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Blacktail Deer Plateau hopscotch babes - Printable Version

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hopscotch babes - Behati - November 12, 2015

Maybe @Pearl will join me?!

Driving rain pelted the Plateau again, shrouding everything in a damp haze. Behati still hadn't found or built a den, and time was running out before the first snow. She had spent her first winter with her mother, and could not recall how she and Aikasarria had weathered the early months of the year that followed. Had they hid under a rock? Or was winter just worse around these parts?

Behati was huddling under a twig when she spotted movement in the distance - someone was rustling around in the bushes. The now very damp wolf stood up, leaving her 'shelter' behind to investigate. Perhaps the pack had a communal spot set aside for huddling during bad weather; she had been too embarrassed to ask, not wishing to expose her lack of skill in the den-digging department. "Hey! Heeeyy~! Are you going to the.. um.. the bad weather place?" she shouted, pretending to know of such a place.

RE: hopscotch babes - Pearl - November 13, 2015

Pearl, startled, looked up from the bush she was tracking a rodent into for a snack. She recognized Behati's voice immediately, and she seemed to have no where to go to take shelter from the rain. Pearl herself had found herself extremely bored one day and decided to dig her own. With some difficulty, since the soil was different, she eventually dug herself a decent den into a hill. Location-wise, she thought it was a little separated from where she thought everyone else's were.

Behati called out about something called 'the bad weather place', which she assumed meant a den. Judging by the question and her soaked pelt, she didn't have anywhere to go during the downpour. Pearl shrugged and said, "I don't know about a 'bad weather place', but if you need somewhere to stay until the rain passes, you're welcome to stay in my den." What heck, may as well. There was enough room, and she'd been meaning to talk to Behati.

RE: hopscotch babes - Behati - November 14, 2015

Pearl saw straight through her. Gently and without judgement, she invited the younger wolf to share her den. Behati was both soaked and exhausted by this point, able to push her weakened pride aside to mutter a meek little "Yes please." Tears knocked on the door. When Behati didn't respond, it tried the handle, and she made a peculiar sound as she strangled down a sob. "Are you.. are you looking for something? Should I help?"

RE: hopscotch babes - Pearl - November 14, 2015

Abandoning her search for a snack, Pearl quickly trotted over to Behati and beckoned her to follow her to her den. Pearl could tell the soaked sugar wolf was pushing back pride to accept the offer. She felt it right to grant help to those who needed it, pride or not. By no means was she any sort of healer, but she could do her best to heal with words and comfort.

To be honest, Pearl wasn't sure why she left the comfort of her den for the first place. Possibly combined boredom and thinking she was hungry. But she didn't feel that now that she had someone to talk to during the cold, dreary downpour. "Oh, no, I was just looking for something to eat for a bit. Come on, I'll show you where my den is." she said gently. Blinking back the rain, they made their way towards the warmth of her den. Pearl let Behati go first into the  rather spacious den, the entrance facing downward to avoid rain coming in. Pearl came in after her, slinking up and in.

RE: hopscotch babes - Behati - November 15, 2015

Behati followed, accepting the offer to enter first with a watery smile in Pearl's direction. She settled near the wall, curling her body into a ball. The space would heat up quickly now that there were two wolves sharing it. Outside, the rain picked up, as if it knew that the two girls were safely tucked away in the warmth.

"Did you dig this yourself?" the younger girl asked, clearly envious. If rumour was to be believed, Pearl would have to go through the process all over again when the pack moved. Behati was wholly intent on offering her 'help', mostly so that she could watch and copy.

RE: hopscotch babes - Pearl - November 15, 2015

Moved to take place after the Cas and Behati drama for a counselor thread :)

The warmth and rain increased as the two girls curled up at the back of the den. "Yeah, I did. But since we're moving, I'll have to dig a new one all over again." she said, sighing. She'd find time. Maybe she and Behati could help each other to make it go faster, to have a den before winter hit too hard. If the rain kept up like this, who knows how much snow there would be. 

This was her chance to talk to Behati about her reoccurring issue with Casmir. She wanted to find out what exactly was going on with them. Pearl desperately wanted to help clear this up so that their pack wouldn't have more to deal with than just the move. "Hey - what's going on with you and Cas?" she asked softly and gently.

RE: hopscotch babes - Behati - November 16, 2015

Pearl confirmed that the den was indeed her handiwork - Behati nodded, impressed and twice as envious. She felt her shortcomings like the weight of a stone around her neck. How old was Pearl, anyway? Maybe she's ancient, the yearling thought gruffly, knowing this was not the case at all. Just as she was preparing to sink into self-pity and a long desired snooze in the dry, Pearl made very soft, very gentle inquiry. Despite that, Behati's eyes watered at the sound of Casmir's name. She looked at the practicing counselor with blank eyes, struggling to answer. What was going on? Why was he being such a total dickweed?! "I d'no," she managed, shuffling closer to the wall of the den. "Stuff? He's just a total... dill-weed ass." Pearl would have to do a bit more digging to get past the profanities.

RE: hopscotch babes - Pearl - November 16, 2015

Dill-weed ass. Ok. How on earth was she going to get past the insults? Pearl nodded. Going for the generic therapist approach. "What makes him such a dill-weed ass? Did he get all weird again and not know how females function? Because that's what happened with me," she said with a chuckle. Maybe trying to gossip about him would open her up to talk more about him. Cas could get like that all the time sometimes around females, and communicating normally would be lost on him.

RE: hopscotch babes - Behati - November 18, 2015

Behati's eyes widened. "Right?" she squealed in the overly-excited manner of a girl that had found a kindred spirit, brightening instantlyl. "He's SO AWKWARD. Sheesh. I don't even know what I said that made him so angry - did you know he attacked me?" Super-ghetto mm-hmm-ing followed, complemented by a string of 'oh you know it' nods. "I mean - he apologized, but... what did I even do? It's not my fault his stuff is always popping out and making him look like a weirdo." And there, perhaps, was the problem. The pair hadn't really argued about anything tangible; it was all just amorphous feelings and  hot air clashing in the air.

RE: hopscotch babes - Pearl - November 21, 2015

Pearl looked at her in a 'what you say?' way and took part in the super-ghetto mm-hhming, finding this very entertaining. But the part about Camir's 'stuff' put her over the edge and she lost it. Having a brother she was close with (and told her every detail without consent as brothers do) she knew basically everything about male anatomy. Pearl belly laughed for two minutes straight, tears brimming her eyes. When she had finally calmed down to giggling, she wheezed out and explanation. "Sorry...I...have a...brother...You do know...that means he...likes you?" she said. It explained a lot, but only confirmed one of the problems. She'd need to get it together if she was to find out more.

RE: hopscotch babes - Behati - November 26, 2015

Behati interpreted Pearl's laughter as agreement that Casmir was being totally ridiculous, and added her own chirrupy giggles to the laughter. It took a few moments for Pearl's gasped and staggered response to take on any meaning. Behati stared at her pack-mate, brows peaking and confusion running rampant across her face. "I-..what?" she mumbled dumbly, genuinely baffled. For someone that claimed to be so wordly, Behati had close to zero (accurate) information about the birds and the bees - and the sublte language of the beasts below the waist. Aikasarria had never broached the subject (awkwaaaard), and Blacktail Deer Plateau was her first pack. Hell, Pearl was her first female friend - like ever.

RE: hopscotch babes - Pearl - November 26, 2015

You no hev recent sex?

When her giggling subsided (somewhat), Pearl realized by Behati's shocked face that she most likely didn't know much about this stuff. Oh gosh. Would she have to give Behati 'The Talk'? (Oh dear God help her). "Wait, do you not know about...um...sex?" she said, instantly calming down, but not too serious, though, because spastic laughter still overcame her. Her time in an open pack had made her immune to most information, and her quizzical brother asked far too many questions and relayed it back to her unwilling ears. This would be interesting.

RE: hopscotch babes - Behati - December 06, 2015


"UM." Pearl totally nailed the balance between 'serious lesson' and 'casual girl talk', but still - god, awkward. Behati was overcome by nervous giggles, averting her eyes. There was a wispy root protruding from the den wall, and it suddenly became The Most Interesting Thing Behati had ever seen. She fixated on it, staring hard. Her voice was high-pitched when she spoke. "Yeah sure. Guys, girls... Lasher and Blue totally do it." That much was true, but Behati wasn't entirely sure what they did - nor that they hoped it would result in pups.

RE: hopscotch babes - Pearl - December 06, 2015

is Pearl really going to give Behati the sex talk? The answer is yes. (;

Pearl took all that as a clear no. Her brain was a string of nopenopenopenope greaaaat...What was she going to do about this now? She wasn't sure how exactly to deal with this obstacle other than telling her the straightforward version. "Um," she said awkwardly. It dawned on her that she could explain it in a really funny way, and make it a little less awkward. Maybe. "Remember when you wanted to gossip about the guys? Well, I'm repaying the favor," she said, turning towards Behati with a broad smile on her face. She thumped her front paws on the ground and started talking in a very stereotypical Gossip Girl manner, ("So, I heard Becky..."), making it simple enough to understand while making it ridiculous, funny, and obnoxious to listen to. She made sure to keep Behati's humor in mind. By the end, she couldn't finish, giggling interrupting every few sentences to every few words, then dissolving into laughter. "I sound so ridiculous," she wheezed.

RE: hopscotch babes - Behati - January 17, 2016

Pearl managed to dance around most of the lewd terms, but Behati's cheeks still burned hot when the birds and the bees had ceased their noise. Gently and with motherly skill, Pearl had sharpened the blur of what Behati had assumed went on between a man and a woman. She was giggling at the absurdity of it all, couldn't imagine herself engaging in so ridiculous an act. "It sounds ridiculous," she replied, "Who even.. who even wants to do that!"

They passed the rest of the downpour in this way - cocooning the subject in jokes and happy memories until such a time as Behati was ready to experience it for herself.