Wolf RPG
The Dawn of New - Printable Version

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The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 09, 2014

OOC: Set a little vague only because her rank has not yet been addressed. She is looking for a den or a packmate to share one well :D Any and all can join!

In her time within the Vale, she had taken stock of its splendor as a whole and drew from it the serenity found within the encompassing mountains. More haven than seclusion, the imposing arms brought forth protection as well as the earthly glory of its commanding height, reminding the woman all too fondly of the mountains far north that had once been her home. She had been born to keep to the mountain, and it was only there that she had found true peace in her lifetime. The demon had done well, though he hadn’t the slightest idea how joyous his choice had made her.

Nor how important his promise was to her.

She would forfeit her life of seclusion to be within the fold, yet even then her own end was with apprehension for what it would mean. Too quickly she had been drawn into the mountain to make her home- too quickly had she been influenced to dance upon its ledges. Was she wrong for doing so? To seek making her home away from the greater whole? Perhaps not.

From her height neither too high or low from the earth, she could see the Vale in its entirety from a watcher’s careful post. Was that not the place for a guardian to remain? Just within reach should a summon rise, but at a distance so as not to impose on the actions of the day. Accessible by sight, able to receive in sound. And of course a refuge from the elements themselves, deep within the bosom of the mountain that within its warm depths, she could feel the pulse of its heart. Yes. Yes, it was ideal. Surely even he would have agreed as guard to both the male and female. Distant but within sight should they call for him. No… for them. For there was no light without its shadow. No cast without its source. One to be at the side of the other, but in her heart she did not believe this as literal. Her time within her mountain pack had assured her of this; such words were metaphorical lest equal or paired. And she was neither to him.

In truth, she believed this was what truly influenced her rise in the late hour of the noon to find for herself a home within the mountain and make her assumptions true.

Sighing softly, she relinquished her thoughtful state and pursued yet again a warm recess of the mountain. Her steps ever quiet, her gait graceful upon the treacherous stones. Yes, she was at home on the dangerous ledges but dangerous was only what it appeared to be.

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 10, 2014

Though the beast had been occupied with his duties, he always made time for his mind to wander to the tan female he had taken under his wing. And occasionally, his gaze would wander over to somewhere in the Vale where he would imagine she might be. She had been given time to grow accustomed to the Vale, and in such Raheerah had been solitary again. Though he imagined it would not last for long; in fact, being apart from her had grown to irritate him. She was similar to Lham in her innocence, but Lham had the monk for protection, whereas nobody would watch over Xi'nuata but he. And even though Raheerah was not the sort to entertain paranoia, he couldn't help but imagine some tragedy befalling her in his absence.

So once he had the time, he broke away from his responsibility to follow her scent. She scaled the mountain, and so he followed; very soon, he saw her clambering among the rocks of the mountain side. He observed her silently for a mere moment. A being in its natural state, graceful, attuned to the terrain for which it was created. Then, a low rumble suddenly exited his throat, a mangled bark reaching out for her attention. Raheerah shifted slightly, lending his weight closer to the ground before he rose and made his way towards her.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 10, 2014

She had only just grasped a ledge when a sound erupted from behind, deep and heavy with wordless command to be heeded. Once her paws were firm on the ledge and splayed securely, she turned around in pale-gold mangled glory to behold the demon; her shadow. She would have thought that in time her distance would have been marked as a permanent state between them- a division of rank in the unspoken word. Yet his appearance proved this was not true, unless it was for another reason. Her brows once knitted with concentration parted with interest as the black flesh of her nose quivered as it leaned toward oily curls.

She slipped from the stones to be at level with him, her height rivaling his own and yet she remained low- head bowed in respect as she crept toward his darkness. Quietly, she returned his gruff call with a soft play of her own, just low in octave that his ears might receive her subdued pleasure at the sight of him, but heavy with a question as to why he was upon the mountain same as she. Perhaps she had been correct to assume he would find appeal in the seclusion of a mountain cave. Or perhaps -and though her ears drew back in dread, she would not allow her fright to show- he was there to scold her for stretching the limitations of their contract; his promise.

A questioning gaze met the bridge of his muzzle then chin, as she inched forward to gently caress the underside of his whiskered maw. Her tail swayed at leisure in gesture of her calm, contented state hoping his stature might reflect the same.

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 14, 2014

Almost immediately she had responded to his approach, and Raheerah watched with satisfaction as she dropped from the higher ledge to approach him. He wouldn't be lying if he were to claim that her eagerness to join him, her presence alone, delighted him. Few things on this wretched planet gave him pleasure, and the majority of the things that did were self-achieved. Xi'nuata was a rare and strange occurrence. His tail dared to even sway behind him, and he rumbled once more feeling her touch under his jaw.

The beast tipped his head down so that she would occupy his limited sights. For a moment he looked her over, taking in her appearance, ensuring that she was in good health before he parted his lips to slowly speak. "Hoooww do yoou find the Vaale." Raheerah queried, eager to know if she was liking her new home.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 14, 2014

"I am grateful for it's security," her reply came without hesitation, no need to breathe nor form a pause to think. She was a creature of truth and it was all she ever spoke.

Though she would take a moment to breathe and reclaim again the masculine scent of her familiar. However heavy the scent, there was comfort to be found within it. No different than the night she had shared his warmth by the lake. It offered no reminder to some other thing in the past. It was a new creation, a new kind of memory she was keen to resurface fondly in any instance. Daring the faintest of smiles upon her muzzle, she tilted her muzzle upward slightly again gracing beneath his chin in kindly manner.

"It is a reflection of where I came from, " but she would never call that place before home. "There is much to absorb, much to take in with all senses. But before then, I seek a place within the mountain. If only to have a place within to return to."

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 14, 2014

Security. Yes, he suppose that was the most important feature of a pack, at least alongside companionship. It could provide other merits depeding on one's intention - it could fulfill one's need for leadership, or servitude. A sure source of food. A home, no need for travel. But Xi'nuata would need no pack to have her security; Raheerah was certain that even if she had ultimately denied his offer, he would have trailed her for as long as he could. Without embedding her in the ranks of his pack, he would have watched over her. So he could only nod at her answer and remain wordless.

She had spoken before of familiarity in the mountains. They had been her home before; not these ones, but elsewhere. He was pleased that he could offer her a home where she found comfort, but her next words caused him to furrow his brow. "Yoouu have nott yet buuiilt a denn." The beast observed out loud and tilted his head so he could look down at her. She had been here for a considerable amount of time, what was stopping her? Perhaps she was just indecisive. "Aare yoouu in neeeed of assistaance locaating a suuiitable denn site?" He added.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 14, 2014

Anything other than the expression of approval on the scarred visage was to her eyes a sign that she had done something wrong. His voice was not scolding, yet she recoiled none the less, her muzzle jerking from his as she settled immediately to her rear. Her ears fell and tail tucked as she turned her gaze anyway but to his glowing eye.

"Since I am not designated to breed, there was no urgency for me to create one," her voice was hardly a whisper as she tried to explain. The ways of her old pack were still deeply embedded in her mind, and would unlikely relinquish its hold without motivation.

"I did not want to trouble you, " she continued. Her gaze shifted slightly to hold fast to his paws. "...since you have your own responsibilities..."

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 15, 2014

She immediately turned and looked away from him; her body appeared to tense, a flinch even from some invisible force cast upon her. Raheerah had done nothing (intentionally) to warrant the response, or so he thought, and found it baffling when he instinctively flicked his gaze away and scanned their surrounding for sign of threat. Nothing lingered there, leering at them, bearing its teeth - no monster aside from Raheerah himself. He looked back at her, unable to comprehend the nature of her reaction. Then came an explanation - not of her behavior, but for why she had not sought out a den. Strange, though perhaps where she had come from they only granted dens to those carrying pups. He would still refrain from judging her, only try to understand.

"Iiiit wouuld be no buurrden to ensuurre you a plaace to sleeep." Raheerah clarified, sniffing at the air briefly. But his attentions would soon fixate on her, thoughtful. His molten eye searched the female, seeking some answer to a question he had yet to formulate. The only thought on his mind now was what exactly to do - ask her where she wanted it? Offer her his, if she were uncomfortable digging one? What did she want? For all his silence, the beast only rumbled with every slow exhale he made, until he finally decided. "Cooome. I shaall shoow you miine." Raheerah straightened and began to turn his body, cocking his head to glance back at her.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 15, 2014

Truly there was nothing to fear around them, other than the male himself, but even then he warranted no real fright from the female. Rather her fear was for his disappointment in her. That in some form she had done something other than what she was meant to. And even then, she did not know fully what the Beta expected of her. But it was the frown on his face, the knot of his brows that dashed rational thought aside as she prepared for the reprimand of her explanation.

Instead, he only looked around them strangely as if expecting something more to peel from the mountain rocks into existence. But it was only they; the light and the shadow not far from its source, and to her surprise with an invitation solely for her.

He had turned after her spoke, preparing to lead her on to his abode, and like a faithful thing she was compelled to follow. Though stopped after only a pawstep to contest, her ears fell back and tail lowered as she whispered to his back. "But I cannot," she protested although she did not retract her step. "It was not my intention to trouble you. What if you should take a... partner. It would be... inconvenient."

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 15, 2014

As expected, she had begun to follow him. Seeing that she had risen to carry on after the ashen beast, Raheerah turned away, pointing his muzzle forth as his stride began. But seconds later she had fallen behind again and contested his lead. The male stopped abruptly, lashing his tail. Further confusion sprouted from him - slight irritation, though he still didn't understand entirely her hesitation. Raheerah again swung his head around to look at her, but her question only caused his lips to curl into a sneer. An oily, slick laugh began to pour from his lips. It was deep and foreboding, deceptive - a laugh that could cause discomfort, had there been any kind of malicious intent. It could disgruntle any who weren't Xi'nuata, surely. "Thaat is to assuuuume anyy would wiish to be miine. Or Iiii theirs." He pointed out, amused. Did she really think that taking a mate was in any way his priority?

"Yoouu have nothiiing to feeeear." Raheerah snorted; the smile continued to wear on his face as he turned away from her, as though it were the residual humor of a joke she had told. Truly, it would be foolish to take a mate, as he held a significant lack of caring for any other creature. None held his romantic interest, if he were to have any. Or any concept of love at all. He was far above such sentiments. It would merely disappoint whoever mistook him for romantic candidacy. He swung his tail behind him again, welcoming her to join him in his steps. Though he walked away, the idea nagged on his brain, and it was the constant reassurance that her worry was without foundation. But was it truly?

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 15, 2014

Laughter crept from the heart of living darkness, stilling the air for the sound to carry and command the ears of all to receive. A creature of life might have heard the foreboding chords as the song of coming death in the wake of insolence. But to the ears of the female, this frightened thing that care for not his appearance but his approval, heard his voice as an assuring echo that no- he was not wholly disappointed in her. But found no reason in her hesitation. No cause for her to resist. It was the suggestion that the very idea of her fear was as foolish as what could be conceived by a pup grown in a world of ignorance. But in hearing this, did she also feel the subtle pang of sadness work into her chest.

What was wrong that none would not seek him as a mate? Or he, any other? Was he simply incapable?

…had the thought never crossed his might at all?

“…but your line-“ In a single breath she began her thought then silenced it before it grew to life. She did not wish to speak on it now, nor let her thoughts stray away from the matter at hand. He reminded her with the inky smile on his muzzle that she needn’t let her mind surrender to fear. “…I know this,” she replied, having allowed her moment of doubt to slip away as she stepped forward with renewing confidence to again take the side of her shadow. She lowered her head respectfully, though boldly lifted her muzzle to touch beneath his blind, scarred eye. She hummed to him softly, always reminding him that she was near even when out of his sight. Though she would have done well to remember this truth herself. “A light cannot stand without its shadow,” she recited softly. Gently she licked his cheek. “Nor can a shadow be cast without its light. It is an existence that no force can cast away. I apologize. I should not have allowed myself to forget this.” Her ears fell back as her voice fell to sorrow. “…even for a moment.”

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 15, 2014

Thankfully, she accepted his reassurance and off they went. For a brief moment she thought to remind him of the line he had spoken not long ago, convincing her to join him and enter the ranks of the Vale. It was a line he dared not to forget, and so reminding him was fruitless in itself; he already knew. Perhaps she had not realized that it was she he would most greatly desire to share his den, regardless of whether or not he had a partner. Though his affinity lay only in two wolves - Lham and Xi'nuata - he could not bring himself to touch Lham in any way. The physical contact that she repeatedly inflicted upon him caused a myriad of sensations; numbness, an electric stun, guilt and reverence. He was not pure enough to touch her, she was a Goddess, and he was in no way worthy of sharing her space.

Xi'nuata, however, was on his same level of existence. And though she reflected innocence, she was not holy. He could share in her contact and not reel back at the crime he may have committed. She was no pious spirit that he could not handle. And so it was only she that he would wish to nestle with him, if only to ensure that no harm would befall her in the moment she lingered outside of his grasp. No, he could not take a partner, because he could prize no other as he could Xi'nuata.

They moved in unison and began to descend the mountain. His steps were jagged in each attempt not to lose his footing; he was not necessarily built for the mountain slopes, not as specialized as she. She seemed to move with ease up to him and hum her approach to his blind side. Raheerah gave no response, which was among the best of reactions one could hope for in approaching him where he could not see. At her touch, he stiffened; unable to see, he had not expected it, but he knew it was her and his shoulders and spine relaxed. If only to stiffen further, for she unfurled her tongue and led it across his cheek as she again reminded him of his promise.

Raheerah flicked his single eye to her, unable to see much as she was on the wrong side; only a vague tan blur on the edge of his vision. The touch had sent his skin crawling. An ever familiar electric shock, but he did not recoil; it caused his chest to tighten, and his stomach to grow uncertain, reactions he had only endured at the touch of Lham or the first time he had taken a life. The beast sent it to the depths of his mind for now and continued to move down the mountain's edge, dismissing the touch with just a volcanic rumble in his chest. He pushed the thought aside in favor of the sadness that resonated in her words, intrigued by the presence of such emotion. "Haave I displeeeaased yoou?" Raheerah huffed, turning his gaze back to the path before him.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 15, 2014

The rhythm of their footfalls in time with the other could not have been a better song to her ears as they traveled. Had he decided to speak further, it would not have disturbed the calm, but added to the contentment always embraced by his presence. In him she had found a peace felt only in the seclusion of the dark corridors of her mind, yet even they did not provide the sort of warmth that entranced her as the scarred male did. No shade of darkness offered her fulfillment other than his.

Reveling in this, she was disheartened that foolishly, even for a moment she had forgotten this rare feeling he brought into her life. Too consumed with worry that his promise were words only uttered to appease her, she had tread so close to no believing them at all. Yet he had only proven them true and meaningful time and again.

“You have not,” she whispered, never missing an opportunity to follow his song. Falling out of stride for a moment, she shifted at his rear to return instead to his opposite side that he might better see her, and she to him- the singular glowing orb was raw and captivating however darkened by thought. “You have done so such thing but given me purpose and reason to remain in this place. I am…grateful to you… Raheerah.” She tipped her muzzle down slightly casting a wayward glance to the path ahead as she sought to compose herself. She was a creature of truth that knew nothing of lies or how to conceal what she felt to be true. But she knew of silence and the protection it offered. Let closed her muzzle tightly lest more than what she was willing would come forth. Emotions derived not from mind but from heart was a force she did not feel able to harness without an extravagant mess in the wake.

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 17, 2014

She faltered for a mere moment, and Raheerah twitched an ear back, turning his head only slightly. But he could not see where she had gone, hiding in one of his blind spots. Instead it was her sounds he paid most attention to, and he listened as she fell behind him and quickly came up to his side again, affirming that he had not displeased her - though the sadness in her voice would suggest otherwise. Raheerah did not argue. He turned his head the other way now as she moved on his visible side and watched her. A heartfelt admission left her lips, and the oily beast wanted to soften his gaze. If he were capable of allowing such a look of tenderness to cross his visage, he would have, but it looked only apathetic.

"Aand Iiii to yoouu." He uttered, looking away from her. "For suuurely no otherr produuces such amiable companyyy as yourselff." Raheerah's voice again danced with amusement, the deep rolling of his vocals accentuated by lively, almost uncharacteristic cheer. Raheerah did not often offer jokes of any variety, but they came easily as he spoke to Xi'nuata. He was convinced that it was some subconscious desire to see her smile and raise her spirits - for as much as he staked his claim over her, he wanted her to be happy. She was innocence, too, and he protected her; was good mood not a part of good health?

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 17, 2014

And truly, her spirits could be livened by a lighter tone. However odd one might have beheld the deep tones adhering to mirth, to her ears it was blessed ringing that furthered the delicate smile upon her own maw, and stirred her heart to flutter. She was nearly beside herself, stepping nearer to her companion with a swift balanced thrust to press her shoulder beneath his in an innocent, prodding gesture. Had she been an innately joyous thing, she might has split her jaws without a moment’s hesitation and let free the bellow of mirth bubble to the surface. But she was a creature awkward around the expressions of joy, both naked and true. But she made due as she was able, her tail waving at leisure as she whined softly in content, and bore for him a smile upon her maw. Small yet true; a light just for him to see.

“I would have no other company than you.” Her voice was soft, near breathless as she assumed a quicker pace. Inhaling the fragrance of the Vale and of him, she swept her muzzle down to prod him lightly once more against his shoulder… then without word bound for a higher stone to stand upon, then just as quickly shifted to the earth and continued in rapid stride. Her tail whipped the air in taunt. Her exuberance unbound, she maintained a sort of grace as she raced through her preferred stage, but the light steps on the earth, the energetic pounce from frigid face to flat stone, expressed the elation she felt within herself. She hadn’t an idea where she was going, nor where his refuge resided. But she concluded that if he were to guide her to it, he would have to forgo his leisurely pace and find the drive within to catch her!

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 18, 2014

He turned his head slightly to look at her, now able to hold her fully in his sights. He watched as the expression of her visage spoke something entirely different that the sorrow that previously plagued her voice - instead, a smile touched her lips, and Raheerah found himself presenting a wicked grin in response. The scarred lips of the beast twisted upward, and his furrowed brow would perhaps make it difficult to discern a smile at all, but there it was. Hidden in amongst the fury and darkness that shrouded him from the start, there was a smile, some essence of the joy dredged up from his brief and fleeting childhood.

The touch she left on his shoulder was quick, and he could only begin to reciprocate when she suddenly broke away and leaped upon a higher standing rock. Raheerah remained where he was, watching her curiously - if to admire the musculature of the woman who ascended the rocks, and then descended them, only to bound off ahead him. Behind her, he could see her tail whip like a flag caught in the wind, inviting him to join in the run. Not just a run, though; a chase. The shaded beast curled up his lips, quickly weighing his options. Should he revert to the nature of a child, partake in this chase? This game? Or should he stand above that, as he usually did? Raheerah was no naive whelp. But, perhaps, that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy himself.

With some hesitation, he chose to accept her challenge. The beast began to move forward, quicker than normal. His legs churned beneath him and pushed him on. Then, his pace quickened. The heaving mass of the male's bulk carried quickly despite all his weight. Raheerah was far from agile, but his muscles did grant him speed. Soon, the dragon was moving at top speed as they followed the mountain path down towards the valley, and he kept the tawny frame of his companion within his sights at all times. She was his target, his destination; where she moved, he would go, if only with the hope that he would reach her eventually.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 18, 2014

An assumed warrior and guardian of the pack, in this moment of leisure there was hardly evidence to this role. Perhaps if one were to take note of her dexterity when upon the mountains, there might have proved a testament of her worth to the role. But looking upon her actions as a whole, and undoubtedly those of her companion now in chase, she scarcely resembled the visage of a hardened warrior- but a joyous female giddy with the thrill of the run.

Her movements were instinctual, hardly a thought required as she slipped from the rocks to earth, then back again with ease. However sharply the path curved or jagged it became, it was numb against her paws as she performed her elated ballad to her pursuer. Ever so often she would glance at her rear to ensure he followed, throwing a taunting yip for him to catch before ascending to higher reaches. But it was not all fun to run. Part of the excitement came from the inevitable catch itself. It was thrilling, truly, for she could not imagine the result to come from its end. Would he be cross with her for making him run? Or would he smile his wicked grin and scoff at her youthful antics? Or would she see in his eye the same joy reflected in her own; the wordless, nameless expression that encompassed her and drove her to such antics like running blindly through the winter in the hope he would follow. It was the unknown that had her head pumping in earnest. It was the eagerness to know that directed her paws so skillfully.

Breathing deeply, she slipped from her rocky path to the more level field of the mountain’s base, skirting just along its borders toward the woodland. She glanced over her shoulder but swiftly turned then to face the single eye of the pursuer. However heavy her body, it would not hinder her movements, proven as she bent by her forelegs toward the ground, stretching them outward in taunt as her tail swayed high and eagerly at her rear. She had yet to be caught, and the game was well on. And she had every intention of seeing this impromptu chase to its conclusion.

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 18, 2014

Each thrusting of his legs brought the beast forward. He didn't know if he was gaining on her or not - the loss of his eye lent to some failure in depth perception, but he hoped he was. Each bound fueled by the raw power of his honed muscles, each leap soared him through the air until he came crashing down unto the earth, which should shatter beneath his paws if it truly understood its place. The beast was endless, and he moved with such great intention, one could have mistaken his pursuit to be fed by fury and lust. There were no such emotions here.

No, but he did have a plan, and as she dropped away from the mountain towards the woodlands that dotted the valley, Raheerah was forced to slow. The sloping and curvature of the path were not so easily navigated by the monster, who had fallen behind; this must have given her enough time to register how far back he was, for as he neared her again, she stopped and turned to face him. Raheerah was moving at full speed, and did not have the time to decide whether or not he should slow down and greet her - in the excitement of the chase, the adrenaline coursed through his veins and prompted him to take an alternate route.

As he neared her, he failed to slow. Rather, his tensed muscles prepared him for a final bound, and he sprung at her, extending his forelegs so that he would capture her at her shoulders and bring her down to the ground with him. Hopefully he could avoid harming her, though Raheerah had never been properly acquainted with the concept of "play" - his only goal was to take her down and keep her from running away from him again.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 18, 2014

Blind as she was to what lied behold the moment at present, she had with her expectations for his reaction. A mirror her current posture, or perhaps a skirt around to better assess what way he should assume to overtake her. But the literal frontal bound, she hadn’t been expecting. It was much too ‘puppyish’ for a male of his caliber to assume, but it made her smile none the less, followed by a throaty growl of glee.

A twist of his forelegs and she down with little resistance. Having such a large form made it difficult to wriggle free, but it did not prevent her from trying however in vain the effort. “That is not fair,” she breathed with a mocking scold, pointing out his advantage in using his superior weight against her. It was a game, little more, but she would not had without taking a trophy of the play of her own. Her front was trapped beneath his bulk, but both head and neck were still free to move at an agreeable angle. She leaned inward towards his muzzle with jaws parted and lips down over her teeth, crooning playfully as she sought to fix her muzzle around his and hopefully tug it down towards her level on the ground. All the while her tail once trapped beneath her legs wriggled free and pat the ground with an excitable rhythm. She could not remember the time she had been so happy, let alone so free as to express it.

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 19, 2014

He had managed to take her down successfully, just as was his plan. The male had pushed her down and loomed over her, his front paws stretched out on either side of her as he used his broad chest to keep her pinned. Thankfully, it didn't take much effort to keep her there - for as large as Xi'nuata may have been Raheerah was larger and heavier, and carried muscle mass enough to topple the woman twice over. Assuming she wouldn't resist. He had little idea of her fighting capabilities - perhaps this would present itself some insight. Regardless, he looked down at her and uttered a rolling chuckle, drawing back his lips in a toothy and intimidating grin. "Iiiff you seeeek a fair fight, then you shouuld not challenge meee." He answered, salmon tongue flicking out to touch his nose momentarily. Raheerah was far from a fair fighter - he did what he needed to in order to succeed and claim his victory.

Suddenly she craned her neck and stretched her jaws forward, reaching for his. Instinctively he leaned back, away from her grasp. It took seconds, and the recognition of her playful air, for him to remember that this was merely a game. She posed no real threat by holding his jaws. And so, with the same tender care as father caressing their child, he returned his jaws to hover within her reach and allowed her to grab hold of him. Still, the skin of his nose was wrinkled back and his lips were drawn to reveal gleaming, yellow teeth, but he made no effort to resist her. He followed through the movements of the woman and ended up hanging his head so that it hovered next to hers for as long as she held onto him.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 20, 2014

Resistance was expected from a large, formidable beast, yet despite knowing this she hoped that his understanding of their little game would overrule his instinct to sense her gesture as a threat. Such play was for pups to recognize when their advances were wanted or done away with (usually by quick, scolding snaps to the muzzle), to enlighten them to the language of their kin. But this beast was a contradiction; a pup's nightmare in the lessons of understanding their kind. Though his nose wrinkled and teeth were bared, he did not growl, and even leaned into her grasp that she may find her muzzle around his. Such a smile might have meant her companion was enraged by her actions, but his calm demeanor suggested otherwise. It was a language meant for the already learned and practiced to understand, and behold the complications portrayed by the adult mind. Though she imagined that only he could sneer during play. A notion which she could not help by giggle at.

Whining contently, she guided his muzzle toward to lie beside hers then quickly withdrew with hardly a window of a moment to drape her head over his. She howled softly in puppyish victory, having tricked her companion to sweetly fall prey to her tactics. "I will be mindful then, that you do not play fair," her voice was light as she spoke, at last 'freeing' her captive (even though she remained trapped herself under his bulk).

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 21, 2014

The beast allowed her jaws to guide him, and soon he found himself pressed against her as she brought his muzzle down to her level. It was a strain on his legs, trying to keep himself aloft and not putting his weight on her. But he persisted, even as she released him. Instead she placed her head on top of his, and as she howled her victory, Raheerah unleashed an open-mouthed rumbling. His nose and lips pressed the side of her neck, tempting him to turn into it and the warmth it radiated. But she released him soon enough. She had her victory, she won, and Raheerah pushed forward his ears in mild amusement. "Nnnooo." He agreed, and found his gums revealing in a hellish toothy sneer.

She was tricky - none could ease him into a game, though it was his desire to bring up her mood that prompted him to abide by her. If that was what she wanted, he would do it, even if it meant play. Raheerah drew back his head and straightened up slightly, but still held her between his front paws which were stretched out at her sides. He cocked his head to look down at her, analyzing her expression. The smile remained on his lips, keepish its devilish air. "Haaaave yoouu satisfiieed your neeed for playy, or shaall I attempt to best you once mooree?" He rumbled, licking his jaws.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 23, 2014

Her heart had been dancing. The rhythm taking on a life all its own in the spirit of joy and play. So enraptured by the rhythm, the contentment felt by his presence, she had near forgotten the burdens that weighed down her heart- the past that stood as a reminder of the difficulties life could bring. Though lying there, at ease and without care, such notions had been forgotten. There was only the moment shared with her shadow, the warmth of his touch, and the elation felt by her fluttering heart. She would have remained there within the vale of paradise and her private refuge.

Though such things were not always meant to last by one's will.

Her ears came forward when her companion spoke, reminding her quickly of what their purpose had been prior to her distraction. It was to find a home, as she recalled. To share a residence with the male that had diligently brought her into the fold with promise and purpose. A respected, learned male- and there she was frolicking like an absent pup. Her emotions got the better of her, and it took his sobering words to remind her of that.

"Oh," she uttered softly. The contentment ebbed from visage and voice. The lightness of her chords were once again weighed by age and a practiced neutrality. Her eyes once sparked with life veered away to the earth as if in it she might find the means to return to her normality. She had strayed too far from what she had known as herself. "I am done. I apologize..." she mumbled. "I had not meant to distract you, after you were kind to allow me space within your den." Her ears fell back as shame crept into her eyes, lowering her brows to conceal the dulling umber and gold. "We may continue towards your den, if you would still have me. I will be mindful not to deviate..."

RE: The Dawn of New - Raheerah - February 24, 2014

Waiting for her answer, the male failed to remove himself from his position, hovering over her like a ghost, like a hunter bearing down on its captured game. Although, it would be far more accurate to designate her as the predator, and he the unminding prey - her playfulness found target in the male, who had joined in on her game with truly little care for or against it. Slowly, he saw the bliss creep out of the warm ochre gaze of the woman between his paws, and again found himself struggling against confusion. She spoke, as though he had reprimanded her, and without understanding of why he remained as he was, pinning her down. If there was any creature that could so heavily submerge him in guilt, it was her.

"Xiiii'nuataaa, yoou need not beeee so modeessst." He rumbled, the devious grin flickering one last time before leaving his jaws. Raheerah finally pulled himself up, side-stepping away and finally freeing her of his weight. "Theerre is liiittle yoouu cann do to teessst my paaatiieence." Again, a tiny interjection of humor coloured his words, albeit darkly. She knew nothing of the wait he had to endure, the tests of his temper. Far longer and far worse circumstances survived absent of the male's wrath. She was fortunate in that fact, he supposed; it would be a miserable fate to lure his temper, and she was of the rare few he chose to tolerate. "Coooommmme. Peeerrrhaps youu shaaall teeaach me morre of gaames at myy dennn." Raheerah's voice echoed with good nature, in the hopes of reassuring her that she had no wrong.

RE: The Dawn of New - Xinuata - February 25, 2014

There was a time when the female would not have been so bothered by her impressions upon others. So used to the solitude and quiet of her own sanctuary within the mountains, that the thoughts of others of her were hardly a thing worth entertaining. As long as they did not harm her physically, she did not mind it. But a change had occurred since meeting the dark male- his impression, his thoughts of her… she never wanted them to be unflattering. Ever. She only wanted his smile (or what he could make of one within the smolder of his eye), and only his good word to ensure that purpose and fulfillment would be hers under his guide. She did not understand why his presence brought to her this unbridled joy, but she imagined… if not feared that he would grow tired of her exuberance if not damn her for it eventually. She was an adult, not a pup.

But when he spoke, whenever doubt would cross her mind, however callous his words, they were crafted to ease her and speak truly that no part of her actions displeased him. As if her worry was for naught, time and time again. And she listened, lifting her heavy gaze from the ground to address his weathered maw as he spoke. At last he had freed her but still she remained against the earth simply looking at the male above her intensely. Her gaze unwavering as it was only he that existed when sound came from his lips. “I…” she sound came forth without her meaning to. Eager to speak, for him to understand, all thought had been lost in eager pursuit. “I do not want to displease you. That is all.” She explained as best as she was able, given the articulate manner of her word-smithing seemingly vanished when freed.

Gradually she pushed herself to stand at his beckon, and was unable to ignore the slight flutter that came to her chest at the mention of his den. It was a joint living situation, nothing more, she was assured. But she could not fully ignore that thrill that came with the prospect of sharing. She had never done so with anyone. Let alone a male. Den-sharing of the like was for equal sexes and mates. Companions in arms, well… it was a whole different chapter all together to be written. “If you’d like,” her smile was meek though poorly hidden even as she slipped to his blindside to follow. She only hoped it would ebb long before he took notice.

[Follows Raheerah to the den then Fin]