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Shadowwyn Moor clan - Printable Version

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clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

for @Timber. tagging @Regipre for visibility <3

he led the coyote pup from their glade. a foolish decision it would seem, but not to the silver cat. before the snows came they would find a permanent densite, to plot the fulfillment of regipre's desires, but for now he knew the moor to house small animals, worms, and insects burrowed underground. as was the way with most predators, the cat very much preferred the succulent tear of a fresh kill between his teeth, but the child needed heft to her body if she was to survive the long stretches of time in which there was no prey to be found. the organisms on which he intended to direct her gorging were thick with fat and protein, and would pad her small frame within a week.

fog furled across the edges of the flatland, which had been ruined in a storm, and the cat motioned for his ward to begin excavating the frosty earth, while he himself kept watch for any other forms.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

Timber sat calmly in her favorite place, high in a tree. Her foggy eyes scanned over the land scape. She knew winter was approaching and she should be hunting. But today she wanted to meet someone. She didn't know how she would find them, but she needed some kind of comfort from another soul. She stomach twisted in a knot as she saw a silky grey body move across the ground. Her eyes focused on the body, she easily identified him as one of her own, a cougar. This would be interesting. She let out a small purr as he walked by, seeing how well his senses were. She didn't want to expose her body for a potential fight to soon. She didn't want to add another scar if she didn't have to. She was confused to see a small figure beside him. She immediately regretted letting a purr escape her lips. She knew he would be able to hear her though.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

there were a few stilted trees at the edges of shadowynn, and as shardul made a short patrol of the place, not daring to leave regipre alone in the fog for any length of time, he heard the low purr of another cat. his silver hackles bristled --  he hissed upward into the tangled branches, his keen vision pinpointing the slender frame of a female there. "show thyself," he demanded beneath the rumble of a growl, pacing forward to strop the bark of her chosen tree with unsheathed claws in a threatening manner.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

Timber met his eyes with her own. She flicked her tail and slowly worked her way down the tree, stopping and a semi-low branch, her entire body could be seen though. He watched his every move, she was naturally skittish. She watched him walk forward, and scrape her tree. Her eyes shot dagger and she let out a loud growl, which was rare for her, she was a friendly cougar. Her pearly white teeth escaped her gums in a toothy growl. "Thyself is here." She said in a mocking manner, no one destroyed her tree and got away with it.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

she appeared, and he ignored her words in favour of looking over the slim litheness that comprised her body. however, shardul did not gaze at her as an object of beauty, nor as a rival. she was simply existent, and his recent murder of the young male cougar buoyed his impulse to bare his fangs in a snarl. "i give thee leave to go," shardul invited rather unpleasantly, his broad forepaws raking the earth briefly with his claws. wolf or cat -- it mattered not, for blood was blood, and blood was the liquid that gave life.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

Timber was confused at his choice of words. She had been bored recently, so this would be interesting. She debated on if he was worth it. She knew he would be, so she stood her ground. She gazed calmly into his eyes, she could try to use her being female to manipulate him. Fun. She jumped up one more branch, her slim, curvy figure made it easy for her to jump and balance, but making it harder for him to reach her. Timber knew how to fight, but she didn't think this was a good time for either of them to be fighting. To close to winter, there were enough troubles going around.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

had she known that he was pointedly unmoved by her femininity, the other cougar may not have attempted to wile him aside from his task. she retreated in a mocking manner, and shardul approached, anger writ into his features. leaping for one of the lower branches, he snarled lowly and began to prowl sinuously through the tree, intending fully to toss her from its top once he had caught her flesh with his claws. regipre was given a sharp look -- a silent command to sequester herself in some hidden grotto.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

Timber watched him, obviously not easily manipulated. She knew he wanted blood on his claws, but her wasn't going to get it. She jumped from branch to branch, sometimes climbing quickly up the trunk. Once she reached about mid way, she looked back, he was still climbing after her. She giggled and changed direction, and began skipping down the tree. She reached the bottom and looked back up at the confused cougar. She un sheathed her claws, not fully, but enough to where if her jumped, she would be ready.
"I don't want to fight." She said, her eyes bright and playful.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

enraged by her tactics, shardul crashed down from the tree with little feline grace but a heart filled with murderous vengeance. he would not speak again -- he would not chase her -- but he lunged now to wrap silver jaws around the tan of her idiotic throat. the blood did not lie, and shardul would not hesitate to spill that which belonged to a member of his own kind. he poised himself to pivot and follow if she darted aside -- his fight with the hollow wolf had taught him well.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

Timber wasn't shocked at his attack. But she was mad.
"What do you think you're doing?!" She growled, fairly loud.
She fully un sheathed her claws, and curled her snout into a growl. She wasn't at a complete disadvantage, she was smaller, and faster for sure. She wasn't going to attack first, she hoped she could stop him before blood shed. 
"Stop it now!" She screeched. Her eyes slowly grew cold, and adrenaline rushed into her veins.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

he did not understand her insistence upon speaking -- shardul followed her retreat quickly, then rose on hindlegs to aim a harsh and punishing blow to her shoulder. it was his preferred method of attack, for it swiftly wounded and hobbled those who opposed him. the pantheress had not departed upon his demands, therefore she sought to challenge him, and for that she must die. with the single-minded intent of a mad creature did he come forth, mouth watering for the blood that beat just below the surface of her flesh.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

I don't know if you were, but can we not kill Timber :)

Timber knew she had to fight. She hunkered down and while the attacker was in the air, she head-butted him right in the chest, as hard as she possibly could. This would obviously knock the air out of him. she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder, she look quickly to see a new gnash on her shoulder. Great, a new scar. The blood began to trickle from her shoulder, the blood she saw turned her. Her eyes turned stone cold and she ran up to her attacker and sunk her teeth into his lower leg. She felt warm blood trickle onto her tongue, which drove her crazy, and she let go. She let out a loud, ear piercing roar. Her tail was lashing, and her shoulder was throbbing, there was no going back now.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

not at all :) also let's try and imply attacks instead of outright saying 'he hit her/she hit him.'

she aimed high and caught him; he landed breathlessly, pain spreading through his ribcage, though he imagined the impact to her skull had caused a greater sort of agony. his own claws tore into the flesh of her shoulder; she nipped him and he brought his muzzle down to cut off her backing retreat, aiming an attack toward one rounded ear.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

Thanks, sorry if I did that

She wasn't worried about an ear nick, as he was coming for her. She opened her mouth wide, as she out stretched her paw, hooking her sharp claws into his side, she didn't know where, for she was blindly attacking. Her mouth was open incase an un suspecting body part fell in, or near her mouth, where she could latch on to.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 23, 2015

no prob! sparring is hard lol.

her claws scored his side and she wrenched her ear from his grasp. wrath fueled his attacks, would not allow him to retreat as a saner beast might have. he shrieked his vengeance; her teeth clipped the flesh of his forelegs, his chest, but he used his greater weight against her, seeking to drag her to the earth with him.

RE: clan - Timber - November 23, 2015

Sorry it took me a while to respond, Shower :D

Timber was pinned down, she couldn't move. Pure rage took over her body completely. She thrashed her body back and forth, and clamped her teeth onto the side of his ribs. Her teeth didn't go far, as a rib blocked her, and she wasn't going to break his ribs. She brought her back legs around and latched them onto his rump, digging her claws into his though flesh. She let out a ferocious screech in his ear, trying to confuse him enough to getting off. She knew this wouldn't be extremely effective, but she hoped it would do something.

RE: clan - Shardul - November 28, 2015

she tussled and screeched, tangling her body 'round his while her her claws stung his flesh through the thick argent pelt, as the attacks of so many bees. he himself found his voice; he met her scream with that of his own before stiffening his legs to thrust the woman bodily away from him and thus be freed to leap to his paws.

RE: clan - Timber - December 01, 2015

She quickly got up from the fight and her tail lashed. Bloos poured from her open wounds. For the sake of them both this had to stop. "Stop!" She screeched. "It's to close to winter, I don't think we should waste this energy on a scuffle." She panted. "Why don't I bring you to a place where I know some strengthening herbs grow, and let's put some moss on those cuts." Her head was down, but her eyes still watched the male.  

RE: clan - Shardul - December 01, 2015

they stood apart, the cats, one silver and one clothed in tawny shades. she spoke, but shardul did not heed -- he did not need her, nor her strange and sudden offer. "get out!" he snarled in a dire voice -- he would not suffer her presence here no longer, and advanced upon her with a threatening step. 

a moment ticked past, however -- shardul paused, and looked cunningly at the female. "what is your name?" he asked, changing his mind as swiftly as the winds shifted direction.

RE: clan - Timber - December 02, 2015

Timber watched as the silver cat approached her. She drew in a breath as threatening words tore out from his throat. She was pleasantly surprised by his sudden change of tone. She watched him for a moment, making sure this wasn't a way to draw her in. She was no longer in any dominant position, she was neutral. She wasn't showing submission or weakness. Her eyes once again scanned over his physique. "My name is Timber. What is yours?" Her foggy blue-grey eyes focused on his each and every movement. They were soft though, and as the adrenaline washed away from her body, more and more pain shone through. She raised the corner of her mouth up to a weak smile and she waited for his response.

RE: clan - Shardul - December 03, 2015

"timber. i shall extend to thee a compromise of sorts. i am the lord of these lands, and i shall not hesitate to kill thee, as i do the wolves in the forests and the mountains and the moors." shardul spoke with confidence, though his tailtip twitched idly at his heels as he watched the woman with a pointed stare. "remove thyself from this land, and do not return, or join me thusly in what it is that i do."

RE: clan - Timber - December 03, 2015

Timber watched the males movements closely. She listened to his compromise, maybe a partner in crme wouldn't be so bad. Her only question was, what in the world dose he do? She shifted her paws and sat down, curling her tail around her paws. "What is it that you do?" She asked. "And what is your name?"

RE: clan - Shardul - December 05, 2015

"i kill wolves," shardul rejoined simply, settling some paces away to lick away the blood her claws had inflicted upon his flesh. "they must die, so i strike and attempt to kill each one that i see. i am the bringer of death. i am their god, and they shall be made to worship me as the arbiter of their justice. there is nothing so sweet and so desired as the taste of wolfblood, dear timber." as he spoke, the silver cat's eyes adopted a maddened light -- to hear the word of his black desires spoken, made flesh -- he shuddered with ecstasy. "join me."

RE: clan - Timber - December 06, 2015

Timber listened carefully to his explanation. She smiled as he claimed his love for the death of wolves. Always in good fun. There was never not a fun time to kill a wolf. They were all to cocky. This would be a great opportunity for her. She smiled and flicked her tail from said to side. Her eyes peered into the males. "I would love to."

RE: clan - Shardul - December 08, 2015

fade with your next post? we should have another!

she agreed to join him, and shardul gave a growling purr of delight. he need not shed her blood when the scarlet life of wolves could flow freely -- with a nod, he invited that she should fall into step behind him. regipre was neither mentioned nor addressed -- he expected that timber would leave the coyote child alone, and trust shardul to tend regipre as he had thus far.