Wolf RPG
dawn of the dead - Printable Version

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dawn of the dead - Tiamat - November 25, 2015

The fog rolled thickly throughout the Stormlands.

With it came inspiration. An idea. A thing she was prepared to set into motion.

Her good nature toward the tawny wolf provoked it also, but the eeriness of the day was something of a sign to the self-proclaimed leader on this Island. The Queen of the Dead. It was an interesting thought. So absurd that perhaps it could be believed. Tiamat would become a living ghost story, and so would those that died with her. For her. Living was overrated, was it not? What benefit did one get from living when no matter what success they gained they would still find themselves at the end of the road? One could get more done dead, she dared to think. If only she could plant the seed of that in the mind of another.

Create herself a pack of ghouls and goblins.

It was a clever thought. The ultimate trick. And she and her corpse-army could harass the living as they pleased, and haunt this very island! Amused to no end, she decided, yes, I will do this thing. They who dared won after all, wasn't that how the saying went? She simply needed to find the next malleable mind that she could manipulate into the form of this belief. Those who believed in the supernatural would be the most easy to convince, and she wondered if luck--the fickle creature--would be on her side this dismal evening.

RE: dawn of the dead - Corvasa - November 26, 2015

Can I spread the word of the 'Queen of the Dead'??
 Corvasa had been relaxing in the tree. Relaxing, not sleeping. Her eyes lazily opened, looking down on the world below. With the slow breeze blowing, she finally felt comfortable, the first time in weeks. Her wings were tucked at her sides. Suddenly, a wolf came. She gave a tired sigh, she flapped towards the wolf.
   "Yes, hello-", she began, she frowned, "What are you thinking about?" The wolf seemed lost in thought, but with an evil smirk. Her curiosity was her weakness, she always wanted to know everything. Her imagination was just as bad as her curiosity.

RE: dawn of the dead - Tiamat - November 30, 2015

Oui oui!

The discernible sound of something taking flight distracted the lone wolf from her musings. Her bright eyes did not seek the source of it until the sound of flapping came nearer to her... and once this happened, Tiamat could not help but look around. Ravens could be as helpful as they were obnoxious. And she had a difficult time telling apart crows from ravens, at that. So perhaps it was the other corvidae she thought of. Who could be sure?

But the crowing sounded oddly like the other trying to speak with her. Odder still that Tiamat could understand. With a little mmph, Tiamat tilted her jaw upward to better look at the beady-eyed thing. Black bird. Raven or crow, who cared? It had wings. And if it could understand the language of canines, well, word could spread.

"Simply how it has been a while, since a living creature of my breed has been here, up until yesterday. Strange. Things will be changing, I feel. For the better. At least, for my lot." Tiamat continued to move along, though offered a bony shoulder for the other to roost upon, rolling it to bring it to attention before breathing in a deep drought of air, content with the days company.

RE: dawn of the dead - Corvasa - December 02, 2015

The more that wolf spoke in it's thick accent, the more she wanted to know. "What will change? What is strange? Who came?", she threw so any questions at the mysterious wolf. "Tell me!", she squawked loudly. She flapped her wings impatiently. With the winter breeze blowing, she got closer.
  Usually, she would be more relaxed with other birds, keeping her reputation. But wolves thought differently about Ravens, so she didn't care that she was loud or annoying. She wanted to know what was happening, now.