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Phoenix Maplewood Shadows - Printable Version

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Shadows - Wynter Wolf - November 08, 2015

Wynter was tired. The wolf had been travelling for forever there couldn't have been a part of the wilds she hadn't seen. She had just been wandering, wallowing in somewhat self pity. Not really having much care for anything or anyone.  It had been a few months now since her dramatic breakup with her ex mate Reek but part of her still missed him. The other part blamed Saena for losing him, if they hadn't been as close as they were perhaps the amber wolf would still have had a chance. 

She padded closer and closer to a forest she knew was now home to Saena and Reek and whoever else had followed them. She couldn't quite figure out why she was here, but something brought her here. Perhaps she was seeking some sort of closure. She wouldn't join them for it would be too hard to face Reek each and everyday but perhaps she could come to some place where she didn't totally hate them. Him. Even though it was her fault she left in the first place.

She winced as she misstepped with her back leg causing her hip to twinge. It hurt like hell but it was healing, still could probably have used some sort of herbs, but Wynter's lack of herbal knowledge prevented her from doing anything remotely productive to her wound.

 Her encounter with the bear had not been one to brag about. Wynter had landed a few blows on the bear before it had caught her hip and apparently given up on finishing her off because as she had lay collapsed on the ground it had just walked away. Part of her wondered if the gods had something to do with that. They were trying to tell her something, I mean surely that bear should have killed her.

 She had considered going to the coast not solelyfor the reason of standing in the waters and rinsing her wound but also for the purpose of potentially starting another pack in the Ankyra Sound. She missed the place so dearly and she felt herself worthy of becoming an alpha of her own pack. She stood proud for a moment and then continued  limping until she reached the borders. 

She didn't bother howling because she knew that at some point someone would pick up her scent. She lay down near a large tree, just far enough from the border not to be considered a threat in case any wolf that dint know her found her first. 

Heh AW but would appreciate a post fro @Reek or @Saena as well since thats who she came to see.

RE: Shadows - Reek - November 09, 2015

Reek returned to the maplewood from his most recent travels with a cheerful bounce to his step. The never ending rain and gloomy weather that followed him back did not dampen his spirits in the same way it did his pelt. It was proving to be a wet season— which eventually meant snow, and snow meant difficulties,  but Reek wasn't thinking that far ahead.  Once again, he was ingrained in the here and now.  The harsh realities of an approaching winter couldn't bring down his high spirits.  He knew the wolves of the maplewood would push through and thrive.

His duties resumed immediately. Patrol, caring for Sart (who had become more self-sufficient with each passing day), and planning a healer's outing with Scarlett had taken priority in his mind. After making sure the coy pup daughter type thing was fed and well, Reek set out toward the border with his head full of plans.  He wasn't much of a teacher, but he figured the more thought and effort he put forth toward planning his lessons, the better he would do.  

He smiled as he walked. Visions of different plants and their varied effects danced in his head. He saw chervil, alum, grouseberries, and more as he weaved through trees on the fringes of his home. The first lesson would need to come fast; before the first frost set in.  

In the distance, there was movement. The gentle rise and fall of breath. It was so subtle, and Reek nearly didn't catch the sight of her against the backdrop of fallen leaves.  He marched through the damp with his tail erect. No longer did he take chances on the borders, and this wolf was one he didn't recognize outright. She was so sad, so limp. Disheveled and different. The gears of recognition did not turn. This was not the Wynter he had known and even as he closed the gap between them, the puzzle peaces had yet to fall into place.

His smile faltered as his eyes fell on the wound that festered on her hip. "You're injured," he stated flatly, still ignorant of her identity. Standing above her and looking down, he let his body posture drop into a less threatening stance.

RE: Shadows - Wynter Wolf - November 09, 2015

Wynter lay quietly just waiting. She still didn't know what for or even the reaction the wolves here might have to seeing her again. For all she knew she was a traitor and they would take advantage of her weak state and well kill her. Surely this hadn't been a walk to her death. She needed help and she hoped the wolves would be forgiving enough to at least help her recover and then be on her way. 

Her ears twitched as the the droplets of rain soaked her already messed up fur. It was beginning to make her cold but she no longer had the energy or willpower to move. This was when she realized just how long it had been since she had had a good nights sleep. 

She was beginning to doze off before the sound of footprints approaching caught her attention. She opened her eyes and managed to lift her head enough to see who it was. It was Reek. He looked good, healthy, happy. That she was glad for. He was happy. He approached her standing tall tail high. Did he not recognize her, she looked at her fur. She admitted she did look quite awful and the gash on her hip probably didn't help. He mentioned the wound on her hip and she nodded slowly.

 She managed to muster the energy to speak a few words. "Reek," she said weakly and tried to manage a smile. "Stupid bear," she stated frowning and her face returning to its emotionless state. That was about all she could manage for the time being. Not only was it hard simply because she was starving and she was in a lot of pain. She was also cold, and wet.  Not to mention the emotional pain. it was both hard to see him again, and also happy.  

So sad. So so sad.

RE: Shadows - Reek - November 10, 2015

She spoke and his heart sank deep in his chest.  He never forgot a voice.  Weak as it had been, the puzzle pieces finally fell into place and Reek let out an exasperated sigh for not recognizing in ex-mate in the first place. Apart from the sound of raindrops colliding with the fallen leaves, a long silence followed in recognition's wake.  It was a while before words came, and Reek was barely able to mumble a hardly audible, "Wyn?"

And at that moment, something broke within Reek's spirit.  He held his body low and his ears splayed to the side.  He wanted to ask, what happened to you, but he already knew the answer: him.  A rare wave a guilt swept over Reek. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.  However, apologies would never absolve Reek of his sins.  His adultery— how he handled the split... blanketing statements wouldn't be of service.

"Let me help you," he nearly begged. "Can you walk?"  She needed to be washed in the creek, getting her there alone would be a nightmare.  He tipped his head back and howled for his current mate, @Saena. While, he needed her to lend a hand, he howled partly to alert her as to what was going on at the border. There would be no secrets.

RE: Shadows - Wynter Wolf - November 10, 2015

Wynter watched as he seem to put the pieces of the puzzle together and she gave a small nod as he mentioned her name. "Yea, it's me," she said as she glanced around at the Rise's new home. It wasn't too bad. Mostly forest but the whole place kind of had this spooky vibe to it. Now was not the time to be judging their choice of territory however. 

She frowned as Reek apologized. "It's fine. Shit happens," she shrugged not really caring at this point about her language. She tended to keep quite modest but right now she was tired hungry and injured and she was in no mood to act happy. She wasn't into that whole faking it thing. At least he felt some guilt, even though it was her fault they split in the first place. He had a new mate now and he was Alpha. Truly a noble wolf. 

Wynter's gaze returned to Reek's face and she nodded. She needed help, she knew and understood that much. Sure it wasn't going to be easy considering who the help was coming from but it was better than none at all. "Yes, I can walk," she stated as she tried to stand. "Just not far," she finished. She finally lifted herself from the ground but it wasn't without pain. Her hip twinged and caused a fair amount of pain as she stretched her damaged leg. She took a few steps forward and decided she could manage a short trip. Her eaers twitched as Reek called for Saena. His mate. Letting her know what was going on and let her know he may need some help. 

She tried not to think about the two of them and how Saena might react to seeing a wolf that had left the pack. Basically, betraying them. At the borders of her new home. Let alone her mates ex.

RE: Shadows - Reek - November 18, 2015

@Saena, feel free to jump into this if you get the chance!

Reek's howl died away and there was only silence. That awkward, thick type of silence that weighs heavy on the soul.  He waited for his mate for a moment, but ended up deciding that he would need to act whether or not his wife was present.  The wound on her back leg was beginning to heal, but Wynter was not out of the woods just yet. Infection could set in at any time if the wound hadn't been properly washed.  If nothing was done, she would be playing a dangerous game.  

Part of Reek felt uneasy bringing a wolf into the heart of his territory, let alone his ex-wife. His relationship with Saena had finally gotten back on track and Reek wasn't willing to make another mistake. Instead, he would take her around the border and to where the stream intersected with neutral territory. "It won't be far," he said in hopes of calming her. "I promise." For once, this was one he could keep.

She made her way to her feet and stumbled forward. Reek took this as his cue to slowly lead her down to the water, all the while, looking behind him periodically to see that she was still there.