Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Well great... - Printable Version

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Well great... - Zaria - November 04, 2015

Zaria's shoulder was doing a bit better. It was only thanks to Mason's help. The slender female was lucky she hadn't have too much weight resting on her injured shoulder. She often licked it to keep it clean, or let Fitz lick it. The young female stepped out of the glass cave. The big cave had a chamber just for them, but any pack mate was welcome to sleep or rest in the main chamber. As long as they didn't enter the alpha chamber Zaria was happy. She liked her private moments with Fitz after all.

Zaria realized she hadn't done anything about her poison skills for a long while, maybe she would have to take a break from it since winter was coming and there wouldn't be too many herbs. Then she realized that she left her deerskin with poisons back on the other side of the mountain. Instantly her face turned into a scowl. Clearly annoyed with her own stupidity. Now she would have to travel back, and she couldn't do that until her injury was over.

RE: Well great... - Chaska - November 04, 2015

Chaska came around to the front of the glass cave, after doing a quick walk around. And on the way, he had run into a rabbit. Never stood a chance, having cornered itself. It dangled from his jaws, bloodied fur around it's back and his lips. However, he slowed when he spotted the new alpha, Zaria. That wound on her shoulder still looked bad, but he was no healer, so how could he know. And it seemed he had come at a bad time, as she had a scowl across her face. He dropped the rabbit nearby and felt the need to ask what the problem was.

He came before her, and lowered himself slightly in a bowing gesture, showing respect. "Zaria. Something troubling you?" he asked, curious to her reason for having a scowl. Of course, it was none of his business, but he wanted to help.

RE: Well great... - Zaria - November 04, 2015

Zaria looked up when Chaska approached. She smiled lightly at the male because he was one of the wolves she could stand. She didn't like other wolves easily at all. Chaska already knew about her poison stash so she could easily vent about how she left her deerskin. The female looked at the grey male and let out a soft sigh. "With the cougar attack I forgot my deerskin with poisons," she admitted. "Once healed I will have to go back."

She didn't really feel like traveling all the way back, but it might be a good way to train her injured shoulder. She hoped it didn't stay injured for too long. She needed to get going. She couldn't slack around.

RE: Well great... - Chaska - November 04, 2015

Chaska hesitantly thought on what to say in reply. He could help, but how would she react to that? He knew they were dangerous, and just carrying it around could be a danger. But she was in need. And he could handle the trek, surely. So he made up his mind.

"What if I were to go? I would be careful with it, keep my nose away from the herbs so any fumes could not harm me. And I'll be sure not to drop it." He raised an eye ridge questionably as he awaited a response.

RE: Well great... - Zaria - November 05, 2015

Zaria looked at Chaska. "I cannot ask of you. My fault. My responsibilities," she spoke with a hint of determination. But it might be a good thing to do in the company of another wolf maybe Chaska wanted to travel with her. If he wanted to be a warden he might be able to warder her, be a bit of a body guard? Alas she didn't know what kind of trades he wanted to do besides chronicler.

"What other trades do you like to do?," she asked maybe that could give her a bit of insight on the grey male. Zaria make would let him take the deer skin if it could be related to a trade. Then it would be a win-win situation.

RE: Well great... - Chaska - November 06, 2015

Chaska nodded, being respectful of her choice. If she did not want to trouble him, then that was fine. Even if he really wanted to help, not only to aid her but to put himself at ease. He couldn't help to see another in distress.

"Warrior. The reason for it is a little..personal" he stated. A fair few knew of his past, but only one of those few were in this pack. "Why do you ask?"

RE: Well great... - Zaria - November 06, 2015

Zaria looked at Chaska and then nodded. Once she was healed she could help. "Well, if you went for a certain trade then getting my deer skin could be used for that trade, but I don't think Warrior is retrieving herbs," she explained. She lifted her paw a bit from the ground so there wasn't any pressure on her shoulder.

"But I am warrior so once I am better we can spar. Steady also wants Warrior, so you can spar with him." The slender female didn't care about his personal reasons. That was his business but she could help him with being warrior.

RE: Well great... - Chaska - November 06, 2015

Chaska let out a little sigh, hearing he couldn't retrieve the deer skin. But then his tail started to wag when she mentioned sparring. And that would go a long way in him earning the trade. Though, even still, he couldn't help but wonder what the certain trade was. Yet it kept the thought to himself.

"I cannot wait to train. I am sure it will be exciting, for both me and the teacher." He paused, a sudden question popping into his mind. "I am sorry if this seems intruding, but why did you run away?" he asked, recalling their first meeting. She had told him she had run away, but never the purpose. Was it by choice, or was there something more to it?

RE: Well great... - Zaria - November 07, 2015

Zaria disregarded the sigh, since it was her decision but the male seemed to respect it. So the female wasn't complaining. It pleased her that Chaska didn't have any troubles with accepting her as his alpha. He had been here longer than her after all. Zaria was a bit confused when he suddenly asked about her running away? When did she ran away? She never ran away?

"I never run away. When did I say this?," she asked to the male. It was probably her vocabulary that was non excitant at the time that she just used those words. She hadn't remembered the fact that she used that word in the beginning.

RE: Well great... - Chaska - November 07, 2015

Just in case you forgot, it was the first thread they did together

Chaska cocked his head a little to the right, his ears folding the same way. Had she not remembered? The first time they met, she said that...Unless this whole time, he had misinterpreted it. He became just as confused as Zaria. "You..you don't remember? The first time we met?"

Suddenly, his stomach grumbles. And quite loudly. Then he remembers the food he had caught. With a sheepish smile, he slowly backs away while explaining why. "Ah, I should get back to my meal. I will catch up later, okay?"

RE: Well great... - Zaria - November 07, 2015

I didn't forget, haha! It was just Zaria that 'forgot' it. :D

Zaria blinked. Oh that time. Well yes she did. "I didn't know tongue so well. I didn't run. I was kicked out," she clarified. "By my own father who was the leader and didn't have the guts to kill me for what I did." That would probably spark even more confusion if not mystery for Chaska. Zaria was more than happy to keep it like that.

"Oh. Sure," she spoke. She wasn't that much of a chatty person. She was more that content with the conversation they had now. "Have a nice meal," she offered and then laid down at the entrance of the cave.

RE: Well great... - Chaska - November 15, 2015

Whoops. forgot to finish this off.

Chaska was very surprised, and felt sympathetic, his ears flattening a little. "Zaria, I am sorry. No one should ever have to be kicked out by their own father. It is a horrible experience for both." He stopped there, afraid to say anything else that would either sound insulting in some way or bring back bad experiences for her.

"I will savor what I can" he spoke, then turned away and returned to his rabbit, carrying it off to his new-found den. He wanted to help her, but in the end he didn't, and he surprised himself as he was fine with that.