Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake Through the tears and the pain - Printable Version

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Through the tears and the pain - Mikasi - November 27, 2015

@Oli Made this thread for him and Mikasi's 'mini quest' :) For Gamekeeper

 He was out for one reason and one reason alone. Just hunting. Prey has been dwindling at Blackfeather, so Burke had asked Mikasi and Oli to find bigger game outside the comforts of their lands.

 Mikasi had left early that morning, letting a howl inform Oli the needed to get going. And soon after, he was off. The sleek male slipped through the woods and out into the open. It wasn't sunny out, for the clouds had come rolling onto Teekon. A slight breeze tugged at Mikasi's thick fur as he walked along.

 Every few minutes or so, the male would howl to let Oli pinpoint his tracks. Farther and farther he traveled until he reached a long body of water. Only then did he lay I the earth ad wait on his hunting partner.

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Oli - November 27, 2015

Oli ripped his first bite of rabbit flesh off a freshly killed rabbit. He chewed, he wasn't starving, so he only planned to eat a bit. It felt nice to lay down and listen to the sounds of the forest. The only sound he heard, was a howl. He let out a sigh and got up, throwing the rabbit back onto the stock. He ran out following the consistent howls that sounded. He assumed it was Mikasi, it sounded like his howl. His paws hit the ground hard as he ran. He leaped quickly over a small fallen log. His paws landed successfully on the other side of the log, and he continued. He could kinda make out a wolf shape in the distance, laying down. He slowed to a trot as he gradually came up to the shape.

Oli still had a bit of rabbit blood on his muzzle, and as he approached he confirmed it was Mikasi. He licked the blood clean from his muzzle as he slowed to a walk. He was slightly panting, not tired enough to stop like Mikasi did, he was to excited. His tail was wagging as he started to circle Mikasi. Oli trotted around in circles around the light colored wolf. He lastly jumped over his back, landing on the other side of him. "C'mon let's go!" Oli barked as he began to trot off. "I was thinking we should go for something big, like an elk, or a deer." He said as he turned back to face the other male.

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Mikasi - November 29, 2015

Mikasi waited patiently for Oli's arrival. Mysterious optics stared out at the land of water. It was such a peaceful scene. Tiny ripples traveling across the surface. A clear reflection of the fluffy clouds above. It was best to enjoy while it lasted. The winter may poison these lands and transform the liquid into a icy solid. What a shame.

 The male did a heavy breath in and breath out, enjoying the crisp air. It was sort of nice to be out in this unknown land. The silence was broken when the pitter patter of paws approached. Mikasi's head snapped back, his eyes only to be greeted b his fellow packmate Oli. He appeared to be excited t be out, tale wagging and walking circles around him. It made his own tail thump on the ground. He lifted himself from the ground when the male started walking off. "Ima comin' skipper," he replied with a small smile.

Mikasi quickened his pace, matching the steps of the darker male. "Just what I was thinkin'. Don't wanna upset the boss man." Winter was coming in fast and they needed bigger prey. "Let's get a closer look at that lake, eh?" Without waiting for an answer, the male walked closer to he lake, only to be greeted by a great sight. Tracks.

 "Bingo!", he called, approaching the hoof tracks. As his paws neared the imprints, the dirt had turned to mud, making it cake around his paws. He turned his head to look over at Oli. "Fresh tracks. We follow these and it will lead us right to the good stuff!"

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Oli - November 30, 2015

Oli drew his walk to a stop as he turned around to face his pack mate. Winter was quickly approaching, and some big fresh meat would do he pack nothing but good. Oli was very excited about winter though. It was the time of year most wolves thrived in. Prey slowly getting weaker because of the lack of food, and the food they had, had the nutritional value of cardboard. Oli trotted over to Mikasi and looked down at the tracks. They did look fresh, only good from here. Oli studied the tracks for a moment. They were to big to be Deer tracks. 

Oli drove his nose towards the ground and followed his pack mate, who had walked ahead. His paws slowly started to sink into the mud. Hopefully this animal was still in the mud. It wouldn't be able to run as fast. "I think this is elk. What do you think? Hopefully, it's still in the mud so it will be slower." Oli paused and store blankly off to the side for a moment when and ideas hit him. His eyes grew wide and his tail started wagging even faster. "If it isn't already in the water, and we can't catch it right away, let's drive it into the freezing cold water, and wait it out. It won't be able to run with its legs numb!"

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Mikasi - November 30, 2015

He lowered his head to the ground, drinking in the scent. It could be elk, but the smell was mostly concealed by mud and water. "Not sure. Let's hope so." The only real way to find out was search out for the source.

 Mikasi listened carefully to Oli's plan, playing it out in his mind. It was smart no doubt, if you play the cards right. "Can't chase to much in though. Need to single one out." He lifted his head from the ground, following the alluring trail. "Also, we can't chase 'em in too deep. Keep 'em in reach, so when we do attack, we won't drown while doin' it." Hunting was a very tactical sport, especially for big game. Screw one thing up and you have two outcomes: go home without the bacon or get trampled by hooves.

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Oli - December 01, 2015

Oli watched as his pack mate smelled in the alluring scent of the entire pack being fed. He truly hoped it was an elk, for food reasons. But elk wasn't a chucked with its head cut off, they were big animals. Even though Oli was a big wolf, taking down an elk by himself, you asking to get your face pounded into the ground. But hopefully with Mikasi's help they could take one down. He wasn't planning to go home without blood on his muzzle, and practicality fainting from exhaustion from the chase. 

Oli listened carefully to the males plan. Oli knew they had to have a plan set before they set off. Elk aren't weak. Any animal that lives around here should not be underestimated. Though Oli knew any piece of meat would go far, he didn't want to come back with a weak young baby deer that would feed no more than 2 wolves. Oli almost dunked his nose into the mud trying to get any true scent that could help them prepare. He inhaled so deep, mud almost went up his nose. He lifted his head and stared at Mikasi, for a moment. His ears were drawn to a noise behind the male. Oli strained his ears forward. "Did you hear that? We should probably get moving and plan on the way." He began walking forward in the direction to the noise he heard. Some of the tracks had been going this way, so hopefully this was good news."I agree, I think we should look for a young or sick. If we're lucky, we'll find a fat full grown bull with two broken legs." He laughed as he continued forward.

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Mikasi - December 04, 2015

Mikasi walked onward, nose practically dragging in the mud. He lifted his head once in awhile just to check his surroundings before moving forward. It was clear that he was determined to get a meal.

 The male lifted his head to face his hunting partner, turning around to follow in his footsteps. He laughed a bit t Oli's words, "Now that would be interesting wouldn't it?" It would be the best tong that could happen, sadly luck was not on their side.

 "Let's pick a target, first of all. Not somthin' too big to catch, than again not to boney. Meet in the middle." They couldn't get to cocky with this hunt. Had to catch something reasonable. "Once we pick a target, we can separate 'em from the rest. Get 'em in the shallow end of the lake. Once we do that well... lights out big fella."

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Oli - December 05, 2015

Oli agreed with Mikasi. He nodded and continued on. He slowed his breathing, to basically silence. He strained his ears forward to hear any hoof movement. "Mmhmm." He said very quietly. The mud squished in between his paws. The stronger the scent of the walking dinner. He could surely could confirm this was elk. "I think it's an elk, and I agree. Unless there is an injured or sick bull, I think we should go for a doe." He said, and coughed at the end. He lowered his nose to the ground again. He stopped dead in his tracks as a movement whisked through the trees. "Stop." He half whispered, half growled. He wasn't trying to be rude, but he didn't want to spook potential prey.

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Mikasi - December 06, 2015

He kept a steady pace until Oli hissed for a halt. Right then and there he stood still, lowering his body so his stomach was levitating over the ground. There was something there. Something that was spooked by Oli's cough. They needed to make their move before the prey got away.

 Mikasi moved forward, following the sound until he reached the threshold. A herd of moose, already on the move from the noise. He walked cautiously at the side, eyes surveying the herd. They seemed to be crammed close to each other. All except one doe, who seemed to be traveling slower. His eyes switched from her to Li, signaling the would go for that one.

RE: Through the tears and the pain - Oli - December 07, 2015

Oli followed behind Miksai. His paws strategically placed one in front of the other. His eyes were staring and un moving as a herd of moose came into view. Oli had seen a moose before, but he had never actually seen them in a herd. They were pretty different acting from deer or elk. They really stayed together. You know what else was different for deer or elk, the size. These moose were huge. One good run over and the two partners would be dinner for the buzzards. Oli went along the others side of the herd. Watching the female moose move pumped more and more adrenaline into his veins. His mouth began to water as he though about the things he would do to this moose. He firmly believed that an animal that was or has been killed for the stomachs of his pack should not suffer  and be killed immediately. Plus any extra stress on the animal could soil the meat. Oli watched Miksai's movements closely, for he was nervous about early attacking, and Oli didn't know a whole bunch on herbs.