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Firestone Hot Springs Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Printable Version

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Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Haven - November 15, 2015

Lol that is a random fact my teacher thought was the most amazing thing in the world xP Tagging @Pearl and @Sebastian

Haven trotted alongside Sebastian, their adventure had taken them south along the flatlands. They'd left a while ago, and planned to spend the entire winter exploring together, and maybe settling down somewhere. Haven had heard much about the famous Firestone Hot Springs, and she figured now was the time to check them out. It would be a relaxing day she hoped, lazing by the warmth with her boyfriends. Maybe she'd even see her friend Pearl, who had said she lived in the area.

The first thing that hit the young traveler was the awful smell. It smelled like trash, rotten eggs and fish. She screwed up her nose and coughed a bit. Ugh! What is that smell? She groaned holding up a paw as if cautious to take another step. She looked up at Sebastian, hoping he might know what it was. He seemed to know a lot about Teekon, having traveled around a lot. She smelled the air again, letting the smell sink in. She was beginning to get used to it, it didn't smell dangerous or anything, just bad. She shrugged and continued walking. She stopped at the edge of a small pond, with rock bedding. All around them was grass, a couple trees, and more steaming ponds like the one in front of them. This had to be the hot springs.

Haven turned to Sebastian and gave an excited grin. This was completely new to her, steaming ponds. She dipped a paw in the water, recoiling quickly shocked by the warmth. Her eyes widened as she turned back to the charcoal male, as if asking whether or not is was safe.

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Sebastian - November 15, 2015

Normally there are no trees around hot springs because the gasses will kill the tree. I've been to yellowstone and most of the trees around the pools were dead! :P Just a minor thing haha

Sebastian chuckled softly once Haven commented on the smell. "It is the gasses that come from under the ground, they stick a bit, but you will get used to it. Don't worry," he assured. The male stopped Haven from going into one right away, some were way to hot and you would burn alive. Others were better to just go in and enjoy a soak. Sebastian checked out the edges and looked for signs. This one looked a bit too hot for his liking. "It is also that gas that makes it hot. Some are too hot, much steam and bubbles usually means very hot," he explained to her. 

Sebastian moved from one pool to the next before testing one that looked okay. He let his paw rest the waters and this one seemed perfect. He gently stepped in to map out the surface beneath the murky waters. It still smelled a bit but Sebastian ignored it. The water was even so deep that he could swim a bit. "You can come in!," he called out to Haven and smiled handsomely. The grey tank of a male found a more shallow part of the pool where he could lay down and still have his back covered by the warm water. Ah yes this was perfect for his worn feet.

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Pearl - November 15, 2015

Pearl had decided to go down to the Hot Springs to get away and relax for a bit. She needed a break from the stress of moving and the drama that was ensued by the three aspiring outriders. Cas and Behati could explore, yes, but their combined personalities and pride would most likely get them in trouble with anyone they met formally. She didn't know about the newest one, Regulus. Pearl thought that if they were to be sent out to talk to other packs, she'd better come along just in case they screwed up the possible alliance. Outrider might be a good third trade to have for the diplomacy she could add.

Wandering through the steaming pools, she heard faint voices that carried through the steam and scent of the underground gases. She recognized the second of the voices, almost identical to her most recent near death encounter. But not so alike it would be mistaken. Sebastian! A smile spread across her face as she wove her way to who she was sure was the perfect pair. Pearl finally came to the pair, lounging in the shallow part of a larger pool. "Hey! Good to see you two again! Together, finally, I might add." she said with a smile.

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Haven - November 16, 2015

Oh, well I better tell my teacher xD Thanks for telling me!

Gases? Ewe.Haven thought, walking along beside her boyfriend. He knew a lot about the world, or Teekon at least. But he didn't make her feel stupid or anything. He was truly a good friend. She watched as he tested the pool she had stuck her paw in. Too hot, apparently. Haven nodded, Ok then, glad to have you along. I probably would've boiled myself to death without you. She chuckled kiddingly, following him to another pond.

Sebastian walked into the pool, and began swimming. Ok coming! She smiled, extremely excited and ready to swim. She bounded into the pool, taking big steps in order to make big splashes. She had grown up a lot since she had first come to Teekon, but she could never be too old to have a splash fight. She was splashing the warm water in Sebastian's direction, when suddenly she met the drop. It surprised her, and she bounded straight in, sinking down under the water. When she came back up, she sputtered and coughed, but was fine and laughed at herself.

Haven made it over to Sebastian's side, and laid down beside him. The water felt great, washing away all the dirt and grime of the trip so far. After the soak, she would have the prettiest and softest fur it would seem. The cheerful fae looked up at her boyfriend, smiling in a humble way. Simply being there, in the comfortable water with Sebastian was more than she ever could've asked for. She licked his cheek and whispered happily, Thanks for taking me here, I LOVE it.

That's when she heard the call, a familiar call. She looked up instantly, ears perked as she looked around. And there she saw Pearl, her white furred friend from BDP. She smiled happily, coming to her paws and trudging through the water towards Pearl. Good to see you to! Yeah we're finally together, the power couple! She giggled sarcastically, glancing to the side at her companion. She turned back to Pearl and sighed happily, Sooooo, how have you been? Good I hope! Your pack is doing alright? She asked sitting down in the water, and looking at her friend.

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Sebastian - November 16, 2015

Sebastian chuckled at Haven's comment. She was cute. "Oh babe, you don't need to boil yourself to death you are already very hot," he returned, only then he realized how corny his comment really was. Still, she was really hot so Sebastian wasn't really complaining at all. Sebastian hoped he wasn't too much of a know-it-all around her. He was sure within a few months of time she would be just as knowledgeable about things. 

As Sebastian was in the water he was splashed by the playful Haven. A soft grunt came from him though he did splash her back like once. See he could be totally playful. His eyes widened in shock once she stumbled. Luckily she resurfaced and she seemed totally fine. He was about tot go to her to check her up but that wasn't needed since she already came to him. He hummed softly as he got a kiss on his cheek. He licked her back. "I'm glad you like it," he murmured back and gave her another kiss back.

He was about to give her more kisses until suddenly there was Pearl. His ears fell back as their private was interrupted. Sebastian liked the girl, really but, he really wanted to have a moment with Haven. He wasn't ready to share her with others just yet. "Hey Pearl," he greeted, his tone sounding friendly and normal. He kept his light irritation to himself. He wouldn't want her to feel bad. Sebastian had to smile a bit when Haven mentioned them being a power couple. That would be totally cool. Haven already asked how she was doing so he didn't need to ask that too.

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Pearl - November 17, 2015

'until suddenly there was Pearl' is what I'm captioning cameos now

Pearl grinned. They certainly did look like the power couple, and the care they had for each other was obvious and really sweet. "Yeah, we're moving really soon, up to a forest by the coast. Apparently the trees are so large, a pack could barely stretch around them. How about you? I trust Sebastian has been taking care of you?" she said, giving Sebastian a goofy grin. She sat at the edge of the pool, facing Haven. Steam clouded her vision, but Seb was still pretty large under the coat of fluffiness. Pearl did feel she was intruding on them, and she'd catch up with the power couple for a little longer before giving them their privacy. She would find her own pool to relax then.

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Haven - November 18, 2015

LOL I love, "Oh babe, you don't need to boil yourself to death you're already pretty hot,"

[size=large]Haven smiled at Sebastian's corny comment. She didn't think it was all that corny, it made her feel good. She giggled and played along, Mmhmm, and you're on fire yourself bad boy. She pranced along beside him, laughing still.[/size]
[size=large] [/size]
[size=large]Haven loved it when Sebastian kissed her, she felt so special. She was also a little sad at Pearl's intrusion, but didn't mind. Pearl was a friend. Besides they had all the time in the world for lazing in the hot springs. She sat beside Sebastian, glad to be able to call themselves a couple now. They were going to be great together, and Pearl's praise only made it more official.[/size]
[size=large] [/size]
[size=large]Oh ok. We'll make sure and visit sometime. The grey and white wolf smiled, leaning her head on Sebastian's shoulder. He's been great. I'm so glad I came out with him. The whole adventure had been pretty great so far, and she wouldn't rather be anywhere else. She glanced at Seb from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but smile. He was such a sweet guy, and so strong and protective. She was glad to have met him. [/size]

Idk why the font is all weird I can't get it off xP

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Sebastian - November 18, 2015

Sebastian laughed, looking at her skeptically. "I am the opposite of a bad boy," he pointed out to her with a chuckle. He actually was, he had not once been mean to her or made her do things she might not be comfortable with. He was protective of her too. "Though I appreciate the compliment," he hummed. Sebastian licked over the top of Haven's head once she rested her head against his shoulder. He couldn't help it. 

Though he wasn't so sure about visiting another pack, especially if they were as protective at RHC had been. A pack in a new location wanted to make their claim known and he wasn't sure if they would appreciate to loners close to their home, but he kept his opinion to himself. He mostly did that. "Um.. Thank you," he smiled lightly. He was happy to hear that she was happy, though he felt a bit like he was in the middle of some 'girl talk' he shouldn't be listening to just because they talked about him in the third person like he wasn't there with them right now. Pearl didn't ask him if he was taking good care of Haven. Sebastian wasn't easily offended but it was making him feel a bit awkward again. He still wasn't that good with ladies. 

I know right. He is trying! :P

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Pearl - November 21, 2015

I'm sorry for the wait! Basketball is basically my life right now xD

Pearl smiled at the two. She didn't want to bring up Burke right now, because it seemed like a relaxed time right now and she didn't want to ruin it with possibly harmful talk. She'd find them later and talk, for sure. For now, she'd leave the two alone and go find her own pool. "I'm glad. Well, I'll give you two some privacy. See you around!" She said, wiggling her eyebrows in an 'I'll leave you to it' way. After farewells, she turned from her spot and walked off into the steam that made her white form vanish almost instantly. Pearl weaved her way through enough pools to give the power couple their distance, and settled into her own. Relaxing in the shallow water, she let herself think.

~Pearl out~

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Haven - November 26, 2015

I'm so sorry for making you wait! Vacation has made me a bit scarce xP

Haven could tell that Seb was feeling a little awkward and possibly outnumbered. After all there was two girls and one boy. Pearl seemed to be able to tell that too. She wasn't really being a bother to Haven, but she did want to enjoy the pools with her boyfriend. Alright then! We'll see you around then Pearl! She barked cheerfully as the white female slipped away, almost melting into the steam with the light colors of her pelt. Haven took her head from Seb's shoulder and shrugged.

She's so nice, it was good to see her. I didn't know you'd met her before. She said, Haven wasn't one to be jealous. She trusted Seb plenty, but the phrase may have come off as a bit envious. The grey female shrugged again and nudged her boyfriend, then lead him back towards the pool. She leaped back in enjoying the warmth and heat it let off. The smell no longer bothered her, she was glad about that. She stuck her head under the water, blowing bubbles up into the steam. She came back up, laughing a little. She liked being silly sometimes.

Haven crawled back to be beside Sebastian again, snuggling up beside him in the warm pool. This is so nice. I wish we could just stay here forever. How much longer can we stay? I'm thinking we should continue on around nightfall? That way we can watch the sun set here, and after being refreshed we should be able to travel at night for a while before catching some sleep. That was her thoughtful side, planning out the day. She was usually an improviser, but she wanted to make it clear that she wasn't ready to leave yet.

RE: Did you know Yellowstone is a volcano? - Sebastian - November 26, 2015

Sebastian didn't mean to scare Pearl away. He really liked her in a friendly matter, but it seemed that she got his hint and left them alone. The young male nodded once Haven questioned about him knowing her. "I ran into her on the meadows when you were making me wait," he pointed out with a teasing tone. He had no hard feelings about that. Haven knew this because he told her he rather waited a month meaning that she was sure about their relationship. Though he was glad he had Haven now because otherwise being a lone wolf would be difficult. 

He smiled and laughed once Haven was being all silly. Sebastian stayed on his ledge, liking the warmth a lot. He hummed softly when she came to cuddle next to him. The large wolf smiled at her and even licked her cheek. She could talk so much at times, but luckily for Sebastian he didn't mind listening to her voice. She didn't have an annoying voice. "I think your idea sounds wonderful," he hummed. "Lets stay here till nightfall and then travel on," he agreed. The large male rested his head on the edge of the pool closing his eyes. Maybe it would be awesome to settle here instead. Though he wouldn't be very productive...

Fade end.