Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain And yes I've dreamt of you too - Printable Version

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And yes I've dreamt of you too - Mason - October 31, 2015

They were in the new area of the pack, closer to the glass caves. Mason had noticed that the prey here was more ready, and it was plumper. He had caught a rabbit – his first solo success. Mason was excited. He wanted to share the news with June and his Dad. In particular, despite his best intentions, he also wanted to show it to Zaria. Mason’s crush was at risk of turning into an obsession – his Dad had done the very worst thing to try and quash a youthful impression, by bringing Zaria into their family. It was impossible for Mason to try and distance himself too much, for fear of losing contact with June and his Dad. But that meant he was seeing Zaria more frequently than was clever. Especially considering he tended to swing by the areas she frequented. 

But that was a problem for another day. 

A spot of extra-cold was suddenly deposited on the bridge of his muzzle. Mason jumped a bit, and then realigned his eyes to try and see what it was – a rain drop? Thanks to the odd set of his wide eyes, he couldn’t see the very-pale flake on his not-as-pale fur. Mason shook off the unnerving feeling that something was about to happen, and he plodded forwards with his catch swinging freely from his mouth. He was heading towards the glass caves, but still some way off. Mason’s dappled shoulders looked dull in the dim light. Trees were dotted around to take some of the brunt of the wind, but the rest whipped at his soft fur. Mason had never done well in cold, and he shivered, feeling a bit glum.

Without further warning the snowflakes began to fall. In swirls and flurries, dancing amongst the winds and breezes, they reached out to touch his fur. Along his back, against his tail, through the channels of his ears. Mason stopped, stock still, as the cold began to blanket him.

The late October storm was likely to stop within an hour, as quickly as it started, but it was the first real snow Mason had ever seen. His orange eyes lit up and he dropped the deceased rabbit. Without further ado, Mason began to twirl and whirl with the snow, small yips of glee erupting from his muzzle. He jumped and snapped at the flakes, dropped to the ground and rolled in them, and generally moved as they did. 

There was some joy in the boy yet.

RE: And yes I've dreamt of you too - Lunae - October 31, 2015

Hope you don't mind! She'll be way behind the borders, so Lunae shouldn't be a bother.
 Lunae was still thinking about the lights from last night. They had twinkled so magically in the sky. 'I'll call them little moons', she decided, and she stopped thinking about it.
  She had not been paying attention to her surroundings until some kind of small white leaf had floated in front of her. She jumped back in shock. More of these leafs started to appear. 'They aren't leaf-shaped, are they the little moons, falling?', she wondered. She attempted to catch one of these moons in her mouth. As soon as it entered her mouth, it was replaced with cold water. She growled at the other little moons, they ignored her and kept falling. She barked at them, trying to get their attention. "Hello? Are you even alive", she finally said. 'No, they are not alive, then', she thought. She shivered, as the place was colder than she thought. She had caught the scent of a wolf, maybe more. The scent was strong, so she had began to follow it.

RE: And yes I've dreamt of you too - Mason - December 01, 2015

Despite the snowflakes, Mason saw the movement down the mountain through the clear skies. Eddies and whirls cloaked the figure in mystery, but he was sure it was not a pack member. As far as he knew, all were  tucked up tight further up the mountain. He had been the only one that morning to venture out. Excitement forgotten, Mason’s throat constricted and he thought about what to do.

With a howl to the skies, Mason called for @FitzDutiful or @Steady to join him. He wasn’t sure how close they were, or what he would do if they didn’t come. With that, he began to thunder down the mountain towards the intruder. He was a small spitfire, ready for action, and he could see far ahead the wolf who thought she was not over their borders. He realised she was certainly not a pack member and he slowed his pace, to ensure he had breath in case no backup arrived and he needed to flee. “Ho!” He shouted loudly from a distance. “Get out!“ and there was a snarl to his voice.

RE: And yes I've dreamt of you too - Steady - December 01, 2015

Steady had been diligently patrolling the borders, helping to ensure the safety of the pack. He rather liked knowing he was contributing as it gave him a sense of pride. Not that he let that go to his head.

A howl rang out, and he recognized it as Mason's. It wasn't a calm one, either, seeming more urgent and requesting help. Had the cougar returned for him? Steady would kill it if it had, even if it meant following the cat to the ends of the earth.

He headed for Mason at a dead run, fearing for his nephew's life. It didn't take him long to come into view of his yelling pack mate. He quickly realized that it wasn't the cougar, but instead another wolf. While she wasn't trespassing, she was close enough to make his hackles stand in aggression as he came to a sliding halt beside Mason, ears perked and a loud, unmistakable growl coming from his throat. You are too close for comfort, he warned her. What business do you have here? he asked.