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Blacktail Deer Plateau fallout 4 stole my love life - Printable Version

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fallout 4 stole my love life - Casmir - November 22, 2015

mature for language. for @Behati <3

his dad had spoken to him, and presumably to Behati, but whatever the fuck, the boy was tired of not seeing her. guilt had made itself a nice little nest inside his heart, and he knew grudgingly that the only way to get rid of the little parasite was to apologize to the girl.

at sunset he went off to find her, trailing a pair of frozen daisies in his wake. their petals flaked and crumbled as he walked, despite his attempts to preserve them. for all of his valiant efforts, when the boy reached the edge of the plateau, he had a couple of long stems with a petal or two still stuck pathetically to their base, like the hair of Angelica's doll from rugrats.

"motherfuck," Cas mumbled, chuckling the things over the edge. here he peered into the night in all directions, before opening his jaws and releasing an admittedly juvenile howl, one that cracked embarrassingly at the end as if to announce that its maker was a boner-bound acne-faced teenager with no social skills.

RE: fallout 4 stole my love life - Behati - November 26, 2015

Lasher had indeed spoken to Behati, but she had been so reluctant to discuss the matter with him that any wisdom that might have been gleaned was lost forever. But she had also spoken to Pearl, and her take on the situation was rather more interesting - and easier to listen to, being that she was a fellow lady and also, you know, not a dinosaur.

An older Behati would feel bad for dismissing Lasher's good intentions, but today's variant was just glad to be done with all the 'talks'.

The sound of Casmir's broken voice made her heart race. They hadn't spoken to each other for what seemed like months, and she had steadfastly avoided any place where she suspected he might lurk. Dante had put a stop to unannounced trips beyond the borders, but the Plateau was big - and Behati was good at hiding.

But time, true to its reputation, had done its work on her wounds. Bruises, really - and barely that, now that she had some perspective. Behati took a few moments to clean the remnants of a meal from her snout before wending her way through the woods. It had come from the far edge of the territory, where greenery thinned to nothing and the Kintla Flatlands stretched for miles beyond the drop. There was Casmir, barely visible in the dark.

Behati tip-toed forward, hesitating when the boy's sweeping gaze eventually found her. She stopped, blinking in the invisible light of his honey-gold stare. What do I say?

RE: fallout 4 stole my love life - Casmir - November 27, 2015

up there on the ledge, Cas had been feeding his silent irritation that she still hadn't arrived, and worked himself up a fair and stern monologue about His Feelings and How She had Hurt Them, and was moving into a lather of indignation tempered with a logical sort of guilt when he saw her.



his mind reeled as he settled his gaze upon her, hoping desperately that the shadows cloaked his momentary expression of dumbfoundedness that she had emerged from her hiding place and not continued to avoid him, but had instead come toward where he was. his heart began to thud around in his broadening chest like an overloaded washing machine (ebony had discovered just how loud and terrifying this sound was yesterday, when she was trying to do laundry quickly instead of taking her time) and sweat broke out between his eyes, dampening the thin fur there.

she was here. she really was. and Cas wasn't sure how to deal with that, except that his paws were carrying him through the dark toward her, and he couldn't stop, and he didn't know what to say as her dessert-coloured frame loomed larger and larger in front of his eyes, until he was able to catch control of himself and his breathing and he looked up, up, up, the climb from her toes to her eyes as long as it would take someone to climb Everest and

he whispered,

"i'm sorry."

her eyes swallowed his soul.

RE: fallout 4 stole my love life - Behati - December 06, 2015

Behati had come prepared to prostrate herself on the altar of Sorry. She too had a speech prepared - one where she apologized profusely for provoking the boy, for making fun of his very natural reaction to the presence of a lady.

But he said sorry first, and Behati was free from any obligation to learn something.

She eyed Casmir with suspicion, empowered by his show of humility. "It's OK, I guess," she conceded with a shrug of her slim shoulders, gaze wandering over his face and away into the distance, scaling the mountains in moments. After that, Behati was at a bit of a loss. Now what? Rub his face in it? "So I guess.. we should be friends again?" she murmured with an air of disinterest, unable to stop herself from meeting his eye. Very glance ate away at her feelings of smugness and superiority, and she felt glad that their spat was over. Being angry was as tiring as it was gratifying - perhaps more so.

RE: fallout 4 stole my love life - Casmir - December 08, 2015

Behati seemed unmoved by the tumult quaking in Casmir, and he felt a bit of miffery rise in his gorge. however, he was done fighting -- if she didn't care about his show of penitence, he didn't fuckin' care. he just wanted to be her friend and put this whole thing behind them. "i want you to be my girlfriend," he blurted with all the decorum of kanye telling off the paparazzi. "i like you. and if you say no, it's whatever."

Cas had no idea where this was coming from -- he waited for the seconds to tick by and birth an immediate sense of horror and regret at his stupidity, but it didn't come. unaware that he looked very much like Lasher in this moment, Cas trained his gaze upon Behati and smiled a small and hopeful bow.

RE: fallout 4 stole my love life - Behati - December 26, 2015

She had hoped for friendship, but Casmir was offering something else. Behati stared, shock and confusing tightening her features. Girlfriend? "I... I guess... OK?" the girl responded, unsure what she was agreeing to. She knew what a mate was, but girlfriend... that was new. Perhaps it was just a very special type of friendship.

RE: fallout 4 stole my love life - Casmir - January 08, 2016

im gonna fade this here <3 we should have another!

she accepted. his heart fluttered. were he a little more confident, Cas might have stepped forward to 'seal the deal' with a kiss or something. as it was, he had no fucking idea what to do, which was fairly obvious, as well as par for the course. "um -- great!" he blurted, grinning at her confused face. "i'm gonna ... go ... tell Eilidh," he finished lamely, before dashing off like the brave stallion he was to presumably find his sister.