Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau i don't know what i'm doing - Printable Version

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i don't know what i'm doing - Kitten - November 18, 2015

She was not sure what to expect when she crossed the threshold into the pack territory, but it became clear to her rather quickly that there was a subconscious expectation that it would be like crossing the threshold to a house. It was not. Warmth did not wash over her, and her nose was not granted by the smell of a bowl of food. There were no couches, no beds, and the ground did not look to be comfortable. Perhaps one of these 'densites' would be, or so she hoped.

She kept these thoughts to herself as she quietly padded after the other female, but after travelling in silence for a few minutes she could not stand it. "Um," she murmured. "What's a cache?" Her tail was carried low to the ground, her ears splayed side ways. She hated to ask, but she was curious, and if she was going to make it among the wolves, she supposed she ought to know what the heck they were talking about.

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Behati - November 19, 2015

*engages bitch mode*

They ventured into the thick of the forest - Behati marching ahead, Kitten trailing a few feet behind. The former had a superior look on her face when she turned to answer, fastening hard eyes on the soft little pet that Lasher had seen fit to invite. She was filled with bile, and too green to realize that it was because this sad little creature was a perfect mirror of her own insecurities.

"How do you not know that?" the caramel girl laughed with a toss of her slim head. Hypocrite. Until recently, Behati hadn't know what a cache was either. "It's a store for food. You know - you kill something, dig a hole.. then you come back to it if it's slim pickings out there." She canted her head in the direction of 'out there'. "Sometimes it's a bit rotten, but you know, you make do." Us real wolves do, at least. The girl's brows knitted over eyes that strayed off into the heart of the packland - the look of someone with much to do and no time to dilly-dally. "OK, well - I guess I'll leave you to dig a den, then."

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Kitten - November 19, 2015

She cowered when the other wolf rounded on her, shrinking in stature as her tail, now slightly fluffed out, curled about her feet. Her wide eyes stared up at Behati. Not only was she intimidated by the other wolf, she felt utterly worthless to not know a simple term like 'cache'; except she did know. Sort of. She had buried her food before, but she simply had no term to use with the behavior. She held her tongue until Behati had finished speaking, though her nose wrinkled at the mention of food that was a 'bit rotten'. But before she could respond, the other wolf was trying to make her exit.

"Wait!" she hurriedly pleaded. "I've buried food before! I just... I didn't know what the word was, that's all." The corner of her mouth quirked into a half smile, fishing for forgiveness. She had never dug a den, but was afraid to admit it or ask any more questions, so she... sat there and stared dumbly because she had no idea how to engage with this girl. "Do you like... stuff?" She squeaked.

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Behati - November 26, 2015

Behati was about to leave Kit to her feelings and failures, but the pet-wolf wouldn't take the hint. She all but fell over herself in her attempts to re-engage, spluttering something about stuff. Did Behati like stuff? The caramel wolf was about to spit something dismissive at the newcomer, but the memory of Lasher's booming voice cut the insult short. Show her the ropes. Be kind. Blahblahblahblah, blahblah. Something like that - all Behati knew was that he would leave her feeling guilty.

She shot a look over her shoulder. "Stuff? What kind of stuff?"

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Pearl - November 26, 2015

~enters Pearl~

Behati had been snappish as of late, and Pearl decided to hang around to make sure she didn't snap at anyone too badly and hurt someone. She hadn't seen or heard the induction of Kitten to the pack, so she was surprised to hear a new voice as she slowly made her way over to the conversation that seemed to be on the verge of ending badly. The new female was panicking, and Pearl was fully determined to intervene before Behati lashed out - but the sugared girl didn't reply as expected, and the pale girl paused. 

Still, Pearl intended to 'save' the new female. She resumed her walk to the pair. "Hey! What's your name?" she said nicely, appearing out of the trees. If an unknown wolf had come in their borders, she assumed they would be accepted.

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Kitten - November 27, 2015

"Um..." 'Stuff' was as far as she had gotten. Her tactic work, but now she had no follow up move. What did wild beasts do besides wild beast things? She had her toys at home, but there was nothing of the sort out here. She about to position herself further into the temperamental girl's bad side by asking if she liked to lie in sunbeams and scratch her claws on things, but fortunately another packmate came to her rescue.

"OH HI!" she greeted with far too much enthusiasm, immensely grateful for the distraction. "I'm kit!" Her tail lifted with a curl to its tip as he eyes met the white wolf's in a feline's friendly greeting, proper tail and eye etiquette among wolves having yet to be learned.

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Behati - December 06, 2015

Behati's actual physical Voice of Reason chose this moment to swan in, greeting the freak newcomer kindly and without judgement. Pearl's appearance put a halt to the vile words that the younger female had queued up, and she was forced to say something a little bit more tempered. "This is—" she began, but Kit cut her short. Behati pouted through the introduction, doing her best to look as though she was being inconvenienced to the max by the pet-wolf's presence. But Pearl was here now, and she would be damned if this bubbly little freak would steal away her first and only female friend.

"I was just about to show her the caches," Behati lied. "Wanna join?"

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Pearl - December 06, 2015

Pearl looked kindly at the peppy newcomer, called Kit, and smiled. She acted somewhat like Behati when she had showed up. "And I'm Pearl," she said, glancing briefly at Behati, who looked fed up and inconvenienced with Kit. Looks like she showed up at the right time, she thought. 

"Sure," she said, still oblivious to Kit's pet background and no knowledge of wolf behavior. To Pearl, she just seemed nervous, excited, and forgetful of wolf etiquette and Behati was just showing her the caches. The tail high and curling seemed a little odd, but she shrugged it off. "Where are we starting?" she said to Behati.

RE: i don't know what i'm doing - Kitten - December 09, 2015

The caramel female lied and Kit was quick to purse her lips, flatten her ears, and shoot her a look. A look that said, I know what you did, and you are not nice, and any number of other such things. But it was fleeting, and to her face quickly returned a grin as he ears lifted.

"So nice to meet you, Pearl!" she chirped, taking the opportunity to not-so-subtly shift her position nearer the white wolf, or more specifically, away from the not-so-friendly one. This appealed to her far more than trying to break through the frigid wall that was Behati, to whom she looked as she echoed, "yeah, where we going?"