with no wolf in sight, anemone shifted her weight, humming a confused note. she assumed the proper posture for a lone wolf, and sniffed the earth again to be sure that she was at a proper distance for a further sense of security. and then she waited.

RE: bend, break. - Raheerah - February 07, 2014

Sorry for short post, posting via phone.


The moment he heard the shrill cry, his ears twitched and he shifted from his position. The man had been prowling the trees that lined the valley, melding in their darkness, securing borders with the heavy, oily scent that dripped from his skin. But his duties had changed the moment he heard her call. If anything could tear him from his prior arrangements, it would be the call of his Goddess.

Raheerah broke into a run at first, and it slowed to a jog as he saw her. Lham was the first to enter his gaze, and then his attentions shifted to figures distant. Lham remained untouched. It was two females, though they seemed to pose little threat the beast was still wary. He moved first up to Dawa, rumbling lowly as he informed her of his arrival. Then, his pace picked up again and he galloped towards the two females.

Reaching them, his head held erect and his single burning eye landed on the one that stunk of salt, then her companion. "Ssspeeeaaak." His voice erupted deeply from the chasm of his chest, an unyielding front to hold these strangers in curiosity.

RE: bend, break. - RIP Dawa - February 08, 2014

While Dawa was well hidden from their view (although not in the same manner that they were hidden from her own), she was still able to discern the stranger's scents upon the mire; there were now two of them, and the girl was at a loss for what to do. It took time for her ally to arrive - and while she hoped it would be Tenzin, she was just as grateful for the rumbling sounds of familiar Raheerah. He emerged from the shadows (more or less) and the stomping of his heavy paws were notice enough to Dawa that she was no longer alone. The dragon passed her quickly, as if to affirm her nerves, and yet before Dawa could speak, he was off again. Presumably in the direction of the strangers.

The female's ears flicked back against her head, and she turned to follow the retreating thunder that was the black behemoth. Dawa was slow and steady as she moved, and while she did stumble a few times, her nimble paws were growing accustomed to the reedy forest that had become her home. She approached the looming figure of Raheerah and, with her nose reaching towards his flank, she prodded him once. The cold touch of her nose against his skin did make her flinch back, as the thrill of pain shot though the curves of her features and deep in to the muscles of her neck; but it was all she could do to stop him, if he indeed was raging.

He commanded things of them, and Dawa receded in to the great shadow that he cast, hiding alongside the man that served as her eyes - and apparently, her voice. Her shining pearl eyes watched the strangers, but they did not focus - nor linger - upon their features for long.

RE: bend, break. - Anemone - February 10, 2014

i know dee's busy atm, so i will post out of turn and have her speak for the both of them:)
it was not long before a figure appeared. it looked not at all like the voice she had heard. the voice had sounded strangled, strange. this was a wolf she imagined boomed instead of yelped. the scarred wolf was more of a creature to anemone than any other, though it was hardly because of his figure or his scar. that, she thought, was something to be discovered. but she was not clairvoyant or all knowing, merely acutely perceptive; she was neutral in most everything, and had never been truly exposed to true evil and so could not identify the word as the presumption occurred to her. it faded and was now an afterthought, for soon the other spoke in a hiss. anemone's eyes flitted to his side for a minute, noting only then the tiny, frail thing there.


it was not his voice that anemone imagined as unyielding. it was his body. he was truly a beast, and his gnarled face made him a curious thing. but she did not look for too long, and averted her gaze respectfully at the right time. anemone was not shy in speaking, but lowered herself to the earth, her ears falling backward. her submission was swift in this instance. we would like to join you, she responds, evidently accepting his command. anemone took the helm for dresden, knowing it might be easier and swifter if there was one of them to respond to these questions unless something was specifically requested of her. if her newest companion had anything to say of it, she was sure the pale woman would.

RE: bend, break. - Raheerah - February 11, 2014

Not too long after he hard charged past his Lham, she came up from behind him. His ears twisted to absorb the sound and register her presence. A touch accompanied her arrival; her nose against his flank, and an electric jump sent his skin crawling. Starting his nerves and his heart; exciting him. He tipped his head down to glance at her, but very quickly his attention returned to the pair of females that lingered before them.

He looked them over, taking in their scents and appearances alike, analyzing. Only one of them spoke; he imagined perhaps they were companions, though nothing could prove it save for their twin presence. Raheerah furrowed his brow and cocked his head down to speak to Lham. "Oonne is sssliight, siiilent. Thaat which spookke is leean and tall. Both appeear in good heeaalth." He murmured deeply, a hushed and brief description before falling to silence himself. It was not his duty to judge the worth of these newcomers to the Vale.

RE: bend, break. - RIP Dawa - February 14, 2014

Skipping Dee again, just to keep things moving! If this is an issue please let me know, and I can remove this so that they can post. :)

Dawa could not anticipate what an individual may want or need when she confronted them. She often hung back in the shadows, loitering just out of reach of one of her dear attachments; Raheerah her defender, or Tenzin her doctor. Sometimes, and only in the recent days, she would be accompanied by a cleric in training. Those individuals could tell her what she needed, and it was without hesitation that Raheerah fell in to this habit. He outlined what the strangers looked like in a bare fashion, but it was enough. Dawa did not need a strong physical description; although, as he mentioned that they appeared in good health, the woman began to wonder about them. They did not need the physical aid provided by the clerics, and as the stranger's voice slipped between the dragon and the lamb, Dawa realized they probably did not need any spiritual guidance either.

"We would like to join you," Concluded the stranger's voice in a swift reveal of intent. The sound was affirming in a way. It relieved Dawa's instinctual apprehension of the vagrants, and she was able to adapt to this new information. Her precocious steps reached out of the beast's shadow as the leader sought out the figures just out of her reach. She ambled along, chasing the scent of the stranger's fur and the sound of their breathing, until she was very close. Perhaps too close, invasive. Dawa knew this would bother Raheerah - she anticipated that he would rise up to stop her, but knew he would not say a word unless something truly dangerous were to happen. Dawa painted a smile upon her face as best she could - and it was a crooked thing, a butchered line that glowed with little warmth or true emotion.

The expression faltered as she spoke in the next moment.
"We are the wolves of Northstar Vale."

Dawa turned in the direction she had heralded from, and looked to where she could hear Raheerah breathing; his rasping was familiar to her, and easy to identify even in her perpetual state of darkness. "This is Raheerah, our Beta. My guard." She shifted around again and carefully stepped back, one, two, three steps. Her rear descended in the grass, and her blank eyes stared at the ground - a pair of pearls that could easily unnerve individuals who were not used to them.

"I am Dawa, one of the Alphas. If you do wish to join.. You must understand," She inhaled as if the effort of this explanation was truly a difficulty for her; and with all the other issues that appeared prevalent within the woman, it wouldn't be surprising if she was short on breath. "You are welcome here as long as violence does not come with you. You may stay, if you can aid us in some way." Her voice was monotonous and lacked any sort of emotional tone; she did not implore these strangers nor cast them aside, but rather, she listed off these pieces of information as if she were discussing something of little importance.

As she shifted her head up, raising it with an attempt at dominance which was somehow cute due to her childish size, her eyes naturally landed upon Anemone's own gaze; this was where Dawa froze, as if to study the stranger which in truth did not physically exist to her yet. "If you believe you can aid us, please, tell us how."

RE: bend, break. - Anemone - February 18, 2014

pp'ing dresden a bit since i'm not sure if dee will immediately rejoin or not!
an ear swivels backward to check on the status of the wolf who had followed her all of this way. but there was silence on her part. anemone turns to look at the woman, who seems to be watching her. ah, so she would be the first to be admitted then. this came as no issue to anemone who turned back to assess the situation... and it was then the quiet woman stepped forward and spoke. anemone was surprised to hear the woman's rank, a leader!, when she had seemed so meek and quiet but moments before. the woman did not truly blossom into her role—she looked exhausted—but in the moment, anemone took it with a grain of salt. the gunmetal woman was not who she was truly without her brothers here, challenging and dominant. how out of place she felt... and in the moment, it boded well for her. anemone respectfully dips her head and does not even think of behaving aggressively, asserting the dominance that might one day rear its head (though certainly not against the woman who had so graciously opened her arms to her... begrudging though it looked).

i know plants well, she began, though her interest did not lay in healing others. still, it could perhaps aid them if they had no other medics... not that anemone was looking for that role. i am an exceptional tracker, as well as navigator. i hunt well, and would contribute to the cache's whenever possible. i would help with patrols, she offered. anemone was versatile, and her talents were many. she had hardly ever flaunted or wielded them (there had never been much of a point), but they were there. dawa's gaze seemed to merge with her own as the other sought eye contact. she stifled the urge to look back, wondering if dawa would be the one to look away... but instead, her eyes darted upward to the lanky alpha's forehead, respecting her and her kindness. could you tell me more of the vale...? she requests, her eyes bright. as a potential member, it was only natural that she know the stipulations, the requirements, the way the ranks worked and anything out of the norm for pack life. anemone's rank system from home had been normal enough... albeit with some abnormalities that surely would not come to be faced here.

RE: bend, break. - RIP Dawa - February 18, 2014

The woman was learning quickly about what it meant to be a leader, and while she did not have much of the emotional capacity, her natural affinity towards logic was very important; it was perhaps the only real skill that Dawa had, aside from her medical knowledge. To hear that this stranger was like-minded made Dawa smile. It was a forced and somewhat strained line, but she wanted to show the stranger that she had said the correct things. Dawa nodded once, a languid motion, while her blank eyes blinked to rejuvenate their drying surface. She was prepared to speak out, to accept the woman in to their ranks - at this point, forgetting all about the second soul who had come upon their borders, as he was so silent - but Anemone was quick to ask her own question. And this threw the Alpha a touch off-kilter.

"Could you tell me more of the Vale...?"

Dawa's ears flicked back briefly, so briefly it was like a flap of tiny wings; she was sitting with her attention upon the possible recruit, although her blindness remained prevalent, as it always did.

"Here in the Vale, the wolves are peaceful. We live a quiet existence while pursuing strong physical, mental, and spiritual health." Her words sounded bland and unfeeling, for that was the way she was. Even as Dawa spoke of spiritual health, her behaviour did not boast with zeal; she was monotonous. Robotic. But the words continued a moment later, as she caught her breath.

"The Monks are one faction, and they are taught by our friend Tenzin. They care for the mental well-being of the pack. I teach the Clerics, who focus on the physical. And Raheerah-" As she said his name, she turned her head to look upon the man; unaware if she was peering in the right direction, although she tried to point her muzzle in the direction his raspy breaths came from. A quick look, before settling back in to her rigid sphinx-pose. "-trains the warriors, who make sure the land is safe for all who thrive here."

As silence budded once more, Dawa did not smile. She forgot all about the pleasantries that Tenzin had been trying to train in to her - and instead, she plainly stated, "Everyone with good intention is welcome here."

RE: bend, break. - Anemone - February 19, 2014

just a small post so I can at last be one with the Vale <___>
Dawa is swift in her response. Anemone did not note the others blindness because she had respected the authority presented when told of her rank; she had not the slightest hint of an idea, in fact. Anemone is thoughtful for a moment, before humming her response. I think that I would enjoy learning from you, by becoming one of your clerics. She licks her chops, her eyes drifting toward Raheerah for a moment, before falling back onto the forehead of Dawa.

RE: bend, break. - RIP Dawa - February 21, 2014

Dawa could not detect the goodness of intention in the stranger's voice, the same way she could not detect the malevolence that occasionally flavoured Raheerah's. She could hear words and would take them at face value. When this woman proclaimed an interest to stay, to serve, to learn, Dawa nodded. She turned her head towards Raheerah's position and bowed her head for a moment, as a sign that this was a new ally. When she turned back towards the woman, Dawa lifted to her paws. "Then you are welcome. Come, we will find you a place to rest from your journey, and then tomorrow we can begin your teaching."

Although Anemone had arrived with an escort, the stranger's scent had waned in the time Dawa had been visiting with her; she now remembered the stranger, but said nothing, as their absence prevailed. Dawa stumbled her way to Raheerah's side and, with a bizarre level of precision, followed the pounding of his paws upon the earth as they brought the new recruit in to the heart of the Vale.

[Exit Dawa.] Small PP because Dresden/Dee has vanished. :) Welcome to NSV!