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Blacktail Deer Plateau set fire to the rain - Printable Version

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set fire to the rain - Regulus - November 11, 2015

Regulus wanted to come across as over eager but he wanted to make good on his promise that he would pull his weight in the pack upon his acceptance; and he figured running a patrol was a good way to start. It was only a bonus that it aided him in learning the full extent of the territory. It was a routine that was familiar to him even if the lay of the land was vastly different from Venia Dei. He had held the Guardian apprenticeship as a boy and he was eager to at least earn the version of the Guardian co-rank that was recognized in the Teekon Wilds. Warden he'd been told it was called. Warden. Guardian. It was the same thing. The pack's first defense against intruders, and a trade that Regulus Frostfur-DiSarinno was well equipped for. Bearing the tall, burly, bear-like build of his grandfather, Isi, he cut an intimidating figure, initially, for being as young of an adult as he was.

Perhaps that was why he felt he had to work so hard all of the time, especially in a family as large as the one he'd been born into (not accounting for the multiple branch-off's he was also related to). If you did not do something worth noting you were often swept under the proverbial rug. It only taught him the value of hard work from an early age. This was, perhaps, not a bad thing, but despite that he'd told himself he wouldn't, he brought this worry to Blacktail Deer Plateau with him. That if he did not put forth the effort that he might be forgotten. That he would not matter. It was flawed thinking, and he fought a warmth beneath his cheeks in embarrassment as he considered it. Blacktail Deer Plateau wasn't anything like Venia Dei — not even close; this was an easy enough comparison for Regulus to make despite his the novelty of being apart of the Plateau.

He pushed forth, against the slightly bitter chill upon the autumn wind of the afternoon, eager to learn the land and earn his place, regardless.

RE: set fire to the rain - Casmir - November 11, 2015

the boy was feeling rather self-important these days -- he had gone ahead to scout a new place for the pack, and the two male leaders of the pack had followed in his -- his! -- footpaths. this, along with being chosen by Lasher for the task over Connie or Eilidh had swelled his head, and Cas patrolled the border with a new confidence in his step.

speaking of Connie, his twin had been angry that Cas had gotten to go on the exploration and not him. He'd left in a huff to explore his own way, leaving their parents ill with worry, unsure if their eldest child would return. But the puppy season was distracting them also -- Cas had seen more of that than he'd ever wanted to, and now gave certain sites wide berths, for fear of stumbling onto the beta pair yet again.

there was a new scent on the crisp air, that of a male newly fringed in the fragrance of the plateau, and Cas trotted toward it. pelted in dark fur, with odd markings and impressive hackles, the newcomer interested the boy, but he wasn't about to show that. "hello," the Mayfair child called, trying to imitate Lasher's inviting and yet scrutinizing tone. "what are you up to?"

RE: set fire to the rain - Regulus - November 12, 2015

Thank you for joining! <3

A voice called out to him, breaching the silence that Regulus had become cocooned within, lost in his focus on the task at hand — patrolling the borders whilst familiarizing himself with them and a very vague lay of the land — and simultaneously entertaining his partially absent and errant thoughts. He did not allow his thoughts to stray too far, however, knowing that a daydreaming warden was worse than no warden at all. Ears of rich chocolate cupped forth to stand at attention atop his skull, heavy steps ceasing as he gave pause, sparing, at first, a quick glimpse over his shoulder to catch a quick peek at his companion before he shifted his body so that the two youths were facing one another as the other continued his approach.

He moved with a confidence that Regulus currently lacked — a confidence of the land. His demeanor in his smooth approach told the Frostfur-DiSarinno that his companion had been here quite some time, even if he had not been born in these lands. The other boy was darkly colored, like him, only he did not share the unique and curious markings that Regulus did. “Hello,” Regulus returned, tone amiable. The teddy bear even offered his unknown companion a small smile. “I was just running a patrol,” Eyes of liquid gold left his companion for the briefest of moments to survey the landscape around them before they returned to rest back upon the other. “and familiarize myself with the pack's borders and lay of the land.” It would take time, of course. More time than Regulus could cram into a single border patrol. Still, a head start was better than nothing in his mind.

“I'm Regulus, by the way; but you can call me Regi if you want, most did back in my birth pack,” Apparently, it was easier to say than 'Regulus' though the Frostfur-DiSarinno would answer to either the formal or the nickname.

RE: set fire to the rain - Casmir - November 14, 2015

of course! <3

Cas felt the golden eyes upon him and drew himself up somewhat. he would be one year of age very soon, but he would only be celebrating the occasion with Eilidh, it seemed. Hopefully Connie would be back soon, once he'd gotten over himself. "i'm Casmir Mayfair. Cas for short. My parents are the beta pair here," he added, his own dark ears swiveling atop his head. somehow, though he had just met Regi, the boy found himself envious of the powerful body and handsome features -- even scarred Charon had commanded such in Casmir.

perhaps it was due to their clear marks of manhood, a group into which the boy had not been initiated yet. shoving the thoughts from his head, the Mayfair child returned the other's small smile. "i'll come with you, if you like?" he offered, moving past the dark-furred man in the direction of the borders. "i could give you a tour."

RE: set fire to the rain - Regulus - November 14, 2015

Regulus did not fail to notice how the other's stance lifted, took to be a subtle show of dominance even if it had not been intended as such. Regi did not know the other's thoughts and thus was left to make assumptions upon body language, a universal language known between them as primal beasts. To show that he meant no challenge, his own posture lowered, the slight lowering of his head, the low set of broad shoulders. He was new here — that in an of itself made him wholly inferior to all of them. “It's a pleasure to meet you Cas,” Regi returned with a friendly smile toying at the corners of his lips, trying out the nickname that the other youth offered him. Regulus didn't mind being addressed as “Regulus” but the use of nicknames felt more ...personal. Like they were making an effort to be friends, despite that they were virtual strangers.

“That would be great,” Regi responded to the offer of companionship and a tour. While he hadn't particularly minded learning the boundaries on his lonesome he wasn't going to decline an offer for company. Not to mention, the tour Cas promised would no doubt prove to be beneficial to Regi, for surely the other knew shortcuts that would take Regi weeks on his own to maybe stumble upon. “So your parents are beta's huh? That must be pretty cool,” Regi spoke as he moved to catch up to Cas, attempting to make conversation. Venia Dei had been family led, too, but Arachne (his mother) was unfit to lead given her innocence and nativity that made her easily manipulated and vulnerable, even if she would have an adult mental state she was easily one of the youngest and last children of Isi Frostfur and her numerous elder siblings had been vying for the Patriarch's position long before her conception and birth.

RE: set fire to the rain - Behati - November 14, 2015

*Sneaks in a one-off cameo post* ;) Taking advantage of EXP being gone!

Behati stopped short of trespassing on the two boys as they sized each other up - if either could be called a boy any more. Regulus was a titan of a wolf, and Casmir - though slighter - was far from a child. She was already very fond of the latter, and could not deny that the pack's newcomer tickled her fancy. Two boys, one girl. A more experienced wolf would see trouble, but Behati only saw the promise of days and nights ahead.

Although she did not intrude, Behati made sure to pass well within her packmates' view - mincing out into the open and lounging there until she felt it was likely that both had gotten an eyeful. It was not the work of a practised temptress; she just wanted to be noticed, and knew no better way than to flaunt herself in whatever way she could.

Job done, she pretended that an urgent matter had just come to mind and disappeared into the heart of the territory once more.

RE: set fire to the rain - Casmir - November 14, 2015

the other lowered his body and Cas felt some deep tension appeased. Regi joined him at the borders and the boy fell into step with the bear. "yeah, it is," he answered. "i haven't decided whether or not i want to be a leader myself one day. what about you?" he continued, walking a step ahead of the darkly hulking wolf. "up ahead is the rendezvous site. that's where the pups go when they are too big for the den." he didn't add that he himself was just a few months removed from said site -- he was damn near an adult, and expected to be treated as such.

before he could add anything else, the gossamer woman of spun sugar who had accompanied Cas on his explorations joined them, passing through on her way to another task. his mouth suddenly felt dry as he watched the familiar sashay of her hips, the strong lines of her forelegs, the proud curve of her throat. he wanted her to come over, to say his name in that way she did -- but he also didn't want Regulus looking at her. 

"let's keep going," the Mayfair boy intoned, casting a glance over to the other male to ensure that the appealing golden eyes were off Behati's flaunted assets. those, as far as Cas was concerned, were going to be his one day, whenever he figured out what that feeling in his gut was upon seeing the honeyed girl.

RE: set fire to the rain - Regulus - November 14, 2015

Cas responded in concurrence to Regi's base observation of having leading parents being “cool” though it was not something Regi had in common with his companion. He only wondered what it would be like from an outsider's point of view, because he assumed that having aunts and uncles lead your pack was a different ball game than 'parents'. “My mom wasn't a leader, if that's what you meant,” For the sake of wanting to protect her, even still, he did not offer any sort of details figuring that Cas would make his own assumptions. Arachne's unique “outlook on life” was not something that Regi was keen on spreading around though not out of embarrassment. He adored his mother, and sought only to keep her as safe as he was able, miles away even as he was. He did not give an opinion on whether he wanted to be a leader or not because Regi assumed the question hadn't been posed; even if it wasn't he hadn't ever aspired to be leadership. It was an ambitious thing, and he'd seen it tear apart family bonds.

Cas had pointed out the rendezvous den to him, and Regi made a mental note of it's location though it was trivial knowledge for him. He was not of an age to sire children. Still, it was probably useful, regardless. He had yet to decide a third trade and contemplated that 'caretaker' might not be too bad. Kids were a blast and he was really a teddy bear inside. He supposed if he was going to undertake that trade having knowledge of the rendezvous den wasn't a bad thing. 

A female came into their view then, with the intent of being seen, never addressing them but it was clear that she was aware of their presence. Their progression had naturally ceased, and Regi took advantage of the situation, appraising her openly unaware that Cas had a thing for her. She — whomever she was — was readily beautiful, that much was apparent to the Frostfur-DiSarinno and his weighed shifted, watching as she lounged for a short while before she meandered off, disappearing into the shadows that welcomed her, going into the heart of the territory, Regi assumed. “Right,” Regi responded, too briskly with a soft clear of his throat when Cas suggested they keep moving. 

He desired to ask who she was, figuring that Cas would know, but something bid him to still his tongue and for now, he listened.

RE: set fire to the rain - Casmir - November 14, 2015

distracted as he was by Behati, Cas didn't hear Regi's answer immediately, but fished it out of the fuzz in his head once they had moved on. "uh, oh, okay. what about your dad?" had he been more aware, Cas might have found in himself a bit more tact, but as it was, all he could think about was Behati and how Regulus had looked at her despite the fact that Casmir hadn't wanted him to do that.

"here is one of our bigger caches," he went on, gesturing with a paw. "it was filled with deer meat until recently -- we will have to go hunting again. what sort of co-rank were you going for, Regi? hunters are always good to have." please don't say outrider, his mind hissed, not when he and Behati were both going for that. three was a crowd.

RE: set fire to the rain - Regulus - November 14, 2015

With the presence of the mysterious woman gone it was easier for him to think on other things ...as in the conversation Cas and him had been having prior and picked back up. It did not mean that Regi's thoughts did not linger upon her but for the sake of being a complete dickwit he gave Cas as much of his undivided attention as he was able. “I don't have one,” For all intents and purposes this was true. “well I mean someone sired me but I don't know who he is, so basically, I don't have one.” It was likely that Arachne herself hadn't really known who he was; and being a “single parent” kid hadn't ever bothered Regi. He had plenty of father-figures in his numerous uncles.

Regi was silent, albeit attentive when Cas gestured to what he described to be the Plateau's biggest cache, though he admitted that it would need to be re-filled, and thus opened up with a question about trades. “Warden,” That one was a definite. Though he had to re-earn it here, it was something that he was good at, naturally. “and I enjoy exploring so I'll probably go for outrider too,” Little did Regi know that such was the exact opposite of what his companion wanted to hear. Blissfully unaware, Regi continued on, “I'm not too sure for the third. I might go for Caretaker.” He might not have been “parental” by any stretch of the word, if only for age alone, but he didn't think playing and teaching pups was too hard. Not to mention, the pack tended to pitch in to help the parents, anyway.

RE: set fire to the rain - Casmir - November 14, 2015

lol @ dickwit

Cas, in his sheltered life, had never heard of someone who'd been raised by a single parent. he merely assumed everyone had a mom and a dad. hashtag nuclear family assumptions. when Regi revealed that he didn't know anything about his dad, least of all what he had done for a living, the Mayfair boy gave a long, searching look to his companion. "i'm sorry...?" he mumbled, not really sure what to say when someone was all like 'yeah i don't have a dad' but didn't seem really fazed by it, either.

"this is our meetingplace," he hurried on, showing Regi a broad clearing with a raised sort of stone dais for the leaders, "and not far is the healing den. my mom is also the healer. if you get hurt, go to her. she has like ... fifty thousand types of leaves and roots and berries. she can fix anything."

he was irritated that the hulking newcomer wanted to be an outrider, but maybe if himself and Behati were off exploring all the time, Regi would have to make do alone.

RE: set fire to the rain - Regulus - November 14, 2015

“I never felt like I was missing out,” Regi offered with a casual roll of his broad shoulders when Cas offered a mumbled apology. Regi hadn't been fishing for sympathy or pity, simply Casmir had asked and Regulus had responded. “I had enough uncles to never miss that sort of figure.” Perhaps an “uncle” and “father” were not the same thing yet, this was not something that Regi knew, or would ever know. They continued onto the meeting place, and Casmir offered the knowledge that his mother's healing den wasn't far away, either; and that she had a billion different plants and could fix anything. “I'll definitely have to remember she's the one to go to if I get hurt.” He tended to get in scraps often and he could benefit from knowing the pack's healer. Probably something he should make a priority before he came home with scrapes and unseen bruises. 

poop post is poop. ;-;

RE: set fire to the rain - Casmir - November 17, 2015


Cas still didn't understand, but nodded like he did. in his world, everyone had a dad, and it was hard to shake that mode of thinking. so he said nothing about it, but agreed with a low sound that blue willow was the one to visit for injuries. "the medicine you have to drink tastes like utter ass, but everything else is okay," he laughed. shaking out his dark ruff, the boy sidled alongside Regi and glanced around them, then back to the golden-eye.

"is there anything in particular you would like to see?" he inquired hopefully, already bored as hell playing tour guide. maybe Regi would want to hunt, or spar -- these were things Cas actually liked to do, not play flight attendant aboard the Blacktail Deer Plateau 747.

RE: set fire to the rain - Regulus - November 18, 2015


“Like ass, huh?” Regi repeated with a soft chuckle and a little smirk that border-lined wicked. There was something amusing about the saying “tastes like ass” and he didn't attempt to hide his amusement. “Most medicines do taste like ass, though.” He admitted with a lofty shrug of his shoulders. More often than not Regi was getting some sickly looking plant paste slathered on his skin ...if he sought medic attention at all, as opposed to eating/ingesting anything. He had a suspicion of medics, though this might have stemmed from the fact that he didn't know much about plants and wouldn't be able to tell if they were trying to poison him or heal him; and he'd once heard that in small doses some poisons healed.

“Uh, I think you covered the basics, right?” Regi inquired allowed, contemplative gaze lifted from his companion to take stock of their surroundings for a second. “Nah, I think I'm good, thanks for showing me around,” He decided after his gaze settled back upon Casmir. “Did you want to hunt something before we parted ways or just...part?” Regi was a little hungry (it took a lot to keep the bear filled) but he wouldn't force Casmir's paw if he just wanted to leave and go about his business. 

RE: set fire to the rain - Casmir - November 22, 2015


Cas was consumed by memories of how Regi had looked at Behati, but was struggling to keep his jellybean status hidden. relieved at the next words that came from the dark hulk of a wolf, he nodded vigorously. "heck yeah! i'll show you where to do the best hunting." amusement flooded him at the remembrance of Behati, covered in rabbit-piss and squealing revenge, and his eyes brightened with a smile. "what were you thinking? we've got squirrels, rabbits, weasels, raccoons, marmots, stoats, deer, elk, aaaaand moose. take your pick!"

a chuckle broke from the Mayfair boy's throat as he quickened his pace into a trot, knowing Regi would keep up easily. he didn't have a lot to say, as he was focused on their impending hunt, and lowered his muzzle to began to search for prey smells. eventually they parted ways, but not before a good meal and a bit of ribald banter.