Wolf RPG
Moonspear A Dangerous Game - Printable Version

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A Dangerous Game - Nishu Inte - November 24, 2015

Ever since the bear encounter Nishu has been a little on edge. He was worried about the safety of everyone. If Rain had no connection to this pack things would be different. He would be able to focus completely on Rain's protection as well as the task she has given him. Rain loved her pack therefore it would be best for Nishu to help preserve it. He can't quit being a Knight until his tasks are completed. Breaking a contract will do more harm to the honor of the Knights. At the very least he will continue his duties until the contract is completed. That was his decision.

First task at hand is the bear problem. The Moonspear wolves could have chosen a territory that didn't create conflict with a bear's territory. But that can't be changed, the situation is there and it was time to prepare for war against bears. There were two but there could be more out there. He knew he didn't stand much of a chance against them alone but he still didn't want to involve others here. Because the members here aren't Knight Nishu had a hard time trusting their abilities. What he needed to do was figure out a way to take on a bear alone. That is the solution but the question is, How?

He was searching for ideas during a exercise session. Today was just mountain climbing. He climbed fairly steep locations and then would jump back down and repeat. It wasn't as simple as it sounded, the rocks he stepped on didn't always hold and would tumble down after he put his weight on them. So far he managed to catch himself each time and avoided falling down. Sure this was dangerous in many ways but doing dangerous exercises felt like the only way to get stronger. Still climbing while thinking wasn't the best way to come up with ideas.

RE: A Dangerous Game - Alvorris - November 26, 2015

Ok I hope you don't mind me joining I felt like I had to, but if you want me to delete this just PM me xD

What- the fuck? Was the only thing Alfie could think. The brown barn owl had been flying around Teekon on a big adventure for some time now. He'd seen and met many wolves, but never a wolf doing this. This idiot was climbing a rocky mountain, then jumping down the steep parts and doing it all over again. Is he trying to die? Or-what... The young golden brown male was mystified simply watching the grey wolf, but he felt it was time he tried to talk him out of his failing suicide attempts.

Alvorris flew down from his perch in the tree, and fluttered up to a rock that hung above the grey wolf's head. He peeked out from around it and chirped. I know times are hard. But you're gonna make it, I promise. But trying to kill yourself is no way to go so lets just walk on down and never try this again. The little owl was genuinely concerned for the wolf's health, but was also kind of joking with him. He liked to joke around with wolves sometimes. They couldn't ever catch him, he felt safe up higher so teasing was a little bit of a hobby. No but serious you alright man?

RE: A Dangerous Game - Nishu Inte - November 26, 2015

I hope you didn't expect a friendly chat. Who would miss a chance to have a snack? :P

This dangerous exercise was getting tiring rather quickly. Although, It wasn't something he wasn't used to. Pushing himself to the limit was always his goal. As a Knight being powerful was important, even if he wanted to quit being one he was still planning on continuously improving himself how ever he can. To get to this point he was already at it took years of training. From the time he was just a young adult to now, it was possible to see a clear difference. No doubt about it he had gained weight over the those years. Being large did come with a few draw backs. He was strong and could run fast but he did lack speed in combat, He was tough but not at all flexible.

Everything came to a halt the moment he heard some chirping. He looked up to see the animal who would dare interrupt his exercises. An owl.. It's not every day a bird finds the courage to talk to a predator even more when it tries to get involved. Nishu found himself getting annoyed quickly. All he was thinking about right now was catching the bird. An owl would be a rare treat. He better try to catch it while it was in reach.

"I think you're the one trying to kill yourself here." He said before jumping up as high as he could to snap his jaws onto the owl. It wasn't enough to effectively catch the bird. It if moved just a little Nishu would miss. Whether he got it or not he wouldn't be able to pull himself up and would basically fall back down to where he was. Lucky there was enough room to land properly.