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Ravensblood Forest Lady Hunt - Printable Version

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Lady Hunt - Zaria - November 21, 2015

AW! :3

Zaria traveled down the mountain into the forest they looked down on. The slender female had spoken to Chaska about finding him a possible girlfriend and after getting wounded she hadn't really lived up to that promise. Today she was determined to set out in look for a possible loner which might be interested in joining their ranks. Maybe once she would join the mountain wolves then she could try and be Chaska's wing-woman.

Zaria couldn't believe that she was so nice to this for him. She normally would think of herself only but ever since she was starting to feel more and more attachment to Fitz, she was learning to care for others too. Zaria still had to realize that progress. Zaria looked around, last time she was in this forest she met this Ayana. Maybe she would be still available to join them and be a good match with Chaska. She had to be tactical about this, she had to be friendly perhaps.

RE: Lady Hunt - Tuulikki - November 22, 2015

Breaking away from the ocean temporarily, she thought she might try to find a potential place to rest for the night.  Maybe a chance to get a bite to eat before she continues on the coast line.  When she enters the forest, she quickly forgets about eating and is awestruck by the red sap coming from the tall trees.  There’s little light coming from the sky, blocked by trees and only illuminating the forest into a strange glow.

As Tuulikki makes her way through, she catches wind of another.  The territory didn’t seem claimed but the scent of another was mixed signals made her question where she’d come.  Eventually, the small canine comes across another but she doesn’t speak up just yet.  Her soft yellow eyes watch from her hiding spot; the woman is petite, like her, but there was an air she couldn’t deny.

She chuffs softly, coming around a cluster of trees to expose herself.

RE: Lady Hunt - Zaria - November 23, 2015

Zaria looked over her shoulder when she heard the chuff. The slender lady definitely had an air about her. She always carried herself with pride and vanity. Zaria could be rather strict and cold towards strangers, even new members. But now she became the alpha's mate she would have to change her ways, not to mention that she might have to recruit some ladies for Chaska. He was a good guy and deserved at least some new friends.

Zaria turned to the nicely colored female. Her tail was up to show that she was dominant but she did soften her expression. "Hello," she greeted. She wagged her tail slightly to show the other that she wasn't going to hurt her, or at least she had a friendly disposition. Her nose didn't register any pack while she smelled heavily of her mate and pack members. "I'm Zaria, who are you?," she questioned. "You're alone?" Her tone was so curious. She wouldn't want to be alone with this incoming cold of winter.

RE: Lady Hunt - Tuulikki - November 23, 2015

Tuulikki’s eyes narrow a little but she allows herself to relax—just a fraction—when the other woman softens up about as much as she could.  The small canine nods her head yes once Zaria introduces herself.  The name seems strange in her mind but her short list of acquaintances all had names similar to hers and she’d yet to see it duplicates.


RE: Lady Hunt - Zaria - November 24, 2015

Zaria nodded shortly in return when the female spoke. She wasn't sure if it was a greeting in a language she didn't know or her name. But since she introduced herself it seemed logical for the female to introduce herself too. She didn't respond to the question if she was alone. Zaria frowned. Maybe this female wasn't nice for Chaska.

Zaria caught the subtile nod of her head, which confirmed she was alone. Hmm, good! Maybe this female was interested in joining their pack. Zaria would only need to ask to be sure about that. "Would you be interested in joining a pack?," she asked.

RE: Lady Hunt - RIP Krypton - November 26, 2015

Walking around the new forest, the large wolf felt calm, although a lone shouldn't feel very calm in unknown land. She had been walking around in this land for a few hours now, resting for chunks before walking again, mapping every inch out in her head. Maybe she could return here if she ran into danger.

However, her peace was cut short when she smelt other scents. She should've expected this at least, this is pack land most likely, and the last thing they need is a female stray here causing problems. Shaking her head slightly, she decided to follow the scents. Maybe there was food there?

Although scavenging wasn't her favorite way to find food, she needed to eat somehow. Following her nose, she continued on her path, crushing a few mere twigs and sticks in the process. The large female lumbered her way, noticing two figures in the distant. Already she could tell one of them was a leader, for one of the wolves tail was up. But her demeanor seemed less aggressive than most. The other wolf was smaller, carrying a pretty fur color.

"Maybe this is a mistake... I don't wanna get ran out of here... Not yet at least..." Krypton thought to herself, her tail hanging low as she walked. Although this mistake could cost her the only life she has, it could also get her into a pack. Isolation has been giving her hell in her nightmares, causing the large wolf to have insomnia and glazed over eyes. Taking a few steps closer, she stayed at a point where if she fled, she would have a head start before the others could give chase.

With her ears pricked forward, the lone stayed silent.

RE: Lady Hunt - Tuulikki - November 26, 2015

Tuulikki’s eyebrows burrow in confusion as she’s asked such a forward question.  A paw lifts midair, anticipating a step backward, but she remains still as if she might be considering something.  Her expression is far too strained to give much more than that.  She opens her jaw to speak, but she doesn’t quite have the words she wants to give the female. 

Before she gets the chance to blurt out anything, her teeth click shut and she jerks her head to the side.  Another wolf has made their presence known, though she’s not sure how intentional that had been.

Panic rose behind the girl’s eyes, unable to decipher the scents around to give her any feeling of calm.  She takes a few steps back, separating herself from the Alpha and the other wolf, unaware they were not affiliated.  Tuulikki didn’t want trouble, didn’t want to be deterred from where she’s going, and now she’s on the cusp of a kidnapping.

RE: Lady Hunt - Zaria - November 27, 2015

Zaria was a strong little thing. She wasn't quickly afraid of things. She lifted her muzzle in question when the female seemed hesitant. Zaria could also be a bit blunt sometimes, just because this common tongue wasn't the one she was born with. She was becoming better at it, even though her tone was still heavily accented. She was also getting better with being a bit more friendly to strangers on neutral lands, only because she wanted some members in their pack. These colder days were a good time to recruit Zaria figured that one out.

The female seemed like she was about to reply when a bear of another female, crushing everything in her way, came towards them. Zaria turned towards her without a sense of fear. She fearlessly attacked a cougar to save her mate's son from its clutches, the claw marks were still on her shoulder. She was a warrior. She also wanted to make the other, the possible new recruit, a sense of safety. This was clearly a neutral area otherwise the lands would smell more of the dominant female. Her tail was up and she trotted a bit forward. "Who is you?," she asked on a demanding tone. Zaria was very keen letting everyone know about her leading role. Just because she was expressing her dominance didn't meant that she was plain out aggressive.

"You interrupt with loudness," she added. How was this female ever going to catch a prey with being a bulldozer through this forest. Luckily Zaria was very willing to make her a loyal pack-mate. She smelled like a loner, so who knows, maybe Zaria could bring home two new recruits.

RE: Lady Hunt - RIP Krypton - November 27, 2015

Lowering her head in submission, the large wolf showed her neck partially towards the female. She gave a surprised look to the female, who was obviously a dominant and most likely a alpha or beta wolf. "Should've left while I had the chance..." Her conscience whispered with poisonous wordsSwallowing her fear and anxiety, the large wolf finally spoke out. "Forgive me for intruding. I'm a lone just passing through, I mean no harm to you or the pack inhabiting this land. My name is Krypton. I'm just looking for a place to spend the night." Although she was surprised with how clear she spoke in a monotone, her ears fell flat a bit against her head in embarrassment. "Stupid body. If I wasn't so big I could get around easier then..." Krypton thought, remembering how here large paws easily snapped the twigs and caused rocks to slide down the slope. Normally she would try to be quieter, but it never works in her favor.

She lowered her tail and swallowed dryly. "This land is dangerous and with a pack. I'd better avoid this if I can escape with my life." Krypton's eyes darted around in a skittish manner, her shoulders were tensed, along with her entire body. However, her face read calmness except her eyes. "Show mercy please..." She whimpered under her breath.

RE: Lady Hunt - Tuulikki - November 28, 2015

The pack wolf turns her attention to the other as well and seems just as surprised, speaking about how loud the other had been to startle then.  Tuulikki’s ears cup forward and point back toward Zaria as the other loner speaks, apologizing for her actions.  She finds she’s able to relax a little, knowing the other isn’t apart of the pack Zaria comes from.  She’s not going to be ambushed.

The girl takes a few breaths to calm herself, putting a little more distance between herself and the others.  She looks behind her, scanning the path she’d come to see if she could get away quick enough.

RE: Lady Hunt - Zaria - November 29, 2015

Zaria looked skeptically over the loner female that just joined. I mean no harm to you or the pack inhabiting this land. What? Didn't she use her nose? These lands were clearly neutral, since otherwise she would have stumbled on a heavy smelly pack border. Zaria's green eyes looked at her with clear judgement for a moment. Then a tiny voice in her mind said that she herself didn't know about borders because she was from a nomadic pack. "Did you smell borders? No, so no pack," she explained on a typical Zaria way.

"What is your name?," she asked then, since she wanted to know it. "I'm Zaria and I have a pack. You two are welcome to join our pack. You get for and shelter and in exchange you help hunt and protect our lands," she offered to the both of them. She stepped back so her green eyes could look over their expressions and to see if they liked her offer. Why wouldn't they like her offer?! It was an amazing offer, if they wouldn't join they were just stupid. The vain little wolf held her tail up. She was going to keep her promise to Chaska and find him a female.

RE: Lady Hunt - RIP Krypton - November 30, 2015

Krypton's ears fell back in the slightest manner, her face contorted with embarrasment. She probably looked like a fool in front of the alpha female. "Stupid brain! Why don't you function correctly at times when I need you!" Krypton relaxed her body more and tried to make herself seem smaller, although she's larger than most wolves she's encountered. 

This wolf seemed to have a shorter temper, most likely she has a drive for leadership of her pack. Along with that, her personality seemed the tiniest bit ignorant, the way she answered her questions in a sharp and sarcastic tongue. Krypton would have to keep her tongue tied and prove herself more to get on this female's good side.

"My name is Krypton." She said in a monotone, taking a breath. "I am interested in your offer Zaria." Krypton said, her eyes lighting up the tiniest. Although she wanted to return to her own family pack, this new offer could maybe help? It would be insensible to turn this offer down, they are offering food and a place to stay in trade of helping for hunting and protecting lands. There are rarely pack wars anyways, so hunting wouldn't be too hard.

"I've got to play this smart, one wrong move and I could be done for it. All I have to do is just be loyal, do the best I can to hunt, and protect the territory. I hope I can become quieter though, if my body weren't so large I would be so." The large wolf thought, her train of thought flowing.

"However, I must say this upfront. I am not the quietest hunter, as you have already witnessed. I may not be quiet, but I can chase a deer for miles. I'm not fast, but I can go the distance." She said, a twinge of hope intertwined in her voice. If anything, she didn't want to be seen as dishonest to an alpha, so in order to prevent that, better be upfront about everything.

RE: Lady Hunt - Tuulikki - November 30, 2015

Neither of the two wolves really acknowledged Tuulikki now that the other wolf had come into the picture.  Krypton.  Tuulikki’s heart reaches out to her, unsure of herself.  She is a large wolf, she should be boasting with confidence, but instead the smaller wolf Zaria seemed to absorb it all.  Even herself felt a little out of her normal self, wanting to put more space between herself and these two.

She had no interest in another pack but the other wolf did and thus neither of them had any use for her.  Tuulikki becomes a threat the moment she tells them no.  She’s created quite a bit of space from both of them.  The girl shakes her head, giving her answer, before she turns in an attempt to leave.

RE: Lady Hunt - Zaria - December 03, 2015

Zaria looked over the big female called Krypton. She was big indeed, but insecure. She was pleased that the other was interested in her offer what was more than she could say for the other loner. Zaria eyed to the side and saw her creep away from them. Since she wasn't of interest to Zaria anymore she just turned her head back towards Krypton. "We hunt in a pack, so others will do the stalking you will just do the chasing, and you will learn to be quiet," she stated. If needed Zaria would have to drill her on it. She didn't want to take in this female and spoil the pack's meals. Other than that she might be a good warden, her size alone could scare others off.

Zaria then nudged her nose to the mountain. "Follow me, Krypton," she spoke then. Her green eyes went to where Tuulikki stood before. Zaria would let her be, she didn't want to join well that would make her stupid. Zaria trotted further without any guilt, her tail up.

@Krypton If you really want to join STM you can apply for a pack under Account >> Manage Groups >> Join Silvertip Mountain. Then we can accept you, which means you are officially part of a pack. :3 If you do not want to join after all let me know through PM or something!

RE: Lady Hunt - RIP Krypton - December 04, 2015

I think I'd like to join the pack for real :D

The large tawny wolf nodded her head at the higher ranked female, her tail lowered as she went to follow her. "This could be a new start maybe?"  She thought to herself, looking around a bit as she followed the smaller alphess. Her head turned around to where the small she-wolf was at with the pretty coat color. She wondered about her, how come she wouldn't want to join? Nervous around others? Not confident enough?

Shaking her head once more, the lone followed the alpha. "Of coarse Zaria." She said in a monotone, looking at her future alpha. Maybe this pack would be better than her last pack?

She sighed inaudibly and lowered her hackles. This could maybe be a new start. This Zaria, she seems to be a wise and fierce leader. One who would do anything to protect her own. Although she has a rough exterior, she seems intelligent and cunning enough to be the role of an alpha. Hopefully she could teach Krypton how to be quieter when she moved around.