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Herbalists' Cache Bound by Symmetry - Printable Version

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Bound by Symmetry - Reek - November 10, 2015

For @Scarlett! Healer teaching thread! Powerplaying your location to start this off, hope that's ok!

Finding an ounce of free-time in maplewood upon Reek's return had been a struggle.  There were constant jobs to do, and the occasional not-so-pleasant surprise winding up on their doorstep to deal with, but as soon as Reek had a day to himself, he set out to make good on a promise he made.  Lessons started today.  He howled for Scarlett in the heart of the territory and the two set off south towards the Herbalists Cache before sunrise.  The trek was relatively short, and thankfully the gloomy weather had given way to sun once more.  Despite the chilly nip that hung in the air, the walk was quite pleasant, and Reek enjoyed every step.

By the time they reached the fringes forest, the sun still hung low in the sky. A rich, morning glow was cast against the trees. Reek smiled and looked back to Scarlett as he crossed the threshold into the Cache. "You ready?" he asked with enthusiasm. He could hardly contain his enthusiasm. Plants had always been his passion, and to share that with someone else was certainly exciting.

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Scarlett - November 11, 2015

All good, makes sense <3

Scarlett was a bit groggy to be honest as Reek summoned her before sunrise. Normally she was one of those wolves that was up early yet since she only returned yesterday from her small trip she was a bit tired. Not that she was going to let that shake her down. She got a good amount of time during their trek to wake up. The female looked around with a curious expression. She wasn't sure if she had been here before. Though it looked interesting.

"Yes," she returned to Reek. She smiled softly at him, liking his enthusiasm. Scarlett stepped closer. "I guess my first lesson has something to do with plants?," she asked with a soft chuckle. Of course she was not going to mend bones if no one had a broken bone. Broken bones were a serious thing, tedious too.

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Reek - November 11, 2015

"Of course!" he exclaimed with glee. There wasn't much else to work with other than plants. But, as Reek walked through the forest, he saw that the pickings were slim.  Previously, he had visited the Herbalist's Cache to find it overgrown with life, but now that the cold had set in, not much remained in the forest in terms of plant life but the trees that formed the dense canopy above.  Pressing further into the heart of the Cache, Reek kept careful watch despite his growing disappointment.

He frowned, but then he noticed the smell of something sweet in the air. It was faint, but Reek followed it and beckoned for Scarlett.  Growing in the damp soil was a nearly dormant vine-like stalk. Star-like leaves radiated from the center of the vine like the spokes on a bicycle wheel.  The foliage around it had begun to wilt and wither away, but the core of the plant remained.  Sharp thorns adorned it's side, threatening passerby with their thorniness. Reek grinned at Scarlett and pointed at the sinister looking plant. "This!" he nearly shouted with excitement.  

"Look at it! Memorize it! I want you to be able to close your eyes years from now and still be able to see this plant!" He continued.  Devil's club may have not been on Reek's list of most important plants, but it certainly had it's uses... especially for the ragged cough that had stuck with him.

Photo reference:

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Scarlett - November 12, 2015

Thanks for the photo reference! :D

Scarlett followed her leader. She felt safe with him so she wasn't going to question where they were going. Scarlett was always eager to learn, and wouldn't mind jumping in to help anyone. She would often put others before herself. It was all quiet until Reek suddenly shouted. It was close to shouting. Scarlett instantly jolted up from her thoughts and focused on the plant that Reek was pointing out.

The pale female watched the plant, trying to mesmerize every detail. Instantly a voice of her older sister came into her mind that she couldn't do it. That she was stupid. Scarlett closed her eyes trying to battle the voice away out of her mind. It didn't work. "What-- What is the name of the plant?," she asked to focus on its name and link its scent and shape with that name. Maybe that would help. "What if I can't remember it all?," she asked so softly.

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Reek - November 17, 2015

She seemed so discouraged, but Reek wouldn't let her own fears stop her in her path before she even began. He responded with renewed enthusiasm in the hopes that it would boost her confidence. "It's Devil's Club! I swear it's not as sinister as it sounds!" he reassured. Anything with devil in the name sounded like a poison in Reek's mind. But, other that the sharp thorns that peppered the outside, the plant was completely harmless. Much like Reek, its bark was much worse than it's bite.

"It's an expectorant," he explained. "Chew on the root— cough shit up!" It was a pretty simple thing. "It's useful if you have a patient with pneumonia, or even something as simple as a persistent cough." Finishing his brief explanation, Reek began quick work on the plant by digging around its base to expose the root. Carefully avoiding the thorns, Reek removed the plant from the dirt with a quick yank. Then, he gnawed the roots until they were separated from the plant entirely. "See, the root's the only usefull part!"

Dropping to roots at Scarlett's forepaws, Reek paused from his explanation so he could calm her nerves. "You're not going to forget this Scarlett, 'cause you've got the best damn teacher ever." He smiled and gestured for her to get familiar with the root cluster.

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Scarlett - November 18, 2015

Scarlett instantly backed off once she heard the name of the plant. Her red eyes turned with a bit of panic to Reek. Was it wrong to trust him? Was this a poison? She relaxed once he said that it wasn't that bad, in those hundreds of a second Scarlett had a mild moment of panic. She mesmerized the shape and scent, still a bit wary of it. Her red eyes looked a bit confused and sad at the same time as she didn't understand... "Expecto?," she mumbled after him, not knowing this word. She felt like she should know?

The simplified version with the explantation worked better for her. "So I could have used this root when you had the flu?," she asked, just to be sure. Reek was coughing at the time. Why didn't he tell her to get this one, she could have made him better sooner. She watched how Reek carefully took the plant out, and then focussed on the root. "Okay, so only the root," she spoke, parroting him like a pup learning to talk. For her it was just a way to remember. She watched the root by her feet, her head ducked a bit as Reek sounded so positive about her. Though, this really didn't feel comforting because now she felt even more pressure to do things okay and without failure. "So we take this one with us?," she asked quietly, not sharing his enthusiasm just yet.

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Reek - November 24, 2015

"Expectorant!" he repeated a second time. Repetition was a useful way to learn, and Reek wholly expected Scarlett to repeat it until she had gotten it memorized. Plants were a difficult thing; one slip up, and then— Bam, you're dead. If it took mindless repetition to spare Scarlett of that horrible fate, then that is what he would do. But even if she couldn't remember what an expectorant was, she seemed to grasp the plant's uses in full. He nodded and smiled in silent congratulations.

"This would have been very useful when I had the flu," he continued. "I didn't have the energy to come harvest any... but now that I have you, we won't ever have that problem!" It would be a foolproof system. Who would heal the healer but another healer? A pack could not function with only one.

He motioned down to the root. "We'll take it with us," he said. "But now, let's find something else!"

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Scarlett - November 25, 2015

Scarlett glanced at the plant once more trying to mesmerize it. If someone would have the flu then she knew what to do. Chew on the root. Scarlett watched Reek dig out the roots and take it with him. The pale female studied his movements so she could execute it the same way when she needed to dig up roots. She smiled at his excitement. Hoping she would do well. The idea of helping someone with a flu thanks to these roots was a nice thought. "I'm glad I can help next time," she returned.

Scarlett followed Reek as they were going to the next plant. "How do you know all of this?," she wondered. It was pretty impressive that he knew so much about healing. Maybe that would be her one day! Though maybe she would be more an assistant healer than an actual one. Or maybe be a midwife. Saena might have pups one day with Reek and Scarlett would be the one that could help, and/or babysit. That thought also pleased her. Yes, she had quite a lot of tasks she could do here. Maybe she could be valuable to the phoenix wolves.

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Reek - December 04, 2015

The search for more medicinal herbs and plants pushed the duo even further into the depths of the Herbalist's Cache. But, despite Reek's enthusiasm, he had yet to see another plant that would prove of use. However, the show must go on!  He led Scarlett through the forest at a quick pace, but he was sure she could handle herself. She had done just fine for the rest of their session.  

He turned his head toward Scarlett as he walked and she spoke. "I was taught by my mother,"  he began.  A warm smile spread across Reek's face as fond memories flooded back. The time he had spent with her had been the only happy time of his childhood. But these memories were a double edged sword... they only made her absence so much more painful. "She was brilliant— taught me most everything I know.  The rest... well, I learned through more practical application."

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Scarlett - December 04, 2015

Scarlett trotted next to her alpha. Her head carried lower, not that it was difficult for her to do that since she was a tiny thing anyways. With Reek's long steps she had to run to keep up with him. She didn't mind the pace, she was quick on her feet. His enthusiasm was encouraging her too. She listened to his story while walking. He talked about his mother which Scarlett couldn't relate to at all. "That must be nice," she spoke, unsure if his mother was still alive now or not.

Scarlett glanced sideways at the male for a brief moment. "My mother was my biggest bully," she then admitted. "So I can't really relate to your memories." Scarlett could only picture her mother yelling at her or grabbing her neck in places that she dislikes. It was clear that Scarlett's lack of confidence was probably mostly caused by that conflict in her past. "I'm glad I am gone there. I like it here much better."

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Reek - December 09, 2015

Fade soon?

His ears splayed to the side in sadness as he walked.  Looking to Scarlett, Reek muttered, "I'm sorry to hear that."  Her past was something he had yet to inquire about, but in this particular facet they seemed to be polar opposites. Jessa was a gentle soul, without a bullying bone in her body... but thinking of Cato the Crazy Uncle on the other hand, was much akin to sucking on a urinal cake.  Blech.

The sadness in his step ceased when she affirmed that she was happier now at the Maplewood. Halting on the spot, Reek turned to her and smiled warmly.  "I'm glad you're here too Scarlett," he said. It was hard to find a subordinate of such a high caliber, and Reek believed he had completely lucked out with this strange mother from the south.  "Think of it this way... She isn't your family anymore.  We are."

RE: Bound by Symmetry - Scarlett - December 10, 2015

Yes! I will archive!

Scarlett showed him a grateful smile. Reek was saying the things she needed to hear. It was doing her much better, along with his positive and energized nature. Scarlett flickered her tail, wagging it almost. "Thank you, Reek," she smiled. "You guys feel as real family and I haven't had that in a while now," she admitted.

Thinking about it made the social little female all happy. She had some confidence back and was keen on helping out Reek finding the next plant. She was going to be a healer and no one was stopping her from doing so. With Reek she could learn a lot and she was grateful she found a new supportive family.