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Haunted Wood Joining - Printable Version

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Joining - Vera - November 25, 2015

Vera lowered her nose to the ground and took a deep breath, the scent of Haunted Wood and fall mingled together. She trotted along the scent line, she wasn't debating on wether or not to howl and join. She was debating on making herself seem nicer that she actually was. She couldn't fake it forever, so she knew she had to just let it out and see what the thought. If they didn't like it, sorry. Her dream had been to be able to become a master at herbs for a pack. She had been interested in it ever sense she was a puppy. Hopefully they could use one. She drew in a deep breath and let out a long, loud howl, she howled until every last bit of air escaped from her lungs.


RE: Joining - DeadLusa - November 26, 2015

Things had been calm in the wood. There had not been a resent Redhawk infestation in the lands and everyone seemed at peace here. Lusa was very pleased of this, but would be more happy to have her pack set up before winter. Everyone needed to be safe, especially her youngsters. Their future.

 The dark leader had been on a patrol when a howl went through the air. Who could it be. Immediately, the obsidian female turned tail and headed in the direction of the call. The closer she went, the more clear the caller became. And it was clear that the female was too close to the borderline for her liking.

 Lusa approached, tail high and and snarl on her face. She made sure to get in this woman's personal space, making herself appear bigger. "Step away, she cuffed, "Then we'll talk." Again, this stranger was to close to the border for her liking. She would either make a respectable distance or be chase.

Sorry for Lusa being such a butt XD

RE: Joining - Vera - November 27, 2015

Vera was slightly surprised at this female's tone. She didn't like this wolf in her face, she flattened her ears and drew her lips up to a small snarl, not aggression, just enough to show Vera won't tolerate being pushed around. Vera obeyed, bringing her lips down from a snarl, and stepped back. Each step was like a pouty teenagers lousy stomp to their room, loud and hard, not on propose, and when she noticed it, she tried to stop. She stood, waiting to be evaluated, her skin rippling under her winter coat. Vera stood calmly, her cold eyes resting on the other female. "Sorry." She muffled out.

RE: Joining - DeadLusa - November 27, 2015

The woman reluctantly moved back, which was too Lusa's liking. Her movements were filled with some sort of annoyance, but the stranger had obeyed her none the less.

 Lusa scanned the lighter female over before taking a step forward. "Good. I'll warn you now that I am not one to disobey." This pack would be ran with ferocity. It would be heavily based on hierarchy. They would only accept the determined and strongest. Anything less would be thrown out. "I am Lusa. Leader of the soon to be Haunted Wood. Who are you and why have you come?"

RE: Joining - Vera - November 27, 2015

As the night colored wolf scanned down Vera, Vera scanned her to. Checking her physique. Vera stood still as she too was scanned. 
"I like the territory, and I like the idea of starting out small, and growing. I also think this pack doesn't want to mess around, and I think some of the other packs are wimps. Im not a wimp and I think they need to be killed." Vera smiled as the last part slipped out of her mouth. 
"I would really like to work with herbs, because I know I can preform my best doing the things I love."

RE: Joining - DeadLusa - November 27, 2015

Lusa tilted her dark head at the female's words. They seemed so confident. Would she be able to back it up? "You're damn right we don't mess around," she growled, "To live among us you must be fierce. Show no mercy." With the tension with Redhawk, they only needed the best. She wasn't about to let anyone else take her children anymore. Somehow, those Redhawk bastards would pay for what they did to her son. Though, in reality, he was perfectly fine. He was closer than she thought.

 he woman's liking with different herbs was very appealing to Lusa. "Yes, we are in need of more healers. You passion would be very much appreciated."

 "If you're looking to join our ranks, I have some things to inform you. Rules and whatnot." She paused before speaking once more. "Spars to show dominance is very welcome here. If you feel that you deserve a higher rank another, come to either me or my mate Grimnir. We will spectate the fight and see who is worthy enough."

 "Secondly. There is a pack by the name of Redhawk Caldera nearby that have tensions with us. Any one around here are to be attacked and killed on sight. And do not be afraid to call backup. It is not an act of cowardice to do so. Only your duty. This goes for any wolf who is not willing to join. No matter who it is."

 "This pack follows a certain code as well. Respect the hierarchy. Treat higher ranks with the utmost respect and for lower ranks... deal with them as you see fit. No matter what tensions may arise, we are all a family. We hunt together, fight together, and live together. Just remember that and remember that well."

 "And finally, this pack is based off my religion. If you have any questions, I will be glad to teach you later on. If you don't, well I don't mind. So, you can either agree to these terms and live among us, or leave now without any scars."

RE: Joining - Vera - November 27, 2015

Vera smiled on the inside, mercy is for pups. Vera was glad they were in need of healers. She strained her ears to hear the rules. She savored all of it. She would never forget the rules. Though she was curious about the rival pack. More blood for her to clean up, more lives to save. This worried her a bit, but she knew she could ask others to do tiny simple tasks, like gather moss. She was glad everyone was like family, she missed that. She would really benefit from it in the future, and she knew Lusa knew it to. She never treated others in higher ranks poorly, nor did she others below her. She always tried offered her expertise to others, and loved to talk about the things he loved. Vera knew she would have to learn Lusa's religion, to make sure she didn't disrespect her in anyway. She closed her eyes for a moment, flipping through all the information she was just given. She opened them and spit out. "I would be honored to join."

RE: Joining - DeadLusa - December 05, 2015

She did a small nod, content with the female's words. But those, of course, were just words. Hopefully this woman could back them up by proving her greatness. Anything less would be despised.

 "Since you agree, I welcome you," she stated with a small smile. "My mate Grimnir runs this place alongside me. I expect you to show respect to him. My children, Peridot and Baldur, are also to be respected and protected at any cost." The lives of the young always cam first, no exceptions.

 Lisa turned around, walking into the wood, expecting the newest recruit to follow. "I didn't catch your name," the dark wolfess pointed out, turning her head so one eye could peer behind her.

RE: Joining - Vera - December 05, 2015

Vera would remember the names of the ones Lusa loved, and wanted protected. She nodded and followed the ebony female. "Vera." She said at a slight delay, she wasn't paying complete attention, as she was trying to memorize the territory. "Where is the Redhawk border?" She asked. She wanted to know where she might have to run if she was called, and she was curious.