Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods Earth sKills - Printable Version

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Earth sKills - Vesper Lynx - November 13, 2015

@Nemesis you asked for it! ;D

The day had been wet, but the golden rays of sunset made it through the atmosphere without obstacles. Vesper was a creature of the night, dormant during daylight when every other predator ruled. She was a clever creature, silent always, and on top of everything. Not a thing went by her under the radar.

Wolf scents meant nothing to Vesper other than another reason to be more cautious. It wasn't uncommon to come across one of those canines under the moonlight, and there was nothing Vesper loathed more than a wolf. Moody creatures, loud and vicious. But they had the best hunting territories and that was not fair to lone hunters like lynx.

The stealthy cat walked past the borders of a dark forest without thinking twice. She had seen the wolves that inhabited the place before, but she did not fear them, she had no reason to. But still, she made sure her presence went unnoticed.

It smelled strongly to baby wolf around the core of the forest, and Vesper would not let an opportunity to dine an unlucky cub happened it to be unguarded, so she decided to take a closer look. Still far from the rendezvous site, and clueless about the way, Vesper walked on through the darkness of Blackfeather, Eyes wide and wary, and ears tall and leery.

RE: Earth sKills - Nemesis - November 20, 2015

Sorry about the wait!

Her eyes flashed with anger as her nose twitched, picking up the scent of a predator nearby. She had never approached the Alpha den, having no need or interest with that kind of information. Besides, she got the feeling that Burke liked the privacy of his home while surrounded by a pack of crazy wolves. Even so, she didn't have much interest in the children, as bad as it may seem. It wasn't that she didn't like pups, but around them she felt motherly, which was something that had been sorely missing from her life. Yet, if need be, she would make contact. If need be.

Her legs ran faster and faster as she approached the scent of the feline, her heart filled with hatred for the species. Wild cats of all kinds were a nuisance, no matter their exact species. They were horrible creatures with their whisker filled faces and tormental screeches. But this one was getting too close to the scent of young, too close to Burke's children. Up ahead, she could see the cat stalking silently through the dark forest. They were at least a few minutes away from the den which gave her enough time to distract the cat and shoo it away, hopefully maiming or even killing it in the process. Yet, wild cats were unpredictable and territorial, she found. Yeah, well so are you, She said to herself quietly in her own attempt at encouraging herself.

Getting closer to the cat yet far enough away she let out a warning growl, a clear sign she was getting too close to an important sight. With the winter coming, she couldn't afford any injuries yet she couldn't have this cat coming back. She would have to kill it or permanently scare it away from the den area. Putting on her most devious and malicious look, she eyed down the feline, making clear that it was not welcome.

RE: Earth sKills - Vesper Lynx - December 10, 2015

Vesper's whiskers tingled. She was not alone.

Vesper's body became a statue midway through taking another step. All except for her head, which turned around in every direction, trying to catch a glimpse of her stalker. The cat's eyes were sharp, and she trusted her perfectly refined senses, but this time they had all failed her, for she got no sight, or sense of the dark female that followed her until a deep growl made her jolt in shock.

Vesper flashed her sharp fangs and hissed. Her pelt looked as if it had just been electrified, and she narrowed her eyes  while staring directly at the wolf.

This was not her time to die.

RE: Earth sKills - Nemesis - December 12, 2015

She smirked as the cat flinched at her growl, the ferocity in her tone was enough to frighten anyone. 

Yet, the cat did not move, obviously not wanting to give up it's ground. But Blackfeather was no place for a cat, nor anything like it. The unfortunate fox who had been decapitated alive, for an example. While the cat bared it's fangs, she was not fazed. Nothing would reach the children, no matter the outcome of her physical health. She had made a promise to serve and guard the inhabitants of Blackfeather even if her life depended on it, and this feline was stupid if it thought it would get past her.

A malicious growl rippled through her, echoing even louder out her maw. It had a warning, now no mercy would be shown. Hell, she wouldn't have anyway. Her body was tensed, almost hunched as it prepared to attack. But she would not make the first move, the cat would or it would run. Even then, she would hunt it till it was off her borders.

RE: Earth sKills - Vesper Lynx - December 16, 2015

A growl, deep enough to make Vesper's spine to shiver echoed loudly through the dark forest. Vesper knew the inhabitants of this forest to be ruthless, she'd seen the bones that decorated every inch of the borderline around their land, and she knew better than to confront one of them. A meal wasn't worth it.

Vesper hissed once again at the wolf, her eyes fixed on her, seeking out any movement. A paw raised, and Vesper was off running. She was fast, she was agile, but the wolf was larger than her and if she was caught it would be her end.