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Blacktail Deer Plateau I watch it burn - Printable Version

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I watch it burn - Pearl - November 14, 2015

Set after the meeting, maybe get a few people in here to discuss the move and/or the Behati/Cas/Regi situation

As soon as Dante's dismissal left his lips, Behati and Casmir left in a whirlwind of emotions, leaving Pearl and the rest of the pack to wonder what exactly transpired between them in the past few days. Though most knew of both's preference to keep their ever-growing pride. It was most likely a large miscommunication, jealousy, or lack of admittance to save face. Ah, young love. 

After the wind of hormones past, Pearl looked to the rest of her packmates in wide-eyed worry and and a raised eyebrow, enticing them to talk.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - November 15, 2015

he watched as his youngest son and his former friend departed the scene of the pack meeting in a riot of emotion. the words spoken had distracted him from true contemplation of what was happening, but when he could focus, he turned to see pearl with a pondering look upon her face.

the druid stepped toward her -- he had seen the pallid girl with both behati and casmir in times past, and wondered if she knew what had transpired between the mayfair child and the aspiring outrider.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - November 17, 2015

As her Beta neared her, she got up from her sitting position and flicked an ear. "Would you know of anything that would cause this?" she asked, partly to Lasher, partly to anyone else that would answer. They had gone on a few scouting trips, and it was apparent that beforehand they liked each other. As she thought earlier, it was probably a case of pride.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - November 17, 2015

pearl turned to him, questing, and lasher, though he had sought the same of her, was rather off-put. yet, he did not show this upon his face -- he shook his head and sighed audibly. "i had hoped you yourself had intelligence upon the dramatics," he rejoined, gently turning the conversation in the direction he wished.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - November 22, 2015

It seemed no one knew of what was going on. Pearl could only voice her suspicions. "I suspect they had a miscommunication based on pride. Both are very prideful." She said, looking at the new guy. "I bet it had something to do with him." @Regulus , Behati, and Casmir were all around the same age, so she thought all three had to be together at some point to induce some possible rivalries.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - November 22, 2015

he eyed her, his lips thinning into a disapproving line as she accused their newest member of indiscretions beyond his control. "i find it inappropriate to say such things," he addressed the pale girl. "whatever is between them is their dealing alone, and no other is at fault for it." taltos did not like her attempt to incite ill-will or gossip, and watched her for a response.

"what is your opinion of our move, pearl?" the man inquired, his tone gentle with warmth once more.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - November 22, 2015

Pearl's eyes widened in fear. She shook her head and said, "Oh no, I wasn't trying to...I was merely suggesting... never mind. I'm sorry." She didn't know how to put her thought process in words. Defeated, she looked to the side at the ground. 

Glad for the warmth in Lasher's voice, Pearl looked back at the earthen man. "I am excited for the move, and to see the ocean. I look forward to it." she said, smiling.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - November 22, 2015

he did not wish for her to fear him, but he supposed it was the way, as he was not naturally a stern or aggressive beast. he followed the route of their changed conversation, relieved that she posed no argument. "what did you think of what malachi said? you have been with us for some time," he added, "and so your opinion is important unto me, for it will be educated."

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - November 26, 2015

Pearl wasn't expecting or prepared to give her 'educated' opinion. She'd try, anyway. "Well, I trust that you and Dante have explored and made sure it is safe, otherwise we would not move there." she said, selectively using logic blended with her opinion. She had concluded this during the meeting when Malachi's comment was made known.

Her thoughts did turn towards Lasher's words, though, when he mentioned meeting who she thought was Haven. "That girl you spoke of - was her name Haven?" Pearl inquired. So they were planning on forming a pack along the coast. If she would join, that would be cool - but how could she leave so close to moving time when her pack needed her to hunt and settle in the new territory?

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - November 27, 2015

"yes. we explored throughout," lasher answered, and then dipped his muzzle in confirmation of her next inquiry. "yes. she spoke of a man called sebastian, and says they are settling upon the cliffs down the beach." he did not know that her interest would lead her to leave them, but he would not have attempted to stop her if the knowledge came to her. donnelaith would be a place for those who wished to live in its borders.

"what co-rank are you seeking?" taltos inquired with a gentle smile, assuming that pearl sought what so many of her packmates also wished.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - November 27, 2015

Pearl nodded, happy for the 'power couple'. She wondered how far Donnelaith was from the cliffs, hopefully close. She'd have to visit them soon after they settled in the new land, after exploring. Pearl had refrained from traveling to the coast, leaving it a surprise for when they arrived. A stupid decision, really, because she wouldn't be much help.

Co-rank? Pearl tilted her head ever so slightly before getting it. Trade. "I don't know, really, but if I had to pick, counselor and possibly caretaker," she said, deciding on the spot. Pearl had been considering this for a little while, but had never really pursued it.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - November 28, 2015

his eyes lit with the possibility that pearl had engendered -- a third counselor would be available to the pack whilst himself and dante were busied with their leadership duties. and a caretaker might be very well needed if his recent dances with his mate came to fruition. a smile tugged at his muzzle, but faded into his usual affable expression, and he gestured that the whitefurred woman should accompany him.

"a hunt?" he suggested.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - November 30, 2015

such short posts xD

Pearl could see that her choices of trades had some use - Lasher's usual expression had gained a slight smile. He gestured to her for a hunt, and she obliged. "Of course," she said, following her earthen Beta. A smile played her lips this time, she was eager to catch something. A small deer, perhaps.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - December 01, 2015

lol yeah shorter and shorter

he led her into the heartland of their wood, gazing roundabout them with a renewed sense of creeping loss for their impending departure. it was needed -- their memories would be made new in another place -- but still he would pine for these silent, lovely woods. so lost in his reverie was he that lasher did not spot the flit of fawn-colour immediately.

he stilled his steps, motioning to pearl. the doe was quiet, grazing, and lasher readied himself to stalk her peaceful frame.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - December 05, 2015

Shall you do the dice roll or shall I? 

She carefully walked behind Lasher, watching for any signs of prey. She turned her head forward, and spotted the doe breaking the silence. Lasher seemed a little out of it, and didn't see the grazing doe until she considered nudging him. She watched the motion and followed suit, crouching down to start stalking the unsuspecting doe.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - December 05, 2015

do you mind? :)

lasher began to creep forward, then thought better of it. as pearl's tense body brought her lowly to the earth, he held back, indicating that the pale girl should take the lead in this hunt. he would like to see the explosive display of her skills.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - December 05, 2015

Success +3, 4. Yay! Let the long post proceed 

Pearl looked at her superior with mild surprise. She hadn't expected to take the lead, but she would do her best. She snuck around to the grazing doe's unsuspecting backside. Her light green eyes narrowed as she prepared her body to run. She motioned for Lasher to advance. She took off with a burst of unmatched speed, split second deciding where on the leg to strike. Her logical standpoint told her what to do. Take care of a leg, take it down, and if you have a partner, let them strike the killing blow. She covered the ground between in a second, giving the doe barely anytime to react. Her smaller, shorter, body allowed her to viciously clamp down on it's right leg while sprinting, letting her momentum swing her around underneath to take out the left leg with her body. Later, there would be a bruise. The doe in shock lost her balance, loosing footing in one of her front legs and collapsing on top of her. CRAP. The impact was small, but the doe was heavy. Darkness ensued brown, as Pearl ended up parallel to the doe (note: right-side up). Panicking for a short few milliseconds, adrenaline still going, Pearl simply started gnashing her teeth and biting anything she could. 

She still felt air coming through thankfully, as only her top half was under the deer. Pearl was finally able to rip the deer's pelt in her confined condition, and a wash of blood came over her when she stuck her muzzle further up into the deer to kill it faster. Met with the underbelly's contents, she tried to struggle out from under the deer to avoid drowning in fluids. She trusted Lasher was taking care of the deer on the main end, hopefully. She was able to get her back side up and pulling her out, her shoulders squeezing through the gap followed by her blood-covered head. She stood up, shook herself loose of the now free weight, and gave Lasher a large, bloodstained grin. 

Physics? Idk. I was half considering having Pearl come up through the deer, but...yeah.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - December 06, 2015

i loved that!

he gave her a brief nod as off she sped, and he gave chase. impressed with her burst of alacrity, the beta sped to the other flank of the stunned deer, casting his teeth in heavy blows for the vital veins along the doe's side. pearl effectively brought the animal down to the earth -- quite on top of herself, and lasher gave a whine of worry before he busied himself latching strong jaws 'round the doe's throat and throttling the life from her writhing body.

the gamma emerged some moments later, smeared with blood and slick with gore, and taltos laughed. [b]"that was very wonderful!"[/b he called to the girl, propping one foreleg o'ertop the now dead carcass of the deer.

white teeth flashed; he began to flay the body, his relaxed posture inviting pearl alongside him to enjoy the fruits of their labour.

RE: I watch it burn - Pearl - December 08, 2015

Pearl laughed with him; she must look disgusting, but no matter. She'd find a stream nearby. "Thanks, I tried out a new method. Just have to be sure not to do it on deer any larger than this," she quipped, smiling. It was very exhilarating, but not for anyone claustrophobic.

Stomach letting a growl loose, she joined Lasher in the fresh kill. Half the blood, she suspected, was coating her top half. Teeth ripping into the tender meat, she enjoyed the spoils of the kill.

RE: I watch it burn - Lasher - December 12, 2015

he smiled, lapping blood from his jaws and soon standing aside to allow pearl her fill. his own eyes turned to the horizon, then sought about for a place to cache piece of the felled animal -- he was silent, and yet affectionate and grateful for the pale girl's witty company. she had become a pillar unto the pack, and he was happy to have her as a member of the plateau.