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Lost Creek Hollow new phone who dis - Printable Version

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new phone who dis - Ilya - November 21, 2015

Hope you don't mind! I figured it was about time Ilya met Harlyn one on one, she's very into being involved with the pack and it's been bugging her for quite some time now that she hasn't met her. xP

Truth be told, Ilya wasn't exactly sure who or what she was searching for. The female alpha, of the pack, sure. But who was this mysterious fae? No idea of what she looked like or smelled like or acted like. Well- that was a lie, she quickly reminded herself. She had spotted @Harlyn upon the acceptance of the frightened black male into the pack; Numa. But let's face it, that is hardly an introduction and Ilya was growing tiresome of not being acquainted with the mythical wolf. So she sought her out.

Unsure of what she was looking for, the only thing she decided she could use to find Harlyn was a sweeter scent that was usually accompanied by the scent of Mordecai. Perhaps it wasn't truly sweet, but to Ilya the scent was flowery. Mordecai's scent specifically was attached, although not necessarily the scent of he himself; more of just a lingering scent that had morphed in with hers. She decided after a bit of contemplating that this was the scent, and the wolf, that she needed to find. 

She set off around noon after a morning practicing fishing at one of the nearby streams. She had caught the white suckers that Luke had been teaching her to catch. Although she managed only two, she decided this was plenty to share with the Alpha and set off. She followed the scent closely, and chose one that remained close to the heart of the Hollow as it was the freshest and Ilya assumed the fae was nearby after a morning of hard work. 

Eventually, she felt that she was close enough. The scent was extremely strong, assuring her that whatever wolf it belonged to was nearby. Confident in her tracking, Ilya let out a greeting bark, hoping to see the dark pelt of the Alphess.

RE: new phone who dis - Harlyn - December 04, 2015

sorry I took so long for this! I ran off to Florida to see my BF and he had no internet there loll. Is it okay that we bump this up to today?

It was true that Harlyn had been less than present for her packaged lately. First her heat had distracted her, then no sooner had her hormones settled than Mordecai had turned up mauled by a cougar. Tending to him had taken all of her time and attention, so much that she had barely noticed the changes in her own body that whispered of the blessings growing within. Only she or perhaps Mordecai would ever have noticed. It was still early after all, but she had been far too preoccupied to notice the very subtle signs.

The alpha was taking a break from her duties when she came across Ilya. She knew her of course from the time they'd spent hunting in the pack together and defending their kill from the bear. But she had never actually spent any real time with thengirl, and upon hearing the summoning call, she realized how remiss she had been. Heading towards the call, she smiled as she came upon the woman, letting out a chuff as a greeting.

RE: new phone who dis - Ilya - December 06, 2015

you're totally fine, I completely understand! sounds good(:

The female's tail wagged with a bit of excitement as Harlyn responded to her greeting bark. She dipped her head respectfully to the alpha before speaking. "Harlyn," the black wolf assumed, tail still wagging. "I was hoping we could chat, if you have time," she offered it lightly, almost as if she wouldn't be hurt if she had said no, but truthfully Ilya was sincerely hoping that she could get to know the wolf.

"I know that I've seen you around the territory, but I've never really spoken to you," Ilya began softly, lowering herself into a sitting position. "I suppose I just wanted to get to know you a bit." Her tail continued to wag, hopefulness apparent. She didn't come off needy, just eager. Even though she had grown accustomed to pack-life already and made a handful of friends, she still felt the yearn for company that she felt as a loner. 

RE: new phone who dis - Harlyn - December 09, 2015

"Ilya," Harlyn responded in kind with a nod when the woman said her name.  She may not have spent much time one on one with her, but she wanted the gamma to know that her alpha knew her name.  The Cinderloch strove to hold all of those in her pack dear to her, even those she maybe didn't know quite as well as she should.

"Likewise," the alpha replied with a bright smile, her tail wagging, "I'm happy you sought me.  With all that's transpired lately, it is easy for me to get lost in my duties and forget that spending time with my family is just as important."  

"What is it I can tell you of myself?  I'm an open book, though perhaps a less exciting one than one might hope," Harlyn encouraged, grinning at her little joke at her own expense.

RE: new phone who dis - Ilya - December 10, 2015

Ilya's tail thumped against the ground as Harlyn spoke to her, her kind words lifting the black wolf's spirit. Harlyn appeared to be all Luke and Andalusia had told her so far. She felt comfort knowing the alpha knew her name, it made her feel like she had done something memorable or useful, but perhaps it was just the alpha's job to know the pack.

Tilting her head a bit to side and smiling in amusement, the black wolf thought a little bit about what she did want to know. "I'm not sure," she responded honestly, chuckled a bit with embarrassment. "I suppose anything you want to tell me. I've heard only good things about you, and I would simply love to be finally acquainted with you," she mused, tail still wagging. She thought again on what she could ask, and decided to ask about the pack, as that was all they had in common that she knew of. "You and Mordecai created this pack, yes?" she asked, head cocking now to the other side. "How do you like it, so far? If you don't mind me asking, anyway."

RE: new phone who dis - Harlyn - December 11, 2015

Ilya expressed her interest in... well, anything and everything.  Harlyn smiled, willing to appease, but nonetheless thankful when she proceeded to narrow down her direction.  The alpha was happy to tell her anything she wanted to hear, but she didn't want to choose for her if she had something in particular she wanted to learn.

She nodded to confirm that she and Mordecai had founded the Hollow, then paused a moment to formulate an answer to how she liked it.  It might have looked as though she wasn't entirely certain if she liked it at all and was trying to decide how to communicate that.  Really, she was trying to figure out how to express how abundantly happy and overwhelmingly satisfied she was with all that she had built with her mate.

"Being the alpha of this pack..." she replied slowly, a broad smile stretching across her muzzle, "Is everything I ever wanted.  I couldn't be happier with all that we've accomplished."  Harlyn paused for a beat then favored her subordinate with a warm, imploring gaze.  "What are your feeling, though?  You seem to have settled in well, though if there is anything I can do to make you feel more welcome or comfortable, I'd be glad to hear it."

RE: new phone who dis - Ilya - December 12, 2015

Harlan told the small female of her pride in the pack, and in return Ilya dipped her head. She smiled when she looked back to Harlyn, tail wagging slightly, listening as the alphess turned the question to her. 

"Oh," she murmured, smile still apparent, "I've settled quite well," she responded. "I've been a loner about a year of my life. It was hard, lonely, and nearly killed me. I suppose I've never had good encounters with pack, but the Hollow is exactly what I needed. There is nothing you could do to make it better than it already is." Ilya responded talking of herself, a bit of her past slipping free from her muzzle. She hadn't meant to, but she sometimes forgot of her whereabouts and spoke her mind without a filter, thankfully only things of herself ever slipped out. 

When she commented on the pack she had meant to compliment Harlyn on it, and she hoped that the dark coated female could tell. Just as Harlyn was happy with the pack, Ilya was just as happy to be a part of it. Each day she soaked up new knowledge of pack life and new skills that she'd never known she could master. If Harlyn were to ask, she'd only be able to think of fishing; but even that was a talent that she was rather proud of by now. 

RE: new phone who dis - Harlyn - December 18, 2015

Harlyn listened quietly as her packmate spoke, nodding gently along.  A smile slipped across her muzzle as she finished.  The alpha was happy the newcomer had found her place amongst them.  It was important to her that all within her borders found themselves at home.

"Yes, the life of a lone wolf is difficult even at the best of times," Harlyn replied, her own memories flashing in her mind, "Our kind was not meant to wander alone."  The earth mother was just as kind as she was harsh and unrelenting.  But that was a dour subject, and that was a life that was behind both of them now.

"I've been meaning to ask everyone," Harlyn proceeded conversationally, switching subjects smoothly, "What sort of things interest you?  In terms of what you'd like to do for the pack?"  Harlyn was herself a self-proclaimed healer and tale weaver, though the latter was not so often considered valuable to all packs she had encountered.  Anything for which her wolves bore a passion was valuable in her eyes, however.  It was passion that kept the soul thriving and therefore kept wolves both physically and mentally strong.

RE: new phone who dis - Ilya - December 19, 2015

In a sudden rush of excitement, the tail of the black wolf began to pound against the ground as Harlyn spoke. What interests her? Oh! Such an easy question, everything was so interesting. It was so simple. But even so, Ilya recognized that Harlyn meant what she wished to pursue; what sort of trades, so to say, would she be studying in order to help the pack.

"I am looking into plants," she explained, her tail wagging. "I originally was fascinated with becoming a Naturalist when I began to study weather patterns, but I've decided that if I could find out what each of the different herbs and plants did I could benefit the pack more," she dipped her head, hoping that Harlyn would find this to be useful. Mordecai had also informed her of Harlyn's fascination with healing, which meant herbs as well. She hoped that the alphess would be able to someday pass on some knowledge. 

"I've also been fishing quite a bit," she continued, tail still wagging. "Luke actually taught me when I first joined the pack, but I really love it. I think I'm getting pretty good at it," she winked playfully, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can fish better than I hunt large game, and I quite like the act of it... It requires patience and focus, and I'm still learning to remain patient, to it's a good thing for me."

Ilya smiled a bit, thinking about her lack of patience. "What about you, Harlyn? Mordecai told me that you are a skilled healer, but what else interests you?"

RE: new phone who dis - Harlyn - January 01, 2016

Harlyn was attentive while Ilya shared her interests.  She was intrigued to learn that the girl was interested in plants.  She herself had been a naturalist as it was rather a given when the knowledge was so necessary to supper her primary skill of healing.  But as an alpha now, she was quickly realizing that there simply was not enough time in a day to do it all.  She of course would never lose her knowledge of naturalism, but to have someone who could help lessen the burden was quite intriguing indeed.

Her second comment brought a fond chuckle to her throat.  So here was one of those upon whom Luke had imparted some of his knowledge of fishing.  She was not surprised; the white wolf by now had likely taught the entire Hollow.  She thought of her last encounter with her friend and grew ponderous for a moment before she brushed past it.  Nothing had happened.

"I am a healer first and foremost, yes," Harlyn replied with a touch of pride, pleased to hear Mordecai had called her 'skilled', "Second, I am a storyteller, though I have had little occasion for such since we came to the Hollow.  I also share your interest in Naturalism, however I've found that being an alpha has forced me to put it aside some, which is troubling.  A healer needs medicine, but an alpha needs to tend to her family."

Harlyn paused before setting her gaze thoughtfully to Ilya, "I would like to recruit you to help me gather herbs, if you have a mind to do so.  I would love to teach you all that I know in return for your assistance?"

RE: new phone who dis - Ilya - January 02, 2016

Harlyn did not seem sad to comment that she could not focus upon naturalism anymore, but the black female still felt a bit sad for her. Perhaps not being in the position, Ilya did not truly understand, but she nodded as if she did and moved past. There really was no time in the day for everything, and maybe she could see that. It just upset her; to have so much to do to have to leave out parts of you? It was unfortunate. 

At the mention of a storyteller, Ilya perked her ears. She had no children and had no plans of a family yet. No mate, no love interests, and no idea where to begin meant no family. Although she did hope that she would get the chance before she grew too old. She smiled politely, wagging her tail. We'll have little ones running around soon, she woofed, in no mention of anyone. She didn't know if anyone in the hollow was expecting, she only meant the hollow was prospering. I bet that'll come to use soon enough. 

Gather herbs? Ilya thought, her ears perking once again. The thought was, (at least to her) random and caught her off guard. But she was flattered and now extremely eager. To learn from Harlyn? And alpha and an apparently very skilled wolf? She was honored, even. Ilya's tail wagged, and her jaws parted to a smile. "I would love to," she woofed, dipping her head. 

RE: new phone who dis - Harlyn - January 14, 2016

Last post for me!  You can reply again and archive, or just archive as is :D

Harlyn smiled gently, excitement touching her heart at Ilya's comment.  She didn't know if the dark wolf meant her and Mordecai, but not wanting to jinx anything that she suspected might be brewing in her belly.  She simply nodded her response, holding back anything further until she knew for certain whether or not she was pregnant.

Ilya agreed to Harlyn's proposal and the druid smiled again.  She gave an approving nod whiloe her tail wagged softly.  "Wonderful," she replied brightly, "I'll seek you when I can to get started.  I should probably get back to Mordecai now though.  It was wonderful getting a chance to speak with you.  I'll be sure to do so again soon."  Harlyn stood and touched her nose gently to her packmate's muzzle before turning slightly away to leave.  She would wait long enough to hear whatever good-byes her subordinate may have for her before taking off, not wanting to be rude at all.  But then she would be off in search of her ailing mate.

RE: new phone who dis - Ilya - January 14, 2016

<3 thanks for the thread! Harlyn is a doll (:

Tail wagging and eyes shining with excitement, Ilya nodded as Harlyn spoke. The black wolf was thrilled, and was growing more and more excited by the second. It ailed her to think she'd half to wait, but she understood that the alpha had much more important things to tend to; including her wounded mate. As her alpha touched her nose to her muzzle, she licked once or twice, showing her respect and (naturally) the woman's(Harlyn) dominance over herself(Ilya). She gave a smile, and dipped her head, turning and headed off to her own den as Harlyn did the same.