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Cassiopeia's View Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Printable Version

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Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Nicholai - November 16, 2015

Omg this mountain fits so perfectly with where they begin their journey, and the name it's just perfect <3 @Cassie

Nicholai trudged on up the rocky terrain, he was tiring but he wouldn't give up. They were so close to the top of the mountain, only a little more before they made it. Once at the top they could scope the land and figure out where to go next. The handsome golden male and his sister had come from the south, traveling for a long time now. They had been banished from their old pack, and it was time for a new beginning. Burning Heights was a thing of the past, Teekon Wilds was their future.

Nikki stopped and turned around, looking down at Cass on the ledge below him. He barked in a gentle, yet irritated tone, Come on Cass we're almost there. Hurry up. The male was beginning to get tired, and when he was tired, he was a grouch. He nudged his sister's muzzle, urging her onward. So close to the top, then they could rest.

RE: Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Cassie - November 16, 2015

Talking about perfect? What about that title? THAT's perfect! ;D

If Nicholai was tired, Cassie was probably twice as much. The trek up the mountain had been anything but easy. Rocky, steep and rugged, a nightmare for anyone who wasn't accustomed to mountains. Even Burning Heights was a playground compared to this peak, but Nicholai was determined to get to the top.

Wait up, I think I twisted my ankle down there... said the Girl sounding somewhat worried. It wasn't actually true, but she was getting too tired to keep up with her brother. Nicholai was her everything. Her best friend, her mentor, her protector. But that son of a bitch got way too into his own head sometimes.

Cassie nudged her brother back, and took the last few steps to the top. The rising sun blinded her at first, but after a couple seconds, Cassie opened her eyes. And it blew her away.

Miles and miles of forests and virgin lands, and the ocean in the background. It was a paradise for wolves. This place would be her and her brother's future, wherever they landed from this point forward, and it excited her greatly.

You need to see this said Cassie, looking back at her brother.

Looks like this is the first thread ever in this territory... I think we may have just started the official naming story.

RE: Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Nicholai - November 17, 2015

Omg yes, this is great! <3

Nikki growled in aggravation as Cass spoke. Twisted her ankle? Ugh we don't have time for this. His thoughts swirled around in his head. The large male hated waiting, he always wanted to get places fast and to be done with it. They were so close, broke an ankle. However he couldn't get angry at his sister, it wasn't her fault. He jumped back down to the step below him, and helped his sister up. She nudged him back, and he grunted. He didn't want to be mean, but he wasn't in the best mood at the moment.

Cass had taken the final few steps to the top, and been blown away. Cass was a curious girl, and everything intrigued her. It couldn't possibly be as great as she acted. The golden brown male leaped up, coming to the top beside his younger sister. His eyes widened, and his mouth dropped. It was way more amazing than he had thought. Rolling hills, forests and grottos, mountains in the distance. He could see a coast even further, the lands had everything a wolf would ever wish for. Most importantly, they offered him a new beginning and a new freedom. No one could hold him back now. No one could tell him what to do. Well except sometimes Cass.

Nicholai looked out at the lands for a moment, spellbound by its opportunity. Then he closed his mouth, trying to hide how truly mystified he was. This is what we've been looking for Cass. This place is all ours. No more mom, no more wars, no more death. Just us. He gave her an excited grin, nudging her shoulder. That's when he remembered that she said she was hurt. Are you ok? I can help you walk if you need me to. He added, realizing that he might've been a little un sympathetic to her.

RE: Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Cassie - November 17, 2015

If Cass paid any attention to all of Kicholai's sudden bursts of anger she would probably live with fear her whole life. So she didn't. Nick's growls didn't meant shit to Cass other than a cute display of affection towards her. He would always be a grumpy ass brother, but he was always such a sweetheart to his sister regardless that there was no room for anything but love.

When her brother joined her at the top, Cassie's smile wouldn't go away. He told her that this place would be their future. No more shit from mom, no more pain; just them. And there wasn't a thing that could make her happier then. Just us, Cass repeated heartily, looking at Nick with a glimmer in her eye. There was a lot of hope in this journey, a lot of expectations; and so far, the place was living up to all of them. Everything was just too beautiful from up there.

Cassie's ears folded back when Nick asked if she was well enough to keep going. I'm ok... I just need to rest for a moment. she assured with a smile as she sat down. What's the hurry anyway? she joked nudging Nicholai with her shoulder, This view is too pretty not to stop and just... Watch... she said, and then let out a calm sight as she lowered her head to pose it on her crossed forepaws to gaze at the coast with a wide smile across her face.

RE: Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Nicholai - November 18, 2015

Nikki was glad that Cass was happy. He missed the days when the two could just sit together and play. He would always watch her as she'd go off chasing leaves and other things. He wouldn't leave her, ever. Just us, he thought happily sitting beside his sister. So much they could do in the future. They could do whatever the hell they wanted.

Nick turned to Cass, still a bit worried about her ankle. He was anxious to continue, but if she was injured they would have to wait. He kneaded his paws against the ground impatiently, he really wanted to go. Uhhh, yeah no hurry. It's pretty and all, I just want to get to a safe place for tonight. However Cass seemed to be already settling down. Ok fine, we'll stay here then. He thought irritably, but in a sarcastic way. The place was nice, and he doubted anyone would come around anytime soon. He sat next to her, looking out over the lands, and ready to protect her if need be. Suddenly he had a thought, they should name the mountain! It was kind of theirs now anyway. Hey Cass, I got a great name for this mountain. Cassiopeia's view! It's perfect huh. He grinned, feeling a little childish but enjoying a simple rest. Sometimes even the big strong guys need to unwind.

RE: Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Cassie - November 18, 2015

Nikki is way too cute <3

Nicholai was always worrying about what came next. We need to get somewhere safe for tonight. We need to get to the top to see where we'll go. Cassie was way more relaxed than that, and enjoyed every step of the journey. Many would say that she was irresponsible, but those were usually drowning in stress. Cass was just... Young.

Just a little while, Nikki. It's been a long way up here... she said, getting comfortable...

"Hey Cass" called her brother, and the girl's hazel eyes turned searching for him. Yeah?

"I got a great name for this mountain. Cassiopeia's view! It's perfect huh?" he said, and Cassie's smile grew wider and her eyes glimmered. She nodded with excitement, and moved closer to her brother to rest her head on his shoulder. It's perfect!

Cassie always enjoyed spending these little whiles of just being with each other, and she couldn't imagine going through this with anyone but Nicholai. Have you ever been to the sea? Cassie asked, looking up at her brother's liquid golden eyes with curiosity. She doubted that he had, and hoped that he would be as excited as her to go to new places.

RE: Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Nicholai - November 20, 2015

Nikki was glad that Cass was happy. And she seemed to like the name too. It was a good decision on his part. This mountain was her's now. He watched her smiling. When Cass was happy, Nikki was happy. He couldn't help but love her childlike wonder, and even sometimes her sassy rudeness. She was his little sister, and he was proud of her.

The golden brown female was getting comfy, so Nick decided to give up and get comfy too. He laid down, leaning up against a rock. He was still on high alert mode, but was a bit more relaxed. Cass asked him a question, and he turned to look at the ocean in the distance. It did look nice there, maybe they could go together. No. He said, shuffling his paws to face her. We could go if you want. We can go wherever you want. You choose.He said with a handsome grin, he tried to hide his own excitement but wasn't doing to well. He was still young after all, and had his older years to be a grouch.

RE: Dropped us on the wrong damn mountain - Cassie - December 10, 2015

omf I'm so sorry
I needed a break from life as a whole, and that included writing for a while
I'm better now, so ready to get these guys somewhere!

Cassie's smile lit up like fireworks when her brother told her it was her choice where they went next. Looking down the hill made it way too difficult to decide where to go in that exact moment. She could see the sea in the distance. Huge forests down below and lakes scattered throughout it all. Meadows blushed in patches here and there, and she could even see a dark patch in the trees somewhere to the east. All of those places were the place she wanted to go next.

But the sea was the most exciting one of all.

I've never walked in the sand... she told her brother. That was one thing that intrigued her, and she wanted to experiment with life now that there were no ties binding her anywhere.

I want to go to the sea, Nikki... she decided with a broad smile and an evidently excited tail.