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Blacktail Deer Plateau toxic - Printable Version

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toxic - Casmir - November 14, 2015

mature for language

for @Behati. set after the pack meeting -- i couldn't resist LOL

they hadn't sat together, and she hadn't said a word to him, and he hadn't said anything to her, either. the minute dante dismissed them, the Mayfair boy set a quick lope for himself to the farthest part of the territory and gazed out over the steep plateau. if he was being honest, he sniffled a bit, but he told himself it was just from the cold air and wondered if she would care if he died? maybe if he tossed himself from this cliff and broke his leg? he could see it now; she'd come creeping into his mother's triage den, full of contrition and apology.

the thought kept him warm as he sulked and the wind bit into his stubborn frame.

RE: toxic - Behati - November 14, 2015


Behati did come creeping - or stomping, rather, and she didn't give Casmir any time to throw himself off the plateau. He had disappeared in the same breath as Dante's closing statement. She couldn't really remember what had been said during the last five or ten minutes, having been far too busy seeding the juvenile anger that burned bright in her eyes now. 

"What was that all about, you.. asshat!" she hollered at him across a distance of ten or fifteen feet, squaring up for a fight. She was too small and lean to look particularly threatening, but the sour look on her face more than made up for the fact.

RE: toxic - Casmir - November 14, 2015

he jumped when she shouted, but soon recovered and scowled at the object of his affection, and most recently, his ire. "you don't care about me!" Cas shot back, on the verge of trembling with pent tears, though he swallowed them back like any other emotionally stunted man would do. "you and i ... we're awesome ... and then you went off with that ... that Regulus prick!" the boy went on. he knew he had no claim to her -- Cas still wasn't even sure what to do about the feelings she engendered in him -- but it still stung like hell. it still hurt. "do you like him?" he demanded, stepping toward her.

RE: toxic - Behati - November 14, 2015

Making some timeline assumptions!

Behati had not prepared herself for this line of questioned. She had presumed that their argument from the coast had risen anew - although they had co-existed, the two youths had not enjoyed any successful time alone since the pee-bag stuff had gone down. "What?" she snapped, the fury in her voice masking a genuine question. It easier to feel angry than hurt, and she allowed the former to take charge of her actions. Later, in the privacy of the shoddy shelter she had dug beneath an evergreen, Behati would cry her eyes out about the whole thing. "Maybe I do like him, maybe I don't!" she replied tersely, making the situation worse with stubbornness to match Casmir's. "Is it a crime to be nice to a packmate now? Is that why you're such a total bellend? GOD, you're so CHILDISH."

RE: toxic - Casmir - November 14, 2015


"whatever, behati!" he shot back. "you're covered in his sweat -- i bet you did more than play nice with him!" the Mayfair child wasn't even sure what he was insinuating, just that it felt good to say. "and what the fuck is a bellend!?" he shouted back. her last insult struck home -- he stood, unable to keep the smallest quiver from his lip, but he would not allow her the satisfaction of knowing she had hurt him -- and deeply. with her arrow still shuddering where it had hit its mark in his soul, Casmir growled once and ran fiercely at Behati, aiming to knock her aside with his shoulder and perhaps punish her with his teeth for hurting his heart so many times. he, of course, had done nothing to deserve her unwarranted anger.

RE: toxic - Behati - November 15, 2015

"you're covered in his sweat -- i bet you did more than play nice with him!" Casmir wasn't holding back. She couldn't pinpoint why, exactly, but Behati was particularly offended by this insinuation. Like the Mayfair boy, her understanding of the birds and the bees was foggy at best, but Behati had an innate awareness that a stain upon one's honour in this department was particularly shameful. She was on the brink of saying something cruel about Casmir's run-away boners when he attacked. Behati was taken completely by surprised. She ended up on her back beneath the furious youth, scrabbling at his face with her paws and wailing at him to "Stop it!" Her squeals evolved too quickly into hiccuping sobs that ruined any attempts she made to snarl. "I didn't even do anything!"

RE: toxic - Casmir - November 15, 2015

she didn't even fight back, which took the wind right out of his sails -- instead, Behati began to cry beneath him, and his eyes widened as the desire to fight drained from his body. shock flared in his body; he hurriedly left off her, and sat aside to ponder himself in horror. what had he done?! "i-i'm sorry!" he cried, guilt entering his visage -- he stood up suddenly, unable to stop his own tears from coming. they streamed down his own cheeks -- he hated himself! he'd been jealous, and now he'd hurt his friend, scared her. now she'd never want to be around him. he wanted to shout that Behati had hurt him, scarred his spirit, but there had been no reason for him to attack her, and he shouted "i'm sorry!" over his shoulder as he turned and began to run away from the scene of his greatest shame.

RE: toxic - Behati - November 15, 2015

She wasn't hurt, just a little shaken. The fight was over before it had started - Casmir pulled away and ran into the woods, horrified and weeping (although Behati's eyes were too full of her own tears to see it). He shouted his apologies as Behati got to her feet, catching sight of his tail before it disappeared into the brush. Half of her wanted to wallow in the renewed anger and hurt, but the other 50% was desperately lonely and sad. She wanted to tell someone about the last few days - but who? She couldn't imagine talking to Regulus about Casmir, and Pearl had proven time and time again that she wasn't the gossipy type.

Still sniffling, Behati shuffled in the direction of The Wall. She would climb the mountain and find a hole in the ground in which to spend the night.