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Dragoncrest Cliffs hell is but the temple - Printable Version

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hell is but the temple - RIP Njal - November 26, 2015

For @Sebastian but open for invasion by anyone traveling with him! Kinda short, oops. 

Growing tired of the sand - wanting something more solid, less strenuous for his old body - Njal headed towards some far-off cliffs. It wasn't a conscious decision to head in to the north, but he did grow more comfortable when he left behind the beach and the dry, reedy grassland attached to it. He could see birds floating above the cliffside; lazy in their collective gliding. Some dispersed towards the sea as he drew closer, others seemed to be intent on landing and watching him. Maybe if he wasn't so agitated by the ache in his bones, he'd chase them down - snap them up, or just rend them to pieces. Sea birds were nothing but pests, and he didn't like the look of these ones. By the time he reached the rocky path that led up and across the cliffside, he was too tired; so Njal paused in his prowling to rest his feet, but kept a stern eye upon the crying gulls.

RE: hell is but the temple - Sebastian - November 26, 2015

Thank you for making a starter! @Haven @Aduin @Maja are also welcome!

Sebastian was exploring the cliffs more today. He wanted to have a through sweep through the territory he might claim for his own pack and wanted to make sure he would know each inch of it. The large grey male knew about his feisty crazy lady that lived on the sound beach, and if the territory couldn't sustain a pack then there was no use in settling here. 

Sebastian walked the rocky path, used to walking along cliffs since he was born on one himself. He felt very at home, yet it was still different than Thorn Ledge, here he had the salty air and the rushing of the water. He was about to trot down the path back to the forest when he saw a male. He squinted his pale eyes and lifted his tail. Sebastian was quickly thinking of a way to approach the male when he realized he knew him. "Hey! You were also in the Caldera pack right?" He hadn't talked to the male, really, but he had seen him around on weekly pack hunts.

RE: hell is but the temple - RIP Njal - November 26, 2015

His mind was wandering again. No one thought really stuck there, but Njal was distracted all the same. He was brooding - a specialty.

And then a stranger's voice called out, and he snapped back to the here-and-now, his sharp eyes flashing as they narrowed, zeroing in on the youngster who now paraded before him. Njal noted the raised tail and generally dominant posturing, and his own fur began to spike along his spine in response - but the voice hadn't been antagonistic. If anything, the boy was friendly. A strange trait to carry when patrolling borders - but the closer the boy got, the more information was privy to the old man. This wolf wasn't super familiar to him, but his scent reminded him of the caldera.

From there, it was easy to surmise that Sebastian had been one of Fox's wolves. Something had drawn him away from there though, in contrast to Njal's story of being removed from the lands through the willpower of the red woman's mate. He finished sizing up the boy and gave a shrug of his broad shoulders. "For a while." But apparently that loyalty hadn't mattered to Peregrine. Njal gave a small chuff as he rid himself of that thought. "You are far from their claim - I assume you've moved on as well?" 

He didn't really care - but between Vlad's cronies and this boy, Njal had a bit of a preference for the kind of company he'd keep.

RE: hell is but the temple - Sebastian - November 27, 2015

Sebastian realized that him having his tail up so high wasn't really the right way of approaching things. The young male let it fall into a more neutral position. He didn't think that this wolf would do anything but he still wanted to be on guard. The wolf seemed grumpy. It seemed Sebastian was right, and it sparked somewhat of a conversation. "Yes, I am," he returned since it was a fact. The Caldera was probably days walking from here, if not a full week, which also meant that Black Feather was quite far off. This pleased Sebastian. 

"I did move on. I went in search for my own mate. It felt like it was time," he returned to him, not ashamed leaving for that reason. It was only normal for a young male to find his own female after two years. Sebastian did leave out the reasoning about his father running black feather and making his life a living hell. Now he thought about it, this wold could possibly be his father age-wise. "We might settle here," he explained to the acquaintance. Maybe that would justify his more dominant greeting.

RE: hell is but the temple - RIP Njal - November 29, 2015

He listened, and felt a great pang of longing when the similarities of this boy's venture reminded Njal of himself. Back before things went wrong, before he lost his children and his wife, when he thought the northlands would be their prized domain - their haven, and kingdom. It was wise of this boy to choose the oceanside; it would be easier to survive through the winter. Perhaps Njal's own desires had spelled disaster to the Sveijarn - he had wanted the familiarity of constant cold when they had settled at the glacier. And that had not ended well.

"It is a good choice of land," he confirmed with a look across the cliffs and rocks, nodding his head briskly. "It will be easy to defend if the need ever arises, and the cold should not be so bad here." Perhaps if things went sour with Vlad and his crew, Njal could head this way for the winter. He looked to the boy again, interest clearly caught. "What is the name of this place?"

RE: hell is but the temple - Sebastian - November 30, 2015

Sebastian wagged his tail once he was complimented on choosing a good site for his pack. He was definitely thinking of that too, and the steep cliffs were also keeping out some of the winds, plus they had part forest further up. It was a decent size too that would be able to sustain a bigger pack in the end. "I thought about that too, plus further North, what I could see from the cliffs, is another beach where seals were lounging. It makes an excellent meal along with the deer in the forest further up." Sebastian was just glad he found some nice wolves to start a family with, Haven's family. Sebastian caught the man's interest. "Thank you," he returned. "Dragoncrest Cliffs, we like to call it," he added. 

Sebastian's pale eyes looked over the older male for a moment, he didn't look too badly out of shape from what he could see now. "You are more than welcome to join us if you seek shelter for the winter." He hoped by that time this wolf was settled and didn't want to leave. He was older, yes, but that might make him an excellent advisor or beta in the future. Sebastian wanted to build a closely knitted family here one day.

RE: hell is but the temple - RIP Njal - December 01, 2015

Njal gave the boy a toothy grin - the kind an old man makes when he's trying to be nice, but clearly doesn't approve of something - and tut tuts, shaking his head as an answer to the proposition. Yes, he'd like to abandon the strangers and live a life of more substance, but he'd given his word. And even if he was potentially breaking his word to a group of lowlifes, it just wasn't Njal's style. His word was all he had left.

"I will keep you in mind should the winter turn harsh." But he was already turning and departing, taking a few leisurely steps so that some distance is placed between them. Winter on the coast wouldn't be that difficult, so Njal doesn't expect to be seeing this boy or his family for a while - if ever. "Thank you for the offer."

RE: hell is but the temple - Sebastian - December 04, 2015

Sebastian nodded in return. "You are welcome. I'd hope to see you again," he spoke, since Sebastian did want some extra members that would help them get through winter. The more the merrier. Plus they would need to be able to hunt, and with Aduin being so timid he wondered how his hunting was. Those were thoughts for later. With his goodbye wishing towards the other Sebastian went his own way. He needed to check several things and talk about them with Haven. Maybe she found a different spot she liked better.